#Pro Penelo/Vann
nessaiscute · 7 years
Minor trope rant
Can we please for the love of the gods stop turnning every single ‘i want to protect you’ character as being in love with the person they want to protect. This shit just bugs me. You can want to protect someone and just be friends. I’m mainly looking at the Larsa and Penelo fans who want to reduce Larsa to a ‘he wants to seduce Penelo cause she can do better then Vann’ First and foremost. get the stick out of your ass and tell me how a person has to earn a person’s love. Tell me how a person has to earn happiness. Please tell me how someone has to be this perfect image in order to be happy. Cause thats bullshit.. No matter which way you slice it. Two, Tell me what Vann has to do in order to earn Penelo’s love. Cause he 1) has supported and took care of her 2) makes her happy 3) is a hero. Also i hate to remind people of this but I have to. Larsa’s father took Penelo’s family from her. Why in the heck would she love him? It dosen’t make any sense. Some of you can’t even look at an snake the same way if one eats your dog, don’t tell me that you could love someone who killed your parents and brother. Number 4) what is with everyone having to ship every single damn thing. Now i just know what someone is gonna say. Some random jerk bag is going to come into my inbox and cry ‘ you have no right to say people can just be friends. you ship Caleo and therefore you have to want everyone to get together cause Leo shoulden’t be happy cause-’ shove a godsdamn pole up your ass, im sick of that being thrown in my face. and im not even touching that. I have a point with this. and its this, two guys and two girls CAN be friends. I know its a troubling concept but yes tumblr two girls can cuddle and be platoinc and still only see each other as friends. Two guys can kiss and cuddle and still be friends. Like not everyone is straight not everyone is gay. and yes, straight people are gullty of this too. A guy and a girl can be friends. this is why Vann and Penelo is such a good bond. Vann and Penelo actually love each other but Penelo and Larsa do not. Penelo sees him as a brother. Penelo is married to Vann. Vann supported her, loved her. and made sure she was okay. Vann is her husband and she is his wife. Penelo supported Vann’s dream of being a sky pirate she never held him down with her feelings. as they saying goes ‘if you love someone good enough let it go. if it returns it was meant to be’ Vann returned every single time cause he loves her. Larsa is the emperor and he is happy with his role. (personally i think he’s Aro but thats just me) 
okay rant done. 
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