#Part of my “Clowns Come From A Literal Cabbage Patch” headcanon
honesttoglob · 3 months
Steve keeps thinking Cesare is trying to bite his face and eat him and Steve is indestructible so every time it happens he just quickly ducks out of the way and is like "ehehehe, you'll never get me alive!" but in reality Cesare has been trying and fundamentally failing at trying to kiss him for like,,,, the better part of a year.
I have a minor headcanon that clowns have different ways of showing affection than humans and Steve genuinely doesn't even know what a kiss is. He just thinks Cesare is trying to sneakily get close enough to bite a chunk out of his face as a bit because he's a zombie and its an instinct and he's just playing along with it, meanwhile Cesare is like why are you making a game out of this we've been dating for eleven months please let me kiss you 😭
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