acmeairequipments · 1 month
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Experience the power of our Gas Boosters! From Nitrogen Gas to Natural Gas, our boosters are engineered to enhance your gas handling capabilities with precision and efficiency. Elevate your operations with us today!
For more details, visit - https://www.acmeairequipments.com/product/gas-boosters/
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nitrogenairn2 · 1 year
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rennyji · 4 months
remaining remaining remaining tweets not on Tumblr yet, on Tumblr.
UPDATED 2/22/2024 10:27 PM with italicized section in particular, towards bottom
You ever have a conversation with someone, and they tell you, "let them speak first," and they start saying untrue/accusatory things, where, then, you have to interrupt, otherwise rendering everyones time useless?
have U ever spoken 2 some1, recounting a past argument, where they said U were "hyper" in place of "frustrated"? Sometimes diction can paintAn entirelyDifferent context/picture. "Hyper" implies some1 without self control, spewing nonsense. "Frustrated" implies some justification.
With Batman Beyond ( #BatmanBeyond ) , I remember its debut when I was younger. Unlike some of the CGI Batman series on MAX, the old stuff was gold. I liked the time travel twists with future Static Shock, or the twist at the end, where it turns out Terry McGinnis is Bruce's son.
I realize The Beatles ( #TheBeatles #Beatles ) are such a favorite among people because the lyrics to their songs are catchy and fun enough for everyone to just sing along. Kind of like "We will rock you."
#WhenTheGoingGetsRough Nikki Haley ( #Nikki #Haley #NikkiHaley ) , as the tough, gets going. She is eloquent & sharper,among all running. U don't need another test or State of the Union ( #StateOfTheUnion ) I elaborate in my Tumblr blog post, below:
Text comparison tools, like Free WinMerge (or paid counterparts) allow people 2 compare 2 separate texts & files, side by side, 4 differences b/w them. Say U have a website that's frequently updated. U can highlight differences from original text w/this. https://winmerge.org/?lang=en
U know whats comical about swastika painters on Jewish temples? It's because it's actually an Indian/Hindu symbol 4 good fortune. In India, people mark houses with this symbol. Hitler/Nazis distorted meaning. The Aryans? Actually Northern Indians. 1000 year Reich? From the 1000 yr reign of a Hindu avatar. Hitler, the guy who wasn't even blonde hair/blue eyed just took concepts from another group of people and their religion.
Ive often wondered if Earth is cosmically special by God thru creation as said in Genesis. Many planets don't have moons. It influences ourBehavior b/c of water composition. Constellations coincide w/human personalities. Is Earth unique 4testing human character 4 salvation?-
-EarthPeople look different-whether it's British, Chinese/etc. Ive wondered if theres a British planet, anAfrican planet, etc. Every1 has a creation/flood story, where a non-human entity selects/warns select-few. Like seedingAmerica w/differentCultures but on a planetaryScale.-
-America-Its like some1 cosmicallySignificant wanted2 C if different looking people could come 2gether & C individuals 4internal aspects like intellect&personality. Like experiment from a federationOfPlanets- AmericanRevolution succeeded inIndependence underUnlikelyCircumstances.
w/America fighting great odds 2 come 2 form, I dont agree w/Trump's GestapoStyleDeportation of illegals w/military or his separation of parentsFromChildren. Military should be used 2 patrol heavy illegal areas 4 order. Dont agree w/Nazi style Alabama nitrogenGas executions.-
military deportation of illegals seems 2 be Trump's ploy of targeting rage/hatred part of admirable fire of his followers. U'll get cheers & approvals, but America being America needs 2 walk hard path of compassion & work arounds like a stone border wall. Defense, not offense.
We need 2 look @ content of people's characters. Pronouns R 2-3 letter words. Person's character?= something invisible/powerful/magical. That said, I don't get Y people get worked up over pronouns or stone border wall ideas. Whats bad about a stone wall? wall=job opportunity, in terms of building and if you can make it into - I'm going to say it - a tourist attraction like the Chinese Great Wall.
when it comes 2 abortion & question of when life begins, as brought up again w/Alabama 's perspective on frozen embryos, we need 2 treat question of "when life begins" on a granular level. It's not when a clonable body is born, but when a mind, a soul, a personality is born. A body is a vessel for the immortal soul, the very Breath of Life from God, as given to Adam.
If we can take the THC out of marijuana for legal consumer use, I wish they'd do something about the smell. Maybe that's the illegal marijuana? I don't know, never smoked it...but the smell is recognizable and now common in parking lots, outside stores, in neighborhoods...
Guardians of the Galaxy ( #GuadiansOfTheGalaxy ) is a feel good movie about family/friend/adventure I can watch again & again on cable. It isn't explicitly playful or innocent, or tries as hard like in Thor: Love & Thunder . Can't wait till Avengers 5 or whichever number is next.
how many plane parts are coming off, and how many subway trains & regular trains have recently been derailed? Is it because of increased drug use or various brain dampening instigators that's causing carelessness that leads to these accidents and, additionally, violent behaviors?
Life is like a game of Super Monkey Ball ( #SuperMonkeyBall #MonkeyBall ) #WednesdayMotivation #WednesdayThought ... its about creating walls 4 our life, 4 us 2 ball back on when trials/tribulations of living strike. ideaExtended in Tumblr blog postBelow:
insteadOf military massDeportation of illegals In USA, Y notUse army @ border 4 increasedManPower? #StopProblemAtSource & stop future illegals. Venezuela? UseArmy 2Help w/political unrest. Syria/Turkey? Work w/Mexico 2 stopAirTravel, otherwise now their population.Use #Diplomacy.
8th Amendment Cruel & Unusual Punishment “Excessive bail shallNot B required, nor excessiveFines imposed, nor cruel&unusual punishmentsInflicted.” Like $355 million 4 Trump fraud or $148 million 4 Guliani defamation case. How much is enough, 4restitution & resultingLifeOfLuxury.
Average salary 4 American w/college degree is $50,000/$100,000 4 others. Trumps $355 million loss/Guliani’s $148 million is revenge money not justice. America isMore justice, Id expect. Sounds like something Russia does w/LA American ballerina, w/life imprisonment 4 $51 donation.
Fraud prosecution penalty against Trump is abusive. -no harm done 2 any1, although rooted in deceit- price of lying on figures is not 1/2 a billion dollars=Clear vendetta. Against 8th Amendment. Not as Navalny. More like Russia giving imprisonment 2 L.A. female 4 $51 donation.
Biden energy policy,risk 3000+ jobs. coat/non-renewableEnergySources notSustainable I.e. causesDamage 2PlanetUr children/grandchildren http://live.New energyPolicies shouldCome inStages: 1.alertPublic onPolicy 2.slowlyPhase outJobs, whileProvidingTraining 4greenerJobs.-
When Biden's energy policies take away jobs, it becomes chess piece the opposing party will try 2 move 2 win an election. They'll say we're bringing back jobs. If they win, next administration just undoes what previous administration did-this political back & forth b/w them. So, with energy policies taking away jobs, don't just abruptly pull the plug.
Boeing has some parts made by subcontractors, some parts shipped from Malaysia. Page from Apples book? B/c hardware&software from same company, they make functionally stabile machines. Need to make it cheaper 2 localize/centralize American manufacturing.
MacBooks R a luxury w/unwanted headaches…not like standard Windows features people accustomed to. Need 2 relearn laptop. Docks/software/accessories specific 2 Mac more expensive. 4multi-monitor limitation on MacBooks while windows notebooks have 5, = another limitation of Mac.
Another limitation of another #Apple product: the Apple Watch , (#AppleWatch #iWatch) is how you can scroll/slide thru a song on #iPhone ( iPhone ) but not Music app/Spotify on iWatch. At least allow skip capability with the iWatch bezel...
Apple hardware infused w/ Microsoft Windows features w/Linux fused terminal/command prompt or compatible commands ( 'mkdir' 'ls' etc.)...a melding of these vendors would produce such an awesome machine if allowed to work with cross platform software/accessories...time 4 unity...
I wasn't a fan of how Doctor Strange ( #DoctorStrange ) took Tom Holland 's ( #TomHolland ) universe's memory of him being Spider-Man ( #Spiderman Spiderman ). It was also sad how, in Disney+ 's ( #Disney ), What If ( #WhatIf WhatIf) series, he was made 2 be the ultimate villain.
I sympathize with Israel. But while so much attention goes to a music festival and the infamous Kibbutz Bei Rei, people don't realize that because of the actions of a few: Hamas, over 20,000 Palestinians have died. North and South of Gaza has been decimated. Electricity has been cut, food is short, shelter is scarce. When I see it, I write it.
I sympathize with Israel. But while so much attention goes to a music festival and the infamous Kibbutz Bei Rei, people don't realize that because of the actions of a few: Hamas, over 20,000 Palestinians have died. I think-don’t quote me- more Palestinians died than Israelis and the bulk of the coverage in Israel centers around those two events, where horrible things like rapes did occur. But North and South of Gaza has been decimated. In Gaza, Electricity has been cut, food is short, shelter is scarce, disease is spreading/people are dying. You’re also creating future enemies because of hardship.
I do not mean to put pressure on one candidate over another, but we need someone sharp, and able to finish sentences and perspectives, without making up words like “big-ly” (the English language is deteriorating). The sharp individual implied is Nikki Haley, or someone equally good, who measures to the bar of hard work she set.
There is a degradation of culture in  western world: I’m not 1 to call himself religious, but I believe & have insight…I have respect for these practices. A Commandment: Don’t Use My Name in Vain- outta respect, should avoid rhetoric like [Jesus] F* [Christ] or [Holy] f* [God]-
-Y blame God 4 ur’s or other’s choices? God didn’t cause my decade long situation. People did,& their enablers. Nature of existence defined in literal/figurative Adam/Eve story. 4 a bad choice, toil on earth was the punishment.We have power to choose & responsibility of choices.-
- Fate is the framework of our existence. It’s what we are born into. The framework says where the floor and ceiling are. Destiny is how high or low we “choose” to go within the framework of fate.- some people work hard to go above the ceiling.
Our souls(minds) R a chariotDriver, driving Horses that R our emotions/feelings/commitments, inFormOf thought/speech/action. On #SaturdayMorning , as #SaturdayVibes , #SaturdayMotivation , & #SaturdayThought, I extend perspective in Tumblr blog post below:
Theres a time 2 look up, look straight ahead, &inward. U look inward, when U need 2 think thru aProblem. U look straight 2 keep urEyesOpen 4 a solution, & u look up when its time 2 leave 2 God 2 handle the results after U do ur best-ur part. #SaturdayThought #SaturdayMotivation
A link 2 Tumblr blog page below, with tweets, right side up/organized, summing up my situation. There R other tweets & other Tumblr links among those tweets, ordering what came prior, as U scroll down. Note embedded clips as U scroll.
Section below added on the evening of 2/22/2024 at 10:27 PM
Theres 8 million+ migrants in America. In highSchool, learned normal USA population was 350 million (more now). So I wondered, 4 every 1 migrant, how many Americans are there. 4 every 1 migrant, theres 40 regular Americans. 1 for every 40, when talking millions seems like a lot.
I saw Superman: Red Son-a non conventional bizarro version of Kansas Superman. Russia is a bizarro dark American superpower. As seen in Ukraine, theyve a surplus of soldiers/ tanks/weapons. Would Biden sanctioning them affect aSelfSufficient nation w/diversity/opportunity of USA?
After 200+ years of existing, USA should be in position 2 help destitute Ukraine conditions & stop old ladies from using their walkers 2 get food distribution, where if theyre lucky, they get chocolate. How sad is it 2 watch some1 at end of life grovel @ a distance 4 chocolate?
We call our elected officials civil servants. W/this fervor 4 wondering what founders implied in constitution, servant has a pretty clear meaning: 1 2 cater 2 people. If Congress passed 2-3 CRs since Oct., risking pay of army/etc, w/no risk 2 own, amidst vacations, wats goingOn?!
USA is mix of rich man thatHoarded & starved Lazarus, & is country w/most potential 2 have house in order, 2 take of other countries. In latterStory, were the 1s who buried our potential, our 1 coin, amidstThe 5&10 coiners, who doubled portion. We risk losing&world walkingOverUs.
I trulyHope thisIs Renaissance of Space Age. Haven’t made progress in 50 years. W/evenMore advanced tech, still can’t emulate pastSuccesses. I think in 20 yrs, Earth population wentFrom 6 billion to 8 billion. We need 2take advantageOf moon/mars real estate 4 territory/abundance.
"When talent doesn't work hard, hard work beats talent."
Line b/w law & religion doesnt have 2 B about 1 or the other. Religion&stories can B used 2guide Law&fact. Ex. whatIsLife?(isIt soul/developing brain emittingBrainWaves-ifByThatMeaning,itCoincides w/baby 1st receivingOxygen, or BreathofLife-U might need 2limit abortion to 6weeks
InterpretLaw w/changing times/circumstance. In SQL DatabaseProgramming, aViewIsAVirtualTable containing rows/columns, justLike realTable. FieldsInAView R fieldsFrom 1orMore realTables. LawInterpretations R aView 4EZ reference basedOn prev.ExistingLaws,whenByItSelfUnclear. See 2 pics in LINK below. The 2nd pic or pic on right, shows how the different shades, representing columns in tables on the left, get mixed into one single table with the borrowed shades, on the right.
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#Breaking: A prisoner in #Alabama has become the first #inmate in the world to be executed with #nitrogengas.
A prisoner in Alabama has become the first inmate in the world to be executed with nitrogen gas. "This could be a new frontier for executions in America," @marthakelner reports. Read more: https://t.co/ROKSOkUbvY 📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/c94D4fVkpB — Sky News (@SkyNews) January 26, 2024 Source: X
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9945075154 · 7 months
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Established in the year 2006, we are one of the reputed firms engaged in manufacturing, supplying and exporting a wide range of Gas Mixtures & Handling Equipment. The range comprises Laser Gas Mixture.. #hydrogengas #nitrogengas #oxygan gas #chemix #chemica;gases
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etuitionslearning · 2 years
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Ever wondered, why the packet of chips is filled with more air than chips?
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nuberggpd-blog · 5 years
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Another type of DE-OXO unit is used for additional cleaning using copper catalyst for removal of extra Oxygen, the moisture and Hydrogen contents and maintained upto 1PPM level.
For More details :-    http://nuberggpd.com/ 
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alrichroshan · 5 years
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​​Why do Bags of Chips have Air in them? Potato Chip Bags are not full of Air, but of Nitrogen gas. This is done to prevent the Chips from oxidizing, which is part of what makes them go stale. Oxygen is very reactive, and likes to combine with other Molecules whenever it can, causing chemical changes to take place. #chips #bags #nitrogengas #oxygen https://www.instagram.com/p/B4KNMfQAGOU/?igshid=h96s240urkz5
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sterling-gases · 3 years
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Sterling Gases supply a full range of gases to the healthcare industry. Our prompt and proactive service reduces the burden on healthcare providers so that they can focus on administering patient care and health assistance.
Medical oxygen and nitrogen are our main products catering to hospitals and healthcare centres. Our products comply with the highest purity standards and stringent quality at all times. We also supply speciality gases for calibration and use in the laboratories. Our gases also find use in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals.
Our health care gas supply is distinguished by consistent on-time service, excellent gas quality, best of commercial terms and easy transactional processes.
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arcjournals-blog1 · 7 years
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Examined the Ability of Some Different Equations of State in Predicting Thermodynamic Properties of Nitrogen Gas at Different Conditions Rang of Pressure and Temperature
Read More : http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2349-0403.0405003 International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science Read More About Journal : https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-advanced-research-in-chemical-science/ 
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acmeairequipments · 9 months
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our Gas Boosters are designed to handle a wide range of gases, including Natural Gas, Nitrogen Gas, Biogas, CO2 Gas, and Hydrocarbon Gas.
For more details, visit- https://www.acmeairequipments.com/gas-boosters-what-are-they/
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markresearch-blog · 7 years
Global Nitrogen Gas Springs Sales Market - Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Trends, and Forecast Report 2022
Albany, New York, August 14, 2017: Market Research Hub (MRH) has recently announced the addition of a fresh report, titled “Global Nitrogen Gas Springs Sales Market Report 2017” to its report offerings. The report split global into several key Regions, with sales (K Units), revenue (Million USD), market share and growth rate of Nitrogen Gas Springs for these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast).
Request Free Sample Report: http://www.marketresearchhub.com/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=1289587
The global Nitrogen Gas Springs market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022. Geographically, this report split global into several key Regions, with sales (K Units), revenue (Million USD), market share and growth rate of Nitrogen Gas Springs for these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), covering United States China Europe Japan Southeast Asia India Global Nitrogen Gas Springs market competition by top manufacturers/players, with Nitrogen Gas Springs sales volume, Price (USD/Unit), revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players including DADCO Hyson Kallar FIBRO GmbH BORDIGNON AZOL PASCAL Xinda QUIRI Misumi On the basis of product, this report displays the sales volume (K Units), revenue (Million USD), product price (USD/Unit), market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into Standard Compact Super Compact Micro On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate of Nitrogen Gas Springs for each application, including Die Industry Automotive Electronics Others
Read Full Report with TOC: http://www.marketresearchhub.com/report/global-nitrogen-gas-springs-sales-market-report-2017-report.html
Table of Contents:
1 Nitrogen Gas Springs Market Overview 1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Nitrogen Gas Springs 1.2 Classification of Nitrogen Gas Springs by Product Category 1.2.1 Global Nitrogen Gas Springs Market Size (Sales) Comparison by Type (2012-2022) 1.2.2 Global Nitrogen Gas Springs Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 2016 1.2.3 Standard
2 Global Nitrogen Gas Springs Competition by Players/Suppliers, Type and Application 2.1 Global Nitrogen Gas Springs Market Competition by Players/Suppliers 2.1.1 Global Nitrogen Gas Springs Sales and Market Share of Key Players/Suppliers (2012-2017) 2.1.2 Global Nitrogen Gas Springs Revenue and Share by Players/Suppliers (2012-2017)
3 United States Nitrogen Gas Springs (Volume, Value and Sales Price) 3.1 United States Nitrogen Gas Springs Sales and Value (2012-2017) 3.1.1 United States Nitrogen Gas Springs Sales and Growth Rate (2012-2017) 3.1.2 United States Nitrogen Gas Springs Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2017) 3.1.3 United States Nitrogen Gas Springs Sales Price Trend (2012-2017)
4 China Nitrogen Gas Springs (Volume, Value and Sales Price) 4.1 China Nitrogen Gas Springs Sales and Value (2012-2017) 4.1.1 China Nitrogen Gas Springs Sales and Growth Rate (2012-2017) 4.1.2 China Nitrogen Gas Springs Revenue and Growth Rate (2012-2017)
Make an Enquiry: http://www.marketresearchhub.com/enquiry.php?type=enquiry&repid=1289587
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Nitrogen Gas in Ghaziabad | N2 Gas Supplier and Distributor | Ekta Enterprises
Ekta Enterprises supply comprehensive range of Nitrogen gas in Ghaziabad which is known for its effectual functioning among our valued clients. These are widely used in oxygen and nitrogen industries. Moreover, these are fabricated in accordance with client requirement and are delivered within stipulated time frame. Apart from this, we also supplier and distributor of R123 refrigerant gas, helium gas, hydrogen gas, SF6 Gas, Nitrogen Gas in Ghaziabad and many more other gases.
#ektaenterprises #heliumgas #R123refrigerantgas #sf6gas #nitrogengas #hydrogengas
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nuberggpd-blog · 5 years
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Nuberg GPD one of the trusted name for gas plants. Nuberg GPD offers nitrogen gas, hydrogen gas, oxygen gas plants, and air dryer units across the world.
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