royalbratprince · 6 months
❛ i know i ruined your life. i suffer for it every day. ❜
Quotes That Broke Me starters | accepting but VERY SLOW
The king didn't know if the entire room had gone silent or it was just him. No one else seemed to matter if there was anyone else there at all. "N-- Novus..."
The ache in his knee didn't matter; he needed to lower himself to the floor, trying to take his son's hand carefully in his own. "Don't ever think that of yourself. Ever. Alright?"
How did he even-- Where did he begin? " You didn't-- I was terrified to have children. The idea... I didn't want to saddle anyone with what I'd been expected to do. To be responsible for putting the world back together. Your mother and I, and your uncles, we... talked about that for a long time."
Noctis tried to move aside the idea that his fears were founded. "I was still scared, but the world... it's gotten so much better. A better place to grow up in, and you... you never ruined anything, Novus. And we've got a big family, right? Many people who love you very much. Not because they have to, not because you're a prince; because we love you. You didn't ruin anything."
Maybe it was over-dramatic, he didn't... he didn't know. "But please, Novus, if there's something hurting you, tell us."
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royalbratprince · 8 months
"I don't trust Chocobos."
Prompts From Leverage | accepting but forever slow
The theatrical gasp seemed necessary. To the point where it wasn't entirely a joke, but Noctis supposed that not everyone could be a member of the chocobo fan club. Card-carrying or otherwise. (It was right behind his driver's license.)
"A son of mine doesn't trust chocobos?" Both hands over his chest, Noctis really sold it. Kind of. Or tried to, in the way that not actually having been a theater kid but a prince exposed to political mind games could manage. "Well, alright, you can't really trust them with food that much... but they prefer vegetables, so that's a bonus. But they seem pretty trustworthy otherwise, don't they?"
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royalbratprince · 9 months
"Dad? Do you know the number to the people that made King's Knight? I wanna call 'em and tell them they need better graphics."
Noctis hadn't even properly processed the question before sputtering slightly, but Prompto--
Clear on the other side of the room, Prompto had heard Novus' complaint and had actually doubled over laughing. Not very helpful.
Alright, well. The king could laugh a little at the whole thing, he supposed. "What, retro style isn't cool anymore? That's how games use to be! It's, like... honoring history." Or something.
Of course, Prompto was still laughing.
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royalbratprince · 2 years
[From here, because bonding.]
Uncle Gladio had told him once that Cup Noodles seemed to make everything better in the world and the added cookies helped. Taking a few bites of the noodles, Novus glanced at Noctis, figuring that he’d better come clean about what happened. “I got a detention,” he murmured picking up a cookie hoping he’d been quiet enough with his response. “I was late getting to class so I gotta do it this Saturday. Who does detention on a Saturday?! It’s so stupid! It’s the weekend and you’re not s'pposed to even do school things then. It’s…it’s a time to get away from school!” he rambled taking another bite of noodles. “Maybe if I don’t go that’ll show ‘em that they can’t give me one.”
Well, that was... a little more difficult than he’d been expecting, in ways.  Noctis remained quiet with a thoughtful expression for a few seconds afterward, trying to figure out how to get his point across.  Finally, he decided on, “I don’t think you should try and skip detention.”
He didn’t really want to tell Novus what to do, was the thing.  And trying to force his son to do anything... well, it felt wrong, but beyond that, he really did want to explain his reasons.  “Getting to class on time is a rule for your school, right?  And even kings have to follow rules for different places.  Breaking the rules means consequences, and we should all accept the consequences of our actions.  Even if it means school things on Saturday.”
He was painfully, excruciatingly aware that every last one of Novus’ uncles and even his own mother would be able to call Noctis out on side-stepping responsibility from time to time... but he hoped his lesson stuck.  It sounded reasonable, didn’t it?
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royalbratprince · 1 month
❝ you just cheated! i watched you! ❞
Prompts for Muses Who Are Little Shits | accepting though possibly eternally slow
Uh-oh. "It's totally fine! The rook just got last-minute secret orders from the king! He's got a cell phone!"
Ignis, having no ability and no need to pay attention to the chess game happening across the room as he carefully made notes on his tablet, tisked and shook his head. "Once you let go of a game piece, your move has been made, Noct."
A king did not pout. Of course. But they could get awfully close. Noctis huffed and moved the rook back to where it had been before he saw the better move. "Fine, Iggy, ignore modern technology making everyone's lives easier."
"Shame that it's my duty to remain aware of specific things that make my life more complicated." Offhand, under his breath, and looking much too pleased when his words got an offended cough out of Noctis.
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royalbratprince · 2 months
"Dad? Were you excited to find out that you were gonna be a Dad for a second time after my sister?"
Looking down at his son, Noctis took to staring out the window for a number of seconds, debating exactly how honest he ought to be. He wasn't going to lie, of course not, but similar questions and open honesty had been... a little much, in the past. He didn't want to upset anyone, because it was complicated, and of course there was excitement, just--
Swallowing, he focused on Novus again, smile a little nervous. "Well, I... I was. We all were. And hoping you'd have someone to grow up with." That was the truth! It was! He could just leave it there and be fine!
The king drummed his fingers against his leg for a few seconds, pondering. "And a little terrified. B-but, excited terrified? Right? That's a-- That's a thing."
Oh he was bad at that.
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royalbratprince · 4 months
“ hey, Dad! I got something for you, look! ” The five-year-old grinned as he held up a thumb.
"Oh?" It was probably the combination of getting through a council meeting successfully without having to raise his voice as much as it was the simple joy of sneaking some extra sugar and caffeine in the afternoon, but Noctis was feeling pretty good when he approached the prince with as serious a face as he could manage. He wished Prompto were right behind him taking this picture, but supposed his memory would have to do.
"Hm..." The king made a bit of a show out of crouching down as if to inspect the thumb thoroughly. He even reached out to gently take Novus's hand, turning the thumbs-up lightly in a few directions before letting go. "Good job on the thumb, son. Did you make that yourself?"
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royalbratprince · 5 months
"Dad! Dad!" the seven-year-old was practically out of breath trying to find the King. "Can you-can you teach me how to open my armiger? Please? Please? Pleeeeaese?" The boy was pretty much hopping up and down as he spoke. "Can you? I really, really, really, wanna know how!"
For the slightest moment there when he'd seen Novus sprinting toward him, Noctis thought there might be some kind of emergency. Given what his son was actually after--
Better than an emergency, at least. Huffing a laugh, he extended his hand for the prince to take it so he could keep walking. Something like that was definitely better away from anything... breakable. "It takes a little work and a lot of practice to get it right every try. You sure you wanna risk it?" The king teased with a secretive little grin. Getting the right things out was a different skill for another time, probably.
"What got you so interested all of a sudden?"
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royalbratprince · 5 months
❛ holy astrals, we hit the jackpot! look at all this stuff!❜
End of the World starters | accepting but obviously slowww
There was a long, deep sigh from the king as he gently placed his hand on top of his son's head. "That's generally something we don't say out loud after Santa's been by with all of the things we should be humbled and grateful for." Noctis didn't really see it necessary to scold his son... but teasing was another matter.
"Don't suppose I can convince you to have breakfast with your family first, hm?"
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royalbratprince · 10 months
“  don’t look at me like that.  ”
More Prompts for Your Feels | accepting but eternally slow
He wasn't even aware of the expression on his face, truth be told, but he could guess from his son's request. Sighing inwardly, Noctis deflated a little.
"I really hated going to functions when I was your age, too. Still... kinda do, sometimes, but it won't be too bad for you, okay?" Oh yeah, that was selling it.
Drawing a hand through his hair (and knowing that someone was going to have to re-style it), the king tried, "You don't even have to stay all night. Just make an appearance and talk to a couple of people, you know? Make a good impression, let people see you, then... I can show you the balcony I always used to sneak out of?"
Well. He probably shouldn't. But he probably shouldn't have said anything about ti either, and... too late to worry about it.
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royalbratprince · 10 months
@macfukyorass asked: What if we could do anything different ,and why??
What If..? Scenarios prompt | accepting but slowwww
He considered the idea quietly for a while, looking out across the landscape as the sun rose. Light.
"There's a lot that could have gone better." Light voice, light tone, but the look in the king's eyes a million miles away. "A lot of mistake that could have been fixed or... not made at all, but..."
Noctis sighs quietly, thinking. "I should have asked Dad more questions. Insisted, maybe, I should have--" He swallowed, then trailed off for a moment. "The things that seemed too good to be true... I should have known to question them, maybe. Before finding out the hard way. Maybe that's just... a personal failing." His smile was a little tighter than they normally were.
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royalbratprince · 1 year
☝ + playing King's Knight
Time for Firsts meme | accepting but ever and always slow
Oh, wow. I was still kind of new to games like that, so it was kind of... uh, bad. Like, pretty low level bad. And kept forgetting where to go, and what to harvest, and Uncle Gladio laughed at me, so obviously I had to get my act together.
I met Prompto a little bit later, which was a real shame because we could have teamed up to kick Gladio's-- Uh, yeah, we could have teamed up. But because we were playing it all the time, Iggy got involved and he turned out to be a natural and kicked both our a--
Uh, yeah. What I'm saying is, I kind of sucked. But not for long! And now we're all the at the same level cap, so no one can complain.
(Yeah, we complain anyway, but what can you do.)
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royalbratprince · 1 year
"You know," Sidus hummed as he stared out the citadel's window before glancing back down at his phone, "it's been a while since I've experienced negative temperatures."
"At least it's not snowing, or else things would turn to ice." Sidus picked up the tin of gingerbread and gingerbread mochi; and carried it over to his twin. "Think we could convince Ignis to light some of these old fire places?"
“I kind of hate it.  A little.”  Noctis grumbled, pulling the fluffy blanket tighter around him for a moment.  “Guess it’s just a ‘cold snap’, though.  Not supposed to last much longer, but it’s still annoying.”
Taking another moment to glare at the very idea of cold, he sighed before lifting an arm and opening up his partial blanket cocoon to his sibling.  “This kind of cold might actually be getting to Iggy.  So it probably wouldn’t take much convincing.  We could try to bribe him with chocolate..?”
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royalbratprince · 2 years
“DADDY! I FOUND TREASURE!” Novus yelled happily at the top of his lungs as he burst into the council room in the middle of a meeting. The four-year-old had taken The Ring of the Lucii, dug a hole in the garden, placed it inside then dug it up again getting the item rather filthy in the process. Whoops. Playing Treasure Hunter would do that to a kid. Only then did the little prince spot quite a few eyes on him. One of the council members loudly cleared his throat as if to summon the attention of the others. “Your Majesty, may we please resume the issues at hand here and not indulge in some childish fantasy about treasures and whatnot?” Novus suddenly became quiet when the man spoke hiding the ring in the palm of his hand since he didn’t exactly want to share his new find with very many people. So, he stood in the middle of the room, staring at his shoes before giving the King a quick glance and asking in a small voice. “…Can I show you?”
The interruption was a surprise, to say the least.  And he might well have paused to explain that the meeting should have been interrupted, that maybe his son should apologize for the intrusion and the noise, except--
Alright, it was childish.  Noctis knew that.  But for the council member to have spoken up in the way they had, it rubbed him the wrong way on a number of levels.  Mostly because he could very much imagine how embarrassed and devastated he’d have been in his son’s position.  He didn’t want to show favoritism, or reward Novus for the interruption, however...
Standing, he was the epitome of polite.  Tried to be, anyway; he couldn’t do the Ignis thing where he could be dangerously commanding and polite at the same time, so best to go for the latter.  “Members of the council.  My apologies for the abruptness, but perhaps a short break before we get to the next order of business would be for the best.  There’s a lot to discuss and everyone could use a break.  Shall we gather back here in fifteen minutes?  Thank you for your understanding.”  Okay, that trick he’d definitely picked up from Ignis directly.
Crouching down as carefully as his knee brace could afford him, Noctis gestured for his son to come closer.  “Alright, you can show me.  But then we’ll probably have to have a little talk about council meetings and princely behavior, okay?”
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royalbratprince · 2 years
"Happy Birthday, Dad!"
Laughing, he was... maybe a little obviously careful about shifting his weight before he picked his son up (unfortunately his knee had been making him feel his age again), but he wasn’t about to let the birthday wishes go without appropriate thanks.  Even if it meant a terribly embarrassing hug and kiss on the cheek for the prince.  “Thank you, Novus.  I’m sure you haven’t been sneaking any cake before I can get to it, right?”
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royalbratprince · 6 months
@inimiicus [From here because compelled.]
There was nothing that could have stopped the surprised laugh Noctis let out as soon as Ardyn darted away from him. Well, the birthday idea had already been a success, then. Little to do but wander a bit himself, following a looping path to stay close to the benches around the store. Seemed almost silly to feel so old.
Of course, the instant he spotted what Ardyn had picked, he felt... older. Or just very, very tired. Both, probably; it was hard to tell over the momentary numbness in seeing... seeing...
He'd never get away from that. The color. That which spoke of and for a particular man who-- Wasn't there. Not really. Not... as he was... Noctis had to remind himself of that, just before he reminded himself that it was just a color. And colors can't hurt you.
Except that one, but he wasn't about to say as much out loud. It was one challenge of being a father that he had never heard anyone warn him about, but how could he have said no? "They-- Suit you, I think. Of course you can get them. As long as you pick out a sweater vest when you're done or something so we don't have to lie to Ignis about you getting something nice." Implication being that the vest didn't have to be worn. Just picked out.
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