cenospire · 5 months
The sun rises over Dimetrodon as it travels across the landscape of the Middle Permian, spotting Diplocaulus, Titanoptera, a speculative proto-archosauromorph, and Prionosuchus along the way.
The piece 'Morning, when time had no end' was very kindly composed for this animation by the immensely talented Villi-refurinn. Check them out on Bandcamp for more fantastic music!
This one took a lot longer than usual, with life getting in the way and all that. Thank you all sincerely for waiting for so long!
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barghest-land · 7 months
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some sillies from paleostream!! joined late so there's only 3 of them: jormungandr, hesperotestudo and prionosuchus
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mariolanzas · 3 months
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PRIONOSUCHUS is one of the animals featured in my VIDEO dedicated to the Permian period. It was one of the largest Amphibians ever to exist. Lived in what is now Brazil. 
Youtube channel
Prints and more paleomerch
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ppaleoartistgallery · 7 months
Paleostream 4/11/2023
results of today's #Paleostream!!! Today we drew Koolasuchus (mine is juvenile), Jormungandr, Prionosuchus, and Hesperotestudo
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doomyte · 7 months
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Some guys from the Flocking tonight, with varying degrees of accuracy and stylization.
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National Fossil: Brazil
Last time Argentinosaurus won the title of Argentinas National Fossil (not surprising) and Argentavis came in second (kinda surprising; I didn‘t know you guys liked big-ass birds that much). This time we‘re looking at some Brazilian fossils!
Once again, you get to vote on which one should represent the nation. As always, it could be a fossil that is just exceptionally well preserved and beautiful, had a huge impact on paleontology and our knowledge of the past, is very common/representative of the area, is beloved and famous in the public eye, is just a very unique and interesting find, or has any other justification.
Here are the contestants:
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Tupandactylus/Tapejara (Art by Gabriel Ugueto): There are no big-ass bird competitors this time around, but I can offer you the next best thing: Pterosaurs! There have been many pterosaur species described from Brazilian fossil sites and they have greatly improved our understanding of these creatures. I picked Tupandactylus/Tapejara (there is some dispute about naming/species) to represent this group, because their big creasts make them some of the most visually interesting pterosaurs and with a wingspan of up to 4 m they also reach quite impressive sizes.
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“Ubirajara“ (Art by Bob Nicholls): Next up is a small theropod dinosaur. The fossil has been found in Brazil, but then was smuggled out of the country (allegedly) and found its way to Germany. A lot of legal dispute and campaigning later, the dinosaur became a bit of a symbol against colonialism in paleontology. Just this year the fossil finally found its way back home, and probably will be re-named soon, since the original paper about it has been retracted.
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Irritator: This relative of the much more famous Spinosaurus got its name because of how frustrating and challenging the restoration of the fossil was: Fossil hunters had made a lot of changes and “repairs“ to the original skull to make it more appealing. Scientists then had to spend a lot of time undoing all those changes. But even after all of that, Irritator‘s skull is one of the best preserved spinosaur skulls ever found.
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Purussaurus: This relative of modern caimans lived during the Miocene epoch. With size estimates of well over 10 m it was one of the biggest crocodylians ever, rivaling even some of the biggest carnivorous dinosaurs in terms of size.
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Prionosuchus (Art by Thomas Sutton): You might be wondering why I‘m showing you yet another crocodile - you are mistaken! Prionosuchus is not a croc, it is an amphibian. It lived during the Permian, so it is older than all other creatures on this list. Some of the biggest specimen found suggest that it might have reached a length of up to 9 m, making it one of the largest amphibians ever.
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princefluph · 3 months
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Sometimes I think about the Permian period and all the weird little critters that people often forget about. Gorgonops being one of my favorite Synapsids, I decided to give it a doodle! I also learned today that the largest amphibian we've ever discovered was from the Permian (called Prionosuchus) and it was basically just a massive salamander crocodile that was 21 ft (6.5 meters) long.
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blaiddydsaurus · 1 year
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Some permian fellas
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veloci-raptor · 7 months
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Flocking Together
Koolasuchus/Jormungandr walhallaensis
Prionosuchus/Hesperotestudo bermudae
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pinkdaruma · 3 months
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new drawing!!!
now I really want to put this on a shirt...
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opposumwizard · 5 months
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trashrat176 · 11 months
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attack on arrowsspecter on art fight
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pleistocene-pride · 2 years
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Paleozoic Part 2
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knuppitalism-with-ue · 7 months
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Results from the #paleostream Koolasuchus, Jormungandr, Prionosuchus and Hesperotestudo bermudae
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aberrantologist · 7 months
Paleostream 11/3/2023
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Yet another goofy and massively unserious set of roughly twenty minute sketches from today's flocking #paleostream featuring a cool Koolasuchus, a rotated Jormungandr, a questionable Prionosuchus, and a wise Hesperotestudo.
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Oh look who finally finished the National Fossils map for South America.
By popular vote Argentinosaurus, Prionosuchus and Perucetus have been selected for their countries. And since you guys decided on giant dinosaur, giant amphibian and giant whale respectively, I thought I‘d stick with the theme. So I picked a giant croc, giant snake, giant bird, and giant rodent.
Then there is Macrauchenia, because I wanted to include some of South America‘s native ungulates, a group of mammals that was endemic to the continent and is now completely extinct. Also they just look like big llamas to me which feels very South American. I was considering some sloths or glyptodons but I already included some of those for Central America and I didn‘t want to repeat them.
Smilodon because it seems too iconic of a creature to not be featured anywhere.
And last but not least: Lovely, stupid-looking, early jawless fish Sacabambaspis.
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