#Psychic Reader in Vaughan
astrogurudeva803 · 10 months
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By making a Psychic aware of the difficulties in our life, we have to solve those difficulties in some way. We provide information on this subject. He gives us information about the lifespan through his Panchag. Their almanac contains information about our planets. If you also want to know about your life then meet our Psychic in Vaughan who is our astrogurudev. Our Pandit ji can provide you a solution of any kind of problem very soon. By which you can make your life happy once.
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astropanditvijayram · 5 months
Discover how to develop psychic abilities ranging from clairvoyance and precognition, through clairsentience and psychokinesis. As well as meditations and exercises for developing them. This book serves as your gateway into an incredible new world! Explore psychometry, or the psychic ability of reading energy from objects. Find an object belonging to someone and practice reading its energy as you gain impressions from it. Let’s discover what a Psychic medium in Hamilton shares about enhancing intuitive powers.
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Have you ever thought that the lines on your palm have lots of hidden mysteries? The zig zag lines, the straight lines forming different shapes, have got meanings according to astrology. A Palm Reader In Mississauga is one of the most important parts of astrology which deals with the prediction of an individual by examining their palm lines.
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panditshivatejji · 1 year
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Get Career Guidance From A Top Psychic In Vaughan
Are you looking for psychic reader advice? The top psychic in vaughan can give you some guidance. Most people are unhappy with their jobs. He began his career in school, or rather in high school. Then, whether through bad luck or hard work, they found themselves in a job they hated. It is a common belief that anyone who hates their job will not be able to do well in it. It is not easy to love your work. As a trusted adult, this is a natural truth. That doesn't mean you have to be forced to accept it. Some people have so much respect that they have chosen the career of their choice. This doesn't have to be the case if you are struggling with a conflicting job. Work pressure is a major concern in people's lives. It is also the main cause of many medical conditions.
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thecynicalm · 5 years
Gerard Nolst Trenité - The Chaos (1922)
This poem is great for training your pronunciation if you’re not a native speaker of english and I love it. Dearest creature in creation Studying English pronunciation,   I will teach you in my verse   Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse.
I will keep you, Susy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy;   Tear in eye, your dress you'll tear;   Queer, fair seer, hear my prayer.
Pray, console your loving poet, Make my coat look new, dear, sew it!   Just compare heart, hear and heard,   Dies and diet, lord and word.
Sword and sward, retain and Britain (Mind the latter how it's written).   Made has not the sound of bade,   Say-said, pay-paid, laid but plaid.
Now I surely will not plague you With such words as vague and ague,   But be careful how you speak,   Say: gush, bush, steak, streak, break, bleak ,
Previous, precious, fuchsia, via Recipe, pipe, studding-sail, choir;   Woven, oven, how and low,   Script, receipt, shoe, poem, toe.
Say, expecting fraud and trickery: Daughter, laughter and Terpsichore,   Branch, ranch, measles, topsails, aisles,   Missiles, similes, reviles.
Wholly, holly, signal, signing, Same, examining, but mining,   Scholar, vicar, and cigar,   Solar, mica, war and far.
From "desire": desirable-admirable from "admire", Lumber, plumber, bier, but brier,   Topsham, brougham, renown, but known,   Knowledge, done, lone, gone, none, tone,
One, anemone, Balmoral, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel.   Gertrude, German, wind and wind,   Beau, kind, kindred, queue, mankind,
Tortoise, turquoise, chamois-leather, Reading, Reading, heathen, heather.   This phonetic labyrinth   Gives moss, gross, brook, brooch, ninth, plinth.
Have you ever yet endeavoured To pronounce revered and severed,   Demon, lemon, ghoul, foul, soul,   Peter, petrol and patrol?
Billet does not end like ballet; Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.   Blood and flood are not like food,   Nor is mould like should and would.
Banquet is not nearly parquet, Which exactly rhymes with khaki.   Discount, viscount, load and broad,   Toward, to forward, to reward,
Ricocheted and crocheting, croquet? Right! Your pronunciation's OK.   Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,   Friend and fiend, alive and live.
Is your r correct in higher? Keats asserts it rhymes Thalia.   Hugh, but hug, and hood, but hoot,   Buoyant, minute, but minute.
Say abscission with precision, Now: position and transition;   Would it tally with my rhyme   If I mentioned paradigm?
Twopence, threepence, tease are easy, But cease, crease, grease and greasy?   Cornice, nice, valise, revise,   Rabies, but lullabies.
Of such puzzling words as nauseous, Rhyming well with cautious, tortious,   You'll envelop lists, I hope,   In a linen envelope.
Would you like some more? You'll have it! Affidavit, David, davit.   To abjure, to perjure. Sheik   Does not sound like Czech but ache.
Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, loch, moustache, eleven.   We say hallowed, but allowed,   People, leopard, towed but vowed.
Mark the difference, moreover, Between mover, plover, Dover.   Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,   Chalice, but police and lice,
Camel, constable, unstable, Principle, disciple, label.   Petal, penal, and canal,   Wait, surmise, plait, promise, pal,
Suit, suite, ruin. Circuit, conduit Rhyme with "shirk it" and "beyond it",   But it is not hard to tell   Why it's pall, mall, but Pall Mall.
Muscle, muscular, gaol, iron, Timber, climber, bullion, lion,   Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,   Senator, spectator, mayor,
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour Has the a of drachm and hammer.   Pussy, hussy and possess,   Desert, but desert, address.
Golf, wolf, countenance, lieutenants Hoist in lieu of flags left pennants.   Courier, courtier, tomb, bomb, comb,   Cow, but Cowper, some and home.
"Solder, soldier! Blood is thicker", Quoth he, "than liqueur or liquor",   Making, it is sad but true,   In bravado, much ado.
Stranger does not rhyme with anger, Neither does devour with clangour.   Pilot, pivot, gaunt, but aunt,   Font, front, wont, want, grand and grant.
Arsenic, specific, scenic, Relic, rhetoric, hygienic.   Gooseberry, goose, and close, but close,   Paradise, rise, rose, and dose.
Say inveigh, neigh, but inveigle, Make the latter rhyme with eagle.   Mind! Meandering but mean,   Valentine and magazine.
And I bet you, dear, a penny, You say mani-(fold) like many,   Which is wrong. Say rapier, pier,   Tier (one who ties), but tier.
Arch, archangel; pray, does erring Rhyme with herring or with stirring?   Prison, bison, treasure trove,   Treason, hover, cover, cove,
Perseverance, severance. Ribald Rhymes (but piebald doesn't) with nibbled.   Phaeton, paean, gnat, ghat, gnaw,   Lien, psychic, shone, bone, pshaw.
Don't be down, my own, but rough it, And distinguish buffet, buffet;   Brood, stood, roof, rook, school, wool, boon,   Worcester, Boleyn, to impugn.
Say in sounds correct and sterling Hearse, hear, hearken, year and yearling.   Evil, devil, mezzotint,   Mind the z! (A gentle hint.)
Now you need not pay attention To such sounds as I don't mention,   Sounds like pores, pause, pours and paws,   Rhyming with the pronoun yours;
Nor are proper names included, Though I often heard, as you did,   Funny rhymes to unicorn,   Yes, you know them, Vaughan and Strachan.
No, my maiden, coy and comely, I don't want to speak of Cholmondeley.   No. Yet Froude compared with proud   Is no better than McLeod.
But mind trivial and vial, Tripod, menial, denial,   Troll and trolley, realm and ream,   Schedule, mischief, schism, and scheme.
Argil, gill, Argyll, gill. Surely May be made to rhyme with Raleigh,   But you're not supposed to say   Piquet rhymes with sobriquet.
Had this invalid invalid Worthless documents? How pallid,   How uncouth he, couchant, looked,   When for Portsmouth I had booked!
Zeus, Thebes, Thales, Aphrodite, Paramour, enamoured, flighty,   Episodes, antipodes,   Acquiesce, and obsequies.
Please don't monkey with the geyser, Don't peel 'taters with my razor,   Rather say in accents pure:   Nature, stature and mature.
Pious, impious, limb, climb, glumly, Worsted, worsted, crumbly, dumbly,   Conquer, conquest, vase, phase, fan,   Wan, sedan and artisan.
The th will surely trouble you More than r, ch or w.   Say then these phonetic gems:   Thomas, thyme, Theresa, Thames.
Thompson, Chatham, Waltham, Streatham, There are more but I forget 'em-   Wait! I've got it: Anthony,   Lighten your anxiety.
The archaic word albeit Does not rhyme with eight-you see it;   With and forthwith, one has voice,   One has not, you make your choice.
Shoes, goes, does *. Now first say: finger; Then say: singer, ginger, linger.   Real, zeal, mauve, gauze and gauge,   Marriage, foliage, mirage, age,
Hero, heron, query, very, Parry, tarry fury, bury,   Dost, lost, post, and doth, cloth, loth,   Job, Job, blossom, bosom, oath.
Faugh, oppugnant, keen oppugners, Bowing, bowing, banjo-tuners   Holm you know, but noes, canoes,   Puisne, truism, use, to use?
Though the difference seems little, We say actual, but victual,   Seat, sweat, chaste, caste, Leigh, eight, height,   Put, nut, granite, and unite.
Reefer does not rhyme with deafer, Feoffer does, and zephyr, heifer.   Dull, bull, Geoffrey, George, ate, late,   Hint, pint, senate, but sedate.
Gaelic, Arabic, pacific, Science, conscience, scientific;   Tour, but our, dour, succour, four,   Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
Say manoeuvre, yacht and vomit, Next omit, which differs from it   Bona fide, alibi   Gyrate, dowry and awry.
Sea, idea, guinea, area, Psalm, Maria, but malaria.   Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean,   Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
Compare alien with Italian, Dandelion with battalion,   Rally with ally; yea, ye,   Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, key, quay!
Say aver, but ever, fever, Neither, leisure, skein, receiver.   Never guess-it is not safe,   We say calves, valves, half, but Ralf.
Starry, granary, canary, Crevice, but device, and eyrie,   Face, but preface, then grimace,   Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.
Bass, large, target, gin, give, verging, Ought, oust, joust, and scour, but scourging;   Ear, but earn; and ere and tear   Do not rhyme with here but heir.
Mind the o of off and often Which may be pronounced as orphan,   With the sound of saw and sauce;   Also soft, lost, cloth and cross.
Pudding, puddle, putting. Putting? Yes: at golf it rhymes with shutting.   Respite, spite, consent, resent.   Liable, but Parliament.
Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew, Stephen,   Monkey, donkey, clerk and jerk,   Asp, grasp, wasp, demesne, cork, work.
A of valour, vapid vapour, S of news (compare newspaper),   G of gibbet, gibbon, gist,   I of antichrist and grist,
Differ like diverse and divers, Rivers, strivers, shivers, fivers.   Once, but nonce, toll, doll, but roll,   Polish, Polish, poll and poll.
Pronunciation-think of Psyche!- Is a paling, stout and spiky.   Won't it make you lose your wits   Writing groats and saying "grits"?
It's a dark abyss or tunnel Strewn with stones like rowlock, gunwale,   Islington, and Isle of Wight,   Housewife, verdict and indict.
Don't you think so, reader, rather, Saying lather, bather, father?   Finally, which rhymes with enough,   Though, through, bough, cough, hough, sough, tough??
Hiccough has the sound of sup... My advice is: GIVE IT UP!
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yogurtbattle · 6 years
Because English pronunciation is random
Gerard Nolst Trenité - The Chaos (1922)
Dearest creature in creation Studying English pronunciation,   I will teach you in my verse   Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse.
I will keep you, Susy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy;   Tear in eye, your dress you'll tear;   Queer, fair seer, hear my prayer.
Pray, console your loving poet, Make my coat look new, dear, sew it!   Just compare heart, hear and heard,   Dies and diet, lord and word.
Sword and sward, retain and Britain (Mind the latter how it's written).   Made has not the sound of bade,   Say-said, pay-paid, laid but plaid.
Now I surely will not plague you With such words as vague and ague,   But be careful how you speak,   Say: gush, bush, steak, streak, break, bleak ,
Previous, precious, fuchsia, via Recipe, pipe, studding-sail, choir;   Woven, oven, how and low,   Script, receipt, shoe, poem, toe.
Say, expecting fraud and trickery: Daughter, laughter and Terpsichore,   Branch, ranch, measles, topsails, aisles,   Missiles, similes, reviles.
Wholly, holly, signal, signing, Same, examining, but mining,   Scholar, vicar, and cigar,   Solar, mica, war and far.
From "desire": desirable-admirable from "admire", Lumber, plumber, bier, but brier,   Topsham, brougham, renown, but known,   Knowledge, done, lone, gone, none, tone,
One, anemone, Balmoral, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel.   Gertrude, German, wind and wind,   Beau, kind, kindred, queue, mankind,
Tortoise, turquoise, chamois-leather, Reading, Reading, heathen, heather.   This phonetic labyrinth   Gives moss, gross, brook, brooch, ninth, plinth.
Have you ever yet endeavoured To pronounce revered and severed,   Demon, lemon, ghoul, foul, soul,   Peter, petrol and patrol?
Billet does not end like ballet; Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.   Blood and flood are not like food,   Nor is mould like should and would.
Banquet is not nearly parquet, Which exactly rhymes with khaki.   Discount, viscount, load and broad,   Toward, to forward, to reward,
Ricocheted and crocheting, croquet? Right! Your pronunciation's OK.   Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,   Friend and fiend, alive and live.
Is your r correct in higher? Keats asserts it rhymes Thalia.   Hugh, but hug, and hood, but hoot,   Buoyant, minute, but minute.
Say abscission with precision, Now: position and transition;   Would it tally with my rhyme   If I mentioned paradigm?
Twopence, threepence, tease are easy, But cease, crease, grease and greasy?   Cornice, nice, valise, revise,   Rabies, but lullabies.
Of such puzzling words as nauseous, Rhyming well with cautious, tortious,   You'll envelop lists, I hope,   In a linen envelope.
Would you like some more? You'll have it! Affidavit, David, davit.   To abjure, to perjure. Sheik   Does not sound like Czech but ache.
Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, loch, moustache, eleven.   We say hallowed, but allowed,   People, leopard, towed but vowed.
Mark the difference, moreover, Between mover, plover, Dover.   Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,   Chalice, but police and lice,
Camel, constable, unstable, Principle, disciple, label.   Petal, penal, and canal,   Wait, surmise, plait, promise, pal,
Suit, suite, ruin. Circuit, conduit Rhyme with "shirk it" and "beyond it",   But it is not hard to tell   Why it's pall, mall, but Pall Mall.
Muscle, muscular, gaol, iron, Timber, climber, bullion, lion,   Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,   Senator, spectator, mayor,
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour Has the a of drachm and hammer.   Pussy, hussy and possess,   Desert, but desert, address.
Golf, wolf, countenance, lieutenants Hoist in lieu of flags left pennants.   Courier, courtier, tomb, bomb, comb,   Cow, but Cowper, some and home.
"Solder, soldier! Blood is thicker", Quoth he, "than liqueur or liquor",   Making, it is sad but true,   In bravado, much ado.
Stranger does not rhyme with anger, Neither does devour with clangour.   Pilot, pivot, gaunt, but aunt,   Font, front, wont, want, grand and grant.
Arsenic, specific, scenic, Relic, rhetoric, hygienic.   Gooseberry, goose, and close, but close,   Paradise, rise, rose, and dose.
Say inveigh, neigh, but inveigle, Make the latter rhyme with eagle.   Mind! Meandering but mean,   Valentine and magazine.
And I bet you, dear, a penny, You say mani-(fold) like many,   Which is wrong. Say rapier, pier,   Tier (one who ties), but tier.
Arch, archangel; pray, does erring Rhyme with herring or with stirring?   Prison, bison, treasure trove,   Treason, hover, cover, cove,
Perseverance, severance. Ribald Rhymes (but piebald doesn't) with nibbled.   Phaeton, paean, gnat, ghat, gnaw,   Lien, psychic, shone, bone, pshaw.
Don't be down, my own, but rough it, And distinguish buffet, buffet;   Brood, stood, roof, rook, school, wool, boon,   Worcester, Boleyn, to impugn.
Say in sounds correct and sterling Hearse, hear, hearken, year and yearling.   Evil, devil, mezzotint,   Mind the z! (A gentle hint.)
Now you need not pay attention To such sounds as I don't mention,   Sounds like pores, pause, pours and paws,   Rhyming with the pronoun yours;
Nor are proper names included, Though I often heard, as you did,   Funny rhymes to unicorn,   Yes, you know them, Vaughan and Strachan.
No, my maiden, coy and comely, I don't want to speak of Cholmondeley.   No. Yet Froude compared with proud   Is no better than McLeod.
But mind trivial and vial, Tripod, menial, denial,   Troll and trolley, realm and ream,   Schedule, mischief, schism, and scheme.
Argil, gill, Argyll, gill. Surely May be made to rhyme with Raleigh,   But you're not supposed to say   Piquet rhymes with sobriquet.
Had this invalid invalid Worthless documents? How pallid,   How uncouth he, couchant, looked,   When for Portsmouth I had booked!
Zeus, Thebes, Thales, Aphrodite, Paramour, enamoured, flighty,   Episodes, antipodes,   Acquiesce, and obsequies.
Please don't monkey with the geyser, Don't peel 'taters with my razor,   Rather say in accents pure:   Nature, stature and mature.
Pious, impious, limb, climb, glumly, Worsted, worsted, crumbly, dumbly,   Conquer, conquest, vase, phase, fan,   Wan, sedan and artisan.
The th will surely trouble you More than r, ch or w.   Say then these phonetic gems:   Thomas, thyme, Theresa, Thames.
Thompson, Chatham, Waltham, Streatham, There are more but I forget 'em-   Wait! I've got it: Anthony,   Lighten your anxiety.
The archaic word albeit Does not rhyme with eight-you see it;   With and forthwith, one has voice,   One has not, you make your choice.
Shoes, goes, does *. Now first say: finger; Then say: singer, ginger, linger.   Real, zeal, mauve, gauze and gauge,   Marriage, foliage, mirage, age,
Hero, heron, query, very, Parry, tarry fury, bury,   Dost, lost, post, and doth, cloth, loth,   Job, Job, blossom, bosom, oath.
Faugh, oppugnant, keen oppugners, Bowing, bowing, banjo-tuners   Holm you know, but noes, canoes,   Puisne, truism, use, to use?
Though the difference seems little, We say actual, but victual,   Seat, sweat, chaste, caste, Leigh, eight, height,   Put, nut, granite, and unite.
Reefer does not rhyme with deafer, Feoffer does, and zephyr, heifer.   Dull, bull, Geoffrey, George, ate, late,   Hint, pint, senate, but sedate.
Gaelic, Arabic, pacific, Science, conscience, scientific;   Tour, but our, dour, succour, four,   Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
Say manoeuvre, yacht and vomit, Next omit, which differs from it   Bona fide, alibi   Gyrate, dowry and awry.
Sea, idea, guinea, area, Psalm, Maria, but malaria.   Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean,   Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
Compare alien with Italian, Dandelion with battalion,   Rally with ally; yea, ye,   Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, key, quay!
Say aver, but ever, fever, Neither, leisure, skein, receiver.   Never guess-it is not safe,   We say calves, valves, half, but Ralf.
Starry, granary, canary, Crevice, but device, and eyrie,   Face, but preface, then grimace,   Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.
Bass, large, target, gin, give, verging, Ought, oust, joust, and scour, but scourging;   Ear, but earn; and ere and tear   Do not rhyme with here but heir.
Mind the o of off and often Which may be pronounced as orphan,   With the sound of saw and sauce;   Also soft, lost, cloth and cross.
Pudding, puddle, putting. Putting? Yes: at golf it rhymes with shutting.   Respite, spite, consent, resent.   Liable, but Parliament.
Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew, Stephen,   Monkey, donkey, clerk and jerk,   Asp, grasp, wasp, demesne, cork, work.
A of valour, vapid vapour, S of news (compare newspaper),   G of gibbet, gibbon, gist,   I of antichrist and grist,
Differ like diverse and divers, Rivers, strivers, shivers, fivers.   Once, but nonce, toll, doll, but roll,   Polish, Polish, poll and poll.
Pronunciation-think of Psyche!- Is a paling, stout and spiky.   Won't it make you lose your wits   Writing groats and saying "grits"?
It's a dark abyss or tunnel Strewn with stones like rowlock, gunwale,   Islington, and Isle of Wight,   Housewife, verdict and indict.
Don't you think so, reader, rather, Saying lather, bather, father?   Finally, which rhymes with enough,   Though, through, bough, cough, hough, sough, tough??
Hiccough has the sound of sup... My advice is: GIVE IT UP!
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eru-na · 6 years
Gerard Nolst Trenité - The Chaos (1922)
Dearest creature in creation Studying English pronunciation,   I will teach you in my verse   Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse.
I will keep you, Susy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy;   Tear in eye, your dress you'll tear;   Queer, fair seer, hear my prayer.
Pray, console your loving poet, Make my coat look new, dear, sew it!   Just compare heart, hear and heard,   Dies and diet, lord and word.
Sword and sward, retain and Britain (Mind the latter how it's written).   Made has not the sound of bade,   Say-said, pay-paid, laid but plaid.
Now I surely will not plague you With such words as vague and ague,   But be careful how you speak,   Say: gush, bush, steak, streak, break, bleak ,
Previous, precious, fuchsia, via Recipe, pipe, studding-sail, choir;   Woven, oven, how and low,   Script, receipt, shoe, poem, toe.
Say, expecting fraud and trickery: Daughter, laughter and Terpsichore,   Branch, ranch, measles, topsails, aisles,   Missiles, similes, reviles.
Wholly, holly, signal, signing, Same, examining, but mining,   Scholar, vicar, and cigar,   Solar, mica, war and far.
From "desire": desirable-admirable from "admire", Lumber, plumber, bier, but brier,   Topsham, brougham, renown, but known,   Knowledge, done, lone, gone, none, tone,
One, anemone, Balmoral, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel.   Gertrude, German, wind and wind,   Beau, kind, kindred, queue, mankind,
Tortoise, turquoise, chamois-leather, Reading, Reading, heathen, heather.   This phonetic labyrinth   Gives moss, gross, brook, brooch, ninth, plinth.
Have you ever yet endeavoured To pronounce revered and severed,   Demon, lemon, ghoul, foul, soul,   Peter, petrol and patrol?
Billet does not end like ballet; Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.   Blood and flood are not like food,   Nor is mould like should and would.
Banquet is not nearly parquet, Which exactly rhymes with khaki.   Discount, viscount, load and broad,   Toward, to forward, to reward,
Ricocheted and crocheting, croquet? Right! Your pronunciation's OK.   Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,   Friend and fiend, alive and live.
Is your r correct in higher? Keats asserts it rhymes Thalia.   Hugh, but hug, and hood, but hoot,   Buoyant, minute, but minute.
Say abscission with precision, Now: position and transition;   Would it tally with my rhyme   If I mentioned paradigm?
Twopence, threepence, tease are easy, But cease, crease, grease and greasy?   Cornice, nice, valise, revise,   Rabies, but lullabies.
Of such puzzling words as nauseous, Rhyming well with cautious, tortious,   You'll envelop lists, I hope,   In a linen envelope.
Would you like some more? You'll have it! Affidavit, David, davit.   To abjure, to perjure. Sheik   Does not sound like Czech but ache.
Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, loch, moustache, eleven.   We say hallowed, but allowed,   People, leopard, towed but vowed.
Mark the difference, moreover, Between mover, plover, Dover.   Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,   Chalice, but police and lice,
Camel, constable, unstable, Principle, disciple, label.   Petal, penal, and canal,   Wait, surmise, plait, promise, pal,
Suit, suite, ruin. Circuit, conduit Rhyme with "shirk it" and "beyond it",   But it is not hard to tell   Why it's pall, mall, but Pall Mall.
Muscle, muscular, gaol, iron, Timber, climber, bullion, lion,   Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,   Senator, spectator, mayor,
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour Has the a of drachm and hammer.   Pussy, hussy and possess,   Desert, but desert, address.
Golf, wolf, countenance, lieutenants Hoist in lieu of flags left pennants.   Courier, courtier, tomb, bomb, comb,   Cow, but Cowper, some and home.
"Solder, soldier! Blood is thicker", Quoth he, "than liqueur or liquor",   Making, it is sad but true,   In bravado, much ado.
Stranger does not rhyme with anger, Neither does devour with clangour.   Pilot, pivot, gaunt, but aunt,   Font, front, wont, want, grand and grant.
Arsenic, specific, scenic, Relic, rhetoric, hygienic.   Gooseberry, goose, and close, but close,   Paradise, rise, rose, and dose.
Say inveigh, neigh, but inveigle, Make the latter rhyme with eagle.   Mind! Meandering but mean,   Valentine and magazine.
And I bet you, dear, a penny, You say mani-(fold) like many,   Which is wrong. Say rapier, pier,   Tier (one who ties), but tier.
Arch, archangel; pray, does erring Rhyme with herring or with stirring?   Prison, bison, treasure trove,   Treason, hover, cover, cove,
Perseverance, severance. Ribald Rhymes (but piebald doesn't) with nibbled.   Phaeton, paean, gnat, ghat, gnaw,   Lien, psychic, shone, bone, pshaw.
Don't be down, my own, but rough it, And distinguish buffet, buffet;   Brood, stood, roof, rook, school, wool, boon,   Worcester, Boleyn, to impugn.
Say in sounds correct and sterling Hearse, hear, hearken, year and yearling.   Evil, devil, mezzotint,   Mind the z! (A gentle hint.)
Now you need not pay attention To such sounds as I don't mention,   Sounds like pores, pause, pours and paws,   Rhyming with the pronoun yours;
Nor are proper names included, Though I often heard, as you did,   Funny rhymes to unicorn,   Yes, you know them, Vaughan and Strachan.
No, my maiden, coy and comely, I don't want to speak of Cholmondeley.   No. Yet Froude compared with proud   Is no better than McLeod.
But mind trivial and vial, Tripod, menial, denial,   Troll and trolley, realm and ream,   Schedule, mischief, schism, and scheme.
Argil, gill, Argyll, gill. Surely May be made to rhyme with Raleigh,   But you're not supposed to say   Piquet rhymes with sobriquet.
Had this invalid invalid Worthless documents? How pallid,   How uncouth he, couchant, looked,   When for Portsmouth I had booked!
Zeus, Thebes, Thales, Aphrodite, Paramour, enamoured, flighty,   Episodes, antipodes,   Acquiesce, and obsequies.
Please don't monkey with the geyser, Don't peel 'taters with my razor,   Rather say in accents pure:   Nature, stature and mature.
Pious, impious, limb, climb, glumly, Worsted, worsted, crumbly, dumbly,   Conquer, conquest, vase, phase, fan,   Wan, sedan and artisan.
The th will surely trouble you More than r, ch or w.   Say then these phonetic gems:   Thomas, thyme, Theresa, Thames.
Thompson, Chatham, Waltham, Streatham, There are more but I forget 'em-   Wait! I've got it: Anthony,   Lighten your anxiety.
The archaic word albeit Does not rhyme with eight-you see it;   With and forthwith, one has voice,   One has not, you make your choice.
Shoes, goes, does *. Now first say: finger; Then say: singer, ginger, linger.   Real, zeal, mauve, gauze and gauge,   Marriage, foliage, mirage, age,
Hero, heron, query, very, Parry, tarry fury, bury,   Dost, lost, post, and doth, cloth, loth,   Job, Job, blossom, bosom, oath.
Faugh, oppugnant, keen oppugners, Bowing, bowing, banjo-tuners   Holm you know, but noes, canoes,   Puisne, truism, use, to use?
Though the difference seems little, We say actual, but victual,   Seat, sweat, chaste, caste, Leigh, eight, height,   Put, nut, granite, and unite.
Reefer does not rhyme with deafer, Feoffer does, and zephyr, heifer.   Dull, bull, Geoffrey, George, ate, late,   Hint, pint, senate, but sedate.
Gaelic, Arabic, pacific, Science, conscience, scientific;   Tour, but our, dour, succour, four,   Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
Say manoeuvre, yacht and vomit, Next omit, which differs from it   Bona fide, alibi   Gyrate, dowry and awry.
Sea, idea, guinea, area, Psalm, Maria, but malaria.   Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean,   Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
Compare alien with Italian, Dandelion with battalion,   Rally with ally; yea, ye,   Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, key, quay!
Say aver, but ever, fever, Neither, leisure, skein, receiver.   Never guess-it is not safe,   We say calves, valves, half, but Ralf.
Starry, granary, canary, Crevice, but device, and eyrie,   Face, but preface, then grimace,   Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.
Bass, large, target, gin, give, verging, Ought, oust, joust, and scour, but scourging;   Ear, but earn; and ere and tear   Do not rhyme with here but heir.
Mind the o of off and often Which may be pronounced as orphan,   With the sound of saw and sauce;   Also soft, lost, cloth and cross.
Pudding, puddle, putting. Putting? Yes: at golf it rhymes with shutting.   Respite, spite, consent, resent.   Liable, but Parliament.
Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew, Stephen,   Monkey, donkey, clerk and jerk,   Asp, grasp, wasp, demesne, cork, work.
A of valour, vapid vapour, S of news (compare newspaper),   G of gibbet, gibbon, gist,   I of antichrist and grist,
Differ like diverse and divers, Rivers, strivers, shivers, fivers.   Once, but nonce, toll, doll, but roll,   Polish, Polish, poll and poll.
Pronunciation-think of Psyche!- Is a paling, stout and spiky.   Won't it make you lose your wits   Writing groats and saying "grits"?
It's a dark abyss or tunnel Strewn with stones like rowlock, gunwale,   Islington, and Isle of Wight,   Housewife, verdict and indict.
Don't you think so, reader, rather, Saying lather, bather, father?   Finally, which rhymes with enough,   Though, through, bough, cough, hough, sough, tough??
Hiccough has the sound of sup... My advice is: GIVE IT UP!
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astrogurudeva · 4 years
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Are you Searching for a Psychic Reader in vaughan? Your search ends here. Astrologer Guru Deva is a top Best Psychic in vaughan offering the best astrology services for get your love back, ex love back, black magic removal & top psychic in vaughan.
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bestpsychichealers · 4 years
Spiritual Healing Services In Toronto Canada
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Professional Spiritual Healing in Toronto, Canada several ancient cultures have long been alert to the energy field that surrounds each and every object. Even our Earth has an energy field, while not which it would not be ready to support life. The physical and religious aspects of life are reticulate making the complete. We don't seem to be simply physical beings. The physical exists aboard the none physical. Most people cannot see the human energy field, however qualified healers and people on the religious path will return to understand this through meditation and guided personal development. Individuals tend to go to healers as a final resort once typical prescription isn't allocation to them, but healers are currently as prevalent for soothing the overall stresses of life as easing precise health issues. You’re the one that's eventually responsible of your own life. You are doing not got to have a explicit religion or belief to learn from religious healing.
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Spiritual healing specialist Toronto is non-diagnostic, non-intrusive, and non-manipulative and no pressure is applied. The practioner gently places their hands on or over the body with each regard to the person. Healing energy is also seasoned as a flow of heat, a tingling or coolness. Take a touch outing to raise yourself wherever you're feeling you're out of balance. What does one assume are the basis causes and what are you able to do to vary things? It doesn't matter if you cannot realize all the answers to start with; simply take one step at a time. Moving forward is what counts! Astrologer Sharma ji has been originated within the Canada for over eight years. Astrologer Sharma ji focuses on Siddhi Yantra and personal consultation. Astrologist shiv Ram Sharma ji focuses on determination the issues like wedding, Childless, Job, Business issues, Lost Love, Depression, Money, Family Arguments, Love Misunderstandings and numerous different problems. He guarantees to produce
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astrogurudeva803 · 1 year
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If you are like most individuals out there, you may have lots of queries popping up in your head and different issues to deal with across all walks of life. You’d love to get some clarity on your destiny, wouldn’t you? Guru Deva Ji is a great Psychic Reader in Vaughan, Canada, who can help you to solve all life issues and also guide you to a better life. For more, you can visit the website.
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astropanditvijayram · 6 months
A Psychic reader in Mississauga offers insights that extend beyond the scope of normal expertise. In this serene city the urban rhythm meets the quiet shorelines of Lake Ontario.
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panditshivatejji · 3 years
Stop Every Hurdle Coming Your Way With Best Psychic In North York
This blog is very helpful if you are worried in your life or you need Best Psychic in North York. Pandit Shiva Tej will help you to come out from problems. Contact us to get more information through website.
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thekirstenkhaye · 7 years
The Chaos (1922)
by  Gerard Nolst Trenité
Dearest creature in creation Studying English pronunciation, I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse. I will keep you, Susy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy; Tear in eye, your dress you'll tear; Queer, fair seer, hear my prayer. Pray, console your loving poet, Make my coat look new, dear, sew it! Just compare heart, hear and heard, Dies and diet, lord and word. Sword and sward, retain and Britain (Mind the latter how it's written). Made has not the sound of bade, Say-said, pay-paid, laid but plaid. Now I surely will not plague you With such words as vague and ague, But be careful how you speak, Say: gush, bush, steak, streak, break, bleak , Previous, precious, fuchsia, via Recipe, pipe, studding-sail, choir; Woven, oven, how and low, Script, receipt, shoe, poem, toe. Say, expecting fraud and trickery: Daughter, laughter and Terpsichore, Branch, ranch, measles, topsails, aisles, Missiles, similes, reviles. Wholly, holly, signal, signing, Same, examining, but mining, Scholar, vicar, and cigar, Solar, mica, war and far. From "desire": desirable-admirable from "admire", Lumber, plumber, bier, but brier, Topsham, brougham, renown, but known, Knowledge, done, lone, gone, none, tone, One, anemone, Balmoral, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel. Gertrude, German, wind and wind, Beau, kind, kindred, queue, mankind, Tortoise, turquoise, chamois-leather, Reading, Reading, heathen, heather. This phonetic labyrinth Gives moss, gross, brook, brooch, ninth, plinth. Have you ever yet endeavoured To pronounce revered and severed, Demon, lemon, ghoul, foul, soul, Peter, petrol and patrol? Billet does not end like ballet; Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet. Blood and flood are not like food, Nor is mould like should and would. Banquet is not nearly parquet, Which exactly rhymes with khaki. Discount, viscount, load and broad, Toward, to forward, to reward, Ricocheted and crocheting, croquet? Right! Your pronunciation's OK. Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve, Friend and fiend, alive and live. Is your r correct in higher? Keats asserts it rhymes Thalia. Hugh, but hug, and hood, but hoot, Buoyant, minute, but minute. Say abscission with precision, Now: position and transition; Would it tally with my rhyme If I mentioned paradigm? Twopence, threepence, tease are easy, But cease, crease, grease and greasy? Cornice, nice, valise, revise, Rabies, but lullabies. Of such puzzling words as nauseous, Rhyming well with cautious, tortious, You'll envelop lists, I hope, In a linen envelope. Would you like some more? You'll have it! Affidavit, David, davit. To abjure, to perjure. Sheik Does not sound like Czech but ache. Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, loch, moustache, eleven. We say hallowed, but allowed, People, leopard, towed but vowed. Mark the difference, moreover, Between mover, plover, Dover. Leeches, breeches, wise, precise, Chalice, but police and lice, Camel, constable, unstable, Principle, disciple, label. Petal, penal, and canal, Wait, surmise, plait, promise, pal, Suit, suite, ruin. Circuit, conduit Rhyme with "shirk it" and "beyond it", But it is not hard to tell Why it's pall, mall, but Pall Mall. Muscle, muscular, gaol, iron, Timber, climber, bullion, lion, Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair, Senator, spectator, mayor, Ivy, privy, famous; clamour Has the a of drachm and hammer. Pussy, hussy and possess, Desert, but desert, address. Golf, wolf, countenance, lieutenants Hoist in lieu of flags left pennants. Courier, courtier, tomb, bomb, comb, Cow, but Cowper, some and home. "Solder, soldier! Blood is thicker", Quoth he, "than liqueur or liquor", Making, it is sad but true, In bravado, much ado. Stranger does not rhyme with anger, Neither does devour with clangour. Pilot, pivot, gaunt, but aunt, Font, front, wont, want, grand and grant. Arsenic, specific, scenic, Relic, rhetoric, hygienic. Gooseberry, goose, and close, but close, Paradise, rise, rose, and dose. Say inveigh, neigh, but inveigle, Make the latter rhyme with eagle. Mind! Meandering but mean, Valentine and magazine. And I bet you, dear, a penny, You say mani-(fold) like many, Which is wrong. Say rapier, pier, Tier (one who ties), but tier. Arch, archangel; pray, does erring Rhyme with herring or with stirring? Prison, bison, treasure trove, Treason, hover, cover, cove, Perseverance, severance. Ribald Rhymes (but piebald doesn't) with nibbled. Phaeton, paean, gnat, ghat, gnaw, Lien, psychic, shone, bone, pshaw. Don't be down, my own, but rough it, And distinguish buffet, buffet; Brood, stood, roof, rook, school, wool, boon, Worcester, Boleyn, to impugn. Say in sounds correct and sterling Hearse, hear, hearken, year and yearling. Evil, devil, mezzotint, Mind the z! (A gentle hint.) Now you need not pay attention To such sounds as I don't mention, Sounds like pores, pause, pours and paws, Rhyming with the pronoun yours; Nor are proper names included, Though I often heard, as you did, Funny rhymes to unicorn, Yes, you know them, Vaughan and Strachan. No, my maiden, coy and comely, I don't want to speak of Cholmondeley. No. Yet Froude compared with proud Is no better than McLeod. But mind trivial and vial, Tripod, menial, denial, Troll and trolley, realm and ream, Schedule, mischief, schism, and scheme. Argil, gill, Argyll, gill. Surely May be made to rhyme with Raleigh, But you're not supposed to say Piquet rhymes with sobriquet. Had this invalid invalid Worthless documents? How pallid, How uncouth he, couchant, looked, When for Portsmouth I had booked! Zeus, Thebes, Thales, Aphrodite, Paramour, enamoured, flighty, Episodes, antipodes, Acquiesce, and obsequies. Please don't monkey with the geyser, Don't peel 'taters with my razor, Rather say in accents pure: Nature, stature and mature. Pious, impious, limb, climb, glumly, Worsted, worsted, crumbly, dumbly, Conquer, conquest, vase, phase, fan, Wan, sedan and artisan. The th will surely trouble you More than r, ch or w. Say then these phonetic gems: Thomas, thyme, Theresa, Thames. Thompson, Chatham, Waltham, Streatham, There are more but I forget 'em- Wait! I've got it: Anthony, Lighten your anxiety. The archaic word albeit Does not rhyme with eight-you see it; With and forthwith, one has voice, One has not, you make your choice. Shoes, goes, does *. Now first say: finger; Then say: singer, ginger, linger. Real, zeal, mauve, gauze and gauge, Marriage, foliage, mirage, age, Hero, heron, query, very, Parry, tarry fury, bury, Dost, lost, post, and doth, cloth, loth, Job, Job, blossom, bosom, oath. Faugh, oppugnant, keen oppugners, Bowing, bowing, banjo-tuners Holm you know, but noes, canoes, Puisne, truism, use, to use? Though the difference seems little, We say actual, but victual, Seat, sweat, chaste, caste, Leigh, eight, height, Put, nut, granite, and unite. Reefer does not rhyme with deafer, Feoffer does, and zephyr, heifer. Dull, bull, Geoffrey, George, ate, late, Hint, pint, senate, but sedate. Gaelic, Arabic, pacific, Science, conscience, scientific; Tour, but our, dour, succour, four, Gas, alas, and Arkansas. Say manoeuvre, yacht and vomit, Next omit, which differs from it Bona fide, alibi Gyrate, dowry and awry. Sea, idea, guinea, area, Psalm, Maria, but malaria. Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean, Doctrine, turpentine, marine. Compare alien with Italian, Dandelion with battalion, Rally with ally; yea, ye, Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, key, quay! Say aver, but ever, fever, Neither, leisure, skein, receiver. Never guess-it is not safe, We say calves, valves, half, but Ralf. Starry, granary, canary, Crevice, but device, and eyrie, Face, but preface, then grimace, Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass. Bass, large, target, gin, give, verging, Ought, oust, joust, and scour, but scourging; Ear, but earn; and ere and tear Do not rhyme with here but heir. Mind the o of off and often Which may be pronounced as orphan, With the sound of saw and sauce; Also soft, lost, cloth and cross. Pudding, puddle, putting. Putting? Yes: at golf it rhymes with shutting. Respite, spite, consent, resent. Liable, but Parliament. Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew, Stephen, Monkey, donkey, clerk and jerk, Asp, grasp, wasp, demesne, cork, work. A of valour, vapid vapour, S of news (compare newspaper), G of gibbet, gibbon, gist, I of antichrist and grist, Differ like diverse and divers, Rivers, strivers, shivers, fivers. Once, but nonce, toll, doll, but roll, Polish, Polish, poll and poll. Pronunciation-think of Psyche!- Is a paling, stout and spiky. Won't it make you lose your wits Writing groats and saying "grits"? It's a dark abyss or tunnel Strewn with stones like rowlock, gunwale, Islington, and Isle of Wight, Housewife, verdict and indict. Don't you think so, reader, rather, Saying lather, bather, father? Finally, which rhymes with enough, Though, through, bough, cough, hough, sough, tough?? Hiccough has the sound of sup... My advice is: GIVE IT UP!
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panditganesh-blog · 6 years
Best & Famous Indian Astrologer in Toronto, Ontario, Brampton , Mississauga ,Downtown , Vancouver , Canada
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Pandit Ganesh is famous indian astrologer in Toronto, Ontario, Brampton , Mississauga ,Downtown , Vancouver , Canada. If you are looking for any best astrologer in Toronto, Ontario, Brampton , Mississauga ,Downtown , Vancouver , Canada. Then our astrologer is a top Indian astrologer in Toronto, Ontario, Brampton , Mississauga ,Downtown , Vancouver , Canada. If any of you wants any help please contact us at [email protected]
A large number of individuals consider future that what will going to happen in our future? What's more, how's our future will be? What's more, many more Questions keep running in individuals' brain. Also, they don't have the arrangement of those Questions in light of the fact that as being human we don't have that many forces by which we can foresee our future. So the reason for that future turns into the interest for the individual. Furthermore, this interest can be just determined with the assistance of Vedic astrology just, as we realize that god can't be wherever with everybody to deal with the issues and issues. so reason for that, they have given the gift of astrologyto the individual by utilizing which they can without much of a stretch foresee the eventual fate of their, and in addition if something going to happen wrong in their life then before something happing incorrectly they can avoid potential risk about that Problem. This is the primary reason individuals like to utilize visionary administration and help.
Life of the people in this wonderful area is problematic a large portion of the times. Love psychic readings in Toronto, Ontario, Brampton , Mississauga ,Downtown , Vancouver , Canada. Pandith Ganesh Ji is currently in your town . Pandith Ji proffers more legitimate pseudoscience cures for your everyday life. You'll talk about with Love specialist Pandit in your place seeing issues as like disadvantage, love spells and relationship issues, black magic effect, it’s become quite effective method for  your existence.
Pandith Ganesh  is a famous astrologer in Toronto, Ontario, Brampton , Mississauga ,Downtown , Vancouver , Canada. He will solve all your problem within 2 to 3 days . Please come near to us we will gives you 100% satisfactory services.
Pandit Ganesh and his group to take care of all issues confronted by the people in Canada, with palm reading, love spell. He is gives best love psychic readings in Toronto, Ontario, Brampton , Mississauga ,Downtown , Vancouver , Canada . He solve all your problem coming in your love relation.
Our best love psychic in Toronto, Ontario, Brampton , Mississauga ,Downtown , Vancouver , Canada, A powerful clairvoyant medium who strives to give you the answers you are seeking. Pandit Ganesh is a natural born psychic medium who gives 110% during her readings to ensure that you receive the information that you are looking for.
For more details about astrology services please come near to us or visit top astrologer in Toronto, Ontario, Brampton , Mississauga ,Downtown , Vancouver , Canada. Or contact us [email protected] or +1 647.823.5771
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aion-rsa · 7 years
Marvel’s Runaways: Get To Know the Teen Team Before Their TV Debut
With the announcement that Marvel television has complete casting the main characters in the upcoming Hulu TV series adaptation of Marvel Comics’ teen superhero series “Runaways,” CBR thought it would be helpful to fill you all in on exactly who the Runaways are. Be forewarned! There are spoilers ahead for the “Runaways” comic, including a major one that is pretty hard to avoid talking about in a “Who’s Who?”
RELATED: Marvel Announces Main Runaways Cast
The Runaways were created by writer Brian K. Vaughan and artist Adrian Alphona. They debuted in 2003’s “Runaways” #1, which was part of Marvel Comics’ short-lived Tsunami imprint, which was designed to reach both younger readers and more specifically, fans of manga. Thus, three of the four titles in the launch (“Human Torch,” “Venom” and “Runaways”) had a real manga influence in the art for the series. The series opened with an annual charity event thrown by the parents of five teens (and one pre-teen). The kids only see each other once a year, but they’ve become pretty close due to it being such a regular thing in their lives. This time around, though, they discovered that their parents were actually a criminal organization who call themselves the Pride, and that this annual charity event was actually a ritual sacrifice! The teens then all ran away together and plotted for a way to bring down their parents’ criminal empire while also doing a little bit of good along the way. Here are the six original members of the group, plus three prominent later additions.
Ever since he was a child, Alex Wilder was obsessed with superheroes. He was part of an online superhero role playing group for years. A child prodigy with a specific expertise in logic and strategy, Alex was the one who first came up with the idea that the teens all form a group and take down their parents’ organization. However, Alex was always somewhat distant from the rest of the group. He was the only one who chose not to take on a superhero name, for instance. In the end, it was discovered that Alex had remained loyal to his parents all along. He knew that the alien and mutant members of the Pride planned on killing all of the human members before the final part of the Pride’s big plan, which was to exit this world when their masters, the Gibborim, would destroy everyone else on Earth. The Gibborim had room for only six people. Alex planned on the six being himself, his parents and his teammate, Nico, who he was in love with, and her parents. In the end, Alex was killed by the Gibborim.
More recently, Alex was resurrected by Daimon Hellstrom to help tutor Nico in the dark arts when Nico was pretending to become a supervillain herself. Alex and Nico parted ways eventually and Alex has since become a burgeoning supervillain himself in the pages of “Power Man and Iron Fist.”
Nico Minoru was a teen who was a fan of Gothic fashion, which helped isolate herself from her family and other people. When she went on the run with the rest of the group, she was forced to open up to other people, but this also led to her being quick to rely on people a bit too much. A big example of this was her relationship with Alex, who she began to date after the team had formed. She leaned on Alex so much that she never even noticed that he was manipulating the whole group. This changed when Alex’s betrayal was revealed and Nico had to take on a de facto leadership role in the group. She matured in the role and became a wise and dedicated leader.
Nico is a witch. When she bleeds, she unleashes the “Staff of One,” which helps her perform powerful magic, although the trick with Nico’s spells is that she can only perform each one a single time. Recently, Nico has been part of the all-female superhero team known as A-Force. She initially went by the superhero name Sister Grimm, but mostly just goes by her real name nowadays.
Karolina Dean’s parents served as Hollywood moguls, so Karolina grew up in the lap of luxury. However, she always felt a little bit out of place. This was seemingly proven true when Alex had her remove the medic alert bracelet that she wore (her parents told her due to her allergy to Penicillin) and she discovered that she had vast energy powers and could fly! You see, Karolina was an alien! Taking the name Lucy in the Sky due to her powers and the psychedelic nature of how she glowed while using her powers, Karolina felt freer than she had ever felt before. This helped her also reveal to her friends (and a little bit to herself) that she was a lesbian.
One of the most powerful members of the group, Karolina is also one of the most sensitive members, and the whole superhero situation has been very hard on her. She gets along very well with all of her teammates.
The most sarcastic and cynical member of the team was Gertrude “Gert” Yorkes, whose parents were time-travelers. Gert was passionate and opinionated, but a lot of her strongest views seemed to sort of mask her own insecurities, especially with regards to her feelings for her older teammate, Chase Stein, who seemingly didn’t think anything about her. That ultimately proved to be untrue and the two began a romantic relationship.
Gert’s main contribution to the team was through her psychic connection with Old Lace, a powerful dinosaur that would do anything that Gert asked it to do. The name Old Lace was part of Gert’s superhero codename of Arsenic, as together they were Arsenic and Old Lace, a reference to an old movie that Gert loved. While most of the other members eventually dropped their code names, Gert held on to hers as long as she could, as she was the one who sought out the most distance between herself and her parents. Tragically, Gert died in battle with a newly formed Pride. It appeared at the end of the last “Runaways” series that Gert might have returned, but the series ended before that plot could be resolved.
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Chase Stein was the son of mad scientists, but he tried to put off that image of himself, as he saw himself more of a rogue. He was the oldest member of the Runaways at 18. He stole a bunch of technology from his parents, including powerful gauntlets and the Leapfrog, the ship that the Runaways used for transportation. As it turned out, even though he gave off a strong sense of bravado (his superhero name was Talkback, after all), he was actually a really sensitive guy underneath.
He developed a romantic relationship with Gert, which caused some problems with Nico began to rely on him for support and the two shared a kiss. But he was devoted to Gert. Sadly, Gert passed away soon afterwards. Chase inherited Gert’s psychic connection to Old Lace. Chase and Nico were kidnapped by Arcade for a battle royale against other superpowered young people and in the process, Chase temporarily ended up with the power of Darkhawk. He and Nico also later helped infiltrate the Masters of Evil, but in the end they both returned to the Runaways together.
The youngest member of the original team, Molly Hayes was a mutant whose powers kicked in soon after the team went on the run. She had superhuman strength and invulnerability. Like the rest of the team, she chose a superhero name, but amusingly she went with Princess Powerful while the others wanted her to be called Bruiser. Again, though, she mostly just went by her real name.
As the youngest of the group, Molly was the one most affected with leaving her parents and the others had to serve as sort of surrogate parents for Molly. In addition, her youthful innocence often worked as comic relief in the series, as the glee she sometimes took in being a superhero was a blast to see. She especially worked well when they interacted with other superheroes. As a mutant, Molly often dealt with the X-Men. As the series went on, Molly began to mature and became a more dependable member of the team.
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The first addition to the team, Victor Mancha was eventually revealed to be the son of a supervillain and a civilian, but who his father was initially a mystery. As it turned out, his “father” was Ultron, who created Victor as a cyborg, using cloned parts of Victor’s mother to go with Ultron’s robotic parts. Victor joined the team and became a steadfast member of the group.
Later on, Victor’s connection to Ultron became an issue following the “Age of Ultron” storyline, and Victor became part of a short-lived Avengers spin-off group led by Hank Pym that consisted of android, cyborg and robot members. Following his work with that team, Victor was sent to monitor Vision and his newly created “family.” Tragically, Victor accidentally killed Vision’s “son” and was himself then killed by Vision’s “wife.”
Xavin was introduced in the second volume of “Runaways.” He was betrothed to Karolina Dean by their parents, as yet another secret that Karolina’s parents kept from her. Xavin was a Skrull. The issue with Karolina was that, of course, she was a lesbian and Xavin was a male. This was no problem for him, though, as he gladly took on a female form to please Karolina. Sadly, their wedding ceremony was interrupted by a war breaking out between the Skrulls and Karolina’s people and Karolina’s home planet was destroyed in the process, with Karolina and Xavin barely making it out alive.
During “Secret Invasion,” Xavin stood against the Skrull invasion alongside her teammates and the Young Avengers (including Hulkling, who was also a Skrull). However, Xavin’s time with the team was relatively short, as when survivors from Karolina’s home planet came to arrest Karolina over what happened at the wedding, Xavin sacrificed herself by impersonating Karolina and was taken into custody in place of her love (who she had knocked out first).
The least known member of the Runaways, Klara Prast was a twelve year old who was married to an abusive middle age man in 1907 New York City. When the Runaways traveled to the past, they befriended a number of super-powered young people, including Klara. When the Runaways returned to the present, Klara begged them to take her with them. Considering how poor her situation was, they agreed to her request and took her into the future.
Klara had the ability to “talk” to plants and make them do what she wanted. She served with the Runaways for the whole third volume. Tragically, when the Runaways’ home in Malibu was attacked, Old Lace sacrificed herself to protect young Klara. Later on, it was revealed that Old Lace survived and had just been transported to another dimension. Klara’s personality was a fascinating one, since although she was younger than Molly, even, she was basically acting like an adult with her husband. Over time, though, she began to enjoy the future and act more like a pre-teen. She and Molly were strong friends.
Since their third series ended, the Runaways have not really been seen very much. Chase and Nico played a major role in both “Avengers Arena” (where Arcade forced teen superheroes to fight against each other) and its sequel, “Avengers Undercover” (where the survivors of the first series went undercover as young supervillains, using the cover that they were changed forever due to what they had to do in the first series) and Victor was part of “Avengers A.I” and “Vision,” but the other characters have barely been used, which is a shame considering how compelling they all are. Molly Hayes, for instance, was a very popular character at one point and yet outside of an out-of-continuity appearance in “Secret Wars,” she has barely made any appearances the past five years. Hopefully the Runaways’ profile will expand soon now that they’re going to be TV stars! Jessica Jones got her own comic book series again, so the Runaways are similarly due!
The post Marvel’s Runaways: Get To Know the Teen Team Before Their TV Debut appeared first on CBR.com.
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