yappacadaver · 8 months
41, 44, 47, 50
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41. What would they do if they lost the other?
I'm taking this to mean what if the other like died or something not just broke up (cause that's a later question lol)
I think if Yumi ever lost Raymond (without losing herself to possession), she'd probably spiral extremely hard and not ever get back up out of that honestly. She would just destroy herself by just burning through life. No plan, hard drugs, wounded animal type wants and needs.
If Raymond lost Yumi it would be the only thing he thought abt for the rest of his (extremely shortened life). If people thought he was stiff before they now think he's absolutely inanimate. There's not anyone close enough to notice what exactly is wrong but like he hardly ever speaks and keeps cracking and losing teeth from how hard his jaw is clenched 24/7. It's only like a year before he's diagnosed with a million different stress related health concerns. He also self-harms but it's not as direct as what Yumi does, probably just neglecting to feed himself, interacting with his mother, carefully logging what happened to Yumi and storing it away like another research note, etc.
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
Yes, when they get the chance. They are both sooooo touch-starved and Yumi is an extreme cuddler once she's comfortable. Raymond is accommodating :D They get real crazy with it, spooning, jetpacking, 2player naps on the couch, sleeping in the car,
47. Do they sleep beside each other? Why or why not?
They don't share a living space (at least not during TWIG canon i haven't given any thought to what comes after if im being SO honest xD) but they do sleep beside each other when they spend the night. Why? Cause they're fucking o_o
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
if they ever did break up, it would most likely be Raymond initiating it. He would either have too many hangups about the nature of their relationship (boss/employee, teacher/student, massive age gap) (dumbass doesn't factor in the fact that they're basically bound for life thanks to the demon situation THANKS TO HIM). IF Yumi initiates the breakup it would have to be because Raymond fucked up/crossed a boundary (her boundaries are so fucked it's really hard to do this) and even then she could likely be talked into not going through with it.
Raymond would handle the breakup way better, Yumi would handle it like a teenager with plenty of tears, sulking, and drama
original post here (still accepting asks :D)
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