#Parents In Britain should not only be livid but sue the hell out of everyone involved
msclaritea · 3 months
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Fuck ALL of this total bullshit. So...let me get this straight: A BRIT ran what should be an embarrassing scam, pissed off parents, made small children cry and the film industry immediately gets rolling, to make momey from it. Call me crazy but that HAD to be a whole ass stunt. Fortnite already has a rendition out. Trolls online are already calling it the kids version of the Fyre Festival. They set this up. What a bunch of depraved, Satanic bullshit!
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Fortnite is owned by Tim Sweeney, Sony, Chinese company Tencent and Danish Kirkbi. In addition, their mole, Kneon at Clownfish is talking nonstop about this 'gaffe' like it's some big deal. The obvious marker of being a plant is his obsessive hate towards Disney. In addition, you don't hear shit from the companies who now own Dahl's IP about how disgusting this was. But we're getting a stupid HORROR film based on this. One of these days, maybe people will get what Timothy Chalamet is being used for.
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