#On the one hand he's a victorian man who'd avert his gaze if sb showed him a bit of skin (and blush if he's crushing on/in love w them)
yeonban · 8 months
*Ango & sensuality / sex.
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One aspect of my muses' lives that I don't talk about nearly enough but which I think is very intriguing to analyze is actually my muses' sensuality, especially in cases where my muses have unorthodox personalities or beliefs, such as Ango:
Some of you may have already noticed, but Ango answered "it depends" to every single one of the asks from this meme, even though most of them were accompanied by a "not likely", "no" or "unsure". The reason for this is the same reason for most of what Ango does or has done - namely, his job. While Ango himself, as an individual, is much more if not entirely on the romantic side (the type of man who wants to develop a deep connection with the other person first before ever considering sleeping with them), the government agent Ango has little to no qualms about using everything he has at his disposal to ensure that a mission is successful, including his body.
Ango, on a personal level, has a number of standards or "types" he looks for that rarely anyone he's met thus far has managed to fit, and this is why he said it's "not likely" to have sex with pretty much everyone who sent in an ask. It's not likely for him to sleep with them if you ask the everyday him. Those are his real feelings on the matter, and if asked or prodded to sleep with someone in a scenario where the government has no secondary motive in mind for them, Ango won't hesitate to politely turn them down without even blinking an eye.
Ango on a professional level however, doesn't care about who it is that he "has" to sleep with, as long as by doing so he can bring the mission closer to success; be it through gaining the other person's trust, learning new info/being privy to a new network or catching them in a vulnerable moment that couldn't have been achieved otherwise. This obviously isn't his go-to method, and he'd still much rather do everything he can through non-physical means, but he isn't at all against utilizing this tactic if he realizes it'll be more likely to help him reach his/the government's goal than its counterparts. He frankly has no guilt over this either, and will never say that he regrets any of it - to him, this is just yet another side of ensuring his goals, just as lying and going behind other people's backs in other areas is. That's why he added "it depends" to everyone, because normally he wouldn't consider sleeping with them - but if a mission ever calls for it, he would consider it a possibility/course of action.
Looking at Ango through the lens of this particular topic is actually so interesting because in everyday life he's on the timid side as well as more prone to blushing/fast heartbeats. He values every second of it, and because of that he's VERY unlikely to sleep with someone he doesn't have strong feelings for/someone he isn't dating or marrying. However, agent Ango has absolutely no shame in sleeping with targets, and he's doing a really good job at it too - he can fake being meek or embarrassed if he figures that's what they're more into, but generally he knows how to be perfectly seductive as well, and anyone who'd be able to see him in both instances would feel strong whiplash at comparing the "everyday" Ango with the "agent" Ango side by side.
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