#Panromantic bunny noises
theknifeclown · 9 months
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Silvie is a bit of a romantic lol
I hope they have a good time!
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th3p1nkfr34k · 5 years
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Edit: Updated the art a bit, a few things changed. My last name has changed.
Name: Todlynn W.
Nicknames: Tod, Mama, Princess, Piglet, Slut/Cum/Whore Baby, Sugar, Bunny
Age: 23
Native language: AMERICAN (English barely lol)
Sex: Female
Gender expression: Whatever the fuck I feel like that day
Sexuality/Romantic: Pansexual / Panromantic
Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight: 200lbs (90kg)
Figure/build: Large pear shaped
Hair colour: Brunette / Auburn
Eye colour: Grey-blue
Tattoos: Only one  (Operator Symbol on right thigh)
Piercings: Just my ears.
Scars/distinguishing marks: My body is covered in self harm scars, burns, and other types of injuries and scarring, Moles on both shoulders, inner of both elbows, right boob
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: a spiked black collar with black bell, a golden ring with 8 garnets and 1 opal (engagement ring)
Other details: Rarely wears shoes, owns no socks, committed relationship, loves most animals, spider lover, monster fucker
Disorders: Schizoaffective Disorder, ADHD, COPD, Chronic Muscle Spasms (possible tourettes???)
Religion: none
Personality traits: Obnoxious, Hot headed, Friendly, Clingy, Lazy, Excitable, Playfully Flirtatious, Easy Going
Likes: Music, Colored Lights, Spiders, Rabbits, Pink, PINK, sex, Porn, Hentai, Gore, Pain, Tattoos, Teeth, Fish, Video games
Dislikes: Loud noises, Crowds, Strangers, Being Alone, Repeating myself, Complete Silence
Fears/phobias: Nyctophobia, Sedatephobia, Nosocomephobia, Autophobia, Thalassophobia
Hobbies: Drawing, Collecting Dolls, Playing Video Games, Learning New Crafts
Favorite food(s): Barbeque, Mac and Cheese, Most sweets and pastries
Favorite drink(s): Coffee, Energy Drinks, Jasime Green Tea
Disliked food(s): bitter foods, squash, cooked carrots
Disliked drink(s): bitter drinks
Allergies: Most plants, Perfumes (? certain overly fancy ones, theres some chemical that irritates my skin)
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sanjislongasslegs · 7 years
Tagged by: @acequeenm YOU WONDERFUL HUMAN
Name: Tristan
Nickname: None I know of. (WELL EXCEPT THE UNSPOKEN ONE.)
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 5′5′’ WISH I WAS TALLER THO.
Orientation: demisexual/panromantic 
Favourite Fruit: Pomegranate. 
Favourite Season: winter I hate the heat.
Favourite Book Series: harry potter my dudes
Favourite Flower: Red Spider lilies 
Favourite Colour: Gray, or silver
Favourite Animal:  Bunnies
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: tea! :D
Average Hours of sleep: 8 hours, or 9.
Cat or Dog: Both
Favourite Fictional Character: Grimmjow......
Number of Blankets:1 blanket usually!
Dream Trip: Anywhere cold, and with friends. :]
Blog Created: UMMMM I dont know.
Number of Followers: 596
next set of questions:
🎀 - Are you named after someone?
My mom named me after her two best friends, she mixed their names together. My middle name is after my dad deceased brother. 
🎀 - When was the last time you cried?
Like aday ago, I cry almost daily.
🎀 - Do you like your handwriting?
🎀 - What is your favourite lunch meat?
Don’t care about it?
🎀 - Do you have kids?
🎀 - If you were a different person, would you be friends with you?
No idea about that. 
🎀 - Do you use sarcasm?
Not that often? 
🎀 - Do you still have your tonsils?
🎀 - Would you bungee jump?
I’ll try most things once!
🎀 - What’s your favourite cereal?
Rice Chex. 
🎀 - Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
🎀 - Do you think you’re a strong person?
physically, yes I would say. Mentally somewhat? I may cry frequently, but I can put up with mass amounts of stress. 
🎀 - What’s your favourite ice cream?
Vanilla, or Cake batter. 
🎀 - What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
I have no idea. I don’t usually pay attention to that. Maybe hands? I don’t like eye contact.
🎀 - What’s your least favourite physical thing about yourself?
I dislike most things about myself, but my least favorite is either my voice, or my teeth. 
🎀 - What colour trousers and shoes are you wearing right now?
Black, white, and pink. MY JAMMIE JAMS.
🎀 - What are you listening to right now?
Star Trek. Kirk making neighing noises. 
🎀 - If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Gray I think.
🎀 - Favourite smell?
powder scented, I dont like strong smells. 
🎀 - Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
my brother Drew
🎀 - Favourite sport to watch?
🎀 - Hair colour?
🎀 - Eye colour?
Dark blue?
🎀 - Do you wear contacts?
🎀 - Favourite food?
Spicy chicken soup~
🎀 - Scary movies or comedy?
comedy, they’re more fun, I mean scary movies are like comedies to me tho.
🎀 - Last movie you watched?
Star Trek Beyond
🎀 - What colour shirt are you wearing?
🎀 - Summer or Winter?
🎀 - Hugs or kisses?
hugs usually, unless I am romantically involved with someone for a long time. 
🎀 - Book you’re currently reading?
None at the moment?
🎀 - Who do you miss right now?
@likelylynx @speff @juxtamango @adorkablesweetpotato
🎀 - What’s on your mouse pad?
🎀 - What’s the last tv program you watched?
Star Trek
🎀 - What is the best sound?
Rain is a lovely sound, and my friends laughing. ;~;
🎀 - Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
Probably Rolling Stones?
🎀 - What’s the furthest you’ve ever travelled?
🎀 - Do you have a special talent?
My ability to disappoint most people I meet. XD;;
🎀 - Where were you born?
Olympia, Washington
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mental-itch · 7 years
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The Solar System Bunny Boy 🐇: I'm Bunny Boy but you can just call me Bunny. I'm Aromantic-Panromantic flux and asexual and Nonbinary and I use he and they pronouns. I'm an odd kid, 16 years old. I suppose I was the first person, or the original, but I don't like being called that and I'm not the host. I'm an artist, that's what I love to do. I want to be an animator/comic book writer!! I have bad anxiety and dissociate a lot, and I have ADHD and talk too much lol. The others (depending on who) pretend to be me in public when I can't front cause they want to avoid questions. I've been told I'm v caring and nice so don't be afraid to say heeeey (especially if you want to art trade). Astrophel 🌟: hi I'm astrophel but evrywon calz me aster! My ful naym meens lover of the stars becuz I luv space lots and lots!! I don't have a gender cuz I'm a shadow, the shadow uf the universe (who loves me very much). So um ya I'm not hyuman I'm a shadow person and I can shayp shift to whatever shayp. I hav sharp theeths and I don't hav an ayg. I hayt skool and I HAYT MATH SOOOO MUCH DONT TALK ABOWT IT WITH ME EVR.  I get upset eesy two soooo um hi Note from the others: also don't ever say anything about sex around them they are sex repulsed to an extreme, they couldn't even mention it it's so bad Room 🏠: I am an actual sentient room named Room. Many may consider me a strict caregiver/protector. I feel myself to be responsible when it comes to working because I am a business man. Yes, I am a man and use he pronouns. I am pansexual and panromantic. I try my best to be courteous, generous, and polite; if you ever need an ear to listen, I am here. I enjoy writing essays, reading, wearing suits and ties, spending time with my partners, cleaning, listening to and making puns, parenting, and the simple things in life, such as eating cookies. I project a human version of myself to better fit the body and convey myself more clearly to the others, but I am truly a room. I have several relationships and a few children (adopted and from giving birth myself; all are equal in my fatherly love). I have a facet system of my own that I try not to talk about it or split apart onto it. Logic is a kind sir, kindle his fire. Hugo 🔪: We decided to write this for him because we don't want to get hurt. But we are going to write what he says word for word."Hugo is the name, pain is the game. Cheesy I'm sure it sounds, but look how it rolls off of the tongue like a switchblade. Ahaha, formally, I am known as Hugo, Demon of Pain. But humble as I am, a simple 'Hugo' will often suffice. My story is a long one, for I was not always a demon, I was turned into one a long time ago... At one time I was a human, I had a spouse and two children. I worked in a graphic design business. Long had I suffered from schizophrenia as a child, but as I got older it seemed to be less of a deal, small things, small psychotic breakdowns. Easy. I had medication that helped, too. But then, it turned on me, my mind, the things. These horrid figures with eyes, They touched me and spoke to me. They threatened to take away my family unless I did what they said. First, it was simple things like harming myself. At one point I had cut open my cheeks, wrapped it in a scarf and headed to work. I was told to stab my boss, and I did, in his leg. He didn't press charges since he knew me well. I was sent to a mental hospital, however. Horrible. Horrible. Eventually I was let out, with a different medication. My spouse and children were scared of me. I couldn't tuck them in at night. I misplaced the medicine. I was so far gone, they convinced me to do it myself. I murdered my family. As I stood in the bathroom of the empty house (in which I had set fire to), I stared at myself in the mirror, feeling the heat of the flames. I tried to kill myself, cutting my neck open, but I didn't die. Demons don't die. Thus I was sent back in time to live through the history of my dimension and never to be the same again. I was reborn, and I take supreme joy in the fear and suffering of others. I would be happy to share my many stories from that time, if you ask nicely. I have now ended up here in this human's mind. Disgusting. I'll ruin them. It shall be fun. Entertaining, even." So um yeah that's Hugo. They are genderfluid between a man a woman and Agender. They consider themself divine. They love to entertain people, they are like a scary clown. DO NOT ANTAGONIZE THEM. PERIOD. This is for your own safety and ours (mostly ours). M1nu5 (Minus) ➖: M1nu5 types in numbers and has difficulty typing so we will write his for him too. M1nu5 is an unfinished android who, in human terms, would be considered autistic. He loves math, trains, Pikachu, machines, metal, and lemon and mint flavored things. He goes mute a lot. He has a fear of loud noises, water, spiders and salty and sweet things (unless it's lemon or mint). He is very socially awkward. His creator was abusive to him and threatened to take him apart, so M1nu5 killed him (he's not very violent though really unless Hugo makes him do something). He can't feel pain and has a close relationship with Hugo. He lives in the Room's basement and tinkers with machines and stuff. Wybe X 🐾: so um this headmate is blind and so was will type their's too. So we just call them Wybe and they talk to us through speech bubbles. They are an upright standing alien dog from another world (they look like a furry lol) and their eyes were gouged out. When they front they lick people haha. They can take off their head because in their culture they could do that as a greeting, kind of like tipping your hat I guess. ~Doodle~ 🎨 and (Echo) 🎶: ~Hi my name is Doodle I'm 12 years old and I'm the god of art!!! Ps dicks:P~ (ugh I'm Echo and I am the God of Music and Literature.) ~I mean technically I'm hundred of years old but I promise I'm 12~ (...he's twelve) So those two are counterparts if you can't tell. Doodle is severely ADHD and very impulsive and loud and offensive and loves memes and bothering people, but he just wants attention. These two inhabit the minds of great artists, always together, because the one time they spilt up, Echo came back afterwards so depressed he died, but he came back as a ghost. So yes, Echo is dead, a ghost god. He's still very depressed and grumpy and mean. Doodle was raped a lot and is hypersexual. So these two fight a lot and stuff, but they have their good moments. Echo is a trans boy and Doodle is genderfluid between a boy and a girl. Mallow 😇: A small sweet blob of white, the true infant child cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. They talk funny. They try their best to help us when they aren't dissociating far away from us. They are actually the bastard child of the angels (where they are from angels were not allowed to be born, only made). Their parents were killed and they were stripped of their wings and halo. They still have an obsession with angels. Even with this past, they are still very innocent and sweet. Oddly enough, Aster can not see or hear them. They love animals very very much and claim they are all their friends. Say hello Mallow!: "The very much hello to the people in the phone!! Nice to do the meeting!!" Rags ✌: Rags is mostly a rag doll being who sits in the headspace. They were created to stop a war in another dimension, and freaked out when they got here. They rarely ever have consciousness, but are generally very soft and nice when they are (unless they are having flashbacks and then they're just scared). We don't know too much about them. They are a demigirl and use she/they pronouns Doomsday 🌋: this little kid is the child of Hugo and Room, very cute, but they have strange breakdowns. They are a funny toddler, being part demon and part room. They like to bite things (including people) and know only a few words. They like to draw and they like circles and the colors yellow and blue. They like to be called a crocodile and like crocodiles. They worship this being called 'W' that looks like a 'w' and we aren't sure why but I think it helps keep the bad things away or something. They spend a lot of time with their parents. They won't really be fronting because they can't type let alone spell, but you might hear about them!
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scarletscreamo · 7 years
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"I’m not a princess!"
Name Elora Crow
Nicknames El, Lora, Elly
Age 15
Race Cornicula
Gender Female
Sex Female
Sexuality Pansexual
Attraction Panromantic
Lover? None
Past Lover? Raven
Friends Marco, Star, Danielle, Franklin, Rica, Jackie.
Other Raya (Acquaintances), Ingrid (Acquaintances)
"Tom and I… We grew distant."
Height/Weight/Build 5’5, 117 lbs, She has a very thin build with a slightly bigger bust than most girls her age.
Skin Color/Eye Color She has light grayish skin and blue-grey eyes.
Hair Style/Color She has a short messy pixie cut that is pitch black with her bangs sweeping over her right eye.
She usually wears a light purple tank top with a loose grey crop top that has black wings on the back, a pair of black jeans that are ripped at the knees, and she always sports a lilac beanie with a black heart pin on it. She wears light purple shoes with a black tongue and white laces.
To formal occasions she’ll wear a purple dress with long black sleeves, a hair pin to pin her hair in a more elegant style, and a pair black high heels.
Scars/Body Modifications She has a small scar on her right shoulder from where Tom accidently hit her with a fireball while practicing. She also has a black lip ring in the center of her lip and two studs in her earlobes.
Extra When in Mewni she can grow black bird wings that resemble a crow’s.
"I’m a crow, we aren’t exactly cheery creatures."
Likes: Dark colors
Video games
Hanging out with friends
Bunny Plushies
Anyone saying she still has a crush on Tom
Having to fix other people’s messes
Her parents harping on her about inheriting their fortune and business someday
Being forced to go to business parties
Dresses that expose the scar on her shoulder
Playing video games
Practicing her wind manipulation powers
1. Thunderstorms
When she was little the thunder scared her but Tom was always around to calm her down. When her and Tom stopped talking, she began getting scared again. She usually just tries to put headphones on and ignore the noise.
2. Heights
She’s always had a slightly irrational fear of heights despite having the ability to fly. Her parents think it stems from when she was 3 and they started to teach her how to fly, her wing cramped and she ended up nearly to her death.
3. Cats
There was an old wives tale about a cat like creature killing tons of cornicula that her mother told her often as a child. She now has a certain dislike for cats that stems from that fear.
"Ah! Look at the cute bunny!"
Main Weapon
Bow and Arrows
Other Weapons
Spiked baseball bat
Other Special Items
The black heart pin she always has on her was a birthday gift from Tom on her 10th birthday. She keeps it for sentimental value despite saying she dislikes Tom.
Air Manipulation
Dark Wind Manipulation (Only happens when she uses her powers with unstable emotions.)
Flight (Only in Mewni, when she has her wings out.)
Strengths and Weaknesses
🏽 Hand to Hand Combat
🏽 High Wind Speeds
🏽 Tolerant
🏽 Respectful
🏽 Blunt
🏽 Using her powers when her emotions are unstable
🏽 Cynical
🏽 Dull
🏽 Stubborn
Dance Style
She doesn’t dance often, seeing as she rarely goes to parties besides business ones for her parents. So when she is forced to dance at one of those, she does a basic formal dance. Any other event where someone tries to forced her to dance, she just sways from foot to foot.
Theme Song
Love Song
Breakup Song
Battle Song
Favorite Song 
Waiting for Superman - Daughtry
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th3p1nkfr34k · 5 years
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Name: Todlynn
Nicknames: Tod, Mama, Princess, Piglet, Slut/Cum/Whore Baby, Sugar, Bunny
Age: 22
Native language: AMERICAN (English barely lol)
Sex: Female
Gender expression: Whatever the fuck I feel like that day
Sexuality/Romantic: Pansexual / Panromantic
Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight: 200lbs (90kg)
Figure/build: Large pear shaped
Hair colour: Brunette / Auburn
Eye colour: Grey-blue
Tattoos: Only one  (Operator Symbol on right thigh)
Piercings: Just my ears.
Scars/distinguishing marks: My body is covered in self harm scars, burns, and other types of injuries and scarring, Moles on both shoulders, inner of both elbows, right boob
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: a spiked black collar with black bell, a golden ring with 8 garnets and 1 opal (engagement ring)
Other details: Rarely wears shoes, owns no socks, committed relationship, loves most animals, spider lover, monster fucker
Disorders: Schizoaffective Disorder, ADHD, COPD, Chronic Muscle Spasms (possible tourettes???)
Religion: none
Personality traits: Obnoxious, Hot headed, Friendly, Clingy, Lazy, Excitable, Playfully Flirtatious, Easy Going
Likes: Music, Colored Lights, Spiders, Rabbits, Pink, PINK, sex, Porn, Hentai, Gore, Pain, Tattoos, Teeth, Fish, Video games
Dislikes: Loud noises, Crowds, Strangers, Being Alone, Repeating myself, Complete Silence
Fears/phobias: Nyctophobia, Sedatephobia, Nosocomephobia, Autophobia, Thalassophobia
Hobbies: Drawing, Collecting Dolls, Playing Video Games, Learning New Crafts
Favorite food(s): Barbeque, Mac and Cheese, Most sweets and pastries
Favorite drink(s): Coffee, Energy Drinks, Jasime Green Tea
Disliked food(s): bitter foods, squash, cooked carrots
Disliked drink(s): bitter drinks
Allergies: Most plants, Perfumes (? certain overly fancy ones, theres some chemical that irritates my skin)
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