#Océane Vermillion
vilandel · 15 days
Silver Cats & Black Roses
Chapter 19 – Flaws of a Ball
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A/N Nobles are being jerks, Charlottes aunt is one of the worst and Nozel confides FINALLY to his Vermillion aunt... who has her own wonderful words to describe papa Silva 💙💜
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“Are you serious?”
“I wish I wasn’t, but sadly, I’m not in a goofy mood right now.”
Most of the time when the Wizard King said that, he was actually acting goofy, either to everyone’s amusement or everyone’s annoyance, especially Marx the mushroom.
But as if the serious look in his eyes wasn’t enough, Yami could tell from his Ki that old man Julius was serious. Gosh he would have preferred if it was a bad joke. Heck, even Mushroom Head looked like he would have preferred a stupid prank for once. That was just how fucking upsetting those news were.
“This doesn’t make any sense,” Fuegoleon said, again speaking for all the captains. “The war with Spade was just six months ago, there are still some lingering aftermath and not only from this raid, but also from the whole ordeal with the elves and the Eye of the Midnight Sun and even a bit from this affair with the Devil Believers. Not to mention that we still have to deal with those thievery acts in the Common Realm and that most nobles still don’t trust the Magic Knights. So, why do they want to celebrate the victory with a ball already?”
“I agree with Fuegoleon,” Kaiser added calmly. “Most nobles these days don’t trust the Magic Knights and it’s not anything new. We could give the benefice of doubt, of course, and hoping they came to accept that we do anything to protect this kingdom. But we all know that this isn’t the case, houses from high nobility especially have lately taken many offenses from the decisions we made as Magic Knights. And isn’t this ball suggestion coming a bit out of the blue?”
“Yeah, what that moustache grandpa just said,” Yami sighed. Since Kaiser helped him to realize his love for Prickly Queen, Yami was rather unusually willing to support his purple colleague when he made a good point.
“If ya all ask me, this noble ball victory bullshit sounds fishy.”
“It does, as it wasn’t offered like a peace offering or anything like this,” Marx said with a deep frown. “More like a threat, maybe? No, this is a too harsh word. I can’t really call it a warning either.”
Goldie Guts had taken a look at the so-called offer, looking down at the parchment with a frown, as if he was trying to get the words right. Weird, William was usually one of those who could get behind a true message between the lines quite easily. Yami had to admit that this wasn’t his forte. Besides, written words didn’t had any Ki, so he could never tell if they were genuinely true or a blatant lie.
“Hm… At first sight, it looks like a banal and even overly polite offer or suggestion ask to Magic Knights. But those are mostly about trouble in some areas, about new dungeons appearing or any difficulties people wish to have be better. A ball of victory isn’t really something you turn towards Magic Knights.”
“You are right, William,” old man Julius answered, pensive. “And in this case, it’s not like a ask for help or a suggestion for a mission, like we usually get. I wouldn’t have talked about it if this so-called offer didn’t sound like a decision already made, giving us no other choice than to accept it. It might be just nothing to worry about, but the way it was handled to us, the choice of words and with all that happened even in the last two years, it concerns me. Besides, could anyone of you tell me what Three Leaves Glory mean?”
Yami shrugged, he clearly had no idea what this shit meant. The Beanpole and Miss Sleepy Hat also looked like they had no fricking clue what was about this fuss.
But the captains who were either nobles or royals, they seem to know.
And that bothered Yami. He, Jack and Dorothy were the captains that didn’t come from noble and royal circles. As a foreigner, a commoner and a witch, they mostly have no idea how all the things of nobility worked.
But the other six captain, they seemed to knew… And given their looks, it wasn’t some good shit, it seemed. Rill looked he still tried to remember what this stupid term, though. But the rest? Nozel looked like stiffer than usual, Fuegoleon let his left hand glide down his face, William just sighed, Kaiser just shrugged, and Charlotte…
Yami almost flinched when he took a look at her. She was stiff, her mouth was thin line, her fist were trembling and resting on her lap.
She knew what that three leaves whatever shit meant and she didn’t like it at all. Okay, when she was reacting like that, then Yami just couldn’t shrug it off and move on to new cigarette. Her reaction actually worried him more than he would have before being with her.
Discreetly, he laid his hand on her leg. It seemed to calm her down a bit and Charlotte even put her own hand on his. Yami almost smiled that she was taking his comfort immediately now. She never would have before.
But at the same time, they were a couple now. A secret one, there was no denying that, but still a couple.
In the end, it was Fuegoleon who finally explained what this three leaves whatever shit actually meant, translated from noble language.
“The Three Leaves Glory is basically a term for a ball where nobles and royals are deciding betrothals between any kind of house and any kind of people. Long ago, the Three Leaves Glory was a ball of three days, in honour of the three leaves of the Clover.”
Yami grinned when Fuegoleon put this much emphasis on the word honour. Hard Nose might explaining the topic as factual as possible like he always did, but even someone like him couldn’t entirely hide what he truly thought about this whole shitty mess.
“During the first day, the future spouses met each other for the first time. The second, they were betrothed. And at the last day, the marriages were celebrated at this ball. It was basically multiple weddings at once. That tradition was annulled over fifty years ago, due to various and complex reasons.”
“But the term of Three Leaves Glory Ball still remained, am I right?” Marx asked cautiously.
Fuegoleon only sighed, which practically an answer already.
“Yes. It’s more or less like a standard ball, now multiple weddings at once anymore. But… it’s still an important event on the marital market. Not official, but still very important. And decisive and final. It’s often decided between the future spouses back or at least one of them, only for them to learn it way later.”
“That sucks,” Beanpole groaned, sitting impossibly on his chair. “What was the use of forbid the original idea if it’s still practically some forced contracts?”
“Because noble house preferred to be in the centre of the attention at a wedding and multiple weddings at once takes the spotlight away from them.”
The cold disgust in Nozels voice was pronounced that each person present turned towards him in surprise. Yami as well.
Okay, he was more than used that Braids was strict royal with a stick up his ass who adores discipline, something a lot of nobles seemed to lack. But never did Yami heard that kind of disgust in his voice before. Either Bird Braid started to change his mind about nobles after the elves or after Spade. Or he hold his disgust for years and now he was so done to care and hold it back anymore.
Damn, if it was the latter, Nozel must have been using a lot of inner strengths for years dealing with hated nobles. Maybe he had not such a big stick up his ass after all. Yami would have thought that Braids would defend the intention of the nobles. But from all the people present at this table, Nozel seemed like the most offended about this perspective.
Along with Charlotte.
“So this is what my mother warned me about,” she whispered, so that only Yami was able to hear her.
Crap. He actually forgot about that. Auntie Dea, like most of the Black Bulls called Charlotte’s mother now, did warned Prickly Queen about some ball like that.
Was this what Dea meant with that warning? Knowing her, that poor Blue Rose Mom certainly had nothing to do with it, but she must have heard bits here and there, at least enough to warn her daughter about it.
Yami remembered how angry he got when his girlfriend told him that for the first time. Well, the mere thought that some people would want to marry off his Prickly Queen for their own schemes, as if she was an empty cup of a trophy, made him raging, wanting to destroy a wall over their heads or something.
Charlotte was the most wonderful woman in the kingdom on many levels. And she was his. No one had the right to decide over her future like that!
Charlotte must have felt the angry tension within him, so she put a hand on his leg, in an attempt to calm him down. And it worked. Who would have thought that a simple hand on a leg could be enough to calm someone?
The anger was still here, but thanks to her, it was now calm.
For fuck’s sakes, he really needed her on so many levels.
Charlotte seemed to have calmed down a bit herself, as she said, “But that kind of nonsense hadn’t been organized since five or six years. Why starting again with this and why using the victory against the devils in Spade as an excuse?”
“Because nobles are desperate, maybe,” Nozel said again in a cold, disgusted tone. Damn, what was wrong with him? Yami tried to read his Ki, but it was a mix of so many things he couldn’t recognize. Did nobles killed his favourite eagle or something?
“Who signed this so-called offer, by the way?” Kaiser asked and Yami admitted that he really wanted to know that too, for once. Just to put some nobles on his disgust list and making them potential candidates for a dimension slash.
Marx took the parchment again and said, “Well, we have of course a good bunch of Évantails on this list, the house head Bianca Évantail of course and Reginald Évantail as well.”
“Which Reginald Évantail?” Charlotte asked, a slight smirk on her lips. “Last time I checked, this house has two Reginalds. At least, for all I know, maybe there are some more cousins with that name.”
Yami couldn’t help but grin. This comment was definitely his influence on her and it made him proud of his Prickly Queen.
“It’s the father and the son,” Marx replied. “There is also a Prudence Évantail and… oh, Nozel, one of your knights has signed as well.”
Bird Braid let out a groan that was definitely not proper for a royal. Yami would have laughed if Nozels Ki wouldn’t have let out so much disappointment. Gosh, did he always had problem with this particular knight?
“Wizard King, I think my vice-captain and myself already made you aware of the annoyance Samuel gives, as well as the Silver Eagles squad. I can talk to him about this and scold him, but at this point there’s only as much Agatha and I can do with him. If he’s going too fast…”
“Then I will take the necessary measures. If Samuel Évantail continue to be this bold with his unknightly behaviour, we ‘ll have no other choice than to definitely kick him out of the Magic Knights, the arrangement between the Silver Eagles and house Évantail won’t change that. But are you sure about this potential measure, Nozel? Won’t this affect the Silver Eagles in some way or another?”
“Trust me, given Samuels deeds since he became a knight of my squad, him being not a Magic Knight anymore won’t change anything for the Silver Eagles.”
Crap, really? Yami felt kinda bad for Nozel, if he had to deal with that kind of knight, to a point that he would be happy to have him kicked out of his squad.
Were all the damn Évantails such assholes nobles, when even someone like Nozel Silva of all people was fed up with them?
“House Évantail has a lot of members and some are knights as far as I know,” Julius said thoughtfully. “What about the Évantails who are members of your squads, if you have some? We better make sure that they won’t do us any problem one way or another.”
“I don’t think we have to fear Marguerite on that matter,” Goldie Guts said. “She is not an easy person, but that is because she follows the rules strictly and point to point. She is unyielding about it, but she is loyal to the Golden Dawn and the Magic Knights In fact, Marguerite is the type of woman who would finish to write the rapports during a hurricane or a terrorist attack.”
“I have no complaints about Othello,” Fuegoleon said with a shrug. “He is old, but is still in his best shape and just enjoys of being a knight.”
Jack just laughed like crazy. “Nothing to worry about noble arrogance from Hannibal. He’s a perfect Mantis, just enjoying slicing things with this wind magic.”
Yami didn’t find that very reassuring, but okay.
“I have nothing to worry about Grenadine, she is one of the best knights I could wish for the Silver Eagles. And since she’s a bastard, there is no chance she would play a part in such schemes.”
“Hm, I have no complaints about Daphne,” Dorothy said with a peace sign. “She has her pride, that’s for sure, but her principal hobbies are romance novels and dresses from the modiste Soie Velours, not conspiracy. Besides, Daphne is not on good terms with most of her family since she became a knight of squad with a captain as witch, so no probs.”
Sleepy Hat wasn’t even upset about the prejudice that asshole noble house had against her. Damn, she had a lot of inner strength and good mood in order to do that.
“Belinda is not a problem either, she is way too kind for this. Besides, I think she is on a vacation right now.”
“Not exactly, Rill. Belinda is on maternity leave right now.”
“Oh yes, that’s it! Thanks, Marx!”
“I have no Évantail in the Black Bulls, so don’t ask me.”
“Églantine is not a problem either on that matter. In fact, she is one of the best Blue Roses I ever had and she keeps contact to her house to the strict minimum. I think that if she could, she would cut ties with them entirely, if it weren’t for her youngest brother and a great-aunt she’s very fond of.”
Kaiser stroked his moustache while saying, “Galahad is a shy, nice boy and a very loyal Purple Orca. But he is also rather afraid of his family. I will talk to him later and make sure he knows it’s okay to not follow his house in conspiracy.”
Yami looked at each captain, stunned. Fuck, were the Black Bulls the only squad with no Évantail? It probably wasn’t such a bad thing, given that most of Évantail nobles were asses. But still, Yami felt left out a bit. Maybe he should search for an Évantail as a new recruit. Would be nice to have newbies since Asta and Noelle.
But nice Évantails were apparently a rarity. Would he be able to find one, if there would be one not taken by a squad? He almost got one at the last selection exam, but Nozel decided to not be an arrogant jerk and give Grenadine a chance as a Silver Eagle.
“Good. In this case, we shall mostly pay attention to members of house Évantail who aren’t Magic Knights. Who else signed, Marx?”
“House Taliss, of course, as well as some members of house Lys. And house Vitrail, especially lady Athénaïs.”
Fuegoleon and Nozel made a face at that name, which made Yami grin. Gosh, that lady Athénaïs must be an awful noble to make those two made a disgusted face like that. He almost wanted to meet her.
“Are there also some relatives from the captain, Marx?” Julius asked.
“Let’s see… Ah, yes, there is a certain lady Rosamund Roselei.”
Oh no! Not Prickly Queens bitch aunt who wants to marry her to an old guy like Reggie! Why was that wench always on their way again and again?
He felt Charlottes hand again on his leg, as she said, “I have a very distant relationship with my aunt and I have no intention to change it, despite her trying it. Rosamund signing this kind of conspiracy offer is very like her.”
“And there is also… Oh. Lord Lac Silva.”
“Wait, he’s back in the country?” Julius asked, but he was the only one to comment. Everyone else slightly turned towards Nozel again. His face had now movement, except for the twitching eyebrow, proof that he was upset.
But his eyes. Damn, never before had Yami seen such a raging storm in those cold purple orbs. This wasn’t Nozels usual style of being upset, like when he was mocked by Yami and Jack. Now, this right now was deeper, harsher, probably lingering for years. He clearly had no good bonds with his old man.
“I have nothing to say to him.”
The tone was calm and cold, but you had to be a completely clueless idiot to not hear that Nozel didn’t have any affection for his father. Damn, Yami already knew that most noble and royal daddies weren’t really fathers to their kiddos. Prickly Queen and her old man was a good example of it. But Bird Braids case seemed to be a special one.
Geez, what did that man do to be such a bad father? Yami wondered if this Lac Silva dude was just as worse as his own old man or maybe even worse.
“Understandable,” Julius just said.
Yami frowned. Julius sounded like he excepted this answer from Bird Braid. Did he know this Lac dude? Well, it wouldn’t be surprising, Julius had been captain at the same time as Braids own mother. What was her name again? Something like Alice or Alicia, a sound like that. He certainly knew something about the Silva family drama.
Next to Yami, Glowing Hair looked like he was thinking really hard. But then he squealed for some reason, making every other person flinched or jumped up. Except for Dorothy, who just giggled.
“Oh my, Rill. Do you have something important to tell us?”
“Yes, Wizard King! Although it’s more like a spontaneous thought and it’s maybe too far-fetched. But… is it possible that the thievery organisation in the Common Realm have something to do with this Three Leaves Glory ball offer?”
There was silence. A long silence, which made the captain of the Aqua Deer visibly nervous.
“What? Is this really a stupid idea?”
“No, actually not. Given how little clues we have about this affair, we should consider each possibility,” Fuegoleon immediately said to calm down Rill.
“Not to mention that it is really a strange coincidence. Even if it’s nothing in the end, we should keep this possibility in mind until we have more proof about those thievery acts. That would be all for today’s meeting, you can now go, captains. As for me, I will-“
“Work on the belated paperwork instead of wandering of again, exactly.”
“Ugh, really?”
“You’re behind for like three months, no excuse.”
The nine captains actually chuckled at this little conversation, while Marx took Julius by the wrist to drag him out of the reunion room.
Maybe Mushroom Head deserved a raise, Yami decided. He was very loyal and worked his butt off to keep this country in shape. Maybe he was too harsh on him with the teasing?
Well, that was future Yamis problem. For now, he walked silently besides Prickly Queen, slowly so that their colleagues would be off soon. That captains meeting was as always hours long and he needed his Prickly Queen Comfort Time.
Nozel left immediately. Geez, the mention of his father must have upset that Bird Braid a lot. William was looking out of the windows, pensive. Kaiser and Fuegoleon were discussing something, either the whole affairs or it was about their beloved. Jack, Rill and Dorothy were in a heavy discussion about something like axes, porcelain cups and canvas.
Did he really even wanted to know what those three weirdos were talking about?
It didn’t take long for the other captains to follow Bird Braids lead and leave the hallway. There was no one else right now. Perfect.
Yami grabbed Charlotte wrist and lead her through the first door he could find. Just a small room with a couch, a small table and two paintings with winter landscapes on the wall, with only one window and lacy curtains. Probably a little break room. Good, no one would disturb them.
“Yami, really?”
“Come on, Prickly Queen. Hours sitting next to you while holding back, with only occasional touches? I was agonizing!”
Charlotte surprisingly didn’t complained too much, kissing him immediately. Gosh, she must have been on edge too during this meeting.
But maybe it was mostly because about this whole ball bullshit and that her aunt is one of those organizing this crap.
“You’re okay?” Yami asked they break from the kiss. “With that… ball bullshit? With your aunt?”
Charlotte smiled. “Thank you for worrying about me, Yami. Well, I’m strong, I won’t let her and the others decide about my future and my life. But… I would lie if I say that I don’t care about it. It really… gives me stress.”
“In that case, what about some stress relieving sex?”
Prickly Queen blushed, but she didn’t protested. She must be really needing this right now. And to be fair, he needed it too.
Charlotte nodded and the hunger in her eyes was enough proof how eager she was. Damn, how much did he love this miracle of a woman!
Yami promised himself to invite her to take a bite afterwards. He just hoped to have enough money on him this time.
They made out passionately as they lied down on the couch. Charlotte was on top of him, slowly getting rid of her robe and her upper clothes while kissing him deeply. Damn, she really became a master at this kind of multitasking.
Yami grinned against her lips. Nobles didn’t deserved someone like his Prickly Queen, as she was way above them with everything. But she was his and he would rather stop taking dumps than giving up on her.
It was evening, but the sun still let it last rays shine on the Silva flower garden, bathing it in a soft golden light with sparkles of red. The Silva flower garden was always beautiful, even in November, but today it was especially stunning.
Nozel looked over at his aunt, who was walking beside him. Given the look in her blue eyes, she was delighted as well by the sight.
“Ah, it had been while since I was here, but this garden is still gorgeous as ever,” Océane Vermillion smiled, focusing on each flower she could see, on each tree they passed by.
Nozel was glad to get a grip on himself and for the first time in years, personally invited his aunt over at the Silva palace. Having her here, so casually, as if she just left the castle for the Vermillions yesterday, was a proof what a fool he was.
Océane would have helped him dealing with all the house affairs from the start. She would have let him grieve while dealing with it herself, then step by step teached him to do all of this. No one would have teached him all of those matters than his aunt.
Océane Vermillion was a master at gossip and politics, even though she wasn’t in the parliament and didn’t had such a position like Lac Silva. But this was exactly her strength. The power Océane had was subtle, masked behind smiles, love for pastries and a simple life. She was able to make a stubborn and corrupt noble change his mind with just compliments and facts she made sound like spicy rumours, even the most boring ones.
Yes, his Vermillion would have helped him the best he could. If only he hadn’t been so stubborn, convinced that he had to do everything alone. Not to mention that Océane was one of the last persons that had a direct and very close connection to his mother. It was also the case with the Wizard King or his knight, Julia Ambrosia. But Acier and Océane had been sisters, which made her connection the closest and most precious.
Nozel took a closer look at his aunt. She was almost closer fifty than forty, but she didn’t look like it. There was still a youth in her traits. He wondered if it would have been the same for his mother, if she would have lived to that age.
Océane and Acier were sisters, so they were also very similar physically. The same nose, the same soft face and the same frown when they were very focused on something. But Océane had curlier hair, her eyes were blue and not purple, the smile was also completely different. How strange, Noelle got most from their mother’s looks, but she got her smile from their aunt. Same for Nebra. She had started to smile more often and more genuinely after Spade and it was only then that Nozel had realized that his sisters had the same smile.
Nozel sighed. He certainly had a lot to say, but no word seemed appropriate. Still, there was one thing he needed to finally say.
“I’m… I’m sorry I never let you help me back then, when mother passed away. I should have let you help me.”
“Do you really think I blamed you, dear nephew? You were a grieving teenager, too young for all of this duties. You weren’t ready for all of this and no one let you properly grieve. I’m sorry I haven’t tried more to reach out. True, Achilles, that oaf, hold me back. But I should have tried more and don’t let the Vermillions hold me back. As well as my own grief and loss.”
“But you lost your sister.”
“And you lost your mother.”
There was a silence, filled with some memories of Acier Silva. How much she loved walking through the Silva flower garden, especially at the rose belvedere or the water lily pond, with the swing chair hidden by flowers and little birches.
“I’ve made many mistakes… I should have acted differently.”
“But you were still a child, you were fifteen when you took over the house, Nozel. You weren’t ready, you never were ready. Anyone would have made mistakes in such a situation, especially alone. And you were terribly alone. Long story short, you did the best you could and believed you could in those circumstances. And don’t forget that your parents’ marriage wasn’t stable back then, never really was. You know that as much as I do.”
He knew, of course he did. He knew it for long and before that, he already had a feeling. Even when he was a little boy, he knew without knowing that the marriage of his parents wasn’t a happy one.
“You had some burden already, as the oldest child and then everything that happened to Acier… You became an adult too quickly. A lot of people should have prevented it. Me, of course, but also your father…”
“You at least wanted to help me. Father… Lac never would have.”
“Oh yes, we agree on that. Helping his grieving son to carry a too heavy burden? No, that doesn’t help him with his own ambitions, why would he?”
Océane always had a very specific way to talk about Lac and it always made Nozel smile a bit.
“It doesn’t change the fact that it was a too heavy burden for you and that you had no one to help you. You might have not asked for help, that’s true. But you were just following the example of your mother. She also did everything alone.”
“Mother made it look so easy. For years, I thought I was doing wrong. It’s only lately that finally realized that… she might have struggled as well.”
“She made it look so easy, right?”
“You also made it look so easy, my dear nephew. To be honest, Nozel, I was worried about you for years. You practically sacrifice yourself for house Silva, for the Silver Eagles, even more for your siblings. You never asked for anything in return. No normal Head of House, noble or royal, would have dealt with everything that way. I don’t say that you were wrong by putting your own interests behind for others. It shows how good of a heart you have and other house heads should take some examples on you. But… you did the very same mistake as your mother. You forgot to care for yourself, you forgot to have your own life. Not to mention your guilt issues. I was really scared you would sacrificed yourself to a point that it would be too late to save you from your pain.”
Suddenly, Océane smiled brightly. “But then, you came back from Spade. You had a spark in your eyes that I haven’t seen since your mother died. You spend more time with Noelle and your sisters were closer. But I think that this wasn’t what saved you from your cold. There is something that filled your heart and your soul. I saw it grow over the past few months and I see it in your eyes in this very instant. Something saved you and freed your kind heart from the golden cages.”
Nozel looked at her wide-eyed. Something in her tone made him suspect that his aunt might know. Maybe not about Vanessa directly, but that he had someone. But how? Well, his aunt was very observant, but there was no way she could-
No, not true. It wasn’t like Nozel and Vanessa took all the necessary precautions to hid their relationship. Not at the café, not at the willow in the parc, not when they were walking arm in arm in town. But this had been things they done together long before they were a couple.
Still, there were some moments when they have been careless. Vanessa and himself were actually lucky that no one witnessed them yet so far. At least, as far as he knew.
“So, what’s the name?”
Nozel managed to practically choke on air. It was unexpected.
“Don’t be so secretive with me, my dear nephew. Please tell me, what is the name of this amazing person that made this happy.”
Nozel hesitated, but not much, if he was honest. He knew he could trust his aunt. It was just… no one knew about him and Vanessa yet, so he wanted to protect their bond. Especially since his father was still out there and their whole situation.
But at the same time… Nozel was tired of secrets. He had secrets since the age of fourteen, he went through so much to keep it safe and look where it had brought him. Being with Vanessa made him happier than ever before in his life and he didn’t want to hide it. Vanessa was a witch, sure. But he wasn’t ashamed of loving her with all his heart. He wanted to show her at his side through the world, he finally wanted to share his happiness.
So, maybe telling his aunt wouldn’t be such a bad idea. It was just… difficult to put in words.
“Her… her name is Vanessa Enoteca.”
“Vanessa Eno… Oh, the Black Bull witch? One of Noelles squadmates?”
“You… you know her?”
“Silly nephew, I don’t know know her. It’s just that there was some talks about the Black Bulls during those last two years. I’ve seen her for the first time at the wedding of lady Finesse and lord Finral. If I remember correctly, you even danced with her that day. I must say, Nozel dear, you got quite the catch. She is a beauty.”
Nozel had no other choice than to agree. In fact, Vanessa was for him the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.
“She’s not just her beauty.”
“Oh, that soft tone in your voice… You’re hopelessly smitten, it’s so clear as crystal.”
“Hopelessly describes is it well. I… We talked for the first time in Spade, when the battle had been over, but when everyone was still resting and recovering. Vanessa needed some time alone and it was a coincidence that I ended up at the same spot she was. Or was it Fate? I don’t really know. Then we talked… we opened up, in a way. I was too tired to give her the illusion that I was cold and she seemed fed up with a delusion she had for a while.”
“A delusion?”
“I won’t tell you more about it, I don’t believe I have the right to spill her secrets to anyone. I apologize, aunt Océane.”
“Of course not. You were always a gentleman deep down. What happened after?”
“After Spade, at the beginning, we mostly talked over the communication device and occasionally at the Silver Eagles base, when she had to bring a rapport from the Black Bulls. Actually… it was more that she talked to me and called me on the device. I… I never tried to reach out at first, mostly because… I was convinced I never deserved that kindness she was so casually giving me.”
Océane only nodded, looking at him with compassion. Of course she knew about his guilt issues. Was there something in the kingdom Océane Vermillion didn’t know or at least didn’t suspected?
“But it changed after the royal wedding. We started to spend more time together. We talked, we enjoyed to be in each other’s company. It took some time, but I realized that I fell in love with her. It just took me some time to act upon it. For weeks, it was just Vanessa and me spending time a bit like friends, but with a tension between us. A comfortable tension, yes, but a tension still. But then… Lac reappeared.”
“Oh, that asshole! What did he say?”
“Aunt Océane! Didn’t you always told us to always watch our language?”
“In most cases, yes. But my sickening brother-in-law is just the exception that confirms the rule. So, what did that wannabe cockroach wanted from you?”
“First off, he wanted me to stop seeing Vanessa. Of course he couldn’t believe that I just enjoyed being in her company. For some reason, he thought she was my… my… that I used her as…”
Gosh, why was it so difficult to say? But of course, his Vermillion aunt understood him immediately.
“So typical of that elephant shit. Even lust shouldn’t be just a time to spend, but a tool to use in his schemes. I lost count about how many times this shitty rat moustache cheated on your mother for the sole reason to reach more power and influence.”
“Vanessa left soon after. At least, I thought so… and Lac, well, he wanted to talk about marrying me off. I… can’t…”
“You don’t need to put his speech into words, I can perfectly imagine what he told you. That conservative anarchist is sadly very clever to use the truth in his manipulation and not lies. Oh, my poor Nozel, he hopefully didn’t force you to a marital deal by threatening you! I’m gonna kill this butt face!”
“He tried, honestly. He also suggested that I can choose my own spouse, but only if I would accept help from him considering the thievery affair in the Common Realm.”
“What a backhanded deal. He would have been the winner in any case.”
“I know. After that, I… I actually fled like a coward.”
“You’re not a coward, Nozel dear. In this case, fleeing was probably the best option to get out of his grasp.”
“What I didn’t know was that… Vanessa didn’t really left. She stayed nearby and so, she heard the whole talk I had with my… with Lac. And when I fled, she followed me. I was so surprised to see her on my balcony all of a sudden. I thought she would have find me pathetic, for how I handled that talk with my… with Lac. But she didn’t find me pathetic, She was just so terribly worried about me. And…”
“You weren’t used for people worrying about you. Am I right?”
“Yes. Vanessa practically allowed me to be vulnerable in front of her. I was surprised about how… liberating it felt.”
“Ah, yes, I get that. Showing vulnerability is still wrongly considered as a weakness, but the truth is different, as it is a strength, since it takes a lot of courage. You’re lucky to have found someone like her, my dear nephew.”
“I know… That night, we talked. And we kissed. Actually… we spent the night together.”
Nozel blushed. The memory of their first night together was still so clear in his mind and filled his heart with a blissful joy. But telling anyone about it, especially a member of his family, this was difficult. He couldn’t say more than that he and Vanessa spend the night together.
And of course, his aunt immediately understood what this implied, as she started to laugh.
“Oh my, you both didn’t lose any time. That must have been a heavy tension you had for weeks. But at least, you’re happy with your beloved witch, am I right?”
“Yes. It’s like, she not only let me vulnerable in front of her, allowing me to trust her. She trusts me as well, she… Vanessa is always so full of joy and optimism. But she also had her own past pain. Different than mine, but somehow still similar? At least, she told me about it, she trusted me with it. It’s like… we’re healing together, as if we needed what we have now to start to come to terms with our past and moving on together.”
“Seems like a very healthy and loving relationship, if you ask me.”
“Honestly, I don’t think words can be enough to describe our relationship. Or maybe it doesn’t need words. I am happy with Vanessa, there is no doubt about that. Every worries I have seems either not important anymore or not impossible to come over when I’m with her. I feared that I didn’t deserved that kind of kindness, but it didn’t felt that way. It feels more like something so precious that I can’t give it away, that I need to protect to keep it save, but still letting it free because it deserves to be free. Aunt Océane, I’m… I’m even ready to give up on my royal status if I need to, if it means I can be with Vanessa.”
Océane just smiled at his speech, putting some strands of his hair behind his ears. Just like when he was a little boy. Nozel let her. His childhood had been taken too early from him and he was tired of always acting like a heartless adult. Vanessa often acted a bit childlike and she always encouraged him allow himself a bit of childhood.
Another miracle Vanessa has done to him…
“You’re just as romantic as your mother, my dear nephew. But unlike my poor sister, you’re not completely blind in love. And you are loved in return. That’s one of the greatest gift someone can get.”
“I never believed it before. But now I do. It’s just… our situation isn’t ideal.”
“A prince and a witch… Oh yes, the different circles. Status sadly still plays a role in our society when it comes to relationships. And you’re with a witch, that would be considered worse than a commoner or a peasant.”
Océane went silent, looking like she was thinking.
“You’ll have my support, Nozel. I would be a really bad auntie if I don’t help you and your lady love. It’s good that you realize that the situation isn’t ideal, it will help you to face the hurdles better. Over the years, I saw a bunch of nobles who fell in love with someone out of their circles and who didn’t pay attention to the hurdles and the consequences… which lead to tragic ends. But you’re not like this, thankfully. So I don’t need to pop your fluffy bubble to make you understand the situation.”
“But what can you do? It’s not like Vanessa and I are together for long at this point.”
“First lesson to learn, my dear nephew. Consequences and influences can last very long, especially when they’re subtle. And that is one of my specialties. You know I have my entries in practically every noble circles in the kingdom. If subtly and gradually start to talk about witches, the Black Bulls and royals being in love slowly in a more positive way, it can work miracles. Nobles are stubborn, but they also have double standards. It’s always good to use if you want people to change their minds. It’s a slow process, I’ll admit, but if you don’t want more hurdles to deal with than necessary, it’s one of the safest road. Besides, with that Three Leaves Glory ball on the way, it’s better to start early.”
“You already know about that ball?”
Why did he even asked? Of course Océane Vermillion knows about it already.
“Oh my, they already send the suggestion or offering or order, whatever it is? Nobles are really bold these days. Or desperate. No wonder, what happened those last two years in the kingdom show them how fragile their power can become. It’s sad that instead of questioning themselves, they cling more on their beliefs.”
“My father was one of those who signed it.”
“Oh. That fricking asshole of a wannabe mosquito!”
Nozel couldn’t help but chuckle. His aunt definitely had a very unique way to describe and insult Lac Silva.
“It’s clearly a trap to force into an arranged engagement. I will never understand how much hopes he has on your potential marriage, even though he hates you in particular and even though you’re the only one who didn’t got his magic affinity.”
Oh yes. Nozel just couldn’t forget that if he would have a magic based on water, he most possibly would have stay an only child. After all, Lac Silva was ambitious but never was appealed on fatherhood.
“Listen Nozel. I will tell you something you might don’t know yet. There is a dance that is always put on the program during this Three Leaves Glory balls. It’s very originally called the Three Leaves Waltz. Long before, it was the waltz that made each new betrothed official. It is way more subtle today, of course. But this dance is subtly put in place to make each dancing couple practically officially engaged. For those who haven’t any idea or who aren’t given any other choice, it’s a trap. I wouldn’t be surprised if your father is indeed intending to trap by forcing you to dance with the noble lady of his choosing and by that, trapping you into a betrothal.”
Nozel clinched his fists. This sounded like something his father… no, Lac Silva would do. He probably counted on the fact that Nozel isn’t well aware of all the complex and subtle details hidden in noble etiquette, making him easy to trap. Nozel was even certain that he would have trapped into this trap.
Never had he been so grateful that his aunt knows the world of nobility and royalty like the back of her hand.
“Then… what should I do until then? And when it’s the time for this trap waltz during the ball, how shall I react?
“Nozel, we don’t know every detail yet, there is no point to plan fifty step ahead, especially since some details can change at any moment. But I can tell you what you can do when it’s the time for this dance. It’s a good thing that Magic Knights will be invited as well. So, you will go directly to Vanessa and invite her for this dance. It would be even better if you only dance with her for all the other dances. A bit like Fuegoleon did with Lital back at the royal wedding. It will give everyone a clear message.”
“But… How can I know when it’s the time for this Three Leaves Waltz?”
“You’re smart, Nozel dear. I’m sure you’re going to recognize the signs easily.”
Well, that didn’t help him a lot. It was nice that his aunt trusted him so openly, but Nozel still would have preferred some more details.
“Nozel, I will help you so that you won’t be trapped into an arranged marriage. Heaven knows how much I’m aware how awful this could be. I might not have the worst husband, more or less and thankfully I had my children, a sister-in-law and most of my nephew and nieces to help me to make the best out of it. But not everyone is as lucky as me and I owe it to Acier that you won’t know this hell. Even more so, you’re in love, you have the best reason to fight for your happiness.”
Nozel looked at his aunt, stunned. He would argue that she owed it to his mother, but given how close Acier and Océane were, maybe his aunt had promised something like this to her sister before she died.
And why would he deny Océanes help, no matter the reasons? She was his aunt and she cared about him and his siblings, this was enough a reason for her to help.
“You seem tense, my dear nephew.”
“Well… the news about this ball and with my father involved, it’s not a good news for me. Especially in my romantic situation.”
“Of course. Will Vanessa be with you tonight.”
“Well… we spend practically every night together at this point.”
He wasn’t ashamed of his nights with Vanessa. But it was still embarassing to admit to his aunt that his beloved was with him basically every night.
“Thought that much. At least, this means that you’re certainly going to relax afterwards. And we both know how much you need that in general.”
This was true, but Nozel wasn’t ready to admit that yet. At least, not to people who weren’t Vanessa. And even with her, she needed to push and tease him a bit before he forgot his pride and admitted he needed to relax and to rest.
“Well, I better go now, otherwise my dearest father-in-law is going to try and to put me on time-out. Don’t worry too much, Nozel dear, we’ll find a solution. And it’s not only me, you might have more allies than you realize.”
Nozel just looked at his aunt with surprise.
“We might discuss some things, if you want. But make sure that I can properly your beloved Vanessa soon. I’m rather curious to meet the woman who the spark of your childhood back in your eyes. Until next time!”
Nozel just watched his aunt leaving the flower garden and disappearing back in the palace. Sometimes he couldn’t fully understand Océane and her motives, as she never liked to talk too much about her own past, how she was in away sold to the Vermillions and watched all of her siblings die, being the only one to probably grow old.
Océane certainly never had an easy life. That much Nozel knew, even though he wasn’t aware about all details. But his aunt cared and she helped, probably more than anyone could realize.
He certainly regretted to not have let her help during all those years. But today, she was at his side and despite his worries about the situation, it was at least a relief to know that he had at least one ally. And according to Océane, he might have more of them than he realized.
The sun was now completely down, only some red and orange lights were lingering over the horizon, the rest of the sky already in a dark blue, some stars appearing already. It was time to go back to his room.
Nozel knew that Vanessa would be there. A few days ago, he had let made a double of his balcony key, for her. So that she could enter at any time she wanted instead of waiting for him to open.
And indeed, when he opened the door, a flash of rosewood moved like a lightning before he felt her embracing him only one second after.
“I missed you, my handsome eagle.”
“The last time we saw each other was this morning,” he replied, quickly closing the door.
“Too long if you asked me,” Vanessa laughed, leading him to the bed and sitting casually on his lap. “So, how did the meeting with your auntie go?”
“Much more relieving than I imagined.”
“Told you so!”
“But you need to know that… she knows about us. To be fair, Océane has observed me and came to the conclusion that I… that I’m in love. There’s no use to deny anything with her and… I didn’t want to keep it a secret. So I told her. She’s giving us her full support.”
“That’s good news. We certainly need support, but it’s not like we won’t have people to help us. Also, speaking of, Yami mentioned something about a shitty ball when he came back to the hideout… Something happened at the captains meeting?”
Nozel couldn’t help but sigh. “Sadly yes. Something occurred and it’s a turn of events I really don’t appreciate. Especially since my father… no, Lac Silva has something to do with it.”
“Tell me everything, honey. But first… try to relax a bit. I know how worked up you can be when you’re tensed and burdened. I’ll help you.”
She really knew him better than anyone would realize. Nozel couldn’t help but smile.
He had no time to answer though, as Vanessa crossed her arms behind his neck and put her lips on his, pulling them both into a deep kiss. Nozel put his arms firmly around her waist, holding her closer.
It wouldn’t be an easy fight. But he wanted this more than anything else. He might lose some of his pride and his reputation in the process. But who cares, Vanessa was worth it.
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vilandel · 1 month
Morning Mist & Night Traffic
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A/N And I did it, my Black Clover Modern AU finally started! I'm so excited about it. The prologue sadly still goes well with angstpril... But I promise you, there will still be fluff and a happy ending ♣️ 💘
Ao3 link
Between all the yells and curse words, Nozel thought he heard things getting broken, probably by being thrown against a wall. Maybe it was one of the Ming vases. Or one of his father’s modern sculptures that looked like nothing.
Nozel just leaned more against the wall, hoping to melt with it. This was worse than any of the arguments his parents had before. This one was more direct, it was louder and the subtility was gone, as well as the ability of holding back.
He couldn’t tell if this was a good thing, though. Yes, his mother needed to let all those years of deception out, she deserved better than what… father did during the whole time of their marriage.
Father… How much Nozel hated that word. Yes, other children had certainly amazing fathers. But none of those were like his. This was the only father Nozel knew and because of that, he couldn’t consider father a word to love.
Other children maybe would mostly hate if their parents would get a divorce, even when there was no other choice. But Nozel hoped it. It would be the best for mother and for his siblings. To be away from that man.
Hopefully mother would understand that after today.
Hopefully… They couldn’t be the happy family anymore she wished for with him. All of their happy memories were from when he was away.
A little whine came to his ears. Nozel immediately looked down, to the bundle in his arms. The yells had woken up his little sister Noelle, who was just one year old and so, unable to understand what was going on. Nozel didn’t know if she was lucky or unlucky that she couldn’t get what was happening.
He also decided to only blame the man that was sadly their father for waking his baby sister up. Never would Nozel blame his mother for that. She didn’t mean it and if Acier would learn, she would feel so terribly guilty.
“Shh, Noelle, it’s alright, I’m here…”
It was just a whisper, but Noelle heard it somehow. There were still tears shining in her big magenta pink eyes, but she calmed down. His baby sister looked at him, certainly scared because of the yells. Nozel cradled her more and started to rock her softly. She was only one, she was still a baby. He had to protect her from the shards that were currently breaking their family apart.
If their father would stay, it will certainly shatter…
Were his other siblings fine? Nozel wasn’t that worried for Solid right now, he was currently at the Vermillions, with aunt Océane, to play with their cousin Kirsch. He would start to realize that something is wrong with their family, he was just four but old enough to start noticing things going wrong… Nozel always tried to make him understand a bit that they couldn’t expect anything from their father, that only mother truly cares about them. But he probably hasn’t done it well, as Solid was still confused and stubborn.
And to be honest, Nozel didn’t want Solid to learn the whole truth with only four. Even with fourteen, it was too early to face that…
But Nebra was here, in the house somewhere. Hopefully in the garden, where she wouldn’t hear any of the yells.
Nebra was nine, still too young, but old enough to actually realize that something was wrong with their family. And Nebra wasn’t stupid. Nozel did notice that she always had a certain look in her eyes when there was tension between their parents. Nozel prayed the Heavens that she wouldn’t become an adult too early despite this horrid realization. He already felt like a bit too adult sometimes, but someone had to support mother and give her the comfort every day. Her sister, aunt Océane, couldn’t come every day and the workers at the family business weren’t close enough to them and…
Now, Nozel almost felt like he would cry soon. Was there really no one but him to support mother? An adult, a friend? Heck, despite despising adultery thanks to his father, Nozel would exceptionally even accept a secret lover, just because his mother deserved to be truly loved and appreciated. Something his father never did.
Nozel hold Noelle softly closer to him. It was already a difficult situation. Hopefully it wouldn’t end up as a tragedy.
“Oh, there you are.”
Nozel looked up and saw Nebra entering the nursery. She was wearing the pink dress with the blue flowers that mother got her on their only-girls shopping trip last week and she had her favorite spider plushie in her arms. With the pink ribbon in her silver hair, she looked like a happy little girl with no worries at all.
But the frown and the serious look in her magenta eyes destroyed that happy image immediately. It broke Nozels heart.
“Nebra… I thought you were in the garden.”
“I was, but I could hear the yells even there. I didn’t know that mother knew such cursing words.”
How wonderful. Even their garden wasn’t wide enough to not hear the yells anymore. What if the whole city of Clover could hear them? What if people would hear and decide that mother was in the wrong, what if they would rather support him?
Nozel felt so scared right now. But he couldn’t let Noelle and Nebra show anything about it. He was their older brother, he was fourteen already and he sadly knew better than them what was going on. It was his job to protect his siblings. In this case, his sisters, since his brother was thankfully not here.
“Is she not crying with all the noise?” Nebra asked while sitting next to him and pointing at Noelle, who had tears, but didn’t cry. Yet.
“I do my best to calm her.”
“Noelle is always the calmest with you,” Nebra said, with a hint of envy that almost made Nozel smile. Almost. “With me, she either cries or is more interest by her stupid dragon plushie. But at least, I try to bond with her. Solid either calls her ugly because she’s a baby, broken when she cries or he asks that we should return her and find the receipt, to return her. Dang it, our sister is not a toy to return!”
“Forgive him, he is only four and babies are weird in his eyes. You did the same when Solid was a baby, remember?”
“It’s not the same, I’m a girl and he’s a boy,” Nebra said while flicking her hand. She sounded very certain of her statement.
“Did you hear anything about… what mother and father are yelling to each other?” Nozel asked.
“I didn’t try to listen, it makes ears bleeding.”
Nozel couldn’t agree more. He also didn’t try to listen, but mostly because he knew already what they were yelling about. It was always the same lately, only that it was more direct and loud this time.
“I did hear mother say something about divorce, though.”
Oh, really? That was new. But Nozel didn’t try to be happy about it right now. Was his mother suggesting the divorce or was she against it? At this point, Nozel wouldn’t be surprised by either possibility.
“Nozel, what is a divorce?” Nebra asked, which made him flinch. He didn’t know if he should explain it to her, she was only nine years old. But at the same time, she would learn it soon enough. Better from him than from someone else who wasn’t close to the Silvas or who might support their father.
“It means that people who are married can’t live together anymore, due to reasons, and so they got separated.”
Nebra nodded, thinking. Nozel wonders sometimes if he should be worried that she was a bit too mature for her age lately.
“I don’t want mother and father to get separated.”
“Maybe it will be for the best for all of us. And for mother even more.”
“Can we be a family when our parents are separated?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time a family goes through that and some are apparently still feeling like families.”
“But ours? With all the screaming?”
No, not really. Nozel wondered if he should tell Nebra that all of them would be better up without their father, but-
There was a loud noise going suddenly through their villa, as if someone just shut the door. Then, their mother yelled something about waiting.
Oh no… Their father probably left for his penthouse and mother would run after him. This wasn’t good, not good at all. Nozel didn’t know why, but he had suddenly a terrible feeling. He had to do something!
“Nebra, I’m going after mother. Watch over Noelle for me. Maybe go in the kitchen and ask the cook for some cocoa to calm everyone.”
“What? But Nozel-“
“I’ll be right back, just don’t follow me.”
Nozel handled Nebra their little sister, but Noelle immediately started to cry as he let her go. It broke Nozels heart, but he couldn’t take her with him and Nebra was also too young. He patted both their heads shortly, trying to ignore Noelles cries and Nebras sudden fear in her eyes and left the nursery.
He run down the stairs, almost run into a maid and reached the door of their villa. Nozel didn’t even took the time to put some outdoor shoes on, he went out immediately. It was clear as crystal that he had no time to lose. Mother needed him.
He run, hoping to stop his mother to go after HIM. The marriage was broken, it was so clear after today’s fight. But Nozel knew his mother hoped for a real happy family still. He couldn’t blame her for that, but they could be a happy family without HIM.
Nozel was out of breath when he finally reached the road. Why was the villa of his family on a hill again? Who cared about that, he needed to catch his mother!
Acier was there, on the road. The green light just turned red.
Then, there was the car.
Then a panic.
His mother fell.
Then it was blurry. And Nozel screamed, but no one heard him. There was no sound coming out of his mouth…
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vilandel · 4 months
Masked Waltz
Summary The other times, it was only a duty he couldn't wait to get over with. But this time, it was one of the best moments in his life...
A/N A little Nozessa special for Valentine's Day I posted today. I love this oneshot and I think it's a good start to post my fanfics here as well^^
Ao3 link
If Nozel Silva hated something about the yearly Royal Masquerade Ball, it was probably everything. Obligatory for all royals, you really needed to have a heavy sickness excuse, a faraway mission if you were a Magic Knight or some parliaments matters that couldn’t wait if you were a member of parliament. In which case, only Damnatio Kira ever used this excuses, the other royals in parliament weren’t that big on their duty.
Long story short, this Royal Masquerade Ball just made him lose his time when he had more important stuff to do with the squad. But as the Head of house Silva, Nozel had to be present specifically.
It had been the same with his mother, but while Acier had still tried to have fun during the ball, Nozel remembered really well how it wasn’t really always a happy time for her. Mostly because her husband was rarely at her side then. Of course Lac Silva never needed any of the three excuses to not attend this ball, given how made himself so beloved within royalty and nobility.
And when he had been present, he barely had spent time with his wife, preferring to talk and dance with other women, leaving Acier to open the ball with a random noble instead with her husband.
Ah, yes, there was another thing Nozel really hated about this yearly Royal Masquerade Ball. It was a tradition that the three royal heads should open the by dancing a very specific waltz, only for them and their respective partners.
And since king Augustus never ever deemed any lady worthy enough to dance with him and since Achilles Vermillion claimed that he was too old for a waltz – the truth was, none of them could actually properly waltz and prefer to watch him dance, hoping he would make a mistake – so Nozel had to do it alone.
Not that he hated dancing, his mother made sure that not only he could do it, but that he would also enjoying a lot of classic dances, especially the waltz. But the problem were more the noble ladies he had to dance with. Mostly arrogant women, who hide very poorly the fact that they wanted to become the next lady Silva, or insecure ladies, who just repeated what their parents said, in hope to also become the next lady Silva. Plus subtle hints about Noelles reputation and how apparently his marriage with a noble lady, from high nobility at best, would for some reason make things better, with house Silva, with Nebras and Solids future and with Noelles reputation.
Nozel always hated those hints, especially about Noelle, and even more since he came to properly bond with his little sister. So, his own tradition was that after this famous waltz, he bowed politely to his partner and then left them. If he came to dance later on during this ball, it was always with his sisters or with his cousin Mimosa, on occasion with Océane, his Vermillion aunt.
Looking around the immense ballroom, Nozel saw Noelle at the buffet with Mimosa. For the first time, his baby sister seemed to have some fun. He felt his heart filled with pride at that. She also got a new dress, a gift from Nebra, who of course had the best fashion sense in the family. Nozel had been so relieved that his sisters came to bond over the last year. Not to mention that Noelle looked really good in her water-themed mermaid gown, plus the blue and silver mask, that looked coming directly out of the sea.
Noelle must have felt that he was observing her, as she turned around to look at him and gave him a soft, happy smile. So, Nozel smiled back. The first time since the beginning of this masquerade.
Nebra was somewhere else, next to the windows with the balcony, apparently putting some noble ladies back to their places. Despite wearing a pale pink empire dress with bright blue birds, Nebra looked more intimidating than those nobles who had dark red, black or golden gowns.
Solid must be nearby as well, but Nozel couldn’t see his brother anywhere in the ballroom. Hopefully he behaved. And didn’t eat all of the coffee éclairs from the buffet all by himself again.
Nozel sighed. It was just the start of the ball and he already wished that he was somewhere else. The famous opening waltz was coming very soon and he could practically felt the glance of many nobles and some royals on him. It was as if their ambitions and power hunger were touching him, as well as some judgements.
Like it always had been.
Even worse, Prudence Évantail and Athénaïs Vitrail were openly staring at him. Those two noble ladies that were considered somehow the perfect match for him, the perfect ones to be the future lady Silva. It was certain that a lot of the present nobility expected him to dance with one of those two, maybe even announce his engagement or something. Lady Prudence stared at him with without even blinking behind her scarlet and golden mask, matching her dress. Lady Athénaïs was trying to be more subtle, hiding behind her golden fan and trying to look seductive and mysterious with her gold-orange dress and the matching mask. But she was of course failing.
Nozel almost groaned and decided to hide behind one of the giant golden pillars. Wasn’t it possible to avoid this stupid duty for once? He always hated to dance with those women who only saw him as a price or a step towards glory. And since he had a girlfriend, he hated even more to waltz with a woman who wasn’t the one he loved.
Too bad that this ball was only for royals and nobles. If only Magic Knights would have been here as well, officially invited. She would have been here… He couldn’t wait the end of this stupid ball so that they could see each other again.
“Why hiding behind a pillar, handsome?”
Nozel flinched, but relaxed immediately as he recognized the voice. Her voice, teasing and melodious. She was here.
“Vanessa… Why are you here?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I wanted to see you. And to be fair, I know that we agreed to meet in your room after this ball. But I guess I’m not that patient and sneaking secretly into this ball to be with you seemed more exciting than drinking my patience away. Besides, I had to, the mere thought of you forced to dance with some stupid bitches… Geez, I couldn’t handle that. So, here I am.”
“Vanessa, I’ve told you already-“
“That it’s your duty and that you don’t like it and that you would have sneaked out on the first occasion to join me, I know. But I also know that it’s not fair you’re the only royal house head doing this. And I also know that you like to waltz. Wouldn’t it be nice to dance with your girlfriend for a change? Beside, this is a masquerade, remember? No one will knew that the mysterious woman you’ll be dancing with is the Drunken Witch of the Black Bulls. The perfect occasion for us to be open while keeping our relationship a secret.”
“It’s not quite of a secret,” Nozel replied. It wasn’t like their relationship was kept secret, at least not anymore. The Black Bulls knew, his siblings, his aunts and cousins, a lot of the most trust-worthy Silver Eagles, Fuegoleon and the Magic Knight captains. But to nobility, it certainly was.
Nozel wasn’t ashamed to love Vanessa, a witch and a Black Bull. On the contrary, it was one of the best things that happened in his life. But he also knew that most of nobility wouldn’t be open-minded about this relationship. And he wanted some peaceful time with Vanessa before facing the rumours that will certainly come.
But… since Vanessa was here and since this was a masquerade ball, wouldn’t it be like the perfect occasion to start going in the open? Step by step, showing to those people that he already had someone and that he wasn’t going to court her like everyone expected of him? Nozel was tired of expectations.
He took a quick look at her. Of course she was beautiful, Nozel didn’t know a woman more breath-taking than Vanessa.
But he didn’t know that dress. A black gown flowing around her, leaving her shoulders free, with purple embroideries and appliqués at the bottom and at the top. Flowers. But not any kind of flowers. It was lavender.
“Do you like it?” Vanessa asked with a grin, while turning around herself, letting the gown flow wonderfully around her. “It is from Soie Velours, apparently the most renown modiste in the kingdom. At least, according to Nebra. She practically dragged me into that fashion shop when she deemed I had no dress good enough for a royal ball.”
“Nebra knows you’re here?”
“Yep, she and Noelle helped me sneak in. I had to convince them a bit first, of course. But once it realized that it would be something good to you, they were more determined than I was. Oh, and I chose lavender, because I love your scent. Have I ever told you how amazing it is that you love lavender?”
“More than once.”
Nozel couldn’t help but smile. It warmed his heart that not only his girlfriend sneaked into an exclusive royal and noble ball so that he would enjoy the upcoming waltz for a change, but also that his sisters helped.
He was grateful to have those three women in his life.
“You look so beautiful,” Nozel whispered, while softly caressing her hair, which was braided in a bun behind her head, but letting her locks falling loosely down her neck and a bit on her shoulders. Her mask was also black, with some lavender decoration on the left. The black colour made her amazing amethyst eyes standing out even more.
“Thank you, you’re really dashing too, honey. So handsome. I love your one shoulder cape. And you really should wear darker colours more often.”
Nozel looked down at his ceremonial suit. It was new, a gift from Nebra, to raise his festive garderobe, as she said. Well, it wasn’t the first time that his sister took it in her hands to make sure he got well-dressed when he must. And according to her, he was easier to clothe, Noelle and Solid apparently had a worse taste in fashion. Was it true or did Nebra overreact? She was often inflexible when it came to fashion.
“Dark purple, almost black, some silver embroideries with the Silva cross, one shoulder cape with the same patterns and some black fur at the top. And beside your usual braid, that purple and silver mask suits you so well. Gosh, I might have the most dashing and handsome boyfriend in Clover.”
“Are you teasing me or are you genuine?”
Nozel expected this answer, so he smiled at her. And Vanessa smiled back.
They could have just looked and smiled at each other for the remaining time, but soft music started to play. The preparation for the waltz.
Vanessas grin was very cheeky. “What do you think, handsome? Shall we start?”
Nozel chuckled softly. It was a nice feeling, that for the first time, this ball and this waltz would a true moment of joy instead of some bothering duty.
But he still wanted to do it right. To ask her properly, because Vanessa deserved to be treated like a true lady.
So, he slightly bowed in front of her and offered his hand. “Would you do me the honour and dance with me?”
“Oh my, that would be lovely, your Highness.”
“Vanessa, you know that you don’t need to call me like that.”
“But you’re one of the only royals who truly deserves that title. And besides, you kinda love it when I call like that in the bedroom.”
Nozel blushed at her words. She was always so bold and while he came to appreciate that side of her, telling things like that in public was something else entirely.
Still, he smiled as he took her hand and lead her towards the dancefloor.
He heard the gasps, whispers that started here and there. He saw how lady Prudence and lady Athénaïs were shocked, as well as practically fuming with rage, which was surprisingly very satisfying. He saw king Augustus and lord Achilles stunned and somehow upset that they didn’t have to push towards a noble lady, forcing him towards a duty they always tried to avoid themselves.
But Nozel also saw happy faces. He saw Noelle with a beaming smile seeing him with Vanessa. He saw Nebra nodding with satisfaction, a glass of lavender syrup in her hand. He saw his cousins and his aunt smiling at him, Fuegoleon giving him an encouraging gesture, Charlotte and William giving him a thumb up.
It was good to have people supporting him. How did he never saw and realized that before?
The preparation music stopped once Nozel and Vanessa were in the middle on the dancefloor. Facing each other, Nozel put his right hand on her waist, while the left one took her hand. She smiled at him, her mask adding some mystery to it, as she put her other hand on his shoulder. They were ready.
The music started.
It felt so natural as they swayed around the dancefloor. It wasn’t like they never waltzed together before, but it had always been in the cocoon of his chambers, after Vanessa asked him one day to teach her all those classical dances, especially the waltz. But it was the first time they dance together at a ball, in public.
It was such a wonderful feeling.
“I like this melody,” Vanessa giggled quietly. “It has a mysterious touch. Rather fitting, since the gorgeous woman in your arms right now is a mystery to all of those nobles. Oh well, I guess masquerade balls have to be mysterious.”
Nozel smiled as he turned her around, before going back to the basic figure. When was the last time he enjoyed to dance during a ball? He couldn’t recall. It never have been like this before. When he danced with his sisters, with his cousin or with his aunt, it was just a family bonding moment. With noble ladies hoping to woo him, it was a dreadful moment at best, agony at worst.
But this right now, waltzing with Vanessa, with his girlfriend? There were no words to describe what happiness he felt in this very moment. Of course, they have danced together before, but without music and only in his bedroom. Vanessa had called it training for her, but Nozel suspected that she was using any possible excuse to be very close to him in any way possible.
“We should dance this more often.”
“What do you mean, handsome? Dancing together? Waltzing in front of many nobles while being masked and giving nobility a gossip bone to nag on? Wearing masks, attending balls or getting excited for another kind of dance in your bedroom?”
“What? Don’t tell me that you don’t like our beddancing all of a sudden.”
“I… I do, of course. But we shouldn’t talk about those things in public.”
“I only whispered, no one could hear us and they’re too shocked or preoccupied finding out who could be that mysterious lady dancing with you to bother about what we’re whispering. And you don’t need to blush, even though I love- woah!”
Nozel overswayed Vanessa, stopping her flirty teasing. Looking over her, he felt quite satisfied as he saw the blush behind her mask and the surprised excitement in her amethyst eyes.
“What was that, Mylady?”
“Oh, my, honey… you should get teasing more often, I love already this new side of you.”
And she was flirty again, smiling at him teasingly as they continued to waltz. Nozel closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying this feeling. It had been so unexpected that he fell in love with Vanessa and that she felt the same as well. They had to accept their feelings for each other and their loved ones had to get used to it. Noelle in particular had been in shock for days before becoming their biggest supporter.
But today… It felt like it was always meant to be. It was not something Nozel had been used to most of his life and he hadn’t believed in it since he lost his mother. But meeting Vanessa and daring new things, out of his comfort zone, proved him wrong.
“Honey, I totally get that you’re hung up in the moment, but I dare to say that you can’t see me with your eyes closed and I rather waltz looking in those mesmerizing irises of yours.2
“Then let me dare this.”
And he lift her up, much to Vanessas delight and certainly to the shock of many people present. He never dared to do any kind of figures before, he just waltzed because it was his duty and left it that way.
But with her, Nozel became more daring. A new side of him that he still needed to get used to, but he grew to appreciate the feeling from time to time.
Nobility was still gossiping and wondering who the masked lady in black dancing with the captain of the Silver Eagles was. Rumours might start to go wild and any other hoping to become his future wife might get anxious, especially lady Prudence and lady Athénaïs.
But Nozel didn’t care anymore. Not with Vanessa in his arms. Not during this moment of pure happiness and promises. After years of silent suffering, he would be a fool to not hold to this joy.
The music continued, they swayed across the dancefloor. Nozel and Vanessa felt like being in their own world. Behind their masks, it was the case.
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