#PLS enjoy this random post n upd8 of our lives lol
ogeeitsme · 4 years
Srry 4 the lack of posts <:^/
Aftr a fallout/recent events we jst hvnt has the time 2 draw,,,, ANYTH,,,,, like it’s just Depressd Hours + finding new triggrs,
like we Draw b besides small norml doodls thers not mch 2 show,,, whn we get sad nowdys, we strtd playin games instd of drwn 2 cope dkdjkd 4 now, NOT thinkin of stuff hs been bttr
(THOUGH som of us DO still make art, theyr jst not vent art 👀 if u wnna c those u can check my blog or sal’s blog whn he does draw while frontin dkdh)
Hope yall r good tho???everyths a MESS still b we jst dnt hav content KJDDH we’ve been workin on a system frsna b its hard??? Wdk (we dnt kno) how 2 designa. COLLECTIV frsna so weve boiled it down 2 a blueish caracal b in terms of colors??? A mess, it LOOKS pretty b we dnt kno if it screams PBS u kno??? We can design chrs 4 other ppl b designing a collctv 1 4 ourslvs?? Hard,,,, hav WIPS tho! Drawn by MJ (the 1st drwn drawn by Rainbow Dash)
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The final designs might b postd 2 @ebonytails tho since it’ll b a system+singlet fursona @ the sme time KDJ
The originla colors were brown but we changed it 2 pastel bc ppl sggstd we guv off pastel vibes, + brown ws 2 common. Then we dulld the colors aftr that bc being super bright @ the time of mj drawing the 2nd pic) felt disingenuous (words ew) b then it ended up looking like, Sal, so sal even mde jokes tht this shld jst b his sys frsna n its like NOO we dnt wnna strts frm scrtch again KDJKSJKH GRAPHIC DESIGN IS MY PASSION **clenches fist whle cryjng** we’re this close 2 paying som1 2 design 1 4 us, b the thing is it cnt b any random person bc they wnt kno who we r dkdjdkn. The point of our design is 1) simple :^( like 4 anim8ions or 2 just drw casually 2) shld vibe as US,,, its HARD, OUGH this mite take a long time 2 do bc colors r litrlly the last step here
If yall hav sggstions tht wld b nice! (in terms of colors!!! Or markings!! The animal is final oop)
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