#Phil “Metalman” Burrows
nikkeisimmer · 1 year
My JAG-Sims are on the way back...
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Kimber: It just had to happen. The Pentagon carked up our separation pay.
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Kimber: This has never happened before, how am I going to explain this to the rest of the gang?
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Animal: Of course, it's not my XO's fault. She filed the forms properly. It was the Department of the Navy's payroll department that messed things up royally.
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Meg: I don't have my pay…and I have to put up with HER? And I thought I was going to get Tosh all to myself.
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Mac: Harm, if you even so much as blink in Little Miss Aviator Commander's direction, I'm going to geld you.
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Harm: (looks at Commander Kimber "Jugs" Benton) She's sooooo pretty.
Harm always likes living dangerously.
Oh wait...
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Metalman: "Hey, guys…I'm here…so where's my tent…oh wait…you only have five?"
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nikkeisimmer · 1 year
Homeless in Hylewood
Welcome to Hylewood, it’s a wonderful little town set on an island, out of the way of the urban rush, and great for people to get away from it all...
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…but not when you’re the first group of people to ever set foot in this place.
After putting in their twenty in the service of the people of the United States of America, this little group decided to uproot everything they knew and head for the hills…er…island. This cute little island off the coast.
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Captain Harmon Rabb Jr., United States Navy, former aviator and judge advocate decided to pool his money with his old RAG buddy, Admiral Tosh “Animal” Nakamura who even at his advanced age; he’d completed thirty years in the Navy and was still single, was still a strapping individual and muscular.
Animal’s former XO, now with eagles herself, Captain Kimberly-Anne “Jugs” Benton had also retired after serving her twenty and pitched in her investment money.
Harm had gotten his best friend, Mac to join in with some of her money and after not having heard from one Meg Austin for quite some time, she had popped back up, asking after Tosh and his whereabouts. Harm’d let her in on their little venture with a bit of a discount on her cut – she was a friend after all…and a friend in need… Needless to say, Mac was not pleased. But then again, when was that Marine ever pleased about anything?
Well, evidently, they got smoked…good. Because all the talk about cabins from the owner vanished once he’d gotten a hold of the money. He’d signed over the deed by himself at the city hall and sent the papers over by courier…
…and promptly amscrayed to the Bahamas presumably, which meant that they were completely pee out of luck. They had a property…and no cabins. Needless to say, it was a big property and one that could potentially be developed, but unfortunately, as far as they were concerned, they were out in the cold (quite possibly wet and miserable too, if there was an itinerant hurricane).
And then to top it all off…the Navy carked up the disbursement of their retirement pay. So…now on top of being homeless…now they were broke at least until their disbursement of their initial retirement pay came in – goodness knows when that will be.
And then, guess who shows up but their resident favorite pain-in-the-posterior-end, Lieutenant Commander Phil “Metalman” Burrows.
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After hearing that his favorite CO and unrequited love interest Kimber had retired, he’d tossed in his hat too, since he’d completed his twenty in 2010 and decided to head out to the last known locale that he’d known her to be and was told that she had gone to the “island”. After carefully putting two and two together, he’d come to the conclusion that her parents were talking about Hylewood so he hired a boat and asked the driver to take him out here.
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“Looks like a bloody campground.” was Animal’s first assessment of the location once their tents were pitched and a place to excrete was dug out and a rock-shower was implemented so that they could at least keep clean for however long it would take in order to get some sort of finances straightened so that they could build something on this lot.
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Things couldn’t be worse…Harm thought to himself, tempting fate to give them another one-two combination. Of course he was interrupted in his train of thought by a jingle.
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Oh goody, a food truck that we can’t afford to eat from and it decided to park right across from us. This was going to be torture.
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How exactly were the six going to eat with absolutely no money? At least there were some apple trees on the property, thanks to a magnanimous Watcher. And Lieutenant Colonel Sarah “Mac” Mackenzie decided to head over and harvest the apples to distribute amongst the six. When she was done, she came back over and started distributing the apples to the rest of the group. “Admiral, I’d suggest saving those apples until later on in the day to eat.”
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“Good idea, Colonel.” Animal replied. “You heard the Colonel…” he raised his voice to the rest of the group. He’d interrupted Phil who was in the middle of taking a bite. The lunatic never bothered listening anyways. Now he was overstuffed and out of an apple. He was going to be ravenously hungry in the morning because he wasn’t getting another one.
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Animal suggested that since they were surrounded by water, that perhaps now might be the time to learn to fish. Taking the admiral’s suggestion as an order, the other five decided to head down to the beach and start casting their lines into the water. The admiral had come down following them.
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He idly picked an azalea flower and then went off by himself to toss a line in the water.
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Harm’s eyes followed him. His friend, being of flag rank, kept to himself most of the time and even when retired, Animal tended to carry himself with a military bearing, meaning that fraternizing with non-flag-ranks were strictly metered – he simply refused to be a part of the regular group.
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Meg, on the other hand, thought that it was sad that Animal seemed to think that the rules of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and its rules regarding fraternization still applied to him and to his interactions with his friends. Kimber or Jugs as she was called by the aviator community, also agreed with her assessment. And even though Meg was suspicious of Kimber and her ties to the admiral, she was certain that Kimber worried about her former CO as well.
(Prologue to be continued)
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