#Noah Sterba
bandcampsnoop · 7 months
It's been nearly 3 years since we posted about Dream Sitch (Black Mountain, North Carolina) - the excellent collaboration between Michael Nau and Seth Kaufmann. "Long Rattle" is their 2nd album out on People In A Position To Know (PIAPTK) Recordings.
There are a lot of sounds going on here. First, this has a "country" sound that reminds me of Dick Stusso, Bingo Trappers or R.W. Hedges. It's also got a weird edge that recalls Wilco or Noah Sterba.
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sunkcostzine · 7 years
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Noah Sterba
Milk Run
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dolyn · 7 years
talk has moved from mouths to fingers, love from skin to screens
noah sterba
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musicbullet-blog1 · 7 years
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Noah Sterba - The 13-Bar Blues
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jefuntitled · 8 years
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This is a poem called The Dark American Rodeo by Noah Sterba. He doesn’t use much social media, so I’m posting it for him. We’re going to be doing three panel prints of this under our collaborative project Slowed Soul in the near future.
Since the printing this poem has been widely criticized. I understand the language can be violent and hurtful, and we have regretted printing and performing it. Noah has since made a public apology via his now defunct Instagram/Slowed Soul instagram. He has also been part of a public mediated discussion with two local artists of different racial backgrounds about race/identity and the impact of language within the art world. I choose to keep the poem posted as reference, because I think even in mistakes we can learn.
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bandcampsnoop · 4 years
Roy Montgomery (Christchurch, New Zealand) has been part of so many different bands with different sounds over the course of the past 40 years - The Pin Group and Dadamah are the most known to me.  A few years back he embarked on a truly daunting project which turned out to be RMHQ - Headquarters.  This is a 4 LP behemoth where each LP has a different feel.  This is far different from The Pin Group’s post-punk or the loose structures of Dadamah. 
There are shades of pop everywhere among this experimental project.  “R” (the first LP) is the “catchiest”.  I fell asleep listening to “M” today and was a little freaked out by a drone when I awoke. 
The music is haunting and beautiful (the same words I used when referring to the Cindy Lee post from a couple of weeks ago).  Montgomery’s vocals are the perfect amount of low - not as low as Calvin Johnson or Johnny Cash, but hovering in those realms.
This was released by Grapefruit Records.  Let me use this occasion to remind you that Grapefruit is having an amazing sale right now.  Noah Sterba, The Terminals, Roy Montgomery, and The Garbage and The Flowers can all be had at steep discounts (sometimes as high as 80%).
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sunkcostzine · 7 years
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Noah Sterba
Milk Run
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bandcampsnoop · 4 years
Micah has posted about the Unread series of releases before.  I found #170 when looking for Bandcamp releases by Noah Sterba (Omaha, Nebraska).  He has a full album available on Grapefruit Records (originally released on Unread).
Sterba’s music tends to the Bob Dylan, Bingo Trappers and Dick Stusso style of country/folk/rock.  David Nance also plays on this.
While this cassette is on Unread, I should mention that Grapefruit is having an amazing sale right now.  Noah Sterba, The Terminals, Roy Montgomery, The Garbage and The Flowers can all be had at steep discounts (sometimes as high as 80%).
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sunkcostzine · 7 years
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Noah Sterba
Milk Run
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sunkcostzine · 7 years
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Noah Sterba
Brother’s Lounge
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sunkcostzine · 7 years
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Noah Sterba
Brother’s Lounge
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sunkcostzine · 7 years
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Noah Sterba
Milk Run
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sunkcostzine · 7 years
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Noah Sterba
Milk Run
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sunkcostzine · 7 years
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Noah Sterba
Milk Run
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