dgaftilwedie ยท 3 months
used to be friends with this chick who was literally the worst hostess ever. she had a cat that stayed in her room most of the time (all well and good, she was a sweet kitty) but istg she had a bladder problem. pissed EVERYWHERE. especially bc my friend wouldn't clean her litter box. whenever me n my best friend went over to her house, we were forced to sleep on her catpiss-covered hardwood floor. had to beg her to bring us blankets. one time, i fell asleep (read: ATTEMPTED TO) on a thing layer of squishmallows.
speaking of, there was one time and my best friend went over to her house and she literally passed out an hour into us being there. we were starving and all we had to fend off our hunger was a bottle of orange soda. i had to blare that international harvester song in her bluetooth headphones just for her to wake up and make us a pizza (which she burnt so bad it was inedible) and then she fell asleep after much complaints. she woke up like 4 hours later when me and bff were going to bed to play fucking?? idk maple story??? and then she bitched to her parents about us IN FRONT OF US the next day when we were waiting for our rides. her parents called her out. it was hilarious.
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zuffer-weird-girl ยท 4 years
overhaul asks his s/o to bake alot of desserts for a event that will take place (a meet up of alot of different yasukas ) his s/o agrees but before they can leave overhaul requests desserts for him and only him, his s/o is done a presents him with his desserts and he trys them, he melts in delightfullness and bliss and trys to hide the fact hes in bliss because of a dessert ,when the meetup starts he brings in the desserts and brags about how his so is so amazing at baking but s/o is listening
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"You're actually serious?" You asked with mouth agape at Chisaki whose only seemed irritated at your question.
"I will not repeat the same thing more than twice... Honestly, you aren't deaf so you did understand me on the firt time." He sighed while crossing his arms and closing his eyes to contain his annoyance quieted down.
You smiled widely before throwing your hands up in the air in extremely happiness while shouting a small 'yay!' While you twirled around, not noticing the smile that had grow on your face stoic boyfriend.
What? You were cute, let him be...
You knew how important were the meetings and gatherings where involved the yakusa in general, and the ones whose were invited; or forced if they didn't comperate; were considered extremely lucky on the underground.
As much as you wasn't from there, you knew how important the yakusa was to your Chisaki, so imagine how were you feeling at the moment?
Him. Chisaki Kai. Overhaul himself. Asked, aka demanded, you to make some of your sweets for the event that was soon coming.
"Wait-!" You paused on your glee and immediately went to worry "Kai oh my god, what if something bad happens? What if they don't like it and you only get embarrassed by it? Or even if Pops-"
"Shut it." He said sternly making you lower your head while muttering 'okay, sorry'.
He sighed out loud while pinching his nose, soon looking at you with serious eyes.
"If I even mentioned this with you is because you're aren't a conplete lost cause in my eyes so just ignore it my demand or accept it."
That was a compliment... in his language... so it was already enough to ease your nerves while you breath out in relief.
"Thank you. Don't worry I will do it." You smiled sweetly at him, receiving only a nod.
"Good. This way we don't expend much money at least."
"Hey. Who said it was going to be for free? Those things take quite a work to do, you know? Not even speaking on the ingredients..." you crossed your arms and looked at him seriously in the eyes.
He looked at you, surprised for a moment, before his face turned into one of deep thought while he uncrossed his arms and tapped a finger of his in his chin.
Suddently he murmured a small 'oh' before he lowered his mask down his chin while with the other hand he picked one of yours and placed a kiss on your palm gently.
You widened your eyes in surprise while he lifted his gaze up at you again, still holding your hand in his much bigger and gloved one.
"Does this count?"
"Will I get more of those?" You tried to ignore the furious blush in your face while you still remained your tone of voice neutral.
"Then that's enough of payment. Shower of kisses here I come baby!" You said happily making your way to the kitchen while your boyfriend chuckled dryly as he shooked his head hopeless.
"To get the ingredients is only write on a paper and give it to Chrono, understood?"
"Poor Kurono... honestly, he deserves a break." You giggled while you were preparing your territory to start to make your creations.
"He doesn't." Chisaki growled before he made his way slowly to you, putting his mask back as he walked, while he was trying to form the right words to this... stupid request of his...
"Kai? Something wrong?" You asked, noticing the way he was looking at... nowhere, in deep in thought.
He took a big breath before looking you dead in the eye and just dropped the words without a care.
"There are some... sweets that I would be interested on, how can I say, taste... exclusively. If its not a problem angel. Just to make sure they are plausible."
You wanted to laugh so badly at that one but you still remained strong and nodded with a trembling smile before he left the room... leaving you to giggle and laugh as you wanted.
You always knew Chisaki had a sweet tooth but ever since the 'event' with your cake you discovered that he was slightly... obsessed and had a weak spot for sweets.
No wonder he asked for those to his meeting, but asking for EXCLUSIVE ones for only him to taste was knew.
He was so cute and he didn't even know it!
"I see you quite work fast... I'm impressed." Chisaki said in pure amusement as he saw already a bunch of sweets ready to the gathering tommorow... you had woken up in the morning to start all of this.
He cursed how his mouth had watered in mere seconds...
"Your meeting is tommorow so I have to be fast! Especially when there are some... specific requests." You smirked as you placed carefully one cherry at the top of one of many decorated pieces of white fancy chocolate.
You picked one carefully between your fingers and asked for Chisaki to come closer.
"These are one of the many you say it it would be on your preference handsome." You offered to him the little sweet which Kai eyed in curiosity.
"Simple yet plausible for many eyes. Congrats." He lowered his mask to his chin as he grabbed and rook a tentative bite of it.
Curse you... those things were delicious dear god, how?
He sighed in bliss subsconciously before he noticed your pleased smile, he immediately regain his compusture and regained his tone of voice back.
"It's... decent for the event. Rather interesting if I dare say so myself." You lift your fist up on the air and brought close to your face while murmuring a 'yes!' In victory as Chisaki took your distraction as a opportunity to enjoy this little piece of heaven in peace as he placed the rest on his mouth.
Ah shit. He wanted more.
"This one I'm a bit aprehensive though... stuffed chocolate pots with a bit of strawberry... do you think is too much nauseous?"
"Well, I do know some of them who are a bit... obsessed with chocolate. It depends really, they aren't ridiculous childs who will stuff their faces like pigs angel." He said already picking one, admiring the little details that you putted in each one.
"Ah! I almost forgot!" You said sudden before you went to the fridge and took off one piece of a tiny cherry cake... seing that your stubborn boyfriend was already munching on one of the pots.
"Seriously?" You asked giggling while offering the tiny plate to him, receiving a scowl of his.
"Can't exactly blame me when they are surprisingly good... what is this?"
"Decided to spoil a bit since you're always doing the same with me, so~" you poijted at the little piece "Here's one of your favorites! I knew you like cherry!"
He widened his eyes for a little in genuine surprise before returning them to his normal boredom.
"I see. Thank you my angel." He placed it down, making you confused a bit before he picked your hand and kissed gently your palm again.
"Payment." He murmured, the vibration kf his voice in your palm sending shivers to your whole body.
"The best I ever had and ever will in my whole life so far..." you whispered to yourself and immediately regret it whem Chisaki lifted his jead up staring you dead in the eye... smirking.
This man was going to kill you someday with his beauty... you could bet already.
"You need assistance? I can call-"
"Let Chrono rest." You giggled nervously "Come on Kai he also is going to that meeting tomorrow Isn't he? Let him have his break."
Yeah... of course... he was having a break, surely. Definitely not working.
"Right then." He went to leave before he suddenly stoped on his steps, returned to the kitchen balcon and grabbed his plate with a nod and left.
Dear god Chisaki...
"I must say mister Overhaul, those these sweet snacks are definitely awesome." Kai had to contain the urge of smirking at that while many others guests agreed.
"My boy, from which one you ordered those? Never saw then at least in the area that at least accept making rhose things for the yakusa." Pops asked curiously while he wiped his hand on a napkin.
"My partner made it. I simply asked if it was a interested of them on working for such a important event and they accepted, saying it was a honor." He talked while he pointed at the already famous table in the center.
"Ah sure, (Y/N)." Pops chuckled behind his glass of champagne.
He wouldn't embarrass Chisaki today... not today at least.
"Hum, is really impressive, do they owj a bakery or something if I may ask master?"
"No. They don't even need a shop to show their glorious talent. It's like they were born woth it or somethings related."
Everyone on that place who knew Chisaki for years could catch the glint of shiny in his golden eyes whenever he mentiomed your name or talents.
"Although I haven't see him trying nothing until now." Mimic muttred to Chrono whose was munching on something.
"(Y/N) said he eat what he had to yesterday..." mimic snickered at the explanation.
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