#Princesa Brittney
groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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...Princess Brittney...
...Inhabitant of the Truher Village...
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...Queen Brittney...
...Inhabitant of the Truher Village...
G: Sacando a relucir viejos personajes olvidados.../Bringing out old forgotten characters...
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Brittney Griner’s lawyers say they don’t know where she is being transferred to.
Por BY JOHN YOON, de NYT World Artículo: https://ift.tt/7bVBDo1 Fecha: November 9, 2022 at 04:40AM Via The New York Times popular Any Section Fuente: New York Times Visita mis Blogs: El Mundo de las Princesas Muñecas y Peluches: http://mi-barbie.blogspot.com, Entretenimientos y diversiones: http://entretenimientos-diversiones.blogspot.com, Sucesos histórias y documentales: http://sucesos-historias-documentales.blogspot.com, Humor Mascotas y Diversiones: http://humor-mascotas-diversiones.blogspot.com, Curiosidades y Entretenimientos: http://curiosidades-entretenimientos.blogspot.com, Competencias y deportes: http://competencias-deportes.blogspot.com, Paisajes imagenes y lugares interesante: http://paisajes-imagenes-lugares.blogspot.com source https://blog-publicaciones.blogspot.com/2022/11/brittney-griners-lawyers-say-they-dont.html http://dlvr.it/Scy8X9
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Britney vs. Spears
El documental desgrana la situación actual de Britney Spears, sometida a una tutela férrea desde hace 13 años.
El movimiento de #FreeBritney ha vuelto a poner el foco en esta estrella internacional que ha tenido que renacer una y otra vez en los últimos 15 años. Tras el estreno a principios de este año del documental Framing Britney Spears, producido por The New York Times, llega Britney vs. Spears, un completo recorrido por la vida y carrera de la cantante norteamericana que analiza su éxito, el comienzo de su crisis personal y la polémica tutela en la que lleva atrapada durante 13 años.
Netflix estrena este documental el martes 28 de septiembre. 
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En él, la periodista, Jenny Eliscu y la cineasta Erin Lee Carr investigan la lucha por la libertad de Britney Spears a través de entrevistas exclusivas e informes confidenciales. 
Desde debut en televisión en “The Mickey Mouse Club (1992)” y la firma de su primer contrato discográfico con solo 16 años, la carrera de la 'princesa del pop' siempre fue en ascenso. 
Britney vivió un boom de fama aplastante, pero en 2004 la estrella mundial empezó a tener problemas.
Britney vs. Spears recorre el período más duro de su vida. Las realizadoras y algunos testigos repasan el matrimonio y posterior divorcio de Kevin Federline, la pérdida de la custodia de sus hijos, las consideradas malas influencias que frecuentaba, el consumo de somníferos y el acoso de los paparazzi. La preocupación por el estado de salud de Britney se acentuó cuando fue internada en dos ocasiones en un centro psiquiátrico. ¿Qué le estaba pasando a la novia de América?
En el presente la artista lleva una vida llena de limitaciones legales y el documental Britney vs. Spears expone los elementos causantes de esa situación.
En medio de la crisis que estaba atravesando se solicita una tutoría temporal sobre la cantante, que el tribunal impuso a principios de 2008. Esto implicaba la retirada de la potestad de tomar sus propias decisiones, personales y económicas, durante un tiempo indefinido.
La tutoría personal quedaba en manos de su padre y la patrimonial, de forma conjunta, entre él y un abogado designado. La cuestión es que esta condición se iba a mantener solo hasta 2009 y no ha sido así.
El documental de Netflix incide en que Britney Spears lleva hace 13 años reconvertida de nuevo en una adolescente a la espera de la mayoría de edad para hacerse cargo de sí misma, pero lo cierto es que tiene 39 años y no posee el control de su vida.
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En 2019, Spears volvió a ser internada en un centro psiquiátrico, aparentemente contra su voluntad, y algunos fanes se revelaron públicamente.
Así nació la corriente mundial del #FreeBritney, en que anónimos y rostros conocidos han apoyado a la cantante en su lucha contra esta tutela abusiva.
La voluntad popular y el buen uso de las redes sociales ha conseguido algo asombroso al poner el foco en su situación. Britney pudo declarar ante el tribunal y todo lo que dijo se pudo seguir a través de Twitter.
La exposición de su realidad ha provocado la petición de su padre de poner fin a la tutela y el 29 de septiembre se celebra el juicio. Britney Spears ahora está más cerca de su libertad.
Documental para fans de Brittney 😍
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bkchandraw · 3 years
Me gusta como usas a Brittney, puede parecer usado su pero la forma que lo aplicas es diferente a Higgs y Janna
Siento que es tipo
- Higgs : Te odio pero también te amo... Pero te quiero ganar! Pero tu me ganas y eso me hace quererte...
Perro eres terrícola y solo lograste ser nombrado escudero por que la princesa lo quiso!
Pero si tengo un hijo contigo... Sería el mejor guerrero de todos por que somos habilidadosos y am... Fuertes ...
- Janna : Amo hacerte sufrir por que así pones tus ojos en mi y quiero que notes que soy la mejor opción no solo por que se todo de ti si no por que soy capas de hacerles cosas horribles a cualquiera que quiera romper nuestra futura relación, no quiero parecer alguien cursi y boba así que te mostraré mi amor de la manera irritante hasta que te rindas y finalmente agas lo que yo quiera
Brittney : Ash, si quiero una pareja quiero que cubra todos los estándares que tengo pero tu... Eres adorable, pero no quiero parecer alguien fácil y simple así que seré mala contigo hasta que uno de los dos demos el primer paso, y más te vale que seas tú
Normalmente no me gusta la relaciones de "Te ago sufrir por que te quiero" ya que lo siento como una relación tóxica...
Pero la forma que lo aplicas no esta mal,
Hacer un Hischool (HS) tipo yandere Simulator seria lo mejor Xd, Star o Kelly sin duda le quedan lo genocida y Janna lo de Info-Chan, ganando confianza de la Yandere y espiando a todos, pero a la vez esperando el momento perfecto para atacar...
Y Eclipsa como la maestra coqueta
¡muchas gracias! Siempre es bueno escuchar las ideas puntos de vista de otros fans,en especial de personajes que no tuvieron tanto desarrollo en la serie No seria mala idea lo de la tematica escolar, aunque en este momento no se ocurre algun escenario que pueda ser divertido de desarrollar (Aunque nunca lo descartes,a veces vuelvo a retomar ideas que me parecen divertidas); Claro que si tuviera que asignar papeles a los personajes svtfoe,Eclipsa seria un conserje estilo scrubs o el manual de ned.
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alguien que conoce como funciona el sistema escolar, pero sin estar atado a el de manera estricta.(De hecho en mi libreta de ideas tengo un au donde ella es la que llega a tierra en lugar de Star y decide apoyar a los estudiantes mientras se adapta a su trabajo y a la tierra)
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Why Did I Get Married? (Camren)
Part 17: A Revelation 
“Buenos días, princesa,” Camila greeted her daughter with a kiss to the forehead. The child barely opened her eyes. It was Saturday after all, so why did she have to be up at these ungodly hours? She just groaned in response causing her mother to laugh. “Izzy, baby it’s time to wake up,” she passed her hand on her daughter’s face and smiled as the child’s eyes fluttered open.
Izzy yawned. “Good morning, mummy. Is mama back yet?”
Camila shook her head ‘no’. “Just a few more days baby and she’ll be back. We’ll FaceTime her tonight again, okay?”
“Okay, mummy,” the child mumbled and snuggled up to her mother. “What are we doing today?”
The young mother couldn’t help the fluttering sensation she felt in her chest, which she was experiencing right now looking at her daughter. The child was extremely adorable. How could she have spent so many mornings without this sight?
How could she have been gone for so long?
“You don’t remember signing us up for your bake off at your school, princesa?” Camila asked.
Izzy gasped. “Oh yes! Mama was supposed to come with me. She makes a yummy quesillo.” The child smiled and licked her lips as though she was currently tasting it. “But mama isn’t here.” She pouted.
Obviously, ignoring the fact that her other mother was. However, between the both of us….Camila in a kitchen? Just have the fire brigade and the ambulance on the sidelines.
“So what about me? I’m here,” Camila pouted dramatically. “I can make some Alfajores. You like that, don’t you?” Izzy nodded. “Or I can make some Torta Mil Hojas.”
Izzy nodded frantically. “Yes! I love that. Abuelita makes it sooo good! Can I ask abuelita to come?”
Camila laughed and kinked an eyebrow at her daughter. “Is there something you’re not telling me baby?” The five year old looked down and shook her head 'no’. Not wanting to say anything to hurt her mother’s feelings. “Aww, princesa come here.” Camila patted her lap and her daughter took her position on it. “It’s okay, princesa. I know I’m not an amazing cook like Mama, but it’ll be fun. Right? With the two of us?”
Her daughter nodded. “It would…but I really want to beat Brittney.” Camila laughed. She didn’t know what her daughter had against the child, but she wasn’t a fan of the child’s mother either.
Caitlin Garcia, aka the bane to every parent at Izzy’s preparatory preschool existence. She also seemed to be completely into Lauren. And Lauren being oblivious as fuck, had not realised it once; too smitten with her wife and child to notice the stares of anyone else. The woman had acted as though Camila didn’t even exist when she tried to flirt with Lauren. So yes, beating Caitlin at the bake off wasn’t a big deal, but it would’ve just given Camila bragging rights.
“So…are we gonna do this?” Camila asked her daughter.
Izzy thought about it for a moment until she smiled. “Yes. We’re gonna win and beat Brittney!”
“Mrs Jauregui - Cabello,” an elderly woman stuck her hand out to greet Camila. “It’s nice to see you. How did Izzy manage to drag you into this?”
Camila smiled when she saw her daughter’s teacher. The woman was always super friendly. “She didn’t have to do anything. She literally came home one day and showed Lauren and I the note informing us that we’ll be partaking.”
Miss Kylie laughed and shook her head. “That’s Izzy for you. She’s always talking about you guys, especially you.” When the woman saw the look on Camila’s face she added something else. “She really adores you. She always gets mad when a student that goes here; Brittney is singing one of your songs.”
“Why? Izzy never really says why she doesn’t like Brittney and she basically likes everyone.”
The teacher examined the contents in Camila’s shed in preparation for the contest. It was basically a charity event. The school was raising money to donate to needy families around the area.
“I don’t think Izzy likes anyone who sings your songs or talk about you,” Miss Kylie turned to face Camila. “She seems a bit possessive.”
Before Camila had any time to process what the teacher said, she came face to face with the bane to her existence.
“Caitlin,” Camila greeted her. She had to practically force herself not to roll eyes to hell and back. “Hey, Britt,” she stooped at the girl’s height. Brittney wrapped her arms around her. “How are you, mija?”
Brittney smiled a toothless grin, well not toothless because she was only missing her two front teeth. “Hi, Mrs Jauregui! I’m great. Izzy didn’t say you were coming.” The child seemed awfully excited that Camila as there.
“That’s because I didn’t tell you,” Izzy butted in and began to tug on her mother. “Mummy, we have to get started on the cake.”
Caitlin rolled her eyes. “You should teach your child some manners.”
“You should shove your opinions up your ass,” Camila muttered under her breath.
“Did you say something?” The other woman kinked an eyebrow.
Camila was about to respond and tell the woman exactly what she just said, but that’s when her best friend came into her view.
“WALZ!” Dinah wrapped her arms around her friend. “Ugh, it’s been forever since I’ve seen you.”
Camila smiled and hugged her friend back. “Dinah, I’ve literally seen you a couple weeks ago for my birthday. Andddd we Skype every other night.”
“I said what I said,” Dinah turned to face Caitlin. “You should run along now. There’s some single fathers over there.”
Camila laughed when she said the look on the woman’s face. She didn’t say a word. “What are you doing here? I don’t think I’ve been gone so long but Elijah doesn’t go here, right?”
Dinah shook her head and laughed. “Nah, he doesn’t. I was forced to buy a ticket to attend this,” she playfully rolled her eyes as she stared at her friend’s daughter who just smiled at her. “This little nugget insisted that I had to come taste test her and Laurenzo quesillo…but I’m not seeing your wifey here, and as much as I love you, Walz, I’m not gonna die trying your food.”
The singer scoffed and stomped off behind her make shift kitchen. “First, Izzy didn’t want me to come because I quote unquote, can’t cook, now,” she fake glared at her friend. “You’re saying I can’t cook?! Where is the love? Where’s the loyalty Dinah Jane? I thought we were better than that!”
The two went on to banter back and forth throughout Camila’s preparation of her traditional Argentinian dessert. Izzy was allowed to stir and pour in the ingredients because it had to have been a parent-child event. After finishing baking and decorating the Torta Mil Hojas, and having the judges sample all the desserts….who did you guys think won?
Well, duh. Caitlin obviously.
Sike. Just messing with y'all. Camila and Izzy had won. It was not the best tasting dessert, but what the judges had observed was the way both mother and child had interacted whilst baking. Camila had practically involved her daughter in everything. And what did anyone really expect when the average five year old was helping you in the kitchen? Nothing that tasty to be honest.
“In your face, Caitlin,” Camila said triumphantly when she collected her ribbon. Causing her friend to face-palm. You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick how they embarass you.
“Camila,” a familiar voice caused the woman to turn around. She came face to face with Becky; the girl at the park who she hadn’t seen since Izzy’s birthday. Also known as one of the only people who met Camila Jauregui - Cabello and did not once ask for a photo or even an autograph. Was Becky even right in her head?
The singer smiled. “Becky, hey. How are you? It’s been a while.”
The teenager nodded. “Yeah it has. I haven’t seen the little munchkin in the park since forever,” she stooped at Izzy’s height and ruffled her hair. “How you been, kiddo? I was worried something happened to you.”
“I’ve been good. Mummy and Mama haven’t been taking me to the park. How’s Nugget?” Izzy asked. She had taken a huge liking to the dog. It was true that her parents haven’t took her there in a while, but only due to busy schedules and Camila being too lazy to exert herself physically.
“Nugget is good. I think he misses you a lot though.”
“Can I get to see him soon?” Izzy looked at the girl with pleading eyes.
Becky shrugged. “If your parents will allow you, then of course. You know where to find me,” she winked. “Anyway, I should probably get going.” She saw the way Camila was staring at her, it made her feel a bit uncomfortable. It was almost as though the woman was analyzing her. “Um…” she said awkwardly. “Everything…okay?”
Camila snapped out of it and blinked her eyes continuously for a few moments. “Y-yeah,” she stuttered. “It’s just that you possess….your resemblance to someone I used to know, is uncanny.”
“I guess I just have one of those faces,” she smiled, however her facial expression seemed as though she was hiding something and Camila just couldn’t figure out what. “Was it someone close to you?”
The singer sighed. She looked down at her daughter who was seemingly starting to get tired of standing in one spot. After the bake off, Camila decided to stop by the grocery and grab a few items. Since her wife had been away, she had mainly ordered food because not just Izzy, but she as well was terrified of her cooking. “It’s just water under the bridge now I guess…” She trailed off. It wasn’t necessarily forgotten, no matter how hard she tried to simply just forget it, but it was in the past and she would rather keep it there.
Becky reached out her hand when she saw the said expression on the singer’s face but she pulled back at the last minute. The two weren’t exactly that close. “Hey…if you ever…you know want to talk about it, I’m all ears. My friends tell me I’m a great listener.” The teenager smiled when she saw Camila’s lips slightly curl upwards.
“Thank you, Becky. That really is a nice offer. I might just take you up on that offer one day,” she looked down at her daughter again, who sighed dramatically. “But I really should pay for these stuff and get dinner started. This one here seems as though she’s going to pass out.”
Becky laughed and patted the child on the head. “Yeah, I understand. I’m late as it is. So, my mom would probably have my head. It was nice seeing you Camila. You too, Izzy.”
The brunette watched as the girl walked away. She wasn’t exactly sure but she felt as though this girl was her sister. She felt some sort of connection every time she was around her.
But if she was, didn’t she know who Camila was? Her mother had said that she did. Unless Becky did have one of those faces. There are supposedly seven people in the world who look exactly like you, so maybe it was just a coincidence.
“Buenas noches, mija,” Lauren greeted her daughter when Camila had accepted the FaceTime request. It’s a wonder how some people can answer a FaceTime video call just like that without having the need to prepare, because unfortunately, some of us are ugly. 
That’s just the perks of being beautiful.
“Hey, Camz,” the photographer smiled when she laid eyes on her wife.
Izzy perked up when she saw her other mother. Camila barely having any chance to greet her wife but it was already late, so she was allowing her to get all that she needed to say out. “Hi, mama! How are you? I miss you so much. Do you miss me?”
Lauren couldn’t help the tinge of sadness she felt when her daughter said she missed her. It was obvious that she would. FaceTime isn’t exactly the same as being there but it was what they had to work with. “Of course, I miss you. I miss you so much. I’ve been annoying Natasha all day with how much I miss you.” She pouted. “Is mummy taking good care of you?”
“We won the bake off today! Mummy and I made Torta Mil Hojas,” Izzy informed her mother. “You were going to come with me and we were going to make a Quesillo, right?”
The older woman nodded. “Congrats you two! I didn’t think you had it in you.” Camila childishly rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out. “Did you have fun with mummy, princesa?”
Izzy nodded her head. “I did! Aunty Dinah came as well. She said she loved the cake but she didn’t think I saw but I did, I saw her throw it in the garbage.”
“Wait what!?” Camila asked clearly shocked. “Dinah did that? But she said she loved it.” Lauren snorted in the background. “What!? Lauren that’s not funny! I’m going to call her right now.” She grabbed her phone that was resting on the bed. She dialed her friend’s number, and she answered on the second ring.
“Walz, hey…” but before she could finish her sentence, Camila had cut her off.
Lauren and Izzy both staring at her as though she was crazy. Maybe she should just make like Elsa and just let it go.
“Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen Amasio Kane,” Camila said her friend’s name all in one breath. The choreographer muttered a quiet 'shit’ on the other side of the phone. She didn’t know what she did, but obviously when someone uses your full name that just means that you’re in deep shit. “Did you or did you not toss my dessert that I slaved over into the bin?”
If Camila could’ve seen the look on her friend’s face right now, she probably would’ve smacked her. She was trying her best to bite back a laugh but was failing miserably. “Are you being forreal right now? Is this what you called me about? What if I was getting it on with Dante?”
Camila rolled her eyes. “You didn’t answer my question Dinah Jane. Did you or did you not toss my dessert into the bin?”
“I meannnn…maybe I did. But come on Walz, you and I both know you’re not the best cook,” Dinah said. Which was true. Izzy decided to ignore the conversation between her mother and Dinah, and continued to talk to Lauren. “I’m sorry if it hurt your feelings. I didn’t intend on you finding out. Wait…how did you even find out?”
“Izzy,” Camila said. “It’s okay anyway, I just wanted to mess with you for a bit.” She laughed. “Was it THAT horrible though?”
Dinah snorted. “Guurlll…okay no it wasn’t that horrible. But I was afraid it would’ve kicked in and killed me.” She laughed. “Wait, shouldn’t you be FaceTiming your baby daddy right now?”
Camila rolled her eyes at the mention of her wife. “I am right now. Izzy is getting sleepy, so I should get going. Good night you terrible, best friend.”
Her friend laughed. “I love you too, Milz. Good night. Kiss baby Camren for me!”
“What?” Camila asked when she saw her wife staring at her with one of the biggest smiles on her face.
Lauren just shook her head and shrugged. “Nothing.”
“Then why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
Camila rolled her eyes and couldn’t hold back her own smile. “Like, I don’t know. Like you love me.”
Izzy butted in. “But mama loves you, mummy. And she loves me too. But I think mama loves me more. Is that right?”
The green eyed mother laughed. “Of course, princesa. I love you the most. You’re perfect.”
Right when the child was about to respond, she yawned and rubbed at her eyes. “I tired,” she muttered and snuggled up to her mother.
“Aw, are you ready for bed?” Izzy nodded against Camila’s chest. “Tell mama good night and then I’ll tuck you in.”
The young Jauregui turned to the screen again. “Good night, mama. I love you, so much.” She blew a kiss and Lauren pretended to catch it, placing her fist over her heart.
“Good night, mi amor. Sweetest of dreams. I love and I miss you already.” She watched as her wife walked away with their daughter to carry her up to her room.
Do you remember when you were a kid and you fell asleep on the couch or  in the car and your parents would take you up to your room? Now you pass out on the couch and wake up on the floor. 
And we really wanted to grow up. 
A couple minutes passed and Camila reentered the room. She paused when she heard the soft singing coming from her MacBook. 
“We even counted us out, We weren’t sure we’d make it, But we’ve learned no matter what they dish out,” Lauren sang softly but loud enough for her wife to hear her.
Camila smiled to herself when she heard Lauren’s raspy voice coming out of the speakers. She had never really heard her wife sing before. It was usually her who sang. “It’s nothing, we can take it. We’ll go down in history. They’ll describe our love as…”
Lauren looked startled for a moment as she wasn’t expecting Camila to be back so soon.
“Incredible,” they both sang together. Their voices complemented each other’s perfectly.
“Sorry,” Lauren muttered. “I didn’t hear you come in. Is Izzy asleep?”
Camila nodded. “Yeah she is.” She paused. “I see you listened to my album….” She trailed off trying to gauge a reaction from her wife, but her face didn’t expose anything. “What’s your thoughts on it?" 
Her wife shrugged. "It’s okay.”
The brunette fake gasped. “Ouch. You cut me deep, real deep, oh terrible wife of mine.”
“I’m kidding. I like it. It’s raw and filled with emotion….emotions you never told me you felt,” Lauren looked at her wife. “Did it…did it really hurt you that bad?”
The singer sighed and looked down. She played with her fingers for a moment until looking back up at her wife. “It did. When I didn’t know what really happened, it had hurt that much.”
“Because of your dad?”
Camila nodded. “It just brought back the memories of what he did. It was as though I was a kid again,” she sighed. “But it wasn’t just that. I’m afraid of losing you, Lauren. I don’t have a life without you.”
The photographer shook her head 'no’. “Camz…I’m never going to hurt you the way your dad hurt you. I don’t want to destroy our family the way he destroyed yours. I know I should’ve told you in the beginning what actually happened, but we’re working pass that.”
Camila nodded. “I know…I just. We were a family. Mom, dad and I. Then we weren’t one. We were, then we weren’t and that broke me,” she wiped at her eyes and laughed. “I’m sorry. You didn’t call to talk about this shit.”
“I called to talk to you and Izzy. And if you’re not okay, let’s talk about this,” Lauren said sincerely.
“I feel like…” Camila paused trying to gather her words. “I feel like when we think about 'meant to be’ we think about forever. A lifetime. But maybe it isn’t supposed to last forever. Maybe it’s just someone who’s supposed to come into your life to teach your something or to make you feel something,” she shrugged. “Maybe the forever isn’t the person, but it’s what we get from them.”
“Camz…” Lauren began but she stopped. She didn’t know how to respond to what her wife had just said. “Maybe you’re right. But, Camz I could never have a forever if you’re not the person there with me. Maybe we met each other for a reason. To teach each other something. But I am irrevocably in love with you. Our forever should be with the person and it should be to learn something from each other.”
Camila sighed. She knew her wife wanted to be with her. She knew Lauren was sorry for what had happened between them. But what was the problem?
The problem is that when we’re in love we become insecure. Things we were so sure about, even though we may have known the truth for years, we decide to question it now. We spend a wasteful amount of time and energy questioning, analysing the change in behaviour, in tone, speech and we begin to blame ourselves for it. When it probably has nothing to do with us.
The thing is, we need to trust ourselves, our guts and know that we didn’t do anything wrong. But yet, that’s easier said than done. If we know it in our heart, in our minds that we didn’t do anything wrong, then why do we make such a big deal out of it?
So maybe, the way Camila reacted to the situation, wasn’t entirely her fault, but at the same time, Lauren didn’t know anything or much about her past because she had done a great job at keeping it hidden. But Lauren had apologized constantly about what had happened, but maybe all it did was further irritate the situation.
“A year ago, everything was different you know?” Camila stated rhetorically. “I wouldn’t have pictured myself like this, us like this. But now I realise as I look back, a year can do a lot to a person.”
A relationship, a marriage, means you come together to make each other better. It’s not all about you, and it’s not all about them. Its all about the relationship that the both of you decided to come together to make. You support their dreams and visions. You help them find themselves when they’re lost in the wilderness. You help calm those dreadful thoughts in their head. You help them because they help you. Make each other better. Make each other the better version that they can be. Challenge each other to go beyond average. Find the greatness within each other and help them to find a way to tap into that and release it.
Make sure they can find their biggest fan in you, and you can find yours in them.
A relationship isn’t all about sex. Or having someone to hold you during the night. It’s about the emotional connection that you two possess, where you can talk about any and everything.
“I love you. Please never doubt that. Even if you can’t see it right now, just know that in my heart, I am hopelessly in love with you.”
Camila had a small smile on her face. “I love you too, Lauren. So much more than I could even begin to say.”
“Becky?” The teenager was startled when she heard someone call her name. She was currently strolling through the park after going for a mid day jog. 
When she turned around, she smiled. “Camila. Hey.” She put the cap back on her water bottle and then addressed her. “You’re out jogging?” She smirked.
Camila rolled her eyes. “Yes I am. What’s with that face?”
“I thought you don’t like doing anything physical?”
“And I thought you weren’t a fan of me?” The singer countered back causing Becky to toss her head back in laughter. 
“Okay. You got me there,” Becky admitted. “But I think if anyone else were in my position where they kept meeting someone famous, they would do their research on them. And I may have watched an interview or five.” She shrugged.
Camila drank some of her own water. She wasn’t exactly sure why she went out for a run, besides the fact that it was a beautiful day and she was just lazing away at home. She could’ve gone to the studio and mess around a bit with some vocals, but she wasn’t in the mood to do that. Plus, if she had started to do that, Izzy would’ve been left waiting at the pavement for her. “And after watching these interviews, what are your thoughts on me?" 
"I just think that someone needs to give you a damn high five already,” Becky started to laugh causing Camila to join right in. “But, I don’t need any interviews to know what type of person that you are. I already think you’re pretty dope." 
The singer smiled, and playfully bumped shoulders with the teenager. "If it’s any consolation, I think you’re pretty dope yourself.” They walked around aimlessly for a few minutes until they found an empty bench and took a seat. “How come you’re not at school?”
“I don’t have any classes today. I go to Lion Crest; it’s a private high school not too far from here. There’s some event today and I decided to ditch for a bit.”
“Does your mom know?”
Becky nodded. “Yeah she does. If I ditched, my mom would have my ass on a silver platter, to be honest.” She laughed. 
“Is your mom strict?”
The teenager sighed. “I won’t say that she’s strict, she just cares a lot. She just wants me to be the best version of me that I can be. Since my dad passed away, I think it got a lot worse because now I have to grow up without a father, so I guess she’s trying to take on the both roles of a mom and of a dad.”
Camila looked at her. She saw a tinge of sadness in the girl’s eyes. She knew how it felt to lose a father. She had lost hers when she was 8, but he was lost to the world when she was 15. The thing is, she had spent so many years hating him, that she didn’t ever take the time to mourn his death. Seeing Becky now, and thinking about Alejandro….well, the tug at her heart made her realise that maybe just maybe, she didn’t hate him as much as she thought. 
“How old were you when he died?" 
Becky shrugged. "I was 5, turning 6. I don’t…I don’t remember much about him. I just remember how he would sing to me every night when he got home. How he would take me to the park. He always promised to get me a dog, but he never could,” she sighed heavily, feeling her throat begin to tighten. “He was diagnosed with liver cancer. He would drink himself to sleep almost every night. I didn’t know why he would do that. Why would he purposely hurt himself like that, but when he died and I grew up, my mom told me.” She sighed heavily and looked into Camila’s eyes. “Tell me…tell me what do you see when you look at me." 
Camila furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She felt as though she knew what Becky was talking about, but at the same time, she was in shock. "What do you mean?”
“Uncanny resemblance, remember?” Becky asked. “Rebecca Marie Cabello. I’m your sister." 
Even though Camila had made assumptions as to the identity of this girl, of who Becky was, hearing her say it was completely different. Instead of saying anything, she just stared at her. It all made sense now; why she looked so familiar. 
She could now see her father’s smile, whenever Becky smiled. Her father’s eyes, even though the teenager’s own were a light shade of blue. Looking at Rebecca was practically looking into a mirror at a younger version of herself. 
"I..I…” Camila stuttered not knowing what to say. 
“Do you hate me?” Becky asked softly. “I would understand if you did. I’m the cause for your family breaking up…I.”
But before she could even complete her sentence, Camila butted in. “No…no. No. I don’t hate you, Becky. I could never hate you. I never even thought about hating you. And I don’t blame you for what happened. You didn’t even exist back then, so how could I?” When Camila saw the relief flash on the girl’s face, she smiled. 
“Can I…can I hug you?” Rebecca asked meekly, afraid that Camila would’ve said no, but when she felt arms being wrapped around her, she knew that wasn’t so. When they pulled away it was silent for a moment. “Did you know about me?”
The older sister nodded. “I did. But not for long though. My mom gave me your number, and I just…I just wasn’t sure if I was ready to meet you as yet." 
Becky nodded in understanding. "I get it. When I accidentally met you the first time, it took everything within me to not tell you who I was, but I managed to control myself. I had told my mom that I met you, she was a bit worried that you might’ve I don’t know pissed off on me.”
“Does your mom know you’ve been meeting me all this time?”
The girl shook her head 'no’. “I had to lie about Izzy’s party. She wanted to meet the person who’s party I was going to, but I had to convince her not to. She’s overprotective, for good reasons I guess." 
Camila nodded. She stood and pulled Becky up with her. "To be honest, I always wanted a sister, and I never wanted to have one the way I have you. I have so much going on right now, but I want you to know, that I don’t hate you, nor am I mad at you. I can’t say the same about your mom,” Becky nodded. She can understand why Camila felt the way she did towards her mother, but this was a start. “But, I’m looking forward to having you in my life. In time, I’ll tell Izzy about you and my wife. Possibly even my fans….but not right now." 
Becky smiled. "I get it. I’ll have to ease my mom into this as well. I mean, she and Sinu talk, but she knew how you were when shit went down, so I guess my mom is just a bit skeptical.”
“I should get going though,” Camila glanced at her watch. “It’s almost time for me to pick Izzy up from school. I’ll bring her to the park later. Maybe you can drop by and bring Nugget?" 
Her younger sister nodded. "Yeah. I think I can.”
Camila smiled. “I’ll see you around?”
“You will." 
Wattpad: Commander_Camren
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groriatrevi10xx · 1 year
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✨...Mundo Oscuro...✨
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Why Did I Get Married? (Camren)
Part 12: A Family Affair
“Knock, knock,” Izzy heard her mother’s voice as she pushed open her bedroom door. The child had been laying in her bed, clutching her stuffed Olaf; from Frozen, tightly to her chest.
She glanced up when she heard her mother. “Buenos días, mummy.”
Camila smiled and sat on her daughter’s bed. “Buenos días, mija. How are you?”
Izzy sighed dramatically. “I don’t want to go to school.”
Her mother laughed. “Why don’t you?”
The child sat up on her bed. “Because I’m away from you and mama. And Brittney is annoying. She’s always singing your song Havana, and I don’t like it.” The child frowned.
Camila gasped. “Wait, what? You don’t like Havana? Why not?”
Izzy smiled mischievously and didn’t respond.
“Wow. My own child does not stan my talent. I’m sad, princesa,” Camila pouted at her daughter. Izzy went and sat on her mother’s lap and wrapped her arms around her.
“I’m sorry, mummy,” the child said. “I like Only Told The Moon.”
Camila smiled and placed her index finger on her lips, shushing her daughter. “But shh, my fans don’t need to get the studio version, even though they’re dying for it. That’s our little secret.”
Izzy zipped her lips and nodded.
“Anyway, princesa, you’re not going to school today.” The four year old looked at her mother in confusion. As far as she knew, she had a very long day of suffering awaiting her. “You’ll be going out with Mama and I.”
Izzy furrowed her eyebrows. “Why?”
Camila sighed and tried to collect her thoughts. She wished Lauren would’ve been the one to give their daughter this talk, but she stupidly volunteered to do it. “Well, princesa, your mama and I go to a doctor…to help us be better parents for you and to help us stay together as a family.”
Izzy nodded.
“And our doctor wants to talk to you,” Camila tried to gauge the child reaction but she gave nothing away. “Are you okay with talking to her?”
Izzy nodded again. “Can I bring my Olaf with me? 
Camila kissed her daughter on the nose. "Of course you can, baby. Let’s get you ready, yeah?”
After dressing the child, in a pair of black distressed jeans, her favourite pair of pink converse and a pink shirt to complement her shoes, Izzy headed downstairs to have breakfast with her parents.
“Buenos días, mama,” Izzy greeted her other mother with a kiss to her cheek. Lauren helped her into her chair as she placed a plate with some toast and strawberry marmalade for her. Izzy scrunched up her nose at the sight of her breakfast, but she began eating it nonetheless.
“Did mummy tell you where we’re going today?”
The child nodded with some toast in her mouth. Swallowing, she took a sip of her tea. “Yes, I’m glad I don’t have to go to school.”
Lauren laughed. “You have at least 20 years of school left, princesa.”
Izzy’s jaw dropped. “But I’ll be so oldddd!”
Both her parents gasped.
“Wow, Izzy. You do know Mama and I are 25 and 26, right?” Camila asked her and the child looked at her in shock. “Oh my god, what is it with children and the concept of ageing?”
Lauren ran her hand through her hair and took a sip of her coffee. “I’m sure you were the same way as a kid. My younger cousin is always shocked when I tell her my age. Another one called me an old lady when he was mad at me.”
Camila laughed. “Is that Adrian?” Lauren nodded. “He’s such a strange kid. But you’re not old, Laur.”
“You’re only saying that because you’re just a year younger than me,” Izzy stared at her parents.
“Wait, mama you’re 26?” Lauren nodded in confirmation. “And you’re 25?” Camila shook her head ‘yes’. “And I’m 4.”
“Yes, princesa, we know. And your birthday is coming upppp,” the Argentinian mother said excitedly. “Are you excited?!”
Izzy nodded frantically. “Yes! I forgot it’s soon. Tía Maggie said she has something special to give me,” she took the last bite of her food. “I hope it’s cheesecake, with a chocolate Olaf on it.”
Lauren kinked an eyebrow at her wife. Silently asking her why on earth would a cake be something special. Their child was weird. They established that a long, long time ago.
“Are you done?”
Izzy slid her plate to her mother, hopped down the stool and ran upstairs to brush her teeth.
“Don’t forget to grab your Olaf, mija. He’s still on your bed.”
Camila’s phone went off and she pulled it out of her pocket to be greeted to a text from Ariana. While Lauren and Izzy were getting ready, she decided to message her.
Wifey: Heyy, Camzii. So I need to ask you a small favour.
Camila: Is that the only time you acknowledge my existence? When you want something?
Wifey: Yes. That’s exactly when I acknowledge your existence.
Camila: Slipping my phone back into my pocket now.
Wifey: Wait! I want your hot sister in law’s number.
Camila: Oh really? 😏
Wifey: Oh don’t make that face. Just give me the damn number.
Camila: Ooh so aggressive. Maggie likes being dominated in bed from time to time. 🤭
Wifey: Oh sweet baby, Jesus. I should’ve texted, Lauren instead. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Camila: Lol. I’m just messing with you. 🤪
Camila: Maggie - 1 305 555 7623
Wifey: Thank you. Now goodbye, you annoying human being. Love you. 💕
Camila: I’m not THAT annoying. Love you too. ❣
“Are you ready to go?” Lauren asked her wife as she reentered the kitchen.
Camila nodded. “Yeah I am. Also…” She showed Lauren her phone. “I just gave Ariana, Maggie’s number. Should I have done that?”
“I mean, they seemed to have liked each other?” Lauren shrugged. “I’m not sure. Ariana is nice, and Maggie is annoying. The perfect couple.”
Her wife laughed. “Come on, let’s get going.”
“Camila, Lauren,” Marissa greeted the couple happily. She then noticed their daughter who accompanied them. The child had her Olaf clutched tightly against her chest as she stared with wide eyes at everything in her sight. The secretary came from behind her desk and stooped to Izzy’s height. “Hey there,” she smiled.
Izzy brought her Olaf up a bit higher and stepped back. “Hi.” She whispered shyly. Since when was this kid shy? She had randomly met a complete stranger just the other day.
“My name is Marissa. What’s yours, cutie?”
Lauren placed her hand on the child’s shoulder and smiled down at her. “Um..my name is Emilia, but everyone calls me Izzy because I like that name more.”
Marissa smiled at her. “Aw! That’s a cute name. I really like it. I like your Olaf too. He’s my favourite character in Frozen.”
At the mention of the child’s favourite movie, she perked up a bit. “Really? He’s my favourite character too! Mama doesn’t like Frozen.” She pouted and looked up at Lauren.
The photographer laughed. “It’s not that I don’t like it princesa. It’s just you’ve seen it over 50 times.”
“But that’s not a lot!” Izzy and Camila said at the same time.
Marissa laughed. “I’ll tell Doctor Briggs that you guys are here. You can have a seat.” After a few moments, the secretary came back and said it was okay for them to head into the room.
They were met to Doctor Briggs pouring herself a cup of coffee. She turned to face the family when she heard the door open. “Good morning, Camila, Lauren,” she smiled when she saw there daughter. “And who might you be?”
Izzy shied away behind Lauren. “Hi,” she said softly.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
She looked up at her parents who nodded for her to answer. “I’m Emilia Isabella Jauregui. But everyone calls me Izzy. I like that name better.”
Doctor Briggs smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Izzy. My name is Doctor Chelsea Briggs, but you can call me Chelsea. Okay?” The child nodded. “Why don’t you have a seat?”
The family took a seat opposite to their therapist. As she pulled out her notepad, she noticed that Izzy was clutching onto her stuffed Olaf with one hand and the other was in Camila’s.
“So Izzy, there’s no need to be scared, okay? I just want to see things from your side about what’s going on at home,” Doctor Briggs directed to the child who nodded. “Is that okay with you, sweetheart?”
Izzy looked between her parents who nodded and smiled at her. “Yes.”
The therapist then turned to the child’s parents. “Camila, Lauren, I’m going to have to ask you to give us a moment. It’s just for Izzy’s benefit, she might not want to say certain things with you two being here.”
The couple nodded and gave their daughter a hug and a kiss, assuring her that things would be okay.
Izzy watched as her parents exited the room. She mindlessly swung her feet as she fiddled with her Olaf.
“So, Izzy, I want you to call me Chelsea okay?” The child nodded. “I’m going to ask you a few questions, okay? They’re super easy, so there’s no need to worry.”
Izzy nodded again. “Okay. I like questions. My mummy has a song called 'I have questions.’ I like it,” she said randomly.
Doctor Briggs smiled. “There are no right or wrong answers, okay? You can answer however you want.”
Izzy nodded.
“So your name is Emilia, right? Why did you want to be called Izzy?”
The child shrugged. “I don’t like Emilia, it’s weird. Plus, my mummy doesn’t use her first name 'Karla’, so I want to be like her.”
Doctor Briggs took a note of that. It seemed that even though, Camila wasn’t around much, Izzy still looked up to her.
“How old are you?”
Izzy furrowed her brows, “I’m four. My birthday is soon, so I’ll be five.”
Doctor Briggs nodded. “You’re very beautiful, Izzy. You look just like your parents.” The child blushed slightly. “I really like your shirt. Did you pick it out this morning?”
Izzy shook her head 'no’. “Mummy likes to choose my outfits. She said I’m going to be a,” The child bit her lip and furrowed her eyebrows looking for the word Camila used to describe her. “Fashion icon. But I don’t know what that is. But mama lets me wear what I want.”
Chelsea smiled. “Well I like your clothes very much, sweetheart. Do you like games?”
Izzy nodded. “Yes! Games are fun.”
“Okay, so we’re going to play a game called card toss. Do you know what it is?” The child shook her head 'no’ because she never heard of it before. It also sounded like a poor person’s game because now she had an iPad, she doesn’t play those basic games anymore. “Well its all about throwing the most cards into this basket here,” Doctor Briggs placed a basket on a table and stood next to Izzy’s seat. She helped the child down. “Let’s start, yeah? You go first.”
After a few rounds, of Chelsea purposely losing, she got Izzy laughing and talking excitedly about how her aunty Maggie would love that game. And she was going to show her it the next time she came to visit her.
“Right,” Doctor Briggs exclaimed as she took a seat again. “You beat me so many times! You’re really good at this, Izzy.”
The child giggled. “I liked the game.”
“So I have some more serious questions for you okay?” Izzy sighed. “We’ll be done soon, yeah?”
“What’s your favourite colour?”
Izzy pointed at the shirt she was wearing. “I like pink.”
Doctor Briggs picked up her notepad and tapped her pen against it. “Can you tell me about your mama?”
The child smiled broadly. “I love mama. She’s the best cook ever! She’s fun. She makes me happy. We have tickle fights a lot and she makes me laugh until I can’t breathe. Everyone says I look like my mama and she’s so pretty. I love my mama.” The child rambled on and on about all the things she did with Lauren and every other sentence, she would say how much she loves her.
Doctor Briggs’ heart swelled at the excitement the child portrayed when she spoke about her mother. “Do you enjoy spending time with her?”
Izzy nodded. “Yes. Especially when mama takes me to the park and I meet my friend Lena. We go down the slides together. Then mama takes me for ice cream, but I can’t eat too much because mama says sweets are bad for me,” she pouted. “But I steal cookies from the jar when she’s not looking.” The child smiled mischievously. “But not all the time because I’ll get in trouble.”
Doctor Briggs laughed softly. “Right,” she wrote in her notepad before addressing the child again. “Can you tell me about aunty Hailee? Do you like her?”
The young Jauregui - Cabello clutched her Olaf and shook her head 'yes’. “I like aunty Hailee a lot. She comes to my dance recitals and picks me up from school. Then sometimes she plays with me and my dolls. She’s nice.” She paused. “But mummy doesn’t like aunty Hailee.”
Doctor Briggs kinked an eyebrow and wrote that down. “Why do you say that?”
“Because mummy doesn’t seem happy when aunty Hailee is around.”
“Can you tell me about your mummy, Izzy?”
The child rubbed her eyes. “Mummy is nice. I love her a lot. She takes me to the park, to see abuelita and other fun stuff when she’s home. She’s a singer,” Izzy pointed out as though, Doctor Briggs didn’t know. “Do you like mummy’s songs?”
“Yes, I do. I like 'Inside Out’. What’s your favourite song of hers?”
Izzy paused and thought about it for a moment. “I like…I like Sangria Wine. It’s fun to dance to. Mummy taught me. Do you want me to teach you?” Doctor Briggs laughed and shook her head 'no’. “I don’t like Havana. Brittney is always singing it and it’s annoying because she can’t sing like mummy. Mummy has a nice voice,” the child gushed.
“Do you see your mummy a lot?”
Izzy looked down and fumbled with the bottom of her shirt. “No,” she whispered. “I want to see my mummy everyday but I don’t.” She looked back up at Doctor Briggs with a frown on her face. “I…I miss her when she’s gone.” The child’s lips started quivering. “But she doesn’t comeback when I tell her I miss her.” That was it, the child’s tears began to flow. Chelsea stood up and went to sat next to her, pulling her into her arms, rubbing soothing circles into her back.
After a few minutes, Izzy eventually stopped crying. She didn’t notice that she had soaked Chelsea’s shirt, but even Chelsea didn’t care. Her heart broke a bit when she saw how much Camila’s absence had affected the child.
“Can you make my mummy stay with me forever?” Izzy looked up at the therapist and asked her.
Doctor Briggs ran her fingers through the child’s hair. “I don’t think I can. But I’ll talk to her for you, okay?”
“Okay,” Izzy said softly.
“So Izzy, I have something fun for you to do!” Chelsea said excitedly sparking some curiosity in the child. She moved away and grabbed a sheet of paper and some crayons. “Can you draw me a picture of your family for me?”
“I love to draw! My aunty Maggie says I’m really good at it. She keeps one of my drawings of her in her wallet,” The child said as she took the paper and began to draw. After about ten minutes of Izzy making weird faces as she tried to recreate her idea of her family, she showed her finished work to the therapist.
Doctor Briggs examined the picture and decided to wait until the session was over to question the child about it.
“Does your mama take you to see your mummy at work?” Izzy nodded. “Do you get to see her a lot when you’re there?”
The child shook her head 'no’. “Not really. She’s busy a lot. But I get to meet some of my favourite singers. I met Demi the last time mummy was away. She’s really nice. She gave me my Olaf,” Izzy raised the stuffed toy to show Chelsea it. “Did you know she sang 'Let It Go’ for Frozen?”
“Really? I didn’t know!”
Izzy nodded. “Yes she did. I sang it for Demi once and she said I have a really good voice just like my mummy. But I don’t think I want to be a singer. I like sports more.”
“What kind of sports?” Doctor Briggs asked.
Izzy went on to list all the sports that she was interested in. The child was really good at football but as Americans say 'soccer’ because they just had to be unique for some weird reason.
“Do you think your mama misses mummy when she’s not at home with you?”
Izzy frowned. “Yes, she does. We both do. But I sometimes see mama cry when mummy comes on the tv.”
“And what about your mummy? Do you think she misses you?”
The child paused for a moment and Doctor Briggs made a note of that. “She should stay home with us if she misses us.”
“Do you love your parents?” Izzy nodded without hesitation. “Does anyone make fun of you for having two mummies?”
Izzy shook her head 'no.’ “Charlie made fun of me once but I told my Aunty Maggie and she came to school and started to yell at Miss Kylie, then when Charlie came to school, Maggie almost beat him up and his daddy. But mama had to stop her,” Izzy giggled. “Aunty Maggie is crazy.”
“Can you tell me about your Aunty Maggie?”
Izzy perked up a lot at the mention of her aunt. “I love Aunty Maggie! She’s the BEST! She’s funny and she’s always at home. I like spending time with her when she’s not working. Sometimes when mummy leaves, Aunty Maggie carries me to the park and pushes me on the swings to cheer me up. Then we go to McDonald’s and we get two happy meals and Aunty Maggie gives me her toy. She says two toys is double the happiness,” Doctor Briggs made a note of how the child reacted to the mention of her aunt. They seemed to have a very strong relationship and Maggie’s presence in her life was very significant. “Aunty Maggie can’t cook.” Izzy said randomly. “But when she makes me food, I pretend it tastes good so she can be happy too.”
“Aww,” Doctor Briggs said audibly. The child was literally a lot different from the others she had interacted with.
“Aunty Maggie is the best. I love her lots,” Izzy stated with finality.
“Your Aunty Maggie sounds lovely,” Doctor Briggs smiled. “Have you ever heard your mama and mummy talk loudly to one another?”
Izzy frowned and sighed. “I hear them sometimes. It makes me sad. They argue about aunty Hailee and how mummy isn’t home much.”
“Do you know what a divorce is, Izzy?”
The child contemplated for a moment until she answered. “Destiny’s parents got a divorce and she doesn’t live with the both of them anymore. Her mummy and daddy and her don’t live in the same house anymore,” she responded. “It makes Destiny sad and I don’t want to be sad like Destiny.”
“You know your parents love you and they will never do anything to hurt you right?”
Izzy nodded. “I do.”
“One more question and then we’re done, okay? Can you tell me about your drawing?” Doctor Briggs placed the drawing in front of the child. “Who are these people?”
“Well, that’s mama, mummy, me, aunty Hailee and aunty Maggie. Aunty Maggie is holding my baby brother and that’s my puppy. I named him Chicken because I like chicken.”
Doctor Briggs laughed at the dog’s name. “That’s cute. But alright, Izzy. We’re finished here. It was really nice meeting you and talking to you.”
Izzy got up and gave Chelsea a big hug. She looked the therapist in her eyes, “I love you,” the child said seriously. “Bye!”
After a few minutes, Camila and Lauren reentered the room, this time without Izzy. She was left for Marissa to entertain.
“Camila, Lauren, have a seat. We have a lot to discuss.” Doctor Briggs gestured to the chair opposite her. She crossed her legs and picked up her notepad.
“How bad is it? I’m a horrible mother aren’t I?” Camila blurted out.
Doctor Briggs flipped through her sheets. “Not necessarily. Izzy loves the both of you very much. And you; Camila, even though you’re not home much, you still have such a strong impact on your daughter.”
“What do you mean?”
“The usage of her second name instead of her first. She does that because you don’t go by Karla. She enjoys your music and enjoys to dance to your song; Sangria Wine,” Chelsea stared at her notes. “However, your absence is quite significant on her wellbeing. She cried when I asked her about that.”
Camila frowned, “What did she say?”
“She asked me if I could make you stay with her forever. She doesn’t like the fact that you have to leave.”
Every single time Camila would return home, Izzy would be extremely happy, yes, but the thought of her mother leaving again was something she feared. She knew it was going to happen so she always braced herself for it. Which obviously seemed to take a toll on the child.
“Was she okay after that?” Camila asked the doctor. She turned to face Lauren. “I made Izzy cry. I’m horrible, Laur. I’m a horrible mother. I don’t deserve to be a mother. I really don’t.”
Doctor Briggs sat upright and looked at the couple. “Let’s talk about my assignment first before we dive too deep into Izzy.” The couple nodded. “So how did it go? How was your first night together?”
Lauren decided to take this question because her wife was clearly beating herself up about their daughter. “It went fine. As soon as we got home, Camila headed into the guest room and started to pack her stuff up. Buuuttt,” she stressed on the word laughing a bit. “Izzy came in while we were moving her back into our room and she was confused about it at first. Short story, she asked for a sleep over, so we ended up having a sleep over the first night.”
Doctor Briggs nodded. “So it wasn’t too awkward after the first night?”
“It sort of was. Personally speaking, I still find it somewhat awkward, but I’m learning to adjust to it,” Camila said.
“It’s the same for me. Especially on mornings when we find our limbs intertwined with one another,” the singer blushed profusely when her wife mentioned it. She had loved feeling her wife next to her but she wasn’t quite ready to take that step of 'cuddling’ as yet.
Doctor Briggs wrote about the couple’s experience for a few moments, until she looked up. “So let’s get on to Izzy shall we? I know you’re both really eager to find out what she had to say.” Camila and Lauren nodded in agreement. “So Lauren, Izzy had a lot of great things to say about you. She loves you dearly and she enjoys when you both go to the park. She mentioned a friend named; Lena?”
Lauren smiled. “Yeah she has a friend named Elena. They usually meet up at the park. I think you met her already, Camz.”
“Oh yeah, she was the one who liked Crying in the Club.”
“Then I questioned her about Hailee,” Camila kinked an eyebrow but remained calm. “Hailee has a wonderful impact on Izzy. She mentioned that she attends her dance recitals and they play together?”
Lauren confirmed that.
“She also mentioned,” Chelsea flipped through her notes. “That you don’t seem to like her, Camila.”
“You don’t like her, Camila. It’s pretty obvious.”
“Yeah but how does Izzy know?
"Because you always get mad when she’s around or I bring her up. Lowkey you’re doing it right now.”
Camila rolled her eyes. “Did she say why?”
“She just said you don’t look happy when she’s around,” Doctor Briggs said as she looked at her notes. “She loves you a lot, Camila. She likes your voice and your song Sangria Wine.”
Camila laughed.
“But I asked her if she sees you a lot and she said no. That’s where we got into the topic of her wanting me to ask you to stay,” Camila frowned and Lauren took one of her hands into hers. “Judging from what she tells me, she wants you around everyday. She notices the little things you don’t think she does. Like you for example Lauren, when Camila comes on the television, Izzy says you cry.”
Lauren cleared her throat and avoided eye contact with her wife. She didn’t say anything.
“I also asked her about her aunt Maggie?” Doctor Briggs stated it in a form of a question. She wasn’t aware of the child having an aunt. “She mentioned a Maggie ever so often.”
Camila smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Maggie is my sister in law. Lauren’s younger sister. What did she say?”
“Oh she said a lot. She really loves Maggie. She protects her and makes her happy when you’re gone,” Doctor Briggs said to Camila. “Izzy even tries to make Maggie happy as well. She said she can’t cook, but she pretends to enjoy it to make her aunt happy.”
Lauren shook her head and laughed. “That sounds like our Maggie alright.”
“Maggie is seen as another mother figure in her life. She looks up to her judging from the little I got out of Izzy,” the couple nodded. “Were you both aware that someone; a classmate had been giving her information relating to your situation?”
Camila and Lauren both seemed utterly confused. Izzy has never mentioned that before. But why would she?
“A classmate; Destiny she said her name was,” Camila looked at Lauren, silently asking who this girl was.
“She’s Ally’s kid. Izzy’s paediatrician. You remember Ally right?” Camila nodded. “She and Zayn had been married for about five years until they got a divorce late last year I think. Destiny is in Izzy’s class and I guess she’s been talking about what went down between her parents.” Lauren shrugged.
“But why would Izzy think that something what happened to Ally and Zayn, would happen to me and you?”
Lauren shrugged again. “I don’t know. What did Izzy even say?”
“She claimed Destiny was the one who mentioned a divorce. Izzy said that because of that, Destiny’s parents don’t live together anymore. She seems afraid that it will happen to her own parents, however she knows that you both love her and won’t necessarily do anything to hurt her.”
Doctor Briggs paused for the information to register with the child’s parents.
“It is said that a child with a situation as in the case of having two famous parents, and at Izzy’s age should be around children her age and all that is true,” Doctor Briggs looked at Camila and Lauren. “In Izzy’s case however, where that classmate is providing her with unwanted information it is not healthy for her. Seeing that she is at this age where communication to her is vital and a bit difficult to understand; a new route should be taken into consideration; a plan of action sort of speak.”
Camila nodded. “So we need to basically make her understand what happened to Destiny’s parents won’t happen to us?”
“Exactly. But seeing as she’s young, she doesn’t necessarily understand what is going on. She’s just afraid of losing you both. So as a team; part of your assignment is to come up with a solution to that and update me about it during our next session,” Doctor Briggs jotted down a couple notes. “As for your issue and your daughter, you both are on the right track and I must commend you. It’s a slow process but everything seems to be working quite well for the moment.”
The therapist pulled out Izzy’s drawing and handed it to the child’s parents. “Can you both take a look at this for me? Izzy drew this a while ago. This is something for you both to think about.”
Camila held the painting in her hand and could instantly tell who was who. What caught her attention was the baby in Maggie’s hand. She wanted to say the baby was Maggie’s but she knew her sister in law didn’t want a child. Given that Maggie was in fact a child.
“My assignment for you both is to sit and have a chat with your daughter. Seeing that she has caught on to what is going on. She may not necessarily know all the minor details but she is aware. Let her know that you love her and that you’re not going to do anything to hurt her. She needs reassurance. Let her know that she can come to the both of you if she’s ever unsure about anything.”
Camila nodded. It seemed as though the session was over. She took a moment to settle herself before she turned to her wife. “Lauren….I have something to tell you.”
Doctor Briggs looked between the couple. It was as though, she knew tea was going to be spilled. One of the many reasons why she took up this career.
Lauren kinked an eyebrow. “What is it?”
The singer looked down. “I…um…you know I’m a singer right?”
Her wife nodded. “Yeah?”
“And I…um…you know…” Camila trailed off.
“Just tell me, Camz. I won’t be mad,” Lauren reasoned with her wife.
“I have to go to LA.”
Her wife didn’t react badly. “When are you leaving?”
“I have to leave tomorrow. I tried to delay it as long as I could, but Roger said I can’t keep doing it,” Camila muttered. “I’m sorry.”
She took a deep breath. “For how long?”
“I…I don’t know,” Camila looked up at her wife and saw the sadness in her eyes. It was always like this whenever she had to go.
“But Izzy’s birthday is next week,” Lauren tried to reason with her wife. She didn’t want to get mad at her because she wasn’t.
“I’m sorry, Laur. I have to go.”
What about Izzy? How was Camila going to tell her daughter that?
Lauren nodded. She didn’t respond after that she simply got up and walked out the therapist’s office, Camila followed suit, leaving Doctor Briggs without a chance to say anything. By the time Camila came out the room, Lauren was already in the elevator with their daughter. She didn’t have enough time to be able to get in with her family.
Camila sighed heavily and mentally cursed herself. “Fuck.”
And to think things seemed to have been getting better.
*** Wattpad: Commander_Camren
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