#OC Tag: Claystar
dotdaw-some · 2 years
I made a pawbject character yesterday,they don't have a name so if you have any recommendations (ig recommendations) for his name then tell me them!!!!111!
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Anyways lore abt his character under the cut (I guess lore idk really)
Ok so basically he can travel between the real world an the object world but humans can't see him when he's in the real world and that makes him sad :(
But humans can feel his presence if he's like,on top of somebody's head ig,and see him pick up something so like if he picks up like a bag of chips they'll just see the bag floating away
Also I had this idea during the bfb x ii meetup stream so take that as you will
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whereiswere · 3 years
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Haha pog
I promise one day I’ll draw legs but for now? Blob style
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dotdaw-some · 2 years
Ok so I made this gacha club character and I really like him so I drew this
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His name is koi and he's a calico cat that can transform into a human and back (Wait that rhymes holy shit)
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