bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
congrats on 6k!!! thats so exciting!! for the celebration im sending: 🌲 <3
ORION thank you so so much my darling ilyyyy I hope you're having a wonderful day!!!
🌲 - Send me this and I’ll reply with my favourite Sufjan Stevens lyrics that remind me of you!
This was so hard because there are so many that remind me of you and your blog, but I'm going to go with: 'To recreate us, all things grow, all things grow' from Chicago! To me you always just feel like such a welcoming, cool, rejuvenating, warm person and like the epitome of nostalgia but also hope for the future, so yeah sorry for rambling ily and I think you're v cool and energising person <3
Part of Cee’s 6,000 Followers Event
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