#Outside Upgrades:Space
spotlightstudios · 2 years
Alright Guys, before I lose confidence in this, here's a quick lil silly start idea for that Outside Upgrades:Space AU I was thinking about! (Also, I rarely post my writing and this feels so weird, so wish me luck lmao-) I didn't include pronouns, so this is a gender neutral reader, plus, Reader isn't strictly human. Hope y'all enjoy!
->Word Count: 2,051
->Warnings: Uhhhhh. Deep Sea, Drowning/Suffocation, Attempted Suicide. (Think that's it?)
->DeepSea!Eclipse × Reader
     Oh... This really is it....
   You stood silently on your ship, heart aching as you stared at the samples and hard-fought research that'd be lost. Once you opened the hatches, everything would be swept out into the wide open Sea of this planet. Including you.
   It was just... You had no hopes of getting off the planet. The ship you currently owned only worked in the water, not for space travel, and staying with the vessel would only get you caught. They'd said they were on their way to collect you in three days, and that had been three days ago.
   The blinking radar on a panel to the left showed something fast approaching in the atmosphere above your underwater location.
   Out of the choices of public execution ten planets away or being killed by the planet you've lived on for ten years? You'd rather the passion project take your life. Ar least then it was on your own terms, and they couldn't get anything else from you.
   One last deep breath of air flooded your systems before your diving mask clicked over your face, and you slammed your fist into the switch that would fling open every window hatch on the ship.
   The world spun as you were sucked out the hatch just behind you, and you just barely righted yourself in time to see your ship crumple inwards a bit from the intense pressure. Any other belongings that hadn't been bolted to the counters were drifting debris alongside you, small vials shattered and papers already dissolving into un-recoverable paste.
   It was dark down here, and the little headlamp connected to your helmet did little to nothing when looking in the empty, endless expanse. You could barely see past your small, but growing, cloud of destruction around your ship.
   "Escape Log 02. I've just left the ship behind. I am forty meters west of The Chasm and will continue west from here." You spoke softly as you held the com button on your suit. It wasn't connecting to anyone, not really. It was just relaying to an old recorder you'd dropped to the bottom of the sea months ago. It was still settled neatly at the edge of the chasm, so no one but you would be finding or hearing from it any time soon.
   You waited a few breaths before moving away. Small fans on the base of your boots propelled you through the water, further and further from your old life and closer and closer to your demise. "The ship is going to collapse soon. Hopefully that will distract them until I can get to The Cave." You muttered even more quietly to yourself, the com button only making a soft beep in reply.
   The darkness was getting bad. It felt like you were soaring through an open, starless, expanse of space. Yet, you knew that wasn't the case when a current would blow you off course or bubbles would trickle upwards from below you. You were still deep underwater.
   You'd had to turn off your lights an hour back, and your night vision was only picking up the intense fogs of algae you were slipping between. No predators entered the algae clouds usually, so as long as you felt the uncomfy, slimy feeling on the other side of your suit, you were safe.
   If you'd brought supplies or rations, you'd probably stop and rest here. You hadn't.
   You kept going, through the algae until you could no longer feel it. It was a relief at first, but as you swam further away from the patch, you felt anxious. It was like someone was watching you.
   There was no time to waste trying to prove a statement like that. In all honestly, there could've been a minnow swimming beside you that gave you that feeling. Plus, you didn't want to risk turning yourself around just to look. Keep moving, keep going. Eyes on the prize.
   Something was definitely watching you. Your helmet was giving you the same error code as your drones did when they used to enter this area. 'ABNORMAL ENTITY BEHAVIOR' It read in the lower half of your vision, projected alongside all of the other bits of information like your depleting oxygen levels, battery levels, and location relative to the unidentified ship that was now back near your own. That warning was never great to see.
   In all your years, the tech never bothered to explain what the entity was. Only that it was moving strangely.
   Your technology was mostly created to blend in with the environment in order to catch data on a truly undisturbed environment, so almost all creatures usually ignored you. This one had been around since your first few months of study, and it had only once strayed from its regular detection area. You had only ever caught one glimpse of it, and you didn't know the species, but you knew it was huge.
   "Log 012.The entity decided to pay me one last visit. It's gone off the radar now." You said quietly into your com as the information blinked away from its previous location. "Maybe it'll miss seeing me around." You muse a little quieter, before humming and continuing onwards.
   You were getting close to The Cave.
   The Cave. It was full of glowing markings and signs of ancient life. You hadn't cared much for it, if always felt out of place, but you figured the giant eel that resided there was your best bet for a quick and, mostly, painless end.
   You'd decided a long time ago that this would be where you're killed if you were ever found out, and you were sticking to the plan just fine. The entrance wasn't too far away now.
   It was right there. The Cave was huge, like the loading bay doors for the Travel Hub up near Pluto. You knew well enough that after it sunk into the ground, it spiraled down hundreds of miles and connected to a few smaller underwater volcanoes. Down there was where the Eel usually spent most of its time.
   You propelled up to the edge and grabbed hold of the rocky surface, one particularly sharp rock dug into your palm through the thin glove of your suit. Before you, the large opening seemed still besides the pulsing lights that came from the algae covering the walls further in.
   It wouldn't take much. Just a small disturbance to awaken the Eel and have everything go exactly as you planned. None of your research survived, none of your thoughts and memories would be pried from your lips. You were confident this had to be done.
   That's why you shoved off from the edge and into the cave. "Log 050. My final log, if I'm right. I usually am. I'm entering The Cave, and it should only be moments before it appears to devour me." You said aloud, your voice loud in the silence.
   With your free hand, you scooped downwards and picked up a larger rock, not releasing your com button, even as you continued the motion and chucked the rock forward.
   Slowly, but surely, it left your field of view and sank further into the sloping cave.  You waited, and waited. Just as your mask flashed with a warning on low oxygen levels, the entire ground shook.
   Water pulsed around you, and you let your motors power off as you stared down to the darkness of the pit. The current pulled you deeper in, closer to the dark. You could see the glint of two eyes just barely in view. "This is it. It's seen me." You speak yet again, already feeling the deep breath you take consume more oxygen than you had left.
   You released the com button and let your arms float freely to your sides. The Eel just had to eat you, and that'd be that.
   It hissed and coiled back, sucking you further into the cave yet again. It's jaws opened wide, and you closed your eyes with a little smirk. For once in your life, your plan had worked.
   The Eel lunged, but you weren't met with the burning pain of venom coursing your systems, nor your suit piercing your skin as it splintered and cracked under the pressure of a bite force far beyond comprehension.
   No, your eyes snapped open as the water rushed past you and you were thrown harshly against the wall of The Cave. The Eel had lunged straight past you towards something that was beginning to cast a shadow over the entrance.
   You gasped painfully as you were dragged along the rock wall, and your limited vision was clouded by warning signs about a leaking oxygen tank alongside the glowing algae that was pulled alongside you from the impact. You could only imagine this was what it looked like for people who took pictures with chalk powder bombs.
   This wasn't good. If you didn't get eaten and dissolved by this Eel, then they'd fish your body up to the surface. They'd have your remains, and you wouldn't put it past them to use that against anyone who might've thought something of you once upon a time. They'd use you as an example, with proof to boot.
   You clutched at the edge of the cave entrance, barely coming back to your senses in time. It was rough, but you gasped another deep breath and held on tight until the current calmed.
   Bubbles rose from the back of your suit and out of a crack in your helmet you hadn't noticed yet, all of them quickly rising. You were too busy staring at the scene before you.
   The large Eel was clamped harshly onto the limb of a large creature you'd never seen before. It's face was flat, eyes of a predator focused forward onto the Eel. Pointed fins(?) frilled out from the edges of its face, and spikes of a similar nature trailed its spine. Four large, humanoid arms extended from its torso, and the lower half gave off a soft glow, shaped like an earth-breed jelly-fish. The huge silhouette was too dark to make out its colors.
   You watched, almost frozen, as this large creature lifted the arm that the Eel had bitten. The Eel wriggled and bit down a bit harder, but the creature didn't seem at all bothered. It lifted two of its free arms, and the round fingers at the end of each limb gripped the upper and lower jaw of the Eel.
   You watched the huge being peel the Eel off of its arm, before it practically tossed it away.
   The Eel wasn't happy. It coiled back and hissed angrily, water rippling with the sound. This snapped you out of your thoughts. You took a shallow breath and rocketed off the edge of the cave, aiming straight for where the beast was hovering. It was poised to attack again. You didn't even have to be the target, you just needed to get in the way.
   In a split second decision, you decided to power forward using the last of your air redirected to your propellers. It was exactly the speed boost you needed, because the Eel lunged just as you got between it and the creature.
   This time, you knew it was it. You were holding your breath for nothing. You succeeded.
   Except you hadn't. If you'd had air, you would've screamed at the large fist that moved in the way of the Eel, lodging in its mouth. You would've punched and kicked at the large limbs that you gently landed against as the movement caused currents too strong for you to avoid. You would've spat at the large chest you were pulled closer to, and the large palms that cradled you safely there.
   Your body was revolting after just a few moments without oxygen, and hating the feeling, you clawed at your mask. It wasn't releasing, some kind of mechanism must've been broken. The water pooling around your chin was probably a sign of that.
   You did manage something though. Nothing to further your plans or speed up your demise, nothing like that. You opened the Radar again. Now, through dancing vision and black creeping in from the edges, you could read the bold red words.
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spotlightstudios · 2 years
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He's showing you around!
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spotlightstudios · 2 years
Facts about the Reader that I'll forget to mention if I don't post them now:
-> The Unforgivable thing was that you killed your old boss before getting transferred to the post you're at now.
-> The reader is an intellectual in the stupidest way possible. You've already resigned yourself to death, and you planned everything out. If you weren't pretty scared about it, you'd be mad about getting saved.
-> You wanted to let your research and reports to drown and get destroyed right along with you so you couldn't turn back. You did that dang well.
-> You've known of Eclipse since you arrived, but something about him defied all the tech you'd ever tried to use. Once, he came close enough you could see him. Only once.
-> You're a complete dork when it comes to Eclipse and the other creatures, but you can't interact with the people in town to save your life. (The main reason you're considered a savior is cuz you can practically communicate w/ Eclipse.)
-> The Reader doesn't have to be human! They've never seen earth and that was where their family comes from, but they can be an alien or another creature from space :)
-> You're not afraid of the ocean at all, but you are claustrophobic. That's why you like the vastness of the ocean so much, and being confined in any way is almost your worst nightmare.
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That's all I've got for now, but I just like writing about these concepts when I can't sketch lol.
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