clubdreadnought · 9 months
Forbidden Lands
Hoy se ha incorporado “Forbidden Lands” a la biblioteca rolera del Club Dreadnought. Forbidden Lands es un nuevo enfoque de los juegos de rol de fantasía. Es un escenario completamente abierto en el que los jugadores no son héroes ni heroínas con misiones dictadas por otros, sino saqueadoras y cazatesoros dispuestas a dejar una marca de su paso en un mundo maldito. Descubrirán tumbas perdidas,…
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open-hearth-rpg · 10 months
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#RPGCovers Week Nine Cultos Innombrables (2014) Javier Charro
This is one of those wtf choices for me. It’s a super creepy image taken as a whole, with a basket full of striking elements. Let’s leave aside the naked woman with blood sigils carved into her skin (and the carefully placed shadows and glowing tentacles to obscure her naughty bits). 
There’s the evocative font speaking of corroded metal. The skyline in the background. The tentacles framing the scene, the dead body of a Deep One, the ritual implements scattered about, and the cell phone with screen illuminated as if our caster has to look something up. 
There’s great color balance here– with the dominating blue black making the pink and red of her skin pop and be even more disconcerting. And the whole presented in a dutch angle, giving us even more sense of a world sliding into chaos.   
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clanlasombrasp · 2 years
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//Taking advantage of the Black Friday offers, I have opted for some 20th Anniversary classics in a Spanish edition thanks to the publisher NoSoloRol. For mere desire to complete my collection: I'm a great defender of #V5 but when I was young I played and storytold 1st, 2nd and Revised Edition (or 3rd) of Vampire The Masquerade and the 3 editions of Vampire Dark Ages.
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tristanoberon · 1 year
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Poco se está hablando de esta maravilla que ha creado @nosolorol para el juego de rol #CultosInnombrables 🖤, y de porque tengo La lista dos veces... 🤦‍♂️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm_I7cPo7R-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pbulldog · 2 years
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Hoy en el canal os hablo de Séptimo Mar, un juego de rol gon una ambientación brutal que edita @nosolorol https://www.instagram.com/p/CehI1GnLlK0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rpgsandbox · 5 years
This is no ordinary book. There are monsters inside! Yes, you got that right. Monsters exist and live with us. But don't be afraid, they aren't bad... at least not entirely.
Have you ever noticed that you might be missing socks or that you hear strange noises in the dead of night? You aren't absent-minded nor do the pipelines make noises. They're the Monsters of Darkness! But don't panic because there are brave detectives whose job is to catch them so they will stop bothering you. They are none other than the Monster Detectives.
What? Did I get that right? You want to be a detective too? Then this is your book! With Little Monster Detectives you can create a team with your friends and catch the monsters that scare you at night. Solve mysteries, get to know the Monsters of Darkness and prove how brave you are. But above all prepare to live a bunch of adventures and have a great time!
Welcome to the Monster Detectives Agency!
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Little Monster Detectives is a Pen and Paper Roleplaying Game for kids. The game is about the Monster Detective Agency, children and grownups that investigate mysterious monster mischief. With simple and scalable rules and different game modes, Little Monster Detectives wishes to be the first roleplaying game for your kids.
The project's main goal is to obtain the necessary funds in order to print an English version and to share our excitement for this game with English-speaking kids and adults. Furthermore, this will be the first translation from the Spanish RPG publishing house Nosolorol. We want to share our game with players from all around the world.
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Little Monster Detectives is a storytelling game. That is to say, it's a game where players create a story with their actions and the decisions they make during the game. When the game is over, the players will have created a new story where they have been the stars and creators. They choose the path to follow and what to do at every moment.
Just like other RPGs, this game encourages teamwork, there isn't a winner or loser, and you want to achieve the general well-being of the group. You learn to share, to respect others, to solve problems and to boost your imagination.
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                                      How to discover a monster!
Little Monster Detectives is a bestseller in Spain, with thousands of copies sold, and it has also been published in France as a huge success. Many roleplaying gamers of both countries are parents who love to play Little Monster Detectives with their children!
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Little Monster Detectives is a game for children. Specifically, it’s a game to play with children. You love reading stories to your kids and you know how they like to question other aspects of the story and imagine different outcomes for the characters. They want to be involved in the story, change the ending and imagine what will happen next. Children are natural-born roleplaying gamers!
You can play Little Monster Detectives with children that are 5 or older. Of course, the game offers different rules and game mechanics to play with the youngest ones, who tend to have a short attention span and limited numeric comprehension. Older children, on the other hand, can take the role of Senior Detective (the Game Master of Little Monster Detectives) and guide their younger siblings and friends throughout the game.
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This roleplaying game is mostly intended for children who are afraid of monsters that hide in houses. To help these children overcome their fears, we’ve created a game where they are the stars and they get to decide when and how they face these monsters.
Little Monster Detectives stimulates deductive thinking through the use of clues. Monsters always leave behind mischievous clues at the scene of the crime. Detectives must go there and investigate what happened. They will have to deduce which monster it is by finding clues and figure out the best way to catch the monster so it will stop causing trouble.
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The use of star points and banners as a reward for good behavior and fair play (and of course, just for fun) is an aspect of the game that children love. These items are stickers that kids can put on their character sheets or wherever they want. This game promises we want to help with improve children's confidence and self-image.
The book itself is a guiding tool throughout the game. Little Detectives must look for monster information, tools and other information in the book and, this way, we can also work on their reading skills and encourage their love for books.
Little Monster Detectives is really easy to play, but the first times you play the game you might need a grownup’s help to play as senior detective.
You can see the sample pages by downloading the PDF of this link: http://bit.ly/LMD_Samples
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What do you need?
3 six-sided dice
Detective contracts!
Monster tokens
A pencil and paper
Knickknacks and other stuff to dress up like a detective!
Are you the senior detective?
Then you are the Game Master in Little Monster Detectives. This is what you will have to do:
Help beginner detectives fill out their detective contract (Don’t worry, it’s really easy).
Choose the monster! You can create one with help from the book, choose one or roll 3 six-sided dice.
Read about the monster carefully (or define it) and think if you have to catch it, help it or find something it has lost. What could happen? If it’s a monster from the book, the pages will help you figure it out.
If you’re going to play sitting at a table, a map of the house might be a good idea. You can improvise one and draw it while the detectives explore it. If you’re not going to play at a table, you can direct it like a live action roleplaying game in your house or in any other safe location. The youngest detectives love to explore and run around!
Help the detectives by describing what is happening, about the clues they find or helping them solve situations. You will also have to set the pace of the game! And don’t forget about giving them a small scare.
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Rolling the dice
When beginner detectives want to do something that has an uncertain outcome but is relevant to the storyline, they will have to roll 3 six-sided dice and take the average result, from lowest to highest. This depends on the situation, the help they are getting, the tools they have and if they are frightened. Normally, it’s enough to get a 4 or more.
Most children by age 3 won’t have trouble reading dice. From the age of 4, kids usually know how to order them and recognize which one is the lowest, the medium and the highest value. By the age of 5 they can read letters and a few syllables and by the age of 6 many can read the book and discover things about monsters on their own.
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Fear-rate, Clues and Scares
As detectives find clues, they can solve them or link them to a little monster, which will help them avoid fear. If this isn’t so, the fear-rate will rise in the house and it will be easier for the detectives to be frightened when something strange happens. They can avoid fear by rolling the dice; it can be done with help from the rest of the group or Teddy the Super Stuffed Toy :)
Clues and scares are usually linked to the monsters. The Closet Monster has the habit of biting clothes, while the Attic and Basement Monster hides the broomsticks because he doesn’t like them one bit. With these clues and “The Book of the Monsters of Darkness”, detectives can figure out who is causing all this trouble!
Star points
Detectives will win banners related to their achievements, like the medal of courage, and stars that they can exchange for tools in the Agency. These will help them out in some situations!
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, October 23 2019 1:18 PM BST
Website: Nosolorol
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invictvsjuegos · 5 years
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Una Sangre Débil riega su jardín con su Sangre menstrual durante trece lunas. Si se escucha atentamente, las noches de viento, las plantas parecen susurrar los nombres de los Antediluvianos.⠀ Autor: @nosolorol #nosolorol #SemillasDerol #invictvsjuegos #juegosderol #vampiro #lamascarada #vampiro5taedicion https://www.instagram.com/p/B4yGEvDBnW_/?igshid=2jbgqskdlrl3
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angiebluesart · 5 years
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New OC! Say hi to Akkala! Yes... her name is like  Zelda:botw region XD 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Ella es una allastra, raza de Taura (publicado por @nosolorol) La ambientación de este juego es 10/10, nos está gustando muchísimo y solo llevamos dos partidas!.
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blackmagissa · 5 years
Fitxa de PJ + Cartes de personatge
En aquesta segona ampliació trobareu: una fitxa de PJ ampliada amb les 10 habilitats avançades, un apartat per les monedes, un apartat d’entrenament (on apuntar els px de les campanyes i els èxits per aprendre encanteris) i un altre per la carta de personstge, i les cartes de personatge amb les 8 races.
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Les cartes de personatge estan pensades per complementar gràficament la fitxa de PJ. L’espai de Personaje de la fitxa, deixa lloc per col·locar aquesta carta (o un dibuix) i fer-la més visual i molona.
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El document amb les cartes de personatge q trobareu a continuació l’he ajuntat amb l’últim PDF de les cartes de Talentos, així es pot aprofitar la pàgina al imprimir.
Fitxa de personatge (PDF)
Fitxa de personatge (bn/eco) (PDF)
Cartes de personatge (PDF)
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masteralvocat · 5 years
Campanya d'en Sulfurion - Dia 1
La primera partida de Los Buscaduendes (d'Álvaro Corcín i Patricia de Blas, publicat per Nosolorol) que vaig escriure va ser pensant en la meva filla Tanit. S'havia iniciat amb Pequeños Detectives de Monstruos (dels mateixos autors) i My Little Pony (totes dues publicades per Nosolorol) i volia trobar un sistema a mig camí entre els dos jocs que em permetés més llibertat que el primer, però no tanta com el segon, atès que era la meva primera experiència com a màster. El joc compta amb tants recursos visuals que t'estalvia molta feina a l'hora de crear els teus propis, així que em vaig centrar en la història i vaig crear una campanya de 3 partides on cada una funciona com a presentació, nus i desenllaç. La història està molt pensada per a qui la jugarà, i inclou detalls poc genèrics que es poden canviar o eliminar, com ara la presentació d'Ojo Jack, l'ajudant màgic de creació pròpia que acompanya totes les partides de Los Buscaduendes que he dirigit posteriorment. Tota la partida és de creació pròpia i està basada en el món proposat pels autors, els personatges també són de creació pròpia (excepte el Rei Mixet i la Reina de les Bruixes, que es mencionen al llibre) i els mapes són extrets del material digital del joc que es pot descarregar a la web de Nosolorol lleugerament modificats. El mapa d'hexàgons també és de creació pròpia, basat en les peces de terreny que inclou el joc original.
Aquí teniu l'enllaç a la partida corresponent al Dia 1 de la Campanya d'en Sulfurion.
I aquí les imatges recurs de la partida (Mapes 1, 2 i 3 i distribució dels hexàgons):
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rlpicardo-blog · 5 years
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(Color @kata_art prólogo @dadosymazmorras) -He aquí otro ser insignificante con ínfulas de grandeza que se aferra a su vida como si esta valiese más que las que él mismo siega. Corruptos y destructivos, infames y mezquinos, viles asesinos, traidores a vuestra madre tierra... ¡Ha llegado la hora de ser juzgados! ¡Someteos e implorad el perdón que le debéis a nuestro mundo! -¡No pienses ni por un segundo qué por creerte con la verdad y obrar en buena causa te permitiré tamaña osadía! ¡¿Someternos, nosotros?! ¡Arderéis tú y los tuyos antes de que eso suceda, maldita roca musgosa! ¡Márchate o sufre las consecuencias! -Es tarde para retroceder. Es tarde para vosotros. -Está bien entonces, así lo has querido... . . . . #artofdrawing #dungeonsanddragons #wizardsofthecoast #artwork #originalcharacter #roleplay #nosolorol #instaart #troll #esdla #thelordoftherings #oc #ocart #fantasy #instaart #art #comicart #comicbookartist #medievalstyle #panel #artline #village #artoftheday #aldea #acuarelas #monstruo #rlpicardo #golem #stone https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-oLzZn-mo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kvekhpd7xv3y
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clubdreadnought · 9 months
Compras de Rol
Esta semana nos hemos aprovechado de una estupenda oferta de material de rol que tienen en su web la editorial Nosolorol. Cuatro mundos fate de temáticas distintas e interesantes que se unen a la rolteca del Club: Evolution Pulse, Los Ojos del Águila, Los 3 Rocketeers y Estación Terminal. Ahora a disfrutarlos!!! #clubdreadnought #rol #rpg #fate @nosolorol #nosolorol
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open-hearth-rpg · 9 months
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#licensedRPGs2015 Blacksad: Juego de Rol
Based on a long-running noir comics series. While the authors are Spanish, they’re released the comics in French first, followed by Spanish. The series itself is in multiple volumes has received numerous translations and three Eisner nominations & two Eisner wins. 
The comic is set in an anthropomorphic world (like Albedo) set in late 1950s United States. It looks pretty intense, but its honestly a comic I’d only heard of in passing before this– and literally only the name and a cover. 
This Spanish-language version was released by Nosolorol Ediciones. It looks like only a core book and a GM screen was released for this. It’s a d6 based system. Dice are split into three categories (ala Mutant): action dice which offer a success on a 4-6, complimentary dice which add a success on a 6 and take away a success on a 1, and tension dice for when a character is working against their interests and leaning towards the dark side. Here a 4,5 cost as a success, a 6 counts as two, and a 1 takes away a success. It looks like an interesting and simple system. 
Part of the game hinges on morality and personal conscience. This is always a challenge to play out at the table. Games have done this with mixed levels of success. There’s always a danger of the players perceiving things differently as with good vs. bad, conflicting vs. compatible. 
A Kickstarter for an English language version happened in early 2020, with a delivery estimate of August 2020. However apparently there were issues with the project, with the game actually delivering in mid-2022. 
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turolgames · 4 years
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#Nsd2 de @nosolorol es un completo sistema de #juegoderol que te permitirá jugar en cualquier ambientación, pasada, presente o futura que seas capaz de imaginar. Inspirado en las populares reglas #ogl, nsd2 toma el esqueleto del sistema para formar una experiencia de juego distinta y espectacular. Sin clases, sin niveles, sin límites Crea tu personaje desde cero con nuestro sistema de puntos y haz virtualmente cualquier héroe o villano que puedas imaginar. El sistema nsd2 no tiene ninguna restricción artificial y sí posibilidades ilimitadas: poderes psíquicos, magia, ciberimplantes... ¡y lo que no encuentres en este libro podrás tomarlo de cualquier otro juego #d2 y adaptarlo sin dificultad, porque la compatibilidad está garantizada! No te quedes sin probarlo, que engancha: https://www.turolgames.com/es/juegos-de-rol/48332-nsd20 #juegosderol #nosolorol https://www.instagram.com/p/CDj8FvtBxX5/?igshid=1f1del5a37t43
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tristanoberon · 2 years
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Pues ya tenemos aquí el escenario que cierra la primera temporada de los Códigos Pnakótikos para Cultos Innombrables, ¡Y tiene muy buena pinta! Sobre todo si hemos jugado algunas de las aventuras previas... #CultosInnombrables @nosolorol https://www.instagram.com/p/CkDVpmkrpjq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegaminggang · 4 years
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English Edition of Aquelarre is Now in Hardcover from Chaosium Inc
Aquelarre is set on a pseudo-historical Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages, as the characters exist in the midst of the forces of heaven and hell.
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