#Please tumbler I'm okay this is just a story I wrote please don't hate it 😭
love-me-satoru ¡ 1 month
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Broken Hearts and Broke Promises.
A/N: This is an original story by me! It’s a really sad and really triggering story. Please you don’t have to read it if you’re uncomfortable. There’s a lot of abuse and unsettling things. and please if you’re under the age of 17 (and 17 is pushing it in my book) please Do Not Read this.
4.2k words
WARNINGS: very very little fluff, HEAVY ANGST, a lot of dialog,Heavy physical abuse, Cheating, Swearing, Verbal and Physical violence, Mental breakdowns, breaking of objects, murder/suicide, name calling, time skips, being used, guns, use of guns, blood, dying in front of a loved one, death.
[oc]Aliese Miracle x [oc] Arria Katz
if you want to read a little character sheet for them two it’s going to be linked here
banners by @inklore & @cafekitsune
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Before and Then Prologue
Arria Katz and Aliese Miracle were together for 10 years. They met when Aliese was a freshman in high school. Arria was a sophomore, they were supposed to be a junior that year but during her first year, she was absent most of the time due to her family matters. They couldn't be helped, being tossed around their family like a child with a toy ball. Their Uncle the black sheep of the family other than Arria, took them in when he found out what the family was doing to them. Arria's uncle tried his best to raise them but he thinks it was the previous resentment of the rest of the family that caused them to act out more and more. Their uncle tried to get them into therapy or even the school guidance counselor but they just refused to go whenever it was time to go to therapy. and the guidance counselor was in a whole different situation that had to involve campus security.
Aliese was the perfect little princess. Always being praised by teachers, her parents, and even random students. She was at the top of her class already surpassing some of her upperclassmen. There wasn't a single soul in that school who didn't know who Aliese was. The school honestly thought it would be a good idea to see if Aliese could help out Arria, maybe just keep her out of trouble but they couldn't have been more wrong. Aliese was being pushed to her limit. She never wanted to give up on someone who needed help. She had attempted to try and get Arria to be more involved in school but every single time it was met with hostility. Soon after they just started to ignore Aliese together, the moment they saw her approach they ignored her. Aliese always tried to stand right in front of Arria just to get them to notice her. When they just walked around her, she just stood there with a defeated look on her face. Arria caught the sad look on her face. Their smile dwindled to a slight scowl. They were thinking to themselves. “Did I feel bad for her? Nah it's okay she's nothing” Aliese avoided them for the rest of the day. Usually, she would keep trying maybe at least two more times before the end of the day but she was nowhere to be found. They were doubting themselves for the first time in many years. They went home really thinking about what they did. “Was this regret.”
The next few days were eventful. Arria went looking for Aliese. The only place they knew she would be the library. Deep in the back surrounded by a pile of textbooks and a small scatter of worksheets. It was the first time Arria paid attention to Aliese. She's usually always dressed up so cute. A pretty pink dress lay just above her knee, matching pink knee-high socks. The tiny purple butterfly necklace hanging just above the cut of her dress. A small bit of her cleavage showing. They felt their face get a little warm when Aliese's eyes caught Arria's. Ailese gave a soft smile and slowly patted the chair next to her. Arria didn't waste a second before sitting down pulling out their homework and getting started immediately. Since that day instead of just being a few days a week, it turned to every day. The soft giggles from Aliese always brought a huge smile to Arria's face. Every day the couple was getting closer and closer.
It's wonderful how the years just fly by when you're having fun right? Right?
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Where’s the trust?
7 Years Later
" I promise I will always love and protect you with all my heart" as Arria is holding Aliese hand slipping the white wedding band on her left finger. Just as they switch hands with Arria's left hand in Aliese's hand as she slips on the same white matching band "I promise I will always love and protect you with all my heart"
“I love you Aliese" as Arria smiled staring directly at their newly wedded wife. “and I love you Arria" As Aliese started back towards her newly wedded wife. Their smile wide enough to light up the whole room.
Not very many people believed this relationship would work, Aliese's mother Adeline was one of those people. But she put her differences aside so her daughter could be happy. She never wanted to disappoint her daughter. Arria's Uncle Lynx didn't think it would last either. Only because he knew his niece, and they can be a vile person, But to keep his niece happy he was there standing on their right side standing proud.
Aliese was a happy girl at least that's what it seems to be in the present. When she was around eight years old she lost her best friend, her father. She never wanted to forget her daddy. The one thing Aliese promised her father was that she would always be the happy little girl he knew and loved. And she took that promise to heart. Her Smile can light up a whole room always spreading joy and happiness whenever needed. Aliese was always ready to put a smile on even if she wasn't that happy little girl anymore.
Arria wasn't the best child even their parents abandoned them, naming them after a king, they truly believed they should be treated as one. But after being thrown around to every family member there was only one who never knew of their existence and it was the older black sheep of the family their Uncle Lynx. He gave them everything nobody else could. They believed they deserved more and they always got what they wanted. And they always intend to get what they want when they want it.
A Few Months Later
"Would you believe that your wife is cheating on you already?" As Aliese choked on her tea. "I'm Sorry?" Aliese says as she believes she misheard her friend. Her friend chuckles as she's sipping her tea again. “I’ve heard from a little birdy someone had a date today. But I knew we had plans today.” Aliese soon excused herself slowly making it back home. Not wanting to believe her friend. As Aliese makes it home she sees Arria's car immediately as she goes to open the door some random female walks out with her wife. Arms wrapped around each other each stealing small kisses from each other. “Arria why..?" Aliese says quietly. Arria just ignores and walks around Aliese like she doesn't exist. Like she wasn't the one she married just a few months ago. Arria walks the mystery woman back to their car helping her in like she was their wife and slowly shuts the door before walking back towards Aliese. "You thought I loved you? Honestly honey that's so funny." Aliese's eyes are filling with tears after hearing everything Arria just said. "Pathetic" Arria grabs Aliese's hair in a vice-like grip pulling her towards the front door of the house. "Now you're going to be a good little dog and stay here." This was the first time Arria ever put their hands on Aliese and it wasn't the last time they did.
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For What Reason
3 Years Later
Aliese wishes Arria would just pretend to care about any of her accomplishments. Aliese hasn't seen or even heard from her wife in about three weeks. When she messaged them saying they should be back before 6 pm Aliese was excited. Aliese has been prepping everything from the fliers to the furniture in every room. The whole house is decorated from the basement to the attic. After constant reminders, multiple unread messages, and ten missed calls Arria never showed. This was the night of the open house Aliese has been working on for the last five months. All she wanted was for her significant other to be here to encourage her to be proud of all of the blood sweat and tears she put into the house that she worked so hard for. All Aliese wanted to do was to surprise Arria not only was it a big day for Aliese it should have been for Arria as well. Everything was already set up and all they had to do was fucking show up but they couldn't even do that. The darkness is overtaking once again. Aliese shook herself out of the dark hole once again, hoping it was just an accident and they just misread the date or the time. Just in case it was just an accident she went to check her phone just to make sure to see a text from Arria.
“Sorry I couldn't make it tonight. See you at home”
Aliese never felt so fucking gone. Even after all the times they have been unfaithful she's in pieces. All her life she's been perfect everyone always says, so believing in the words that have been engraved into her pretty little head she never really understood why Arria was never here. Aliese has always cared about public appearances being raised the way she did she always tried to push Arria to be around for big events especially if it was for their wife. The darkness is overwhelming again. Empty thoughts, Heavy handed hits, Bruises everything is coming back again. "They never loved me"
These dark marks littered her skin. Being forced to pretend that this is okay. "It's not okay," Aliese said quietly to herself. "it shouldn't hurt to move every day" she kept muttering to herself. Silently cowering imagining that Arria was above her. Striking Aliese continuously, she couldn't even remember why she was being hit. The image heavily flashes through her eyes continuously breaking through again. "I'm Safe. They're not here" softly being said over and over again. She's dragging through the black hole that's trying to consume her. "I'm better than this" her voice getting louder. Aliese is snapping back to the present. She has decided this is over, everything from the love she had for them up to the fear she had.
After a silent thirty-five-minute drive she made it back but, their car wasn't in the driveway. Fury is burning throughout her body. "You're safe," she said silently to herself. Going to the front door, just to find it unexpectedly unlocked opening the door slowly just to see scattered clothing all over the living room floor. “You Deserve Better” Aliese said to herself. She slowly walked towards the kitchen grabbed a few plates and immediately threw one directly at the wall. A scream was let out from the living room. Arria rushes into the kitchen just as Aliese throws another plate directly toward Arria they move before it can hit them and shatter against the wall.
“What the fuck is your problem, Aliese!?!?” Arria screamed at her pissed off for throwing their plates. “MY FUCKING PROBLEM!" as she threw another plate back at them again missing them just barely as it shatters against the wall. "I asked for one fucking thing Arria. I just needed you fucking there for once. It was my biggest fucking project. And out of all fucking people I would want there to celebrate my biggest fucking accomplishment was you and you were doing fucking what? Fucking another random fucking bitch." Aliese heard a small rustle in the living room knowing the random girl was still there. Aliese fully forced threw a plate she had nearby into the living room causing the random female to scream once again. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE"
All they heard was a loud thud and a little scramble and then the front door slammed shut. It's coming again ”Get away from me,” Aliese said to herself but Arria grabbed her hard throwing her directly on the ground. 'Who the fuck do you think you are? Disrespecting me in my fucking house." They grab her hair pulling it harshly then slamming her face into the ground. "This is all you're fucking worth. Absolutely fucking nothing. You're just fucking trash." Aliese silently repeated to herself "You deserve better" on repeat. Trying to break away from their grip. But they're still too strong holding near the base of Aliese's scalp. They threw her back on the ground stepping directly onto her hand and pushing it harshly into the tile floor. Arria grabs her hair one more time before slowly bending down to her ear. " You're fucking nothing. Remember that"
They just left her there. Whimpering quietly to herself. Her blood dripped on the floor. Slowly leaking out of the small gash from her forehead. As she finally rose from the floor slowly raising herself, her vision blurry from the multiple hits directly to her skull. "You are worth more than this," she said to herself. "You deserve better than this'' she whimpers softly to herself. "You're safe now they're gone". She limps slowly towards the bathroom, holding her hand over a bleeding wound that drips down her face. With just one touch, everything ignites in flames. She silently whimpers over the bruises Arria left behind while examining herself. "You're going to be okay"
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It's Fucking Game
Arria came back the next morning. Completely pissed off about the mess everywhere. Stepping over the broken plates and the dried blood all over the kitchen floor. "You couldn't clean this shit up?" Arria scoffed loudly ."If I could fucking see I would" she scoffed "Why are you even fucking here?" Arria said annoyingly. "What’s the fucking point of talking if all you’re going to fucking do is yell at me." Aliese is defeated at this point. "I hate you." "Tell me something I don’t already fucking know." “Why do I even fucking try anymore."Aliese had reached a point where she no longer cared. “I fucking told you I didn’t care what you did. Why are you acting like it’s my fucking fault" “BECAUSE IT IS." Arria let out a disdainful snort. "Honestly if you’re not fucking happy. Just get the fuck out of my house." "Fuck you." Arria stormed out of the house again slamming the door and shaking the whole wall causing some pictures to fall off. Seeing the photo that fell, their wedding photo. Aliese has been broken ever since that day. Aliese threw herself onto the couch, trying to forget everything that happened. "I'm so fucking sick of their shit."
After contemplating what to do Aliese got off the couch and started collecting all of their shit. Throwing it into trash bags boxes and anything they could find that wasn’t hers was in the messy collection of items. After a few hours of getting all of their shit together. Everything was piled in the middle of the living room, with broken pictures and plates still around the living room and kitchen. They came back, seeing everything in the living room disheveled and ruined. Random bags and boxes just sitting there. Aliese is nowhere to be seen. They were looking through the bags just to realize it was their stuff. All of it from the small gifts, Aliese gave them, to the photo of her and her parents on her college graduation day. Tears start filling their eyes a choked-out sob leaving their lips. Falling to her knees face in her hands. Nothing but loud sobs falling one by one. When Aliese entered the room she saw them on the floor. Aliese was pissed to see them back here. Angrily crossing the living room reaching Arria, Aliese’s grip around Arria’s arm was unforgiving. Immediately raising them to their feet to rush them back to the front door.
Arria immediately fights back pushing Aliese away from them. "What the fuck is your problem!" Struggling to get away. "I told you to get that fuck out of my house." Aliese is still dragging them closer to the front door."You always fucking say that when you’re fucking mad at me." Her grip was unforgiving as she hurled them towards the door. "As you can fucking tell I’m over this shit" Arria is silent, tears once again filling their tired eyes.
"Plea-" Aliese immediately cut them off. They try to walk back closer inside the house. "Stop. We can’t keep doing this Arria." Arria is angry that Aliese has become aware of her deceitful tactics. "You’re a fucking bitch" Arria yelled out. That just enraged Aliese. Snagging Arria completely off guard She gripped her arm so hard they felt like it was going to break. Flinging her towards the door."Get the fuck out of my house before I call the fucking police." "What the fuck are the police going to do huh Aliese?! What it looks like is you’re the one hurting me." "Are you fucking sure about that? Fucking look at me Arria. Do you think you'd win this fucking fight?" Aliese screamed at them. Somehow getting close enough to grab Arria’s face. “Fucking look at me! Look at the evil shit you did to me Arria!” Arria tried to break from her tightening grip. “You fucking deserved it.” Aliese let go of her face stepping away slowly. “I never fucking deserved this nobody fucking deserves this.”
"Just Get The Fuck Out Of My House Arria" "Fuck you, This has been my house just as long as it's been yours" “It was never your house Arria! YOU WERE NEVER HERE. YOUR NAME WAS NEVER ON IT. IT IS MY HOUSE.” Having enough of their shit. Aliese grabs them by their hair dragging them to the door. Arria wasn’t going to just let her do that to her. They were kicking and screaming trying to hit Aliese but missing completely with how she grabbed them. Once they met the door Aliese swung it open throwing them out quickly. And shutting the door with a loud slam. After locking the door. Arria didn’t stop trying to get back in. They were banging and banging screaming at Aliese to let them back in."You will be nothing without me Aliese. Don't fucking forget that bitch"
It’s been two hours since Arria left. Aliese hasn’t moved from the door. Back pressed firmly against the door head between her knees. Tears fell violently from her eyes. She’s always been a silent crier. Unlike Arria. They were always a loud crier. Aliese always knew their cries. they had three different sets like a baby would when the baby would be hungry and all. It only started when She heard that one cry Arria promised she wouldn’t ever fucking do again. And it was the loud obnoxious sob. They only do it so it could gain attractions and make it seem like it wasn't actually their fault when it actually was. The only other time Arria pulled that stunt was years ago. They were caught in the act. Laying the shared bed of Arria and Aliese. "I'm Sorry Baby! It didn't mean anything!” "You always say that Arria, what was this the fourth time I caught you with some random bitch." "Aliese, sweet girl. You know I love you and only you" "Are you fucking sure about that?" Aliese points at the bed with the girl still tucked in under the covers. As Aliese ran out of the bedroom Arria fell to their knees breaking down into a full-on sob. Tears aren't being produced just a loud fucking sob. The other girl came by to try and comfort them but when Arria pushed her away a loud gasp left her mouth when Aliese was back in the door to see if Arria let the bitch comfort them, it was over. But when she saw them push her away. She ran back to her wife. Only to find out later on accident they were only playing with her emotions and she wasn't going back to them again.
Aliese woke up against the front door neck and back hurting from the uncomfortable position. "It's been ten fucking years. I knew they never loved me I don't know why I stayed." With her ultimately getting off the floor and looking around at the random shit everywhere from the night before the broken dishes all over the kitchen floor. "Was I just not good enough?" Aliese said to herself softly while tears welled up in her eyes. Aliese is slowly falling back into the pit she so gracefully dug herself out of. It took her four years to get out of the depths of her head. Arria always knew how important it was for her to never go back to darkness. However, without Arria being here Aliese has gone back even deeper than before. Finally snapping back to reality Aliese gathered up a bit of Arria's shit and threw it straight to the front lawn continuing until every bit of her existence was no longer in the presence of her home she built from the ground up. "Arria wasn't ever here" They will never be able to walk back into this house.
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It's Finally Over.
Arria had tried to come back four separate times. The first two times she was begging and crying to be let back in while Aliese ignored those. Arria's second two tries they tried to beat the door down with force. Aliese was getting scared so she decided it was time to finally call her mom. Right after Arria left. and she made it back in record time. As Aliese opened the door her mom slowly reached out towards her beautiful face. "My baby.." as her voice cracks. "Mom, please... I just can't do this anymore. I need them to leave me alone." Aliese puts her face in the crook of her mother’s neck, weeping silently against her. "Don't worry sweetheart we're going to get this fixed." She pulls her daughter into a tight hug.
"What do you mean there isn't enough proof?" Adeline shouted at the cops. Aliese is heartbroken. This is honestly just awful. These marks were deep purple littering her face. The deep gash came from the left side of her forehead down to her cheek. Hoping something could help her from this hell "Is there anything we can do to protect my daughter?!" As Aliese is just looking at her face in the mirror. Feeling broken and lost. “Mom. They did the best they could please I just want to go home, please.” Aliese shut herself out, She couldn't keep up with all the emotions running through her body. Her mom is talking that much she knows but she can't make out anything. The whole world is numb around her. So lost in the scenery thinking how everything looks beautiful. “Aliese.” Her mother is attempting to capture her attention. “Yes, mom?” “Do you want to get away for a little while? We can go visit your grandmother. I think you need a little time away.” She nodded not hearing what her mom said getting lost in the trees again. “I don't know what to do anymore Mom” They make it back to Aliese's house. “Don’t worry baby. I'm going to be there every step of the way to help you.” Arria was there and parked a few houses down. Watching like they have been for the last week. Not sleeping growing more insane.
They’re not even home ten minutes before they stomp up to the front door with a sledgehammer and their loaded hand gun as they say to themselves. “If I can't have you nobody will.” 
“Open the fucking door Aliese I’m done asking” as Arria continues to bang on the door. “Aliese if you don’t open this fucking door in 2 minutes you’re going to regret ever leaving me you fucking bitch” Arria starts banging the door with the sledgehammer. Aliese’s mom screamed from loud bangs hearing the door crack with every hit. But Aliese was tired of the threats, she slowly walked towards the closet pulling out the shotgun she forgot she hid in there years ago.“Arria Get the fuck away.”They're still smashing the door. “Make me you fucking bitch.” Aliese slowly loads the gun. Pointing it directly at the front door just waiting. After the very last hit the door hits the ground. Aliese and Arria make eye contact for the very last time. As Aliese pulled the trigger, Her mom screamed from the gunshot. Arria attempted to cover their wound with their free hand while trying but dropped the loaded gun they had as Aliese walked towards them pushing their gun away from their reach. It was the first and only time Aliese will be able to see this sight. “How does it feel to feel so fucking helpless.” Arria can’t speak with the blood spilling from their mouth. Aliese just laughs, slowly raising the barrel of the shotgun to Arria's forehead. Watching them suffer the way she suffered for years. Aliese pulls the trigger once more watching their brains blow out through the front door. She looks around dropping the now empty shotgun down near the lifeless body. Aliese grabs Arria’s loaded handgun. Her eyes locked with her mother's one last time. "I'm sorry Mom. I love you.” she rushes to put the loaded barrel against her own head and pulls the trigger.
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