#OC: rejuv Aevia
heretodefyfate · 9 months
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some ocs-related sketches
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
3 and 5 for Aevia!
3. Voice?
Aevia's got a very soft and warm, albeit quiet, voice. Very gentle tone even in situations when you'd think she wouldn't.
5. Does her fashion represent parts of herself?
Well, Aevia always had a subconscious desire to be seen as herself, as she is using the name and body of someone else. While she didn't mind og Aevia's fashion taste, she wanted to make herself look more her style, hence the outfit she uses Chapter 9 onwards, even removing all the pink dye to try and have a major difference from before.
But of course, no one ever realized she's changed outfits, as the Soul Hotel situation has caused everyone to see her as different souls (fashion included), and Aevia herself goes through a sort of identity crisis chapters 11-15. After the events in the Nightmare Realm though, she's finally able to be seen uniformly between everyone, and afterwards chooses a new outfit (the one specific to this version of her I drew)
She keeps herself in bright colors, namely white and pink that she's kept from og Aevia's own color scheme, but adding more dark colors to contrast it. A bright character who has a heavy duty type of deal. More literally, she decides to have a vest that has a graphic representing her type specialization (Poison/Fairy), and she finds a pin of a sunflower to remember Nancy by.
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jazz-kitty · 2 months
i'm curious! i did a poll on my twitter a while ago but the only options were aevis and not aevis; so i'd like to do one that's a bit more proper
click whichever option feels best to you. doesn't matter if you've used multiple, just choose your favorite or the design belonging to your "main" playthrough- whatever that means to you!
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Oh! also 1,2 and 9!
Since you also asked 11 and 12 in an earlier ask I'll just answer them all here xD
1 - Favourite character?
Erin. If my pfp icon hadn't already given it away lmao. She's just so badass and cool and takes no shit from anyone at all, just ticks off every single box I have when it comes to top fav fictional characters (if anyone says it's because of the white hair, no they didn't. nuh-uh)
Crescent is actually not too far behind, which is surprising since I didn't really like her all that much before. Gotta love mysterious characters with a cool introduction and presents herself as someone unflappable, but as you get to know her she turns out to be a dork who's just trying her best. Not to say that she doesn't have any faults or hasn't done anything remotely wrong, but the fact that she is genuinely trying to improve herself as a person and open herself up to the main cast is really endearing to me.
2 - Least favourite character?
Texen, need I say more? xD
But seriously, I really dislike Texen because of his shitty Andrew-Tate attitude. I get that it's most likely a smokescreen to hide his actual vulnerable self, but it doesn't make it any less irritating to watch.
Another character I dislike a ton is Neved. His resolve as a father is admirable, but as a person he is undeniably petty, delusional and hypocritical. In what world do you think that fighting for Team Xen would give your daughter a chance to live? As if she'd be spared from the inevitable oblivion that Xen brings if they were to win, and that's assuming she even survives the Light Curse. And just because Keta was overly blunt to his offer of support and gave him a harsh but well-deserved imo reality check, he decided to hold a grudge and take it out on Aelita because he isn't alive to take the brunt of his hatred anymore? Bruh.
9 - Is there something you felt should be talked about more? (Could be a character, a scene, anything really)
Honestly, not really? I feel like other rejuv fans are a lot more perceptive and analytical about the story beats, character developments and underlying themes than I do lol, so it's always a pleasant surprise to read their analysis on the game itself.
11 - Do you have ocs? If so, feel free to ramble about them!
I have two rejuv OCs for my rejuv verse the Chroniclerverse, although there are others of the same verse as they are (namely rejuvswap AU Sara from @/tired-needs-sleep). Both of them are Interceptor OCs, but each of them going down a vastly different path.
The first is Hauyne, my Paragon Interceptor for the Chroniclerverse. She's experienced all of rejuv's thirteen (fourteen if you include v13.5) versions, although she doesn't remember her past runs until the end of the thirteenth version and realises that she's been trapped in an endless loop for who knows how long. So her main goal is to put an end to the timeloops and set everyone free, this time armed with her knowledge of the future and her powers as an aura wielder no longer suppressed.
The second is Electra, my Renegade Interceptor. Unlike Hauyne, she's a Garufan who volunteered herself to be the vessel of the Archetype, but ended up contracting Genesis Syndrome and died. However, she did show a lot of promise when she gained the attributes of Dialga, so her soul was later harvested and kept for the interceptor Program upon her passing. She was eventually resurrected and placed in Aevia's body as her host to become the Interceptor, although the process had caused her memories to become fragmented and thus driving her to find the truth of her origins. When she did, however... it ended up driving her over the edge from grief, and it was what set her down the path of oblivion. She wanted to destroy the world, in the hopes of restoring the Old World and returning to the life she once had.
In a sense, Electra is Hauyne's predecessor. And when she went rogue and destroyed the world, her role as Interceptor was revoked and given to Hauyne instead. But even then, remnants of her legacy still remained in the reset world in the form of the Red Chain and the prototype of the spell that would later become End of Night.
The reason why Electra was picked over Hauyne in the beginning is because the Garufans and the Aura Wielders had a deep feud between them (the Garufans genocided the Aura Wielders out of greed for their powers), so Electra - being seen as more trustworthy - was chosen first. But after she ended up being a disappointing case, they were left with no other choice but to go for their enemy as a candidate. And it really shows how much they distrusted Hauyne, constantly putting her through loops when she so much as attempted to deviate from the script. In the end, this would be ultimately be their downfall.
12 - Any personal headcanons? Feel free to ramble! (You can ask for a specific character as well.)
Boy, do I. Okay, so here we go:
Ren's starter is his Growlithe, which was a gift from his late father before he passed away. It's also the only member of his old team that was on his current team roster; the rest were kept at his childhood home.
Ren once had an edgy emo phase when he was younger, something he was extremely embarrassed about. Not that it stopped his mom or Reina from teasing him about it.
Venam's starter was a Venipede that she raised from an Egg, but she later replaced it with Seviper.
Melia's Togekiss, Hapi, has a red star-shaped birthmark on his left hip.
Hapi has a habit of calling Melia "Mama", since she was the one who raised him since he was an Egg.
No one knows Melia's actual birth date; the one that is mentioned in-game is actually the day she and Jenner first met.
Erin's first Pokemon is her Butterfree, who she met as a Caterpie from before being imprisoned in the Unown Dimension.
As much as Erin claims to dislike battling, she does have a lot of talent for it and mainly does it to as either for self-defense or as a way to bond with her family/friends.
Before Erin was imprisoned in the Unown Dimension, she loved visiting the Kugearen Library (I'm hc'ing that there was once a library there before it was replaced by the Magnolia Library in the present day) and would go there whenever she can. It's mostly to get away from her toxic home environment, however.
Erin likes to dance, but gets very self-conscious about doing it in front of an audience so she only does it when she thinks she's alone.
Continuing the above point, Erin also has a really nice singing voice, but she almost never sings in front of anyone due to her feeling self-conscious about it.
Don't ever play any kind of card game with Erin, ever. She has insane luck when it comes to card games.
Erin's a coffee addict, and absolutely cannot function without her morning coffee.
Aelita has never once gotten sick. Not even a minor cold.
As a child, Aelita loved to hang around Vivian's tree. It still is her favourite spot, although she didn't exactly know the reason why she's so attached to it until she found out the truth behind her origins.
Tesla used to be a singer in a band, as a side-gig from before she made it big as a fashion model.
I'm not sure if this was confirmed as canon, but Crescent's birthday is on December 25.
Crescent specialises in Dark and Fairy types too, not just Psychic, although she does have a few exceptions like her Aevian Bronzong and Garchomp.
Crescent's favourite battle strategy is Trick Room and Gravity.
Crescent's Gothitelle is a partner Pokemon hence its peculiar colours, but it somehow kept the ability to evolve. Which is weird since Alain's Pikachu is also a partner Pokemon but it never evolved.
Alain is the second strongest trainer in their class, right behind Aero. The two have a friendly rivalry because of this.
While Alain mainly goes by they/them as a demigirl, they allow only their closest friends to use she/her to refer to them. The same goes for Aero, except with he/him.
Aevia is a Water/Fairy specialist... and is notorious for her stall strategies back in the academy. You better have some wallbreakers at the ready if you want to challenge her to a battle.
Ariana used to be cheer captain in the academy. Fittingly, her Sun team also goes by a dance theme.
While Axel is known to be the weakest trainer of his class, it's not actually because he sucks at battling. It's because he rather use movesets and gimmicks that he thought was funny to troll his opponents with, instead of going for an effective strategy.
Not tied to any character in particular, but Black Boxes have a pulse yet no heartbeat. If you put your ear against their chest where their heart would be, all you will hear is silence. They also don't need to eat, sleep, and breathe, although they may choose to do so either out of instinct or pleasure.
Black Boxes are essentially immortal; as long as their cores are undamaged and have sufficient energy levels, they can recover from any injuries. This includes regenerating lost or non-functional body parts. This doesn't prevent them from dying to poison, however.
Some of an Interceptor's abilities include clairvoyance and astral projection, allowing them to intervene even from a distance without being physically there (aka my personal theory on how character switching works)
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tired-needs-sleep · 1 month
So does Paragon Sara have different girlfriends to the other versions of Sara? Is Paragon Sara with any of the cannon rejuv characters?
yeah, the saras have their own forms, so they experience different things. its basically just 2 separate people on the outside (if that makes sense,)
i don't currently ship either of the rejuvenation saras with canon characters and i don't plan on it, but paragon sara does have some.... history with crescent though.
aa of right now, paragon sara is dating bee, who is my friend's oc, and desolation sara is dating pomeg and strawberry's af aevia, the lady-killer.... ironically enough pomeg is also that same friends oc
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misecinn · 29 days
1, 5, 7 and 11 for the rejuv asks :)
Favorite character(s)? already answered in a previous ask!
5. Favorite ship(s) (if you have any) I'm not too big of a shipper usually, so- the stuff that's canon, plus my own self-indulgent Alain/Erin protag ship! oh, and also Alain/Aero/Aevia, from the triple protag au my friends and I have!
7. Favorite friendship(s) Saki and Zetta had a fun dynamic in the School of Nightmares ghdjghdj but!! the Interceptor and Aelita is definitely up there, as well as Melia and Aelita!! also Florin and Talon!
11. Do you have ocs? If so, feel free to ramble about them! I have Lumi!! there isn't too much to say about them, really?? they have a lot of issues, especially regarding processing and expressing their emotions! their development depends heavily on which route they're on, as they have potential for both! art is by my friend @lemonade-juley!
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fangaminghell · 2 years
Concept for V13.5/ "whenever the mcs get a new outfit" look for Arrow:
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They have a flannel tied around their waste. And as you can see, they have red hair now! This....might raise some alarms for Imani, as well Flynn getting a pink ombre. But rest assured, they aren't related to Areo and Aevia, only by appearance. Not black box, no interceptor stuff, just regular trainers caught into this mess. Doesn't stop Imani from panicking a bit. Funnily enough, Arrow was the easiest of the rejuv ocs to make a new outfit for. They're just punk lol. Black+ yellow/orange/red is pretty easy to combine if you have an image for it.
Also, while I was going back and forth with Arrow's design, I thought of something funny. So, Arrow and Flynn very much fit the nicknames that Maria would give them if they were interceptors. Flynn is blossoming into her own person, and Arrow has sort of an "eagles eye" when it comes to things ( helps with engineering). But given their role in rejuv, as regular trainers with their own lives, surely they must have other nicknames, yes? Well Arrow certainly does!
I need to think about the details more, but when they were younger something happened that caused them to smell like charcoal smoke for a week, which was probably their own fault. This has caused them to gain the nickname "Smokey". Fast forward to the present and Arrow meets up with Damien after who knows how long. It's awkward. Attempts at small talk were made. But eventually they manage to talk like they used to. And then. Damien calls them Smokey. And for the first time to a lot of people, Arrow is visible and verbally flustered. It's amazing. Imani will never live this down. Nor will Damien. Alexandra was honestly expecting herself to drop the nickname first, but nope. It was her serious older brother.
Anyway here's the picrew.
Edit: I forgot to mention the piercings. I dunno if I had them in the other picrew of Arrow, they have piercing!
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heretodefyfate · 8 months
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"you are challenged by the interceptors"
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heretodefyfate · 7 months
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it's renegade time~
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heretodefyfate · 6 months
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try to figure out how i want to write my OC, Coraline
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
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some old ideas/sketches
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heretodefyfate · 7 months
Maybe i should made my paragon interceptor OC into a normal human
Like, a normal human who was not from pokemon world, like, your usual isekai into a fantasy verse
Because i want them to react like how i did at Adrest's backstory
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
So, from some documents and some books you can find in some optional areas of Rejuv (namely the small hidden lab area you can find from diving in Tarajuma), it's canon that most Interceptors, including the MC and most of the ones prior to them, are someone brought from outside the world/universe/timeline Rejuv takes place in (with the unique exception of the attempt to make one of the 6 school gang into the Interceptor, which I'm unsure if that was due to the black box or the unique circumstances of the multiple souls thing, prior to them refusing and bringing in the player/chosen OC). It's basically how they get around Fate by directly bringing in someone who isn't actually attached to that thread of fate.
So in regards to Aevia, I've been thinking about how she'd feel about that information. Sure, while she know or remember doesn't much of her own life before being made the Interceptor, she does know at least Pokemon existed. So she starts thinking on it herself, she doesn't really tell anyone what she's discovered. And then she starts to overthink it, specifically what would happen to her should she complete her duties as the Interceptor. Aevia starts to consider the possibility that once she's done her role, the universe itself may try to correct itself and remove the anomaly as soon as the Interceptor's duty and purpose is done, as she's aware that the universe already has methods and ways to correct anomalies that aren't supposed to be there, and ultimately force those corrections if it's not handled manually in time.
So Aevia starts to dread that, while it's not guaranteed, it's possible that once her duty is done, and the world is no longer in need of an Interceptor, that the world may try to remove her from existence, or forcibly put her back into her own world. And it's a theory that honestly might have some weight to it. While Aevia isn't aware of it, as she was a little bit dead while it was happening, when Aevia had died, her existence was in fact being scrubbed from Melia's memories, removing her from their moment of meeting in the Gearen sewers. I think the only reason Melia was able to still remember her, was because of the ribbon that she got from Aevia and Venam managing to be a strong enough link of Melia's bond with them.
So I do kind of think that whether it's when the MC is killed or their duty as Interceptor is complete, the universe tries it's damnest to scrub the anomalies from existence, even the mere memory of the anomaly is attempted to be removed. But as the Interceptor, the MC always got revived before anything could be fully lost (though that note of "dying and being revived will always make you lose something" that I think is mentioned in Ch 15 or so could be a supporting factor to this theory.
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
So I had a thought on Aevia's origins in my own stuff, namely about where exactly she originated from before dying and then being plucked from her world to become the Interceptor. Basically this is just a lore dump for my version of Aevia.
So I knew I wanted her to still have Pokemon in her own world, as part of her background is she wanted to become a Pokemon Researcher in her old life. She had a different name of course, and obviously she didn't look like Rejuv's Aevia then (since she takes Aevia's form as a host when she's brought to Aevium) The basic run down of her past life is that, nobody took her seriously and she was largely neglected by her family beyond basic necessities. She had no real friends, and was frequently bullied, causing her to turn to researching Pokemon and knowledge in whole (which, is actually of course similar to Erin's background). She frequently did her own research expeditions as a young teenager, and was honestly nearly as reckless than as she is in Rejuv's story. But one time during one of these, she gets careless, and gets trapped in a rock slide. She was never noted as missing, and no-one ever looked for her. Even the Pokemon passing her by. When she died, she became a forgotten soul, wandering endlessly and pointlessly, and were she not picked as Interceptor, would have faded away permanently. She's lost all actual memories of her past life, and takes Aevia's name and form for her own proudly, but the trauma of being forgotten and her lost self still reside deep down in her soul.
I want it to be that Aevia came from another universe of Pokemon, but more specifically, the Canon universe of Pokemon, one where Reborn or Aevium don't exist, not the lore and background that surrounds either region. While of course everything is largely the same as the Canon universe, this discrepancy still gives her confusion and curiosity as she's never heard or seen of these regions. At the early parts of the game's story she gets huge amounts of curiosity about Aevium forms, and compared to other character she's never so much as heard of Reborn, and knows only limited information about Aevium based on the false memories given to her when she's brought into the world properly to fit in.
Ultimately, her dreams of being a Pokemon Researcher never really fades even if she's not concious of that dream. While she does enjoy battling quite a lot, and thinks it would be pretty cool to be come as strong as the Champion or even stronger, it's ultimately a means to an end in her current goals of defeating Team Xen (and also potentially Vitus, she's keenly aware that she's not seen the last of him, and she's not confident on the motives of Spacea and Tempia). Her real passion still lies within learning more and researching Pokemon.
That passion can be seen in her interactions with wild Pokemon, her own team, and how she notes battles she watches between other trainers (funnily enough, Allyson, my Reborn OC, also studies Pokemon battles heavily, but for strategy and training purposes, rather than direct academic purposes). She takes lots of notes and owns a detailed journal on her personal notes and observations on Pokemon behaviors and other types of functions, something she uses in conjunction with her Pokedex to compare research and just ultimately learn as much as possible about Pokemon.
That's about the end of this big lore dump on her, but one last thing. I did mention in a Headcanon post a while back that, Aevia is not quite as close to Erin as she is with her other friends in the Sashila group. Obviously with what I've stated, they'd probably actually get along really well. Only reason I say they're not quite as close is just because as of v13, the two haven't had much opportunity to actually bond? Hell a decent chunk of Erin's relationship points are through things she hears from other characters, a missable brief interaction in East Gearen's library, or through scenes that don't involve the MC at all (I believe one of Erin and Kanon's conversations during the Diamond route give both of them relationship points). Anyways, they haven't quite had the same degree of interaction as Aevia/MC gets with other characters as frequently, so that's why.
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fangaminghell · 2 years
I didn't want to be total Cringe™ in making multiple ocs for a silly pokemon fangame, but I couldn't help myself. So here:
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I. Keep making them look like the player characters when I don't see them as Interceptors( only Imani). Maybe once I'm done I change them up a bit more but until then here. Also I'm thinking of naming them Arrow. The one that both looks the most like a pc and has an 'A' name like them, yet has nothing to do with them at all. I find this incredibly funny.
Picrew here.
Don't worry, this is the last one for rejuv. So we have three ocs in rejuv. One is Imani, who I'm constantly talking about, and the other two are Flynn( Aevia look-a-like) and Arrow. Both I'm assuming are gonna be forgotten by me ( they're not. They will be at the back of my head as I make teams for them just you watch-)
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
Yeah thinking back on my first playthrough of Rejuv, I absolutely just used my own name as I usually do in Pokemon because usually even in fan games or ROM hacks the MC is completely devoid of much character at all, that I just kind of have to make stuff up to make the story less jarring.
But I really quickly, probably about as soon as the Blacksteeple Castle/Terajuma arc, started to see the MC as their own character and just started using Aevia in place of "MC". The actions the MC takes without player input along with dialogue choices really put me to making her into the psuedo OC she currently is now (Basically, I did the same thing with Hamuko from Persona 3, in making her a "Psuedo-OC". She has a canon or close to canon name and I largely use canon dialogue and actions to help fill in the gaps in personality and demeanor. Basically crafting a full fledged character out of choices and existing building blocks, along with just general headcanons.)
Then I just kind of ran with that and started filling in those still remaining gaps and having some of my own headcanons. Then oop, Chapter 15 really throwing in a wrench with the revelation that the MC and the actual character your playing as are two separate people. Fortunately I didn't have to change much, but it was what made go through and give Aevia her own backstory for who she was before she was turned into the Interceptor and before she had taken Aevia's name and form as a host for her own soul.
I still have more stuff I'd like to think out with Aevia's previous life, but I do wanna wait until some more info comes up from v13.5 and later versions of Rejuv (you can bet even if I fall out of interest for this I'll be back stronger then ever everytime a new version comes out)
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