#Pro sirius black
shivstar · 2 months
The shack incident... Feat Marauders fandom being anti Sirius Black....
Honestly, I would really like to know how come it has become so prominent head canon to call it the Prank? I don't think the marauders referred to it as such canonically.....
Anyways, just thought of something.
Hermione, a muggleborn student in her third year, who didn't even have daily classes with Lupin, somehow became suspicious and within the span of a year unearthed Lupin's oh so big secret.
So, can it be possible that any decently observant person who has studied year 3 Syllabus at Hogwarts will know what he is....
Snape had been incessant about his want to know what Lupin does every full moon. Lily says that snape has a theory.
So can it not be that Snape got the final piece of puzzle from Sirius. BUT IT IS NOT ABOUT WHAT. IT IS ABOUT HOW.
Because if we believe lily, his bff, he already has pretty serious conviction on as to what Lupin is doing.
He just thinks that it is marauder as a group who is doing it behind everyone's back and he thinks that only he knows. As teen kids often view themselves as smarter than adults..
He just needs to get a proof about his theory and Sirius handed it to him on silver platter.
So if this is true then the incident was never about Sirius being murderous because he too knew along with other marauders that Snape has a correct theory about Moony.
With all of snape's insistent following around, Sirius must have gotten frustrated and told him that if he is really so desperate to know, he should come see with his own eyes. Both knowing that Snape has come to the correct conclusion about Remus being a werewolf.
So, isn't Snape venturing into the shack not a murderous intent as all of the party has sufficient knowledge but a suicide mission to get Lupin and if possible the other three expelled....
James coming to save Snape is more about the animagous finding that Snape is that dumb and desperate to try his theory...
And people who say that Sirius betrayed Remus. No he didn't. Snape already knew. He was pretty adamant too. He just got no proof. But at the end of the day, I believe that all the marauders were pretty tired of Snape nosing around. And Lupin must be scared to death.
Infact, Lupin must have been relieved that Dumbledore barred Snape from revealing it. If before shack incident, Remus asked Dumbledore's help, what could the headmaster do? Because he is going against rules himself to make this happen. But this series of event gave Dumbledore the upper hand only because Snape entered a place the school has forbidden to enter, and risking his own life for getting proof of something he already knew about...
I can understand how Snape stans will use this against Dumbledore and Sirius and marauders. But how come the marauders faction began giving this incident so much of bad light to Sirius. Was it the wolfstar faction who wanted betrayal of a lover to up the angst in their story?
I don't see it as a betrayal of trust at all. So there is no food for conflicts within marauders. James coming to save Snape means Sirius tells James. Possibilities are that all the marauders knew Sirius sharing this little info module of the shack with Snape. And James just being on the right place at the right time to stop Snape when the dude actually showed up.
It can also be possible that Snape waited for 2-3 full moons after learning this and the marauders were like yeah he is an ass but at least a smart one. They maybe relaxing that he is off their back, only to one day realise that he can be that stupid when he is being petty...
We have the story about the prank but it was a basic version from Lupin who doesn't go into details. And i know that Sirius in poa makes some statement about how if Snape were to die it would have been good riddance----
BUT we are forgetting that here he is pretty much bullheaded. Maybe he is saying it as this post azkaban Sirius whose only goal of escaping prison was his godson. Maybe pre azkaban Sirius was not so callous. Maybe he made this statement in the heat of the moment....
And before Snape fans spam my post and comment section, this post is not to make you believe that my interpretation is correct and your is wrong. My beef is not with you... You live in your Snape la la land and hail him to the heavens...
I am not white washing Sirius. I know he can be cruel when he wants to. What James and he did in swm, I don't condone these actions. They were mean boys who wanted to show who is the boss by any means possible and in that scene I truly sympathize for a teen Snape because he may have given as good as he got, but no one deserves to be publicly humiliated and targeted in such a way only because you are bored. And to be said something so cruel by their bff to add cherry on the top.
I also believe that though his intent was never to kill Snape and use moony. That he believed snape as an equal in terms of his intelligent, so he never wanted this incident to reach the point it reached but i think he would have been okay if Snape was badly injured or died, IF only it let his friends go scout free AND that includes no emotional impact on lupin. He would be fine and dandy.
But he knew the mental toll it had on Remus so i don't believe his intent was what now broader population of fans make it seem because he cared for his people.
This post is about how come marauder side of fandom, who call themselves a fan and supporters, can actually see a complex character they claim to love as simply a person who showed murderous tendency as sixteen year old. Or that he was so vindictive piece of shit who paid no mind to others. Or that he was a clown with nothing for brains and can't keep a thing a secret.
Are you guys only Remus fan and not marauders fan?
I mean the biggest thing Remus Lupin achieved in his life is getting pity-ed. Not only from the characters within story but fans too. Poor Remus, he had it so rough already and add to that an evil friend who made him a murderer just so he can kill his teenage enemy....
It feels so watered down version of an actual incident which had grit to it and so much complexity and teenage angst.
Also if it is about him becoming a murderer because of Sirius then let me tell you that he was already pretty close to achieving it on his own free will when he had nightly adventure and close calls which Sirius with the other two prevented.
So it would have been okay if some nameless and faceless villager had died ? And it is betrayal when Snape despite knowing the truth enters shrieking shack, on his FREE WILL WITH A GOOD IDEA ABOUT WHAT HE WILL SEE.
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