#Only way the hysteria diagnosis is acceptable is if you wanna show the evil doc as incompetent and fraud
i-got-the-feels · 4 months
Whatever handsome evil doctor described as hysteria isn't hysteria
What is hysteria?
It is outburst of emotions when conscious defenenes of mind are weakened due to stress/emotional conflicts allowing the expression of emotions, needs and Impulses that were repressed in unconscious.
The emotional conflict need not only be lack of parental attention. It can due to the dissonance of real and ideal self. It can be due to unsolved odeipal/elektra complex. Anything. For the longest time, psychoanalyts considered hysteria as a female disorder that occurred due to wandering of uterus due to respresison and / or unsatisfaction of one's sexual desire.
Hysteria Today
This disorder DOES NOT have clinical relevance today because of the conditions low validity and due to the weak theoretical underpinnings.
What maybe arts disorder?
I don't know. I need to know more of characters history and traits.
However, symptoms of "hysteria" usually come in disorders of dissociation and Neurotic spectrum - inspite of severe emotional disturbance and disturbed daily functioning the person has intact reality testing - that is no hallucinations and delusions and other psychotic symptoms
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