#Noémie x Lara
canadachronicles · 6 years
Ecoute Maman, tu feras le message à Papa aussi: je suis homosexuelle. Non, c'est pas une blague. Okay, bye, à tantôt.
“Listen Mom, you’ll tell Dad too: I’m gay. No, it’s not a joke. Okay, bye, see you.”
Lara (Nicole Doummar), coming out to her mom on the phone, as Noémie (Julianne Côté) watches a bit belwidered, before going off to Montreal Pride, on this glorious, beautiful, poignant and as always funny episode of Féminin/Féminin, Fierté (Pride) [S02E07]
This French-Canadian webseries, created by Chloé Robichaud truly is a gem, it is subtle and compelling, engaging and always funny, even when it’s heart-breaking. It’s brilliantly written, and beautifully acted, and very, very inspiring. If you understand French, I warmly, warmly recommend. 
And now, it’s certain: I have to make it to Montral’s Pride this year!!
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