#Nothing becomes queue Lord Bridgerton
viscountessevie · 2 years
What really gets me is the Kanthony fans, some of them brown girls (!!!!), policing people’s reactions to Simone missing, accusing us of “living in misery” and to stop being negative. All day yesterday they were going on and on about dilf Tony. Disgusting how Kate/Simone isn’t even an afterthought for them. She’s just an extension of him just like the show will treat her
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Answering all these together because pretty sure the first three are by the same anon and the last one is in a similar vein.
Related to this post and the fallout of leaving Simone out of the S3 filming announcement video (where the fuck was S2's video fuckers???)
Okay so I am revoking all these desi people's brown cards. Like I know we're not a monolith and you're allowed to want to be happy your fave show is coming back and not have criticism on your dash but guess what? Use the block button. Don't fucking invalidate everyone else's feelings about how racist production has been to it's main Indian lead who has been constantly sidelined since DAY 1. And don't use your brown card as if you speak for all of us. It just gives the yts leeway to use your voice to hurt the rest of us and it's fucking annoying. Just because you align yourself with them isn't going to make them like you. They'll stay rotten and love their racist fave.
I'm really disappointed in those Kathonys who only focus on Anthony. Like whooo the fuck do you think makes him a DILF? Also Simone Ashley isn't campaigning this hard for a baby since Peeta Mellark (thank you to Nia for this joke) for yall to be sidelining her. My interpretation/theory is it's not so much they only see her as an extension of him but rather they hate that Kate is a WoC now and can't project onto her and put themselves in her shoes as a self insert 😒 at least that's the vibe I get from Anthony lovers who don't like Kate anymore (which feels impossible cos how fo you not love Kate?? Well turns out when you're a Sai Bennet!Kate stan 🤢)
The second ask is a clarification to my post here.
Yeah as I said, toxic positivity ain't going to help any of us and stop invalidating the rest of us' concerns and frustrations. It really doesn't make you special to hear you say we're all just so miserable or talking over our voices when talking about how Simone and Kate have been sidelined during her own season.
Lol peaceful Kathonys, I honestly have never met one. Maybe on their blog they are but I bet they're all bitching away in their group chats. Listen the captains of our fandom are Anthony and Kate Sharma-Bridgerton. They are intense clowns who have no chill and we're a reflection of that. But yes it does show how much we love Simone when even the peaceful Kathonys are speaking up on the backlash as we should. We should just keep bullying production into giving us more Kathony after they fucked us over in S2.
Of course they think its easier to market the white guy especially since if they don't talk abt his sexuality they can just let him pass as straight 😒. Honestly I'm starting to see that this show was never for us. They don't care about the POC demographic, it's just tokenism porn for the yts to pat themselves on the back for being so "enlightened" and watching a show with diversity. Same with production for doing the minimum yet pretending like they did so much for their POC characters and audiences.
So yeah fuck this show and we really need to start taking our views elsewhere and since Mr. Malcolm's List is out, we should probably throw all the money at that team so they can create similar shows for us and hopefullly it will outshine the cracker season.
[Also I have this queued so by the time its posted I'll be watching Mr. Malcolm's List so feel free to send me asks abt it! I'll answer them after I finish the movie as a cleanser from discourse!]
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viscountessevie · 2 years
lmao I became anti Nic the moment she started fan girling over the K*rdasians. Is that petty? Probably. But I can’t stand that family and latching onto that name just tanks anyone to me. 🤷‍♀️
Add in (imo) her PR fumbles/debacles, I feel justified. Especially just becoming aware of the Regé situation!
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Answering these two together because they're similar. Related to this ask
LMAO first anon, that's a valid reason tbh. I mean glorifying the shit the Kardashians do is not a good look. Like they literally contribute to the industry that puts plus size women down but that's her favourite celeb family? Weird flex but whatever.
Yeah I started side eyeing her after S1 and liking shitty tweets about Regé. Like I get you're mad but it was just so disrespectful and then I completely lost all respect for her at the Met Gala and also I dislike the way she always jumps at the chance to centre the conversation around LW and herself.
Second anon: LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE AT THE BACK!! It's becoming increasingly obvious that Shondaland productions are uncomfortable and never foster a healthy environment - they always end up being competitive. Like they are fighting for screentime and to shine.
This show especially doesn't know how to do an ensemble properly and only pull that shit when its convenience. It's hurting everyone - even production's sweetheart who I'm fucking sick of because she's everywhere and Penelope really has soured her for me, add in the irl shit she's done I'm very turned off from her. Which is sad because I adored her as Clare in Derry Girls and now I can't even rewatch it without cringing when she comes on my screen.
As for the general cast vibes, I think they are friendly but aren't super close as some ensembles. I think there are some who are beloved and friends with all of them, those who are friendly but mostly close to some/their scene partners and some who just stick to their cliques. It's very disjointed.
Also lol I've long discounted NC as a supportive castmate, she's very performative and so she can get out of here with that shit. I don't need her to being another fake diversity mouthpiece for the show.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I’m a s2 only watcher and I was shocked when I heard LW call Kate a beast, a dark-skinned foreign woman. I thought she was the villain only to be totally confused and disgusted that she’s actually endgame for a Bridgerton. And then she casually ruins some modiste’s business for her own gain. I was so done with her and I didn’t even know about Marina then. This is the character who’s the production’s favorite. Says it all really.
Related to this post and Part 2
I love asks like this, I got one ages ago who went to read the books after watching S1 and thought El and Pen were going to be lovers and that Philip was just her beard/rebound marriage. It was funny af and I honestly wish JQ had the balls to do that. Thanks for sending this in! It’s really interesting to see the view of someone in the GA or rather a show watcher. 
I thought she was sweet in S1 then once Marina got outed and I realised who LW was, I was HORRIFIED and then she proceeds to get worse in S2 and I was like What the fuck? She was okay and inoffensive in her book but she’s an awful person in the show, I honestly have no idea how they’re going to make her sympathetic because you know they’re going brush past all her crimes in S3 just like they did Daphne’s SA and they didn’t even acknowledge the shit she did to Marina - well El did for a moment but Penalty didn’t seem like she cared. 
But yeah production definitely showed their ass by making her the WORST and instead of making her a full on villain which would have made her more interesting, she is framed her as this girlboss who can do no wrong and everything she did was justified because apparently what Marina and Eloise did is worse. And of course the delusional stans are eating it up and will do mental gymnastics to defend her racist ass. Honestly as much as I disrespect them, I am in awe of the mental hoops they jump through to defend her shitty actions. They’ll say Pen isn’t a racist or misogynist then turn around and send anon hate with racial slurs and slut shaming language. 
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I don’t want this to take away from the current discussion on my blog and will be reblogging my other two posts again after this is posted but I just needed to expose this clown before I left for my hiatus (post on that will be up soon!) 
It's also a good laugh and a good way for me to decompress after the last two days we've had on this blog so that I would be able to be more present to answer future incoming asks. So enjoy me clowning on this hater [also ya non-binary pal has logged off for the time being - enjoying their lunch and watching Barbie so this post, my next post and reblogs are queued!]:
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Here is the text for everyone (I know the pic is quite tiny sorry!):
For someone who spends there days writing essays about how much they hate everything and everyone except Simone you can’t write fanfic can you? 😂 so not only are you a bully who now has some sort of fetish for hating strangers especially if they’re white you also can’t write fanfic 😬 yikes. I mean I didn’t expect anything less from you
Let’s unpack this, shall we?
“They hate everything and everyone except Simone”
Also first off, actually even though this is hate, I’m so glad you used the correct pronouns I appreciate that but now that’s cleared up, back to clowning on you. 
UM WHERE??? I literally love the whole cast, the only one I dislike and have since lost respect for is Nicola and I’ve never been quiet about why - she has committed and fuelled microaggressions against her co-stars of colour and as a person of colour myself, I CANNOT in good conscious still support and admire someone like that. I am allowed to dislike celebrities who have a big platform if I don’t agree with their beliefs and the way they treat people right? We’re still in a time where we hold celebrities accountable, yes??? 
you can’t write fanfic can you?
That’s YOUR opinion, my AO3 numbers - which you have prolly seen, stalker - and my other fanfic’s numbers say otherwise. 
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This is 499K (give or take for rereads) number of people who disagree with you and numbers don’t lie anon. Also if you didn’t like my fic, then don’t read it??? It’s clearly not for you??
so not only are you a bully who now has some sort of fetish for hating strangers especially if they’re white
WHOOO am I bullying?? Nicola Coughlan?? She doesn’t even know I exist!! Also here’s a mirror, dear anon. Read back your comment, who’s the one doing the bullying? Also “especially if they are white” I’m sorry most of the racists and bloggers I’ve encountered who have used microaggressions have happened to be white, is that my fault?? Did I birth them??
Also ewwww I do not sexually get off on hating people, that’s gross. Please go get a dictionary and look up the word fetish please.
We already covered you saying I can’t write fanfic, again the 499K number of people disagree. My my, you are repetitive, aren’t you.
I mean I didn’t expect anything less from you
Cool story and I said what I said bro. You seemed to have already have made up your mind about me, so just block me and move on. Why go find my AO3 to leave a message there when you can just drop a good ole hate anon on Tumblr. Like you really took time out of your day, found a way to leave anon messages (I don’t use AO3 a lot so if this is common knowledge oop) and then left that on my fic in an attempt to hurt me.
You really thought you did something huh, when in fact if everyone will look at the timestamp on the pic (would have taken a bigger close up of a screenie but I had to report that comment as spam asap), it says: 28th Jul 2022, 11:27PM UTC which was at 7am for me who even is up at that time? Not me. Anyways yes, this person thought they knew me sooo well to be able to read me for filth (which they also failed to do so) but didn’t realise I’m barely on AO3 so I only saw this only A WHOLE MONTH LATER which makes me laugh harder.
Anyways anon whoever you are, you titled your comment as “Sanji Is A Bully Who Can Dish It But Can’t Take It”, well you’re a -10 but can’t come off anon to tell me all of this to my face so,,,
After all is said and done, thank you for the month old laugh before I leave and again I really do appreciate you not misgendering me and using the wrong pronouns! That’s exactly how hate should be, “Imma disrespect them as a person and their writing but not their pronouns!!”
[Btw that above sentence is not an invite to send more hate, anything else moving forward will be reported, blocked and deleted. This was just funny to respond to and helped me refocus my mind from burnout so I can be more present for the upcoming conversations!]
Oh and I made a meme for this occasion, while a month late it still works: 
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Nonsense being anon hate of course but I'm pretty surprised I went unscathed this long. It's been 34 days without any, so thanks anon you broke the streak sigh shame on you.
[Though if we count when they sent it, it's only 9 days but nah they don't count in the famous words of Colin so 34 days it is! It's funnier too nsjdksk]
Anyways back to the usual programming and reblogging my last few asks before I head off to my hiatus! Hope yall had a laugh too from this 😂
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viscountessevie · 2 years
The op... I want them as besties
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THIS is how you can be a white ally in the fandom. Call out shit and your fellow racist fans when you see this shit and then unabashedly stand by us. @ Racial Ignorant Fans in this fandom take notes!!! Don’t pick and choose whose voices you wanna amplify just because it fits with your narrative that there’s nothing wrong with the way production has treated S2 and Simone. 
The second post had deleted comments because the thread was reported to the mods like wtf you’re showing your asses, fucking dumbasses. They are so threatened by us calling out shit they have to resort to that. Fuck the racist part of the fandom honestly. 
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Taking Semi Blog Hiatus from Book/Show Content
Sorry sorry this took a while to come out - mealtimes with the fam and helping my mom with chores but anyways: Yes I am alive and well, I disappeared for a bit because I took a nap after the intense morning/afternoon I had yesterday and ended up sleeping 11 straight hours 💀💀 then took a couple more to draft my previous post as well as this one. [Also the clowning on anon hate one if yall want a laugh]
I'll explain in a bit why it's a semi hiatus and to be transparent: I'll still be online - more active blogging on my side blog - just not posting on this blog. This is some housekeeping for me to clear up before I leave for the next week:
Basically on a personal level, I do not feel comfortable continuing to post other types of content as per normal after what happened yesterday (it just feels very dismissive of me to move on so quickly) so I'm leaving these last few posts up as my latest posts for the next few days.
As mentioned above, I will also be taking a break from posting for the next week or so but again my asks about this and my DMs are always open to anyone to talk! Also after going back and forth and reading back my posts, I promise this was not a decision I made lightly but I will be turning off anon. Sorry to all my well-meaning followers and anons but I rather know who I am talking for this period of time. You can still indicate if you want to keep the conversation/asks private or not - my default would be reply privately but you can let me know otherwise 👍 !
[Also just saw that I got an ask from TGD anon hi there! I think I'm okay and open to this so anyone who wants to send me Bridgerton or just random check in asks unrelated to the convo currently on my blog you can do so at my side blog @allkinds-oftrash - I'll be answering your ask there @ TGD anon. Also just got another anon with a tweet attached before I closed anons shjsjs but Hi Anon, I also will be replying to that ask on my side blog!]
EDIT: The poll is now officially closed! Also a lot of you always comment to me how funny it is so I'm asking yall to send that love to Lav @sweetestviscount ! She's the one who came up with all the funny questions in Section 3!
That's all for now everyone, be safe, kind to one another in our fandom bubble and take care. I'll see you when I see you! Love you all ❤
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I mean I like Penelope but she did do a lot of damage? You'd think she would learn after Marina but no. No she didn't.
I don't understand why the show decided that was the best direction for her to go if she's a favorite. In the books not only did Penelope not really damage people's reputations but she also financially supported her family. Then she got together with Colin when they were adults. Directionless, insecure and wouldn't trust to turn on an oven adults but adults.
I'm not sure if next season will work. I can't say it won't work but what exactly are they planning?
Ohmygod this is the other Pen ask I missed! (I think) Related to this ask, here's a similar ask and follow up
Thanks for being so polite! All asks I get from Polin/Pen stans are always hate anons lmao so I appreciate this ask and taking accountability for a character you like instead of brushing past her crimes. 
That being said, I'm actually genuinely curious to know why you still like her show counterpart after what she did to Marina, Colin and Eloise - like that's three people she claimed to love the most until they no longer served her needs then she hurt them in the most damaging ways. Like I cannot get behind her after that. I could potentially like her as an unhinged villain of the show but the showrunners are cowards and would never do that.
I honestly have no idea what the creatives were thinking when they decided to use LW for the most fucked up kind of drama this way. Especially since she is a later season's romance lead. Like do you want her to be hated??? I didn’t worship them from the books like their fandom does but I liked them enough, they just weren’t compelling enough for me to put them high up on my list. 
Also hello from the future: They YEETED RMB and are trying to do some sad version of My Fair Lady. I wrote a pretty scathing thesis on why it will flop hard and won't work with Pelican. But yeah I mean they already did half their book in the last two seasons, what was left was the 12 years gap and the uncovering LW bet. I have a feeling that will be a subplot for QC ugh because ofc all the Queen’s storylines revolve over this petulant child while the ‘romance lessons’ is the main plot. Big fucking surprise all the plots will revolve around Penalty. I’m so sick of her. 
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Kate's accident. Do you think she only went riding out of guilt? Or she still was horny and that made her feel guilty?
Oooh I haven't gotten an S2 ask in a while thank you for this ask anon!
So I want to say the former because it falls in line with how serious Kate is and how she constantly feels guilty for being selfish the one time she's allowed herself to be.
But also it's Kathony they are both clowns (affectionate) and so I am going to say that girlie was horny and needed to clear her head that morning. If she couldn't stay ride her man, the next best thing was her other favourite thing to do, riding a horse!
I think she realised she wanted more with him after that night rather than being one and done and yeeting off to India after having the best lay of her life. And of course this led to her spiralling because does he feel the same way as she does? Or is he just using her for her body? Also even if it was the latter, not enough time has passed since the formal engagement and wedding so she's worried about optics for Edwina and her family (as always she puts and thinks of them first 🥺🥺🥺)
Then she realised she needed to get out of her head and hence she went riding and then we all saw what happened next.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Oh they're as bad as Nic with the micro aggressions.
For those who don't know they're quoting something she tweeted about Regé
Kinda related to this ask
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Translation: what a disturbance, phoebe, will and florence didn't show up either because they weren't on the day on the set, that's all! I want to think that everything is a conspiracy against your fav, my god
You know what this is? Loser behaviour. 
Also wait @ your last line, this was directed at a quote tweet asking where Simone was - is there another tweet about Rege anon? [Answered/Part 2 Here]
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Hello from the past! Okay so all my discourse for this block of time is out and I'll tackle others after the movie but since I'm watching - feel free to come talk to me (via asks or comments on this post) about Mr. Malcolm's List!!
Here's a dash cleanser of my set up for this film! It's a cold and rainy day perfect for being in a blanket burrito, snacking on chips and iced tea while watching people who look like me fall in love let's go!!
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Not this article to encourage people to watch S3 being about Jonny 😭
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See I knew this bullshit would happen - they would use Jimone as a draw for S3 but then completely sideline them in the actual season, of course it’s already happening. God I hope Jimone bounces after this season (unless its Benophie in S4 then yessss Fab Four let’s go) because they’re not being paid enough to deal with this bullshit. 
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Hello from the past!! I have queued this in case I fell asleep while answering and queuing asks.
I'm all tapped out for the night so I'll be answering the rest of the NC asks tomorrow - there's quite a few and more incoming so I may start to couple up a few of yall together if you mention the same thing! Thanks for understanding.
Also the emoji/nickname system is still wide open so feel free to tag your asks with an emoji or nickname of your choice!!
Have a great day/afternoon/evening yall, I'll see ya when I'm up!
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