banannabethchase · 1 month
"For a mediocre white man, you really are enthusiastic." SETHNICK
Present Company
Hitting the ficlet mode tonight
Nick doesn’t recognize the figure leaning against the ring post until his third practice bump, ending it with a kip up directly in front of the person.
“You know,” Seth says, smile anything but kind and outfit anything but practical, “for a mediocre white man, you sure are enthusiastic.”
Nick can’t quite defend his actions, other than to say they’re funny. He runs to the opposite of the ring, bounces off the rope, and does a tope suicida right over the ropes toward Seth. Seth yelps but catches him, almost on instinct, and they end up in a heap on the floor.
“What the eff are you doing here?” Nick asks, acutely aware of how he’s very on top of Seth and basically pinning him to the ground. “The dirt sheets are gonna go crazy if they find out you’re here.”
“Visiting Mox,” Seth answers, eyes scanning Nick’s face. “Though I have to say I like this company a little better.”
“You’re not allowed in AEW,” Nick says, firmly. “You and Matt will kill each other and I don’t want to deal with a miserable Mox and a singles run at the same time.”
Seth licks his lips and chuckles. His laugh, in person, is less grating than his TV one. “That’s not the company I was referring to.”
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banannabethchase · 4 months
Billy Gunn and Christian Cage argue over who the real AEW daddy is and Nick Jackson is forced to intervene.
Daddy Wars
Nick thinks that he, as one of the EVPs, is sort of required to intervene in the argument screeching down the hallways.
“I’m literally Daddy Ass!” screams Billy Gunn in Christian’s face. “I got a chant over about it. In multiple decades!”
Christian rolls his eyes. “A chant. Pathetic. You can’t deem yourself Daddy in the 90s and expect us to take you seriously.” He spreads his arms, a hand brushing against Nick Wayne, who shivers.
Nick Jackson rolls his eyes.
“I am the leader of the Patriarchy,” Christian says, with a grandiosity that Nick can tell makes him feel like a god. “I am the ultimate Daddy.”
“You just said you can’t give yourself the name of Daddy!”
“I didn’t!” Christian retorts. “The internet did. I just leaned into it.”
Before anybody can get really going, Nick clears his throat. “Uh, for the record,” Nick says, leaning against the door frame. He kind of loves the way everybody’s attention turns to him where he stands in the doorway. Feels dramatic. “You’re both wrong.”
Billy and Christian scoff at the same time. “Yeah?” Christian says. “Who would you consider the ultimate Daddy, twunk?”
“First of all, thank you for that,” Nick says, preening. Now he gets Matt’s reactions when people call him pretty. “Second of all, Daddy isn’t a name. It’s an attitude.” He nods over to Nick Wayne, then to Caster. “You can have all the subby little bottoms collected around you that you want, but there’s a level of gruffness you gotta have.” He shivers, thinking of what may be waiting for him when he finally gets back to his locker room. “Cigarette voice, scars, bad tattoos. It’s more than a name, it’s –”
“Baby, get that sweet ass over here so I can fuck you into next week.” Mox grabs Nick by the waist and shoves him against the other wall. “Oh. Were you in the middle of something?”
“No, Daddy,” Nick says, grinning at a gob smacked Billy and Christian over Mox’s shoulder, “I’m all yours.”
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banannabethchase · 4 months
30 definitely says Hangman to me. HangNick? (Can be / or &)
Oh boy this one went angsty. December prompt challenge 30 (shhhhh it's still the 30th in California): New Year anxieties. Content warning: discussions of alcoholism.
Adam’s on the floor with his legs kicked up on the bed when he hears footsteps. He tilts his head backward to see Nick padding in.
“Floor time?” Nick asks.
Adam nods awkwardly. “Floor time.”
Nick slides down next to him, putting his feet up next to Adam. He rests a hand on Adam’s arm. “Quiet?”
Adam closes his eyes and settles, synching his breathing with Nick’s. In for four, hold for seven, exhale for eight. He feels his heart rate slow. He turns to Nick when he’s calm. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Nick says. His blue eyes are soft, but Adam reads concern in the back. “You okay?”
“They started talking about resolutions again.” Adam fiddles with his phone.
Nick exhales. “Oh, boy.” He scoots closer and pulls Adam into his chest. It’s awkward and uncomfortable. It’s also perfect. “Talk to me.”
“I hate New Years.”
Nick’s kind enough to wait for Adam to elaborate, but he doesn’t, so Nick says, “I know.”
“I hate being reminded of how many times I made a resolution not to drink and overdo it and how many times I failed.”
Nick rolls over into his side and kisses his temple.
Adam exhales slowly. “I don’t want to make promises for the year this time.” He turns to Nick, trying to fight the tears. “It’s too hard to make a promise on day 1 when there’s 365.”
“Then take it one at a time,” Nick murmurs. He’s steady. He’s sure.
Adam shakes his head. “I can’t.”
“You can,” Nick says. Adam doesn’t know how he’s so calm. “And, if we have to plan ahead, we do that day by day, too.” Adam feels him kiss the top of his head. “I know New Year’s is hard for you. But we don’t have to do resolutions. We can just…be.”
Adam lifts his head. “We can just be.”
Nick nods. Adam shifts his leg and sets it on top of Nick’s, then scoots closer to him. Nick smiles. “You feel better?”
Adam nods and swings his legs down, shuffling to a seated position. He takes Nick’s hands and pulls him to sitting. “Yeah.” He offers his best attempt at a smile. “Resolution for this year is to take it day by day, right?”
“Day by day,” Nick confirms. He smiles. “You still wanna get slushies from Sonic tomorrow night?”
Adam nods. “Going into the new year with a blue tongue has to be good luck, right?”
Nick’s smile goes a little devious. “You’ll have blue for the coconut, I’ll have red for the cherry.” He leans in and kisses Adam, a little deeper and dirtier than Adam usually gets from him. “We kiss like that, we put together red and blue to make purple.”
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banannabethchase · 5 months
Burning Dinner
December prompt challenge day 11: Sweet potato casserole
Nick blinks down at the tray. “What.”
“Don’t,” Adam says, waving the oven mitt over what used to be part of dinner. “Don’t say it.”
“What was that supposed to be?”
“I said don’t say anything?”
Nick grins at him, eyes sparkling, and it would be annoying if it wasn’t so handsome. “That used to be the sweet potato casserole, huh?”
Adam tries to kick at Nick’s shins, but he skitters out of the way, laughing. “Don’t make fun of my attempt at dinner!”
“Please don’t make this on Christmas,” Nick says. “I’ve been a good boy this year, I promise.”
Adam sets down the smoking tray and crowds Nick against the counter. “Oh, you’ve been a good boy?”
Nick’s eyes flicker up. “So good,” he says. Adam watches him swallow, his eyes searching his face.
“Yeah?” Adam slides a leg between Nick’s legs. “Making fun of me doesn’t feel like something a good boy would do, does it?”
“You burned dinner.”
Adam cackles, settling his hands on Nick’s waist. “I burned a part of dinner,” Adam says, nuzzling at Nick’s neck. He bites at Nick’s neck. “Though I think I’ve found something I want a little more than sweet potato casserole.”
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banannabethchase · 1 month
"Coffee doesn't count as water, but I appreciate the effort." BuckBruvvers (platonic)
Coffee vs. Water
Matt bats at the arms pushing at his shoulder.
“’M sleeping,” he grumbles. “Leave me alone.”
“Wake up,” Nick says. “We’re going to miss the flight.”
Matt groans, forcing his eyes open. He barely processes any of the trip from the hotel to the airport, stumbling to the Starbucks and slurring his way through ordering whatever the eff gets put into his hand at the counter.
“You need to put something else in your system,” Nick says. “I feel like I have to say I told you so. Flirting with Mox all night was a bad idea.”
Matt grunts, something he hopes conveys, eff you and I wish God was on Cain’s side and you are my favorite person even when you’re terrible all in one.
“Love you too. Drink this.”
Matt manages to open his eyes – eye, really – to look at what Nick is shoving at him with. “Already have coffee.”
“This is water.”
“Coffee’s water.”
Nick snorts. “Coffee doesn’t count as water, but I appreciate the effort.”
Matt opens his eyes a little wider. “I appreciate it when you leave me alone.”
Nick slides down on the airport chart, throwing a slightly squished grin up at Matt. “You haven’t wanted to be alone since I was born, Matty. You know that.”
“I know,” Matt says, finally grabbing the water bottle from Nick’s hand on the arm rest, “that you’re annoying.”
“Correct,” Nick says, sipping his iced mocha gleefully. Matt wants to kick him in the shins. “I had Tony write it in the contract that I have to annoy you every day.”
“Count this for two days of it, then,” Matt says. He yawns.
Nick kicks him in the shin.
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banannabethchase · 3 months
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banannabethchase · 8 months
i wish you would write a fic where matt adopts a baby bird he found in the wild and tries to hide it from the others
Bye Bye Birdie
Oh anon you do not know this but god do I love a good crack adjacent post.
"Okay, seriously what the hell are you doing in there?!"
Matt jumps half a foot, but his back stays turned toward Nick and Adam as they block the door.
"I assumed he was jacking off," Adam says, more mildly than he thought he'd be capable of in this weird of a situation. "But he's still got his pants on, so I think that one's out."
Matt tosses a panicked look over his shoulder. "Maybe I am," he says. "Give me privacy to, um. Jerk it."
Adam turns to Nick, blinking.
"Don't look at me!" Nick half shrieks. "He's your boyfriend!"
"He's your brother!"
"He's right here," Matt snipes. "In my bedroom, for that matter. Go away."
"Matt, just - " He gets a hand on Matt's shoulder and spins him, only for Matt to cradle his hands to his chest.
"Shh!" he hisses, checking whatever's in his hands. "You'll scare him. Her. Them, I don't know bird junk."
"Bird - what?"
Reluctantly, Matt opens his hands. "The little fluffy mess is hurt, okay?" He shushes it, and it flaps its tiny little wings and settles back in Matt's hands. The bird looks happy enough. Cozy, Adam realizes.
"Did you just Snow White your way into becoming a father?" Nick asks, sounding a bit baffled.
"I named the bird Majesty." He beams. "Since we don't know if it's a girl bird or a boy bird."
Adam shakes himself out of how bizarrely adorable Matt is until he remembers to grab his phone.
"What are you doing?" Matt asks, defensive.
"There's a wildlife hospital near by," Adam says, googling the number. "Majesty would be better with other birds and people who, like," he gestures toward Matt. "Look, baby, this is adorable, but you are not equipped to nurse a baby bird back to health."
Matt sighs and looks at the bird with soft, giant brown eyes. "Yeah," he says. "Probably."
"Do you want me to take some photos of the two of you?" Adam asks. "For memories?"
Nick groans. "Oh, my god, you two are the worst."
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banannabethchase · 4 months
HangNick, Adam feels some kinda way when he sees Nick wearing his cowboy hat.
Hey Cowboy
Adam throws his bag on the ground, yawning as he steps into the hotel room. It’s been hours on his feet, a mild version of war with Swerve in the ring (not for the first time), and all he wants is to collapse into bed.
The silhouette in front of the window, then, is a surprise.
“The fuck?” he asks, dropping his bag to the floor.
“Howdy, Cowboy.” Nick turns to him, a knowing smile on his lips. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“Is that my hat?” Adam asks. He already starts throwing his clothes off. Nick should know by now not to tempt him. “Where the hell did you get my hat?”
Nick grins, stepping more into the light. He looks stunning naked. “That’s all you can say after a month of me being gone?”
“You weren’t gone,” Adam says. He grabs Nick by the waist. “You’ve been in my bed for a month, only to show up here when I thought it’d be a weekend without you.” He leans down and takes the hat off of Nick with one hand, grabs a handful of Nick’s ass with the other. “Even though it’s only been a couple days, turns out absence does make the heart grow fonder.”
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banannabethchase · 5 months
Anybody else picking up on how Brandon is referring to the Young Bucks and Matt and Nick as two separate entities? Somebody joked about it on twitter, but I am...intrigued.
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Two separate sets of people - Young Bucks are taking time away. Matt and Nick want privacy. Why are we discussing them as two different concepts?
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Again, specifically Matt and Nick. Here, you could read this more than one way. They are done with Being the Elite the YouTube series, or, because it's not in quotes, they are done with being the Elite.
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The Young Bucks are not backstage. But what about Matt and Nick?
Pairing this with the fact that Matt and Nick are trying to trademark KTB (killing the business, as we can presume) and Superdick Party, I don't think it's unreasonable to question if the Young Bucks and Hangman have dropped their names from before and are rebranding.
There is no more Elite. There is no more Young Bucks. There is no more Hangman.
Welcome to the world, Superdick Party.
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banannabethchase · 5 months
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This better be a work, you lunatics.
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banannabethchase · 7 months
I wish you would write a fic where [any wrestler with a reputation for being a big tough guy] is actually super duper easily frightened and the guy he's just starting to date suggests a horror movie marathon. it somehow turns into sex in a blanket fort.
Movie Night
This was so fun and if you didn't expect this pairing you should have because it's your fault it exists. Well, yours and that weird shirt of Nick's.
Nick can feel it. Lucha's tense, antsy. Something's wrong, and he's scared he knows what it is.
"We can make popcorn," NIck suggests. "I mean, if you want. To make it more fun."
"I'm not sure we can make it fun," Lucha mumbles, adjusting his collar.
Nick's had it. "If you want to cancel or, hell, break up, you have to say it." His heart is racing. "Don't make me guess, okay? Just do it."
Lucha turns to him, and Nick is still not quite used to the way he looks without the mask. "Break up?" Lucha asks. "What?"
"You're being all weird," Nick says, and he starts to squirm under Lucha's gaze. "So I figured you're done with me or something and just don't know how to tell me."
Lucha's face falls. "Oh, Nick. No. Not at all. I just..." He trails off, and for the first time Nick's seen it Luchasaurus looks...bashful? "Nick, I'm really scared of zombies."
"What?" Nick asks. "You're - what?"
Luchasaurus picks up the pile of zombie movies from the table. "These? I will cry, Nick. The zombies, especially the fast ones, make me so scared I cry."
It takes running the words over in his mind three times for him to understand it. "You're scared of zombies?"
"Yes!" Lucha says, looking miserable. "You made this lovely blanket fort, we're cozy on the couch, and I had to ruin it by being a frightened, pathetic wimp." He slumps back and knocks over one of the blankets, exhaling and dropping his head into his hands.
"You're scared," Nick says again. "Oh, that's adorable!"
Lucha looks up. "Excuse me?"
"You're scared of something!" Nick says, climbing into Lucha's lap. "This is great!" Nick leans in and kisses the breath out of Lucha, who responds in kind but with a hint of confusion.
"You were so excited for this movie night, though," Lucha says, frowning.
"I was excited for a night with you," Nick corrects. "My big, strong boyfriend's all scared." He grins, letting it get his point across. "Maybe he needs me to pull him close and rub his back to make him know it's all okay."
Luchasaurus laughs, just a little. "You're insatiable."
"When it comes to you, I'm a zombie, baby." Nick leans in, nipping at Lucha's lower lip, grinding down a little in his lap. "Can't get a big enough bite."
"Oh, you want something big?" Luchasaurus asks, and he flips Nick so fast it's almost dizzying.
Nick slides his hands up under Lucha's shirt. "Always."
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banannabethchase · 10 months
Literal sleeping together The Elite
Four in the Bed
Here have some belligerent Buck bitching!
"Scoot over."
Adam does his best to move forward, but he collides almost immediately with a wall of warm skin. "Can't," he mumbles. "Ran out of room."
Nick skootches up closer to Adam, but then Adam's too hot, so he presses up against Matt's back.
Matt makes a miserable little whimper. "Stop pushing me," he whines.
"I'm not," Adam says, trying to cuddle better into Matt without knocking him over. "Nick's out of room."
"Nick can sleep on the floor," Matt grumbles.
Adam doesn't have time to move before an arm comes out from behind him and smacks Matt on the shoulder.
"Adam, what the hell?!" Matt sits up, hair a mess.
"That was not me," Adam replies. "That was Nick."
"Prove it." Nick punctuates it with a middle finger.
There's a shift on the bend and then Kenny sits up, glaring at them. "You three fucking suck," he says. Adam fights the urge to laugh at the way Kenny's hair is sticking out like Einstein. "Can't you shut up for five minutes so I can sleep?"
"Hey, don't get bitchy with me," Adam replies, throwing an arm around Matt's waist. "You and Nick are the ones who needed to bunk with us."
Matt snuggles back against Adam again. "Yeah," he mumbles, and Adam's not even convinced he's still awake. "Me 'n Adam could'a been doin' other things."
"Ew," Nick says. Adam watches as his hand disappears.
"What?" Adam asks. "You forgot that me and your brother are dating or something?"
"Ew," Kenny says.
Adam laughs, resting his head back on the pillow and accepting the way Matt's hair clings to his face. "We're doing y'all a favor. Don't be bitchy about it."
"That's it," Kenny says. "I'm sleeping on the floor. Nick, come on."
"Why do I have to leave?" Nick whines against Adam's back.
"Because you're not the one trying to sexile me," Kenny grumbles. Adam hears him stomp around the room. Then, suddenly, Adam's back is cold.
"What the hell!" Nick shrieks.
"You weren't moving fast enough," Kenny says.
Matt sits up, biggest pout of the decade on his lips. "You all suck. Now I'm all the way awake and there's only one way to fix that."
"I meant a snack!"
"That's not what it sounded like you meant!"
Adam laughs into the pillow as the other three bicker. He'd missed this bullshit with his boys. It makes the hotel room feel like home. And, really, there really is no place like home.
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banannabethchase · 9 months
11 moxnick 😊
11: Getting walked in on
"I'm sorry!"
"I don't want to look at you right now!" Matt's got both hands covering his eyes like he's a little kid as he backs out of the room.
Nick has never felt so weird as when he's hopping to pull his jeans back on while he brother storms out of the room. Mox is in the corner, buttoning up his jeans and chuckling.
"What's so funny?!"
"Matt's fuckin' face," Mox says, easy as anything. He does up his belt, and Nick feels even worse than he had when he'd accosted Mox and asked for a quickie in the janitor's closet. "I've never seen a man look that old-conservative-lady-seeing-an-interracial-gay-couple in my life."
"I - Matt's not racist or homophobic," Nick says, stomping through the door. He can tell Mox is following him by the thunking of his boots on the hallway tile. "That's not it."
"No, I know he's not - it was a metaphor, Nick, fuck." Mox takes a few big steps to get up next to Nick. "I'm joking. I'm trying to make it light."
"We don't need to make it light, we need to fix it," Nick huffs. "Last week we, along with our friends, were beating the shit out of each other. Now, he walks in on us having sex?" Nick shakes his head. "This was a bad idea."
Mox's hands on Nick's shoulders are weirdly grounding, and Nick finds himself breathing again.
"Matt'll live, Nick. You're allowed to get yours when you want to. Plus." He offers a smirk. "Y'all won, didn't you? Maybe this is just you taking your prize."
Nick wrinkles his nose. "That doesn't sound right."
"Yeah, I heard it as I said it." He sighs. "Whatever. BCC, Elite, we should all get dinner and make up, you know?"
"I like that idea!"
"And I can feel you up under the table," Mox continues. "Hey, you like edging? This is kinda like edging." He wiggles in his jeans. "Maybe we tease each other at dinner and then fuck like crazy back at the hotel."
Nick considers it. "Yeah. Yeah, I like that plan."
Mox's grin goes predatory. "I'm gonna wreck you, Young Buck."
Nick blushes for a full ten minutes.
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banannabethchase · 7 months
ClaudioNick pre-match smut. What do they do get in the mood?
Don't Be Too Easy (When I Want It Hard) - also on on AO3
Nick and Claudio fuck before their three way match for the title shot. That's it. That's the fic.
Sarah what the hell this became an actual fic.
He’s too antsy to wait much longer. Nick hasn’t had a singles match in ages, and the last one didn’t go so well for him.
“You got this,” Adam says. “Nick, breathe. You’re going to do great.”
Nick nods. “Yeah,” he exhales. “I’ll be fine.” Nick bumps Matt's shoulder. "I gotta go get ready for gorilla. I'll see you later."
Adam smiles at him. "Good luck, man. Go win a title shot."
"No!" Matt says, pouting. "I mean yeah, whatever, proud of you. But no singles belts." He looks over at Nick with those annoying giant eyes that seem to work on everyone but him. "You can't leave me."
"Oh, grow up, Matt. I can be a singles champ and your tag partner." But Nick leans in and hugs Matt as tightly as I can. "I'm not going to leave you, Matty. I promise."
Matt relaxes. "Okay."
Nick's halfway to gorilla when a giant shadow looms over him. “Oh, god. What do you want?”
“I’m here to prepare for the match, like you.” But Nick’s learned to read Claudio’s expressions over the past few weeks.
“Prepare, huh?” Nick says, leaning against the wall. He tilts his head. “What’s your routine?” He licks his lips, watching Claudio’s eyes flicker to them.
“Cardio,” Claudio says, stepping toward him after a glance down the hallway. Empty. “Some pumping.”
“Pumping, huh?” Nick asks. “Need a spotter?”
Claudio plays with something in his pocket. “You could say that.”
Nick pulls open the door of a locker room, one Tony had decided not to use. “Alright then. Need some privacy to pump?”
Claudio lines his body up behind Nick’s. “Of course.”
Nick’s bent over a bench within five minutes, with Claudio three fingers deep into him. “Jesus Christ,” he laughs. “You weren’t kidding about pumping.”
“I can’t have you injured for our match, Nicholas,” Claudio says, twisting his fingers. Nick almost loses his legs out from under him. “We must be fair as we battle.” He twists again and Nick keens when Claudio pulls his fingers out. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” Nick says, pushing his ass back. “Yeah, come on.” He checks his watch. “We got ten minutes before we’re late.”
“Oh, darling,” Claudio chuckles, and Nick can hear the sound of him slicking up his cock. “I can get you off in half that time.”
Claudio slides into him smoothly, like it’s nothing, and Nick slumps down on his elbows. “God, finally,” Nick sighs. “It’s been too long, man.”
“Agreed,” Claudio says, pulling back so slowly it feels like a tease. “This may be the best method I’ve discovered in my years for how to decompress prior to a match.”
“Yeah, sure. If you keep dragging this out, we’re going to be so late.”
“Are you asking for it faster, Nicholas?” Claudio asks, grabbing a handful Nick’s ass. He pulls back and swats at it.
“Of course I am,” Nick says, looking over his shoulder. Claudio’s got the smarmiest grin on his face. “God, you suck. Just eff me already.”
“As you request.” Claudio winks, and he picks up the pace to a degree Nick can hardly handle. It’s on the edge of too much, the speed of it, the way Claudio gently wraps a hand around his cock, and all Nick can do is hold on.
“Don’t – don’t stop,” Nick gasps, knuckles turning white as he braces against the bench. He pushes back against all of Claudio’s thrusts, trying to get all of him in every time.
“I was in no way planning on it.” Claudio’s grip around his cock tightens. “For the sake of time, are you close?”
“Yeah, I can get there,” Nick gasps. He’s torn between pushing back on Claudio’s cock and forward into the tight ring of his hand. “C’mon, don’t tease, Claudio.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
It happens before Nick can really think it through – Claudio comes deep within him without warning, like always, nothing more than a gasp and the warmth as an indicator. “Jesus,” Nick gasps. “God, I’m gonna be so gross throughout the whole match.” He whines as Claudio pulls out, jacking Nick’s cock so quickly Nick feels his orgasm sprint toward him.
“Yes, Nicholas,” Claudio says, lips by Nick’s ear. “That way you can feel me inside you the entire time we wrestle our match.”
That does it. Nick comes so hard his vision blurs, head dropping back on Claudio’s chest. “Oh, my god. That was unfair. You know saying stuff like that gets me off.”
Claudio presses a kiss to Nick’s temple. “That’s the point, angel.”
Nick laughs as he comes back to earth, blinking his eyes open. “Same time next week?”
“Prior to that,” Claudio says. “We should both be at WrestleDream, yes?” He turns Nick, kissing him quickly, like they don’t always do. “I will fuck you without abandon Sunday, too.”
“Cool,” Nick says, like that isn’t the hottest thing he’s ever heard. “It’s a date.”
Claudio was right – Nick can feel him through the entire match. But it’s the most obvious when he gets the pin.
“You’re insufferable,” Claudio says, glaring as they pass backstage after the match. “Stealing my win. I had Cage dead to rights.”
“Hey, not my fault you weren’t in the right place at the right time.” Nick grins at him. “Next time do a better job of expecting the unexpected.”
Claudio licks his teeth. “I won’t be so easy on you on Sunday, then.”
“You two don’t have a match on Sunday,” Matt says, popping out of the Elite locker room. “What are you even talking about?”
“Nothing of your worry, Matthew,” Claudio says, and his smile is predatory. “Your brother and I will handle our discontent in our own way at a later date.” He walks away, and Nick watches him leave until Matt yanks his sleeve.
“He’s so weird,” Matt says. “Also, I got you some water.”
Nick throws him a grateful smile. “Thanks, dude.” He raises the water bottle and chugs it.
“Come on,” Matt says, grabbing Nick’s arm. “I gotta get ready. Will you help me get my pump on?”
Nick chokes on his water.
Mini Playlist: Ain't My Fault - Zara Larsson Hit it from the Back - Kim Petras Cum - Brooke Candy feat. Iggy Azalea PLEASE - Omido, Ex Habit
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banannabethchase · 3 months
Headcanons about nicholasbuck bickolasbuck!
He mostly lets Matt talk because his insecurities are louder than Matt's are - Matt knows they're good but worries they can't keep up, Nick worries that he's not good enough to keep up pace and stay where he needs to be to keep the Young Bucks at the forefront of the business.
He's considering bringing back the nose ring but is worried he's going to get the chain stuck in his hair again.
He still wears the rompers at home.
It's probably not surprising, but Nick likes a big man.
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banannabethchase · 7 months
You Play the Love (I'll Play the Lead) - also on AO3
Prince Matthew and Prince Nicholas have, according to their father the King, been too reckless with their safety. He hires the Blackpool Combat Club, a private security team to protect them. But they end up doing a LOT more than just that.
Bingo square G2 knocked out! Title inspired by Camera Shy by School Boy Humor, which is a throwback that I didn't realize I'd be experiencing tonight but here we are.
September the 24th, 2:57pm
Nick huffs, blowing his hair out of his eyes. “I don’t see how this is necessary.”
“You – seriously, princes, you have to be kidding me.” Sir Khan sighs. As the head of their security and protection detail after all these years, he should be used to the bad luck that follows them. “After all these years, you would have thought the two of you would understand the concern of attempts on your lives.”
“Attempt on our lives my pale white ass,” Nick scoffs. “They waved a gun in the air at a mall a building over from our event. It was barely us.”
“Yeah, his pale white ass,” Matt says, throwing Nick an infuriating smile.
“Shut up.”
Matt shoves him so hard he nearly falls into the fancy potted plant, and Sir Khan has to catch him and right him to standing.
“With all this nonsense, you’d think I’d have to arrest the two of you for trying to kill each other this much,” Khan mutters. “Alright. I’ll introduce you to your new private bodyguards now. They come highly recommended.”
“By who?” Matt asks, folding his arms in front of his chest. “I can’t imagine there’s high demand for armed security.”
“You’d be surprised, Matthew,” Khan sighs. “They’re part of an elite, highly trained community called the Blackpool Combat Club.” He pushes open a door. “Princes, please meet Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli, your personal protection.
In walks two men that Nick should not find as attractive as he does. Nick blinks up. And up. And up. “Oh,” he says quietly to Matt. “Oh, I can get behind this.”
“Don’t be weird,” Matt chides, and Nick thinks he’s going to have to punch him in the throat before he adds, “he would clearly be getting behind you.”
Nick snickers. “Well, you’re not wrong.”
Sir Khan loudly clears his throat.
“Sorry,” Matt says, fluttering his eyelashes. “Sir Khan, which of these fine gentlemen will be assigned to me?”
Nick thinks Sir Khan would have to be blind and stupid to miss what Matt’s pulling here, but he also might be so sick of them at this point he’ll let anything slide just for a moment’s relief. The two gentlemen stop in front of them, a respectable distance away. “You, Matthew, are assigned to Mr. Moxley,” he says, gesturing to the shorter man with the piercing blue eyes.
“Mr. Moxley,” Matt says, stepping up to Mox. He holds out his hand. “Charmed, I’m sure.”
Moxley looks down at Matt’s hand, a little confused, then shakes it. Nick knows that Matt had expected Moxley to kiss his hand, Khan knows that Matt had expected Moxley to kiss his hand, but apparently that motion was not discussed in badass murder man club or whatever Sir Khan called it.
Matt, looking affronted but confused enough not to do anything about it, steps back. “Oh. Well, good to meet you. I’m sure we’ll enjoy each other’s company.”
Nick snorts as the same time as his bodyguard, and he catches his eye. This could be fun.
October the 19th, 3:23pm
Matt’s in the middle of a speech for the night’s charity event when there’s a knock on the door.
“Prince Matthew,” says Moxley. “It’s time to leave for the ball.”
“Just one minute,” Matt says, as cordially as he can get it. “I have to finish up this speech.”
Moxley huffs. “Dude – I mean, sorry, sir, so sorry. Prince Matthew, the car is outside, and I’m getting pissed off texts from Claudio that we’re late.”
“Nick and Mr. Castagnoli can chill,” Matt replies. “I’m almost done.” He gives Moxley a pointed look. “You can tell him I said that.”
Moxley is pacing, rolling his shoulders, as Matt finishes up the final touches of the speech.
“God, finally, okay. Nick and Claudio left before us. We have another car about one minute away,” Moxley says. He grabs Matt by the arm and starts pulling him. “Jesus. You hiding a bag of oranges under there?” He squeezes, sending a thrill up Matt’s spine he wishes he could ignore.
“I have nice arms,” Matt says. “I may be a prince, but I can be strong.”
“You sure fuckin’ can,” Moxley mutters.
Matt’s angsty in the car. He’s spoken at a million events before, but never in front of someone who makes him alert the way Moxley does. Their hands rest on the seat between them while Mr. Cutler, Brandon, drives them, and Matt is constantly fighting the urge to take Moxley’s hand.
They arrive to the venue, a giant convention center with a garishly big grocery store logo as its sign, and Matt exhales. “Alright. I can do this.”
Moxley offers him a sweet smile. “Nervous in front of crowds?”
“Sort of,” Matt says. “More like I’m nervous how they’ll take my speech.”
Moxley steps out of the car and walks around.
“He’s hot,” Brandon says. “If you’re not hitting that, I will.”
Matt laughs. “Sure, Brandon. And tell me what Alex thinks of that arrangement.”
“I’ll add him to my hall pass list. Alex won’t care that way,” Brandon says with a grin.
The door opens to reveal Moxley looking better than should be allowed in his suit. “Are you ready?”
“Of course.”
Matt takes Moxley’s hand to get out of the car. He’s about to step on the curb when a loud sound rings out. A sound Matt is unfortunately familiar with after one too many hostage training videos.
“Get back in the car!” Moxley yells, flattening Matt back into the limousine. He gathers their limbs and pulls the door shut with his foot, pressing Matt onto the seat. Matt has to think about his grandmother in booty shorts, about bee stings, about fifteenth century British constitutional law, anything to keep from getting the wrong thoughts. He could be getting shot at, for god’s sake. Why is he about to pop a boner?!
Moxley is muttering into his wrist walkie rapidly, and Matt could probably understand him if his blood was in his head right now.
“Mr. Moxley –”
“Quiet,” Moxley says firmly. “We can’t have any suggestion you’re in this vehicle.”
“You’re talking.”
“Yeah, nobody knows my voice, Prince Matthew,” Moxley chuckles. “They know you.”
They’re like that for what feels like ages. It’s long enough for the worry to turn into fear.
“You’re okay, I promise,” Moxley says. “Hey. You hear me? I got a gun. Nobody’s coming anywhere near you.”
“Okay,” Matt says, and looking into Moxley’s eyes calms him. “Okay.”
When the all clear comes in, Moxley does an annoyingly flawless pushup, then unlatches the door and pushes it open with his foot. “Thank Christ,” he mutters. “Worried we’d be stuck here for hours.” He smiles at Matt as he gets out of the car. “Just a car backfiring across the highway. No guns, okay? We’re good.” He pats his pocket. “Well, except for this one. And your arms.” He winks.
Matt thinks being stuck there wouldn’t be too terrible, if Brandon hadn’t been there, but he says nothing. “Thank you.”
Moxley turns to him from where he’s brushing down his suit and adjusting his collar. “For what?”
“For keeping me safe,” Matt says, taking Moxley’s hand to exit the car. “Obviously.”
“That’s my job.”
Matt shrugs. “You do it well.”
He manages to shake off the worry from the threat and he thinks the speech goes pretty well. Nick’s beside him the whole time, speaking his piece expertly. Matt wonders what he and Claudio had been doing, already at the venue when it all went down. He doubts Claudio stretched out on top of Nick like Moxley did to Matt.
He smiles.
After the speeches, during the time where Matt is preparing to meet with both citizens and annoying people of the court who pretend to like them because they have to, Moxley pulls out a chair for him.
“Thank you, Mr. Moxley,” Matt says. He realizes too late he’s flashing Moxley his best smile. Damn it.
“You know you can call me Mox, right?” Moxley says, eyes flickering from Matt’s eyes to his lips. “It’s a professional relationship or whatever, but Moxley is a little bit of a mouthful.”
Matt fights the urge to say he wouldn’t mind a mouthful of Moxley, because, as Moxley – Mox – said, it’s a professional relationship. “Mox,” he tries out. It rests nicely on his lips. “Okay. And you don’t have to call me Prince Matthew. You can just call me Matt.”
Mox’s smile lights up his face, his blue eyes crinkly and warm. “Yeah, cool. Matt.” His smile grows. “Your speech was great, by the way. I thought all you royal types were all talk. I didn’t realize you and Nick did so much for that children’s hospital.”
Matt shrugs, stepping closer to Mox when the visitors start filing into the room. He turns on the charm, and watches Mox’s expression change. “When you have this much money, you’re obligated to use it right, yeah?” He settles in his seat and feels Mox take his space behind Matt, like a guardian angel.
“I guess so,” Mox muses. His fingertips brush Matt’s shoulder, and goosebumps break out all over Matt’s skin. “You’re a good dude, Matt.”
It powers him through the whole meet and greet.
October the 31st, 10:30pm
Nick sways. “This is so fun,” he hiccups. “I love parties.”
“I think you have had enough to drink, prince,” says Castagnoli, and he pulls the cup from Nick’s hand and sniffs. He frowns. “Did you put ecstasy in here? GHB?”
Nick frowns. “I didn’t put anything in there. I just love parties.”
“You – that’s ridiculous,” Claudio says. “There is no way you are dancing like – like that without a bit of inebriation.”
Nick shrugs. “Maybe I just don’t live with a stick up my ass like you and your stupid Blackpool Boring Club.” He flicks his eyes up to Claudio’s face, expecting anger or rage. Something, finally, to break the mask of this guy. Nothing. Neutral as always.
“Charming,” Claudio says, but he swallows afterward. It’s at least something. “Come with me, Nicholas. I am uncomfortable with the way that man over there is eying you.”
Nick follows Claudio’s gaze to see a tall guy, older definitely, with blonde hair and a ripped as hell body grinning over at him. “Oh, him?” Nick says. “That’s Lord William Gunn. He and his sons have been close friends with our family for years. Lords Austin and Colten are kind of the worst, but Billy and I have had fun in the past.” Nick grins up at Claudio. “If you’re willing to block a door, maybe I can have some fun with him tonight.”
A shadow falls over Claudio’s face. Nick can’t read it. “Nicholas, you and I will be having a talk.” He grabs Nick by the arm and hauls him out of the room, into a new, empty room.
“What?” Nick snaps, wrenching his arm out of Claudio’s grasp. “You always get this way when I try to hook up with someone! If you hate gay shit, find yourself another assignment!”
“I do not,” Claudio says, breathing heavily but still betraying no emotion on his face, “hate, as you say, gay shit.”
“Then what the eff is your problem?!” Nick yells. “You act all stoic and bored until I hit on somebody and then you act like I’m the scum of the earth and you hate me.”
Claudio finally snaps, for the first time Nick has seen it. He strides into Nick’s space, deliciously close, until Nick’s back is up against the wall. It’s the closest they’ve been since the charity event, when Claudio and Mox had to secure Matt and Nick separately at the possibility of gunfire. Another false alarm, but Claudio hadn’t acted like it was one. He’d pressed Nick up against the wall just like he was doing now. But this is different.
“Do you believe I remain this stoic because I am not enamored of you and your insane actions?” Claudio asks. Nick’s heart is beating so hard he can hear it, and his dick is just plain old hard. “Are you truly so obtuse to believe I maintain a flat expression because I dislike being in your presence?”
Nick laughs, exhaling shakily. “I mean, that’s what I thought until right now when you’re all squished up against me.”
“I thought I was better than this,” Claudio mutters. It doesn’t seem to be directed at Nick. “I thought I was stronger than to give in to – to my basest of impulses.”
Nick reaches up and rests a hand on Claudio’s neck. “Would it help to krow that I’ve been lusting after you since the first second I saw you?”
Claudio laughs, low and unfamiliar and tantalizing. “It absolutely does not. Now I want to do even filthier things to you.”
Nick licks his lips slowly, watching Claudio’s eyes lock on them. “Then do them. Nobody else is in here.”
Claudio leans in and crushes his lips against Nick’s. He’d been imagining what it might feel like, in the darkness of his bedroom, in the palace where he sleeps alone. Wondered what Claudio’s lips would feel like against his, on his cock, other places. Biting into his skin.
Not a single instance of his imagination compares to the real thing.
“My bedroom,” Nick says, fumbling with the side of the wall.
“We’d have to pass everyone, Nicholas, and I assure you I am unable to keep my hands from betraying our situation,” Claudio growls. He locks his lips against Nick’s neck, biting down.
“Don’t need to,” Nick pants. “Got a – there.” He pulls at a candlestick and the bookcase swings open. “Passage to the living suites. For emergencies.”
“I’d say the need to fuck you constitutes an emergency,” and the way Claudio says it makes Nick practically sprint up the stairs.
Claudio fucks like a goddamn star. Nick’s glad for the noise of the Halloween party downstairs – otherwise, they’d be hearing the youngest prince say some truly filthy things in response to getting exactly what he wanted.
November the 23rd, 8:46pm
“That was delicious,” says Matt, sighing as he slumps back in the chair. Mox flickers a look at him, a tiny smile, and Matt looks away before he can start blushing. He wants it, he wants Mox, and he knows he can’t. But it’s there. He can feel it. “We should make dinner more often.”
“We should effing not,” Nick says, rolling his eyes. “The food is good, but you’re a bitch in the kitchen.”
“I am not!”
“To be fair, Prince Matthew, you did call Nick a ‘brainless oaf’ when he gave you the wrong can of beans, so I’m unsure you’re in the place to contradict him.”
Matt frowns and slumps in the chair, pouting his brain out. Mox bumps him, gently, on the shoulder with the back of his hand. It’s suddenly all better. “Well,” Matt says. “Maybe we’re lucky for the storm, you know? Get all snowed in together.” He may have imagined it, but he thinks Nick and Claudio exchanged some sort of look. He’s been getting something lately from the two of them. He’s not sure what.
“Well,” Matt says. “Mox – Mr. Moxley, and Mr. Castagnoli, with all the storms outside it’s unreasonable to assume the two of you will be returning home. We have plenty of guest lodging in our palace. You’re welcome to stay here.”
Nick and Claudio share a look again. Matt should be able to figure this out, if Mox wasn’t so goddamned close.
“Well,” Nick says. “I’ll show Mr. Castagnoli to his quarters, yes?” He leans over and kisses Matt on the cheek, which they do, sometimes. But not when they’re in the same place for a long period of time. “Good night!”
Matt watches the way Nick’s hand reaches for Claudio, then reconsiders.
Ah. So Nick has a crush. Pity on him, Matt supposes. On both of them.
It’s just him and Mox in the small dining room now, the palace disconcertingly quiet with the household staff and his father elsewhere due to delayed flights and treacherous roads. It feels too intimate for the way Matt thinks about Mox when the lights are out and the halls are empty.
“So,” Mox says, bumping Matt’s knee with his own. “Chilly out, isn’t it.”
Matt nods, unsure why his heart is suddenly beating so hard. “Really chilly. The rooms upstairs will be warmer than here, though.”
“Still,” Mox says, drawing a picture on the table with the condensation from his glass of water. “You might get cold.”
“Probably,” Matt sighs. “This place is so old. It gets really drafty.”
Mox looks at him, a little humor in his eyes. “I’m your bodyguard.”
“So I should, like, keep you comfortable, right?”
“You should,” Matt says. He’s so focused on the warmth spreading from Mox’s thigh to his own he can’t think straight. “Part of your job, right?”
“What if,” Mox says, and he leans in, just far enough that Matt could pull away if he needed to. Like he’s waiting for Matt’s permission. It feels strange – Matt’s always felt like he’s the one who would have to ask Mox, so he didn’t feel like he had to. But here’s Mox, leaning in, keeping space, like he’s worried he’ll spook Matt. “God, Matt, this is weird. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, and I can get myself reassigned, if you want. We got this new kid in the Club, Wheeler Yuta, he’s been training under Sir Page and he’s good.”
Matt blinks. “Reassigned?” he asks. “Why the eff would I want that?”
Mox sighs, looking upward. “God, you’re gonna make me say it. You’re the worst.” He looks at Matt. “Being attracted to a client is against company policy. I should resign right now.”
Blinking, Matt pushes his leg against Mox. “What if the client is attracted to you, too?”
Mox lights up in that way of his. Matt’s heart is about to offer itself to Mox, no strings attached, because of that look. “Really?”
“Yes – I didn’t want to say anything because you’re kind of my employee, and that’s weird, right? If I push it, you could be obligated, and then you’re all coerced, and I never would want to make you feel like you have to –”
Matt’s final words are swallowed by Mox’s lips against his, dissipating into the air as Matt’s hands slide around Mox’s neck. It goes for so long Matt can’t remember the last time he breathed, and he’d be content to never do it again if he could do this in its place forever. Mox pulls back first, though, and leans his forehead on Matt’s.
“I’ve been wanted to do that since I first saw you, my prince,” Mox breathes.
“Same,” Matt giggles. “Um. So, it could be chilly. Tonight. Maybe we could have a sleepover?” He pulls away, meeting Mox’s pretty blue eyes. “Keep each other warm.”
“Oh,” Mox says, and the way he looks at Matt’s mouth is addictive. “I’ll keep you warm alright, baby, don’t you worry.”
December the 25th, 5:o3pm
“I got you something,” Nick says. He pulls the box out from his pocket. “Um, more than the King’s general gift from earlier tonight. Here.” He half shoves it into Claudio’s hands.
“This is most improper,” Claudio says, glancing around. Nick’s not sure why. He locked the door to the room.
“I thought you like it when I’m improper,” Nick retorts.
Claudio laughs. “Nicholas, my dear. You shouldn’t have.” He touches his pocket and pulls something out. “But I have a little something for you, too. Something discrete, so no one would know it’s from me.”
Discrete. Nick forces himself to not be disappointed. This thing with Claudio is more than he deserves. Asking for this to be in the open isn’t fair. Nick takes the box, and flips it open to see a beautiful watch. It’s smaller than he’s usually gifted, more delicate.
“I remember you said once you feel your watches are too large for your taste,” Claudio explains. “I spoke to my cousin back home and she was able to procure this unique design. I said nothing of who it was for, though,” Claudio adds hastily.
Nick cradles the watch in his hands. “It’s beautiful, Claudio,” he whispers. “Will you help me put it on?”
Claudio’s fingers against his skin as he clasps the watch are almost too much. “A perfect match,” Claudio murmurs. He presses his lips to Nick’s temple.
“Yours!” Nick says. “Please, open yours, Claudio.”
Claudio flips the box open to reveal the specially designed, bespoke cuff links. Tiny coffee mugs, with the smallest detail Nick could muster. “These are delightful, Nicholas!” Claudio says, and he smiles more openly than Nick’s ever seen. “How did you…?”
“You love your suits, but you’re always playing with the sleeves,” Nick says, basking under the praise. “All the normal cuff links are boring. These are special. Yours.”
Claudio yanks Nick in and kisses him, hard and rough and, well, Nick would say possessive if he thought Claudio truly wanted to possess him. “You are a marvel, Prince Nicholas.”
And I’m yours, Nick adds in his head, but he says nothing out loud.
December the 31st, 9:45pm
Matt’s pretty sure he’ll be naked on this couch within the next five minutes, in the middle of the New Year’s Party, without locking the door, if he doesn’t cool himself down. The necklace Mox had given him for Christmas the week before hangs between the two of them, a reminder of what they are. He won’t cool down, though. He’s willing to risk it. No on before Mox has ever been worth the risk.
He’s sliding his hands under Mox’s shirt, open mouth against Mox’s –
The door bangs open.
“Oh my god!” Matt shrieks when he sees the figure in the door.
“Sorry!” shrieks Nick, scrambling out of the room. He slams the door shut.
Matt buries his face into Mox’s neck. “He’s going to tell everyone.”
Mox starts to laugh, smoothing a hand down Matt’s back. “No, he’s not.”
Matt pulls back, frowning. “I’m fairly certain I know my brother better than you know him, Mr. Moxley.”
Mox reaches up and slides his hand underneath Matt’s shirt, up the back of it. “Do you know he and Claudio have been hooking up for weeks now?” He drags his nails down, making Matt’s vision go all blurry. “Before even we did, which means my moral compass is stronger than Claudio’s.” He laughs, pulling Matt in so he can unbutton his shirt and suck a kiss below his collarbone. “I’m gonna lord this over him for years.”
“You mean you’ve been – oh, my – telling me we’ll get in trouble if we get caught, all while you knew they were hooking up?” Matt can’t decide if he wants to push forward toward Mox’s mouth or back where his hands are gripping his ass.
“You liked sneaking around,” Mox laughs against Matt’s skin. “Got you off. It was fun.”
Matt blushes. “Well, when you put it that way.” He leans in and kisses Mox with the hope for the future. They’ve been walked in on once. What are the odds it’ll happen again?
After Mox works him up to the point of desperation, ages and ages of lips and hands and teasing, Matt’s about to pull all of his clothes off. Then the door bangs open again, and Sir Page is standing there, looking frantic.
“Prince Matthew, have you seen your – oh my god.” He freezes in the doorway, blinking. “Well. Isn’t this cozy.”
“Go fuck yourself, Sir Dickwad,” Mox says, so casually Matt can’t quite figure out what’s going on. “We’re good here.”
Sir Page rolls his eyes. “Jesus, man, get it together. Prince Nicholas is missing, you dick. We need to secure Prince Matthew.”
Mox snaps into professional mode, and Matt gets a little dizzy with the way Mox stands, arms around Matt’s back, then settles him to the floor. “Missing?” he asks. “I’ve secured this room, so he’s safe in here. We just saw Nicholas a few minutes ago. He managed to get lost?”
“He lost contact at,” he looks down at his watch, “10:26pm, so 30 minutes ago. Castagnoli’s MIA, too, so we can only hope they’re together.”
Mox clears his throat, and Sir Page raises an eyebrow. “Got something to say?”
“I just…” Mox sighs. “Look, if you can keep this under wraps, I think I know where they are.”
“You do?” Matt asks. He realizes he should probably get off of Mox’s lap, because they’re both still hard and it’s kind of distracting, but he doesn’t.
Mox nods and drops his head back against the couch. “When we find Nick, I’m killing him. Fuckin’ cock block.”
“I’d really rather not know all of this,” Sir Page says. “I’ll let the team know they’re secured, as long as you can confirm for me. Mr. Yuta will join me as additional backup, in case we have to worry about combat.”
“You won’t,” Mox groans.
Sir Page rolls his eyes. “How could you possibly know that?”
“Because I know exactly where they are. I can almost guarantee it.”
“I won’t call off the search until I can get eyes,” Sir Page says, and Matt really does value his friendship. He’s looked out for Matt and Nick since they were kids, him and Brandon. Everyone else left once Lord Kenneth – Kenny – moved to Japan. “Take me to them.”
Mox looks over to Matt. “Yeah, okay. But, Matty, you’re not gonna like it.”
Mox is right.
Matt opens the door to the car, driven expertly if a little recklessly, by Mox to reveal a casino.
“Oh, Nicky,” Matt sighs as Sir Page helps him out of the car and delivers him to Mox’s protective arm. “What have you done?”
December the 31st, 11:38pm
Nick buries his face in Claudio’s chest as he laughs. “Three thousand dollars, baby!” He looks up at Claudio, whose smile is almost impossible to stand. “Told you. I’ve got a gift.”
“You do, darling, but I would not consider your gambling addiction a gift.” He does a quick look around, then yanks Nick and kisses him. Nick’s entire brain spins. They’ve never done this in public. Claudio’s never allowed it before.
Nick pulls back, head still in the clouds but eyes on Claudio. “You’re kissing me around other people.”
“I am.”
“You said we couldn’t do that.”
Claudio glances around again. “We are disguised, dear prince.”
“Still,” Nick says, fiddling with Claudio’s fingers where they’re curled around the hem of Nick’s shirt. “I’m not that well disguised. People could see us.”
Claudio sighs, but his expression is still fond. “Let them see, my prince. I’m tired of hiding.”
Nick yanks Claudio in by the collar and kisses him without hesitation. The machines ping around them, and Nick reaches blindly and takes the casino slip that he’ll turn in to the counter.
He grins, stupid with it all. “I think I’ll donate this to the elementary school we visited. Those teachers need new desks.”
Claudio laughs, pressing a kiss to Nick’s forehead where the hoodie fell back. “Teachers need more than three thousand dollars for a whole set of desks, but I am more than certain that you could acquire the funds.”
Nick’s not sure what he’s about to say back, just that he’s going to say something. He doesn’t get the chance.
“Nick, you fucking douchebag.”
Nick’s head whips around to see Sir Page looking a strange combination of infuriated and relieved.
“You’re the fucking worst,” Sir Page grumbles. “Fuck. I’ve been running around thinking you died, and you’re here making money with your stupid good luck.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I fucking hate you, you know that?” He strides in and yanks Nick into a massive, bone crushing hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Nicky. Don’t scare me like that.”
Matt throws himself into the hug, too, and the commotion seems enough that they’ve drawn a crowd.
“That’s Prince Matthew and Prince Nicholas!” some girl shrieks from across the room.
Matt freezes, looking at Mox panicked.
“Why is Mox’s hand in your back pocket?” Nick asks, bewildered.
“Don’t ask stupid questions, Nicholas. Why are you wearing Claudio’s hoodie?”
“Fair point,” Nick says, turning away. “We’ll have to tell Father about this, won’t we.”
Matt sighs so deeply Mox has to steady him. “Yeah. At least we already know he approves of their character.”
“We’ll worry about all that tomorrow, banes of my existence,” Sir Page says with a smile. “Right now. Let’s get you home before the paparazzi really swarms us.”
January the 2nd 2:25am
From the desk of the King, dictated to Renee Paquette for immediate release.
To be sent to all media outlets prior to any further releases. Intended to blockade and suffocate any unfavorable perspectives of the events of New Year’s Eve.
It is my joy to announce courtships of both of my sons. Though past courtships have ended less than favorably, I am happy to announce that I have, in admittedly different circumstances, previously vetted and approved of the presence of their current suitors in my sons’ lives in previous instances.
Matthew, my eldest in line for the throne, would like to introduce the country to Jonathan Moxley. His experience with the Blackpool Combat Club security team demonstrates a commitment to safety and security, and bodes well for a relationship for our country’s prince.
In a similar vein, Prince Nicholas found solace and joy in the heart and arms of Claudio Castagnoli of the Blackpool Combat Club. Castagnoli has connections to the Swiss royal family, and I look forward to a positive relationship with Her Majesty.
It is of utmost importance we allow privacy and respect as my sons navigate the early stages of their relationships. Questions and comments will be immediately dismissed. Journalists insistent on violating this boundary will be removed from the premises and stripped of royal reporting privileges.
I wish the country, my sons, and their partners a fruitful new year and a joyful January.
With hopes for the future,
King James
Mini Playlist:
Camera Shy - School Boy Humor
King of My Heart - Sub-Radio
Heaven Can Wait - We the Kings
Castle in the Sky - Kim Petras
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