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Gynecomastia will no longer be a hindrance – reach out to us today and let's embark on this transformative journey together. 📱
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Click here to know more:- Male Breast Surgery in Delhi
Visit:- Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
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eternavision · 1 month
Pre-Operative Guidelines For Male Breast Reduction Surgery
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Male breast reduction surgery, also known as gynecomastia surgery, is a transformative procedure aimed at addressing the excess breast tissue and fat deposits that contribute to the appearance of enlarged breasts in men. While gynecomastia is a common condition, causing distress and self-consciousness for many individuals, male breast reduction surgery offers a permanent solution to restore a more masculine chest contour. The surgery typically involves techniques such as liposuction to remove excess fat and excision to eliminate glandular tissue, tailored to each patient's unique anatomy and aesthetic goals. With advancements in surgical techniques and technology, male breast reduction surgery is now safer and more effective than ever, offering men the opportunity to achieve a flatter, firmer chest and regain confidence in their appearance and self-image. By consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in gynecomastia surgery, individuals can undergo a personalized treatment plan that addresses their concerns and achieves natural-looking results, enhancing both their physical appearance and overall quality of life.
Read More Blog:-
Visit Website:-Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
Contact Us📲 :- +91 8448559950
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dranupdhir · 3 months
Best Vampire Facial in Delhi- Dr. Anup Dhir
Dr. Anup Dhir, a well regarded cosmetic surgeon in Delhi, provides the finest Vampire Facial treatment. Using best procedures, he rejuvenates the skin with the patient's own plasma. For more information book an appointment now.
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bestfacesurgery · 1 year
Lip Reduction Surgeon in Delhi
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Lip reduction is a plastic surgery procedure that enhances facial appearance by reducing the volume of the lower lip, upper lip, or both lips. In most cases, it requires only local anesthesia, can be completed in less than an hour, and produces permanent results. 
To schedule an appointment to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure, please contact:
To schedule an appointment: +91-9958221982,   9818369662
Locations: Delhi, India
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Liposuction Surgery in Delhi by Dr. Sachin Rajpal
Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedure in both men and women. It is nowadays known by many different terms like Liposculpture, Lipo or Lipoplasty. It is a surgical procedure which evacuates excess fat deposits from the body that have not been responding to diet and exercise. This procedure helps in improving body contours and proportions and can safely be performed on most of the body areas including face, neck, arms, abdomen, back, thigh, chest and thighs.
When a person gains weight, the size and volume of fat cells increases and these large fat cells are sucked out by liposuction thereby decreasing the number of fat cells in that particular area. The changes after liposuction are generally permanent as long as your weight remains stable.
For best results of liposuction surgery an individual must be healthy with good skin elasticity so that the skin contracts and re-drapes after surgery to provide better contour.
People having excess skin following massive weight loss, old age and after multiple pregnancies, will need to undergo excision procedures rather than liposuction to get satisfactory contour.
Candidates for Liposuction
Healthy individual
Localized fat pockets that don’t go away with diet or exercise
Not having lot of excess hanging skin
Have good muscle tone
Do not smoke
Good skin elasticity
Before the surgery, the areas to be sucked are marked out carefully in erect position. Once patient is under anesthesia the procedure involves the removal of fat through small incisions approx. 0.5 -1 cm which are given in the hidden areas of body through which the hollow tubes (cannulas) are inserted and fat is removed with the help of vacuum and suction.
Types of liposuction techniques
Suction assisted liposuction (SAL) : Most common type where tumescent solution is infiltrated into affected area which contains an anesthetic agent and medicine to decrease bleeding. Fat is sucked out with the help of long hollow cannulas attached to suction apparatus with appropriate negative pressure.
Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) : Here the cannula moves rapidly in back and forth position and the vibrations generated by rapid motion helps in breaking the fat cells which are then sucked out. PAL is more useful in more fibrous areas.
Ultrasonic assisted Liposuction/Vaser/ High definition Liposuction : Here ultrasound energy is used to emulsify the fat first which is then sucked out using the suction cannulas. Vaser has nowadays gained popularity as it helps in achieving the precise definition of body contours and also causes less trauma to tissues.
Liposuction is usually performed under general or regional anesthesia. For small areas it can be done under IV sedation or local tumescent anesthesia.
Duration of surgery depends upon the extent of area to be treated and is usually between 1 to 4 hrs.
Immediate Post Operative
In the immediate post Operative period one may experience some pain and bruising. Pain killers will be prescribed by your treating surgeon but the bruising may take upto 4 week to get settled.
One need to wear compression garment over the operated area for some weeks which will help in controlling swelling and skin draping and also to prevent fluid collection underneath skin.
Early mobilization is encouraged after the surgery and patient are usually mobilized on the same day of surgery.
Post Operative complications
Contour irregularities :  This can occur in some area if there is uneven removal   of fat or if there is poor skin elasticity leading to bumpy or wavy appearance.
Fluid accumulation : Collection of fluid (seroma) under the skin can happen which is usually temporary & which usually resolves on its own in some days. It may sometime require needle aspiration. Wearing compression garments can also help in preventing fluid collection.
Skin discoloration/ Bruising : This is common and can take about 4-6 weeks to settle completely.
Decreased sensation/Numbness : Affected area may have decreased sensation or numbness after the surgery but it is usually temporary and settles down in weeks to month time.
Infection : Skin infections are rare after liposuction surgery but can occur which may sometime require surgical intervention for wound management.
Results depend on the quality of skin elasticity and the amount of fat that is suctioned out and the expectations of the patients. For final results it takes anywhere between 3 – 6 months.
TAG- Plastic surgeon in Delhi, Cosmetic surgeon in Delhi, Liposuction surgery in Delhi 
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bodyliftsurgery · 2 years
Best Breast Reduction
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Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, removes fat, breast tissue and skin from the breasts. For those with large breasts, breast reduction surgery can ease discomfort and improve appearance.
Book a consultation today
35+ years of experienced plastic & Cosmetic surgeon
Call or WhatsApp: +91-9958221982, 9958221983
Web: www.bestbodyliftsurgery.com
New Delhi 110047 (India)
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Best Abdominoplasty surgeon Delhi
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Tummy Tuck Surgery with Triple American Board Certified, in Plastic Surgery, Surgery and Anti Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He has trained extensively in USA in UCLA (California), Guthrie Clinics, University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), UMASS (Massachusetts) and Lenox Hill hospital (New York) in Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery. 
Book Your Consultation -
Call or WhatsApp: +91-9958221983
website : www.besttummytuckindia.com
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Liposuction has become a very common and one of most widely accepted fat removal aesthetic treatment. This surgical procedure removes excess of accumulated fat on various body parts and thus improvise body contour.
While it seems to look like a fairy picture to get a slimmer look but in reality, it is not a magical wand. This procedure is certainly a way to get rid of the unwanted body fact, however, there are a number of myths about this procedure which needs to be addressed.
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Rhinoplasty Redefine Your Nose with Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi
Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi
Face is the foremost part of one’s presentation. An appealing face with all features in harmony is the key to one’s inner confidence and to be impressive. The nose is the central and prime part of the face which contributes to your overall facial personality. Thus having good aesthetically pleasing nasal features is the desirable need of every individual.
“Rhinoplasty” or more popularly called as “Nose job” is the cosmetic surgery procedures aimed at changing the shape of the nose and its structures to more pleasing one. This procedure which has gained much popularity in the cosmetic field and has become one of the commonly sort procedure.
Nose job can address multitude of problems like long nose, hanging tip, broad nasal appearance, wide & showy nostril, nasal hump, deviated nose. While all the mentioned indications are for cosmetic corrections, one can get help in improving his functional issues as well like breathing problems associated with deviated septum and narrow nasal valves at the same time combined with Rhinoplasty.
Surgical approach
There are two types by which this surgery is performed:
Closed Rhinoplasty: Here all incisions (cuts) are made inside the nose and there is no visible mark on the skin. This type is opted when only minor corrections are desired.
Open Rhinoplasty: In this the internal incision is extended to skin over under surface of nasal columella which heals very well and in due course of time the scar is inconspicuous. The advantage of this type is that we can do extensive corrective work on nose easily as we get full exposure of nasal skeleton.
To get the desired nose and the best procedure to achieve that, it is of prime importance that you consult your plastic surgeon who will then evaluate your needs, expectations, your medical history and your safety; following which a safe customized plan will be formulated which will help to get a satisfactory result.
Once evaluation is done and decision for surgery is taken you will be discussed with the plan and all further queries will be answered. It is advisable to stop smoking before surgery for better healing of wounds.
Most Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia unless the procedure is a very minor and short in which case regional anesthesia can be given.
Surgical duration
The surgery usually takes anywhere between 2-4 hrs. depending on the issues to be addressed.
Immediate Post Surgery
Immediately after the surgery your nose is internally packed with soft material which will be removed after 2 to 3 days. You will have nasal splinting in place with tapes so as to prevent swelling and to maintain shape. In case patient had underwent osteotomies for bony corrections a hard splint will be placed to protect the corrected nasal bones. This splint will be there for about 7 to 10 days. Patient may have slight mucous discharge mixed with little blood for 2 to 3 days and will stop on its own.
Post operative advices
Not to bend
No physical exercises for 2 weeks
Not to blow nose
Sleep in straight position
No pressure over nose
Recovery time
Although gross changes are seen on table only but swelling keeps on decreasing and it takes about 6-8 months for final results to be obvious.
Sutures if any will be removed on 7th day.
TAG :  Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi,  Cosmetic surgeon in delhi, Plastic surgeon in delhi
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drsachinrajpal · 2 years
Cosmetic Surgeon Doctor in Delhi
Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi India using new techniques at best prices Dr Sachin board certified plastic surgeon performed Plastic surgery in India. For opinion or teleconsultation @ +91-9810 302 821
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neetiraj · 4 years
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Best Acne Scar Treatment in Malviyanagr, South Delhi - Dr. Hiranmayi Jha
Pimple or acne trouble is something that can give a real jolt to your confidence. Acne affects the skin’s oil glands of almost all teenagers during puberty. It is a situation where pimples appear on the face, neck, shoulders, arms, etc. Having acne is always an annoying thing that can leave a mark long after it disappears in the form of acne scars. At Dr Hiranmayi's Aesthetic Clinic we provide the best treatment for scars. We believe in adopting a comprehensive approach for treating and controlling acne, thereby giving you a clearer appearance with boosted confidence. Book your appointment today. Call us at- +91 8448559950 / +91 8209818896 Address- C-73, Ground Floor, Shivalik, Near HDFC Bank, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, 110017, India .
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Unveil Your True Beauty!
Tummy Tuck or Liposuction? The Ultimate Dilemma! When it comes to achieving your dream body, it’s crucial to consult the expert.
Introducing Dr. Hiranmayi Jha, our board-certified cosmetic surgeon, and your trusted guide to the body contouring journey. Wondering which procedure suits your needs? Let the expert decide!
Book your appointment today and discover the path to your ideal self!
Dr. Hiranmayi Jha is here to assess your unique goals and provide tailored recommendations. Don’t wait — take the first step towards confidence and self-love!
Contact us now to secure your spot! Your dream body is just a consultation away.
Call: +91–8448559950 Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
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eternavision · 1 month
Pre-Operative Guidelines For Male Breast Reduction Surgery
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Male breast reduction surgery, also known as gynecomastia surgery, is a transformative procedure aimed at addressing the excess breast tissue and fat deposits that contribute to the appearance of enlarged breasts in men. While gynecomastia is a common condition, causing distress and self-consciousness for many individuals, male breast reduction surgery offers a permanent solution to restore a more masculine chest contour. The surgery typically involves techniques such as liposuction to remove excess fat and excision to eliminate glandular tissue, tailored to each patient's unique anatomy and aesthetic goals. With advancements in surgical techniques and technology, male breast reduction surgery is now safer and more effective than ever, offering men the opportunity to achieve a flatter, firmer chest and regain confidence in their appearance and self-image. By consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in gynecomastia surgery, individuals can undergo a personalized treatment plan that addresses their concerns and achieves natural-looking results, enhancing both their physical appearance and overall quality of life.
More Read The Blog:-https://www.eternavisionandaesthetics.com/blog/pre-operative-guidelines-for-male-breast-reduction-surgery
Visit Website:-Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
Contact Us:-📲 :- +91 8448559950
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dranupdhir · 3 months
Best Fat Removal Surgery in Delhi- Dr. Anup Dhir
Looking for the best fat-removal surgery in Delhi? Dr. Anup Dhir, a renowned plastic surgeon, provides best procedures to help you get your ideal body contour. With his expertise in new methods, he ensures that the outcomes are safe. For detailed information book an appointment now.
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bestfacesurgery · 1 year
Lip Reduction Surgeon in Delhi
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We offer natural looking and permanent Lip Reduction. This procedure helps in reducing the lip size, which occurs due to oversized lips, over inflammation or due to unbalanced approach.
To schedule an appointment:☎️ +91-9958221982 and ask for our surgical coordinator  
Visit: www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com
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Gynecomastia is enlargement of the glandular tissue of the male breast. It results from an imbalance within the body’s hormonal system, with a relative more estrogen which is a female hormone in comparison to androgen a male hormone. Other factors which might be risk factors forgynecomastiainclude obesity, use of anabolic steroids to boost athletic performance, consumption of excessive junk food, thyroid disease. The condition may occur during infancy and puberty in normally developing boys.
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