#Next Phase Next Craze Next Nothing New (Pete Musings)
All sins tend to be addictive, and the terminal point of addiction is damnation.
W.H. Auden
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The Third Eye
"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” - Helen Keller
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Name: Peter Matthew Thelman
Nicknames: Pete, Red Goth, Flippy, Petty Piranha
Faceclaim: Jeremy DuFour
Age: 27
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Pansexual Panromantic Monogamous?
Height: 5′0″
Weight: 146lbs
Birthday: January 23rd
Sign: Aquarius Sun; Leo Moon; Aries Rising
Occupation: Medium
Ex: Delivery Driver for Pizza Hut; Gas Station Clerk; Manager at Gamestop;  College Student
+ Progressive, Original, Independent, Humanitarian, Fun-Loving, Intelligent, Appreciative, Articulate, Brilliant, Calm, Clean, Clear-Headed, Clever, Conscientious, Creative, Decisive, Dramatic, Discreet, Educated, Elegant, Eloquent, Firm, Forgiving, Gallant, Hearty, Helpful, Humble, Imaginative, Impressive, Independent, Intuitive, Knowledgeable, Liberal, Loyal, Many-Sided, Mature, Modest, Neat, Observant, Open, Passionate, Patient, Prudent, Punctual, Rational, Realistic, Relaxed, Reliable, Resourceful, Responsible, Reverent,  Romantic, Sane, Self-Critical, Self-Defacing, Self-Denying, Self-Reliant, Sensitive, Serious, Sexy, Shrewd, Skillful, Sophisticated, Stable, Stoic, Subtle, Thorough, Tidy, Well-Read
/ Aggressive, Artful, Authoritarian, Busy, Complex, Confidential, Determined, Dominating, Formal, Hypnotic, Idiosyncratic, Impersonal, Mellow, Moralistic, Neutral, Noncompetitive, Obedient, Paternalistic, Preoccupied, Private, Quiet, Religious, Sarcastic, Self-Conscious, Skeptical, Solitary, Stubborn, Unpatriotic
- Runs From Emotional Expression, Temperamental, Uncompromising, Aloof, Limitless, Lonely, Dull, Dry, Abrasive, Angry, Anxious, Apathetic, Argumentative, Assertive, Bland, Blunt, Brutal, Calculating, Careless, Coarse, Complaintive, Condemnatory, Crafty, Criminal, Cynical, Demanding, Destructive, Difficult, Discouraging, Disputatious, Dogmatic, Envious, Fatalistic, Fickle, Fiery, Gloomy, Grim, Hateful, Hostile, Impatient, Insecure, Insulting, Irritable, Mannered, Melancholic, Miserable, Miserly, Money-Minded, Moody, Morbid, Negativistic, Neurotic, Nihilistic, Obvious, Pedantic, Petty, Possessive, Presumptuous, Regimental, Repressed, Ritualistic, Ruined, Scornful, Shy, Sordid, Strong-Willed, Superstitious, Suspicious, Tense, Uncooperative, Unfriendly, Vindictive
Michael - Pete still loves him, even if they don’t do well together. He’d be willing to try again, but he knows better than to ask. Even still, he’d do anything for Michael, shy of murder.
Oleander and Monkshood - If anyone knows what’s good for them, they won’t hurt Pete’s mice.
Witchcraft - Pete’s preferred element is wind, and he can whip up a gale whenever he’s too upset without meaning to. He is an expert when it comes to curses and a novice at binding, though he is working to get better at it. He is also a very powerful conduit for seances, and doesn’t need a Ouija board, though he will use them for shy spirits or demons that won’t interact directly.
Vegreth - The demon of Greed that has been following him for a year has a form that Pete is familiar with. Most of the time it is shadowy and unclear, but since his blinding, he has been able to catch glimpses of him. Mostly, he just hears him, dreams about him, and can feel his presence even if he isn’t there. Vegreth has been known to keep other demons away from Pete, as his eventual goal is to possess him and use his abilities for a war against Satan.
Pete had never been a very positive person. He fell into the goth lifestyle fairly easily when his best friend, Michael, forayed into it. The two of them were always close, and grew close with the other goths as they joined up. 
Throughout school, he had a crush on Michael, and they dated briefly before figuring out it wasn’t working when they were 16. Shortly after, Pete’s mother died of cancer, and he was totally broken up by it. He still managed to finish high school, and started picking up more jobs that the one he’d been doing to help his mother with bills.
He ended up with three jobs, always being busy, and started an online college course to try and get out from under everything. He was already in debt due to the hospital bills, and only added onto it with his college. However, he did his best, barely sleeping and able to take time to himself for a few years.
At twenty-one, when he’d moved into his own apartment instead of staying in his mom’s trailer, he hit a breaking point. For months, a demon had been oppressing him, talking, whispering, promising things, if Pete just listened. Two months with little sleep, constantly worn out by his jobs, his schooling, and taking care of things for others, he wasn’t in his right mind. 
CW: EYE TRAUMA (no details)
In his bathtub, he stood nude, and did as the demon bid him; he poured bleach over his face, permanently blinding himself and leaving the skin around his eyes scarred. The rest of his face was saved thanks to the demon’s powers. When this happened, however, his sight in reference to supernatural creatures became intense, seeing them as real as he had once seen the world. He can see anything that is supernatural, so he always knows what/who is. Precognition was a gift given to him by the demon as a consolation prize.
Now, he works as a medium with a little shop in downtown South Park, using his precognitive abilities and the spirits he can see for a profit. It’s the only way he can make money, now that he is blind.
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Oleander was Pete’s first Deer Mouse familiar. The two are very close and Olly can be seen with him often. Not usually at work, but he does keep in contact with him.
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Monkshood came to Pete after the death of his mother, and both he and Oleander have worked to keep Pete going. The two of them get along well and spend time together in their enclosure when Pete is away.
As childish as it may be, he maintains that the white tips of the candy corn taste different than the yellow and orange parts. He will only eat the tip and then put the candy corn back. However, he will eat the entirety of the pumpkin kind.
In his room there is a locked, leather-bound journal that he writes all of his poetry in. He is not inclined to share it.
Michael was his first crush/lover.
Pete’s patience is very thin and he gets frustrated and irritable easily. This comes from his retail work.
Pete is the least close with Firkle of all of his friends, but they are still friendly for the most part.
Pete is always freezing, so he sleeps with a heating blanket and six others. He makes a veritable nest out of his best every night.
The demon that is oppressing him is named Vegreth.
Pete ended up with three different types of terminal cancers; Throat, Lung, and Liver. He was very sick for a while, and when he is very sick or feeling down, he isolates.
When he was pulled from the motel room he had been hiding in without anyone’s knowledge, Mike offered to turn him, and he eventually accepted the offer.
When he became a vampire, all of his kids save for Ringer also became vampires. Greer, Gray, Brandy, and Hennessey all turned on the spot, as they were all born after Pete was turned. Ringer was conceived before he became a vampire.
Now that Pete is a vampire and more or less healed, he is back to smoking a lot and drinking like he’ll never be able to again.
Pete brought Lizzy back to life after she came to him as a ghost wanting to live again. They went to a morgue in Denver and she picked a body, and he bound her to it and freshened it up for her. She lives with Vegreth in Pete’s apartment that he still pays for. Sidenote: Due to this, Reagan thought/thinks that she is Pete’s side chick.
Pete and Larry dated for a scant few months in the background, but due to Larry always being busy, Pete never fully trusted him. The accusations of cheating grew to be too much and eventually Larry’s patience ran thin. He partially believes that them never having sex was part of the problem, but when they dated he hardly had a moment to himself due to doing so much for the Society.
Headcanon Masterlist
Got The Pretty Boy Beat Him Up Black And Blue (Pete Thelman)
Next Phase Next Craze Next Nothing New (Pete Musings)
After All The Years Of Turning Love To Empty Rage (Pete Aesthetic)
Skin Pale As A Moth (Pete Closet)
In A City Of Devils We Live (Pete Headcanons)
These High School Words Have Lost Their Power (Pete Journal Entries)
A Better Friend You Will Not Find (Oleander and Monkshood)
No One Will Listen To The Story That I Have To Tell (Witchcraft)
Never Tame Your Demons But Always Keep Them On A Leash (Vegreth)
Land Of Zaron AU - Prelude To Tragedy (Pete - Land Of Zaron AU) - Pete is one of the Viking Council, the oracle that predicts what is to come. His powers are not perfect and most times he simply sees snippets or gets feelings of what will happen. However, if he uses his scrying stones and runes, he may have better peeks into the future.
Superhero AU - Everyday Superhero (Pete - Land Of Zaron AU) - As a nurse, Pete does his job as it’s necessary. However, he tends to a lot of the superheroes, if only because he has the ability to use magic that is compatible with their powers. When he uses his magic, he sometimes loses his sight, but he tries his best to do his job regardless.
North Park AU - Give Back My Heart Tonight (Pete - North Park AU) - Born blind, Piotr and his mother moved to North Park from Poland when he was little. He became something of an oracle by the time he was seven, and by eleven had summoned a demon and bound it to him to use its eyes. His help comes at a steep price to those that aren’t Michael.
Arborless Verse - If I Cannot Be Better Than Them I Will Become So Much Worse (Pete - Arborless Verse) - Pete practically runs South Park, though he is not mayor. People listen when he speaks, and he has charmed many people with his manipulative ways. He has children with Firkle, Sophie, Henrietta, Rea, Stan, and Mike, though he is officially with Firkle. Ares is the child he has with Firkle He has Firkle, Allison, and several other vampires under his belt and uses them as a Correctional Squad. They protect his interests, and his ‘integrity’ in the town. Allison and Firkle are the best at attacking and the like, though Firkle isn’t often allowed out of the house. Pete prevents most of his squad from dating or being distracted by things like love or even hobbies. They are well-oiled killing machines instead of people to him. He feels as though everything and everyone belongs to him, and he covets his lovers as though they were his from the start. He was born blind but eventually got surgery to fix it. Firkle operated on him himself.
Warlord Verse - Behind Enemy Lines And Alone To Find Out How I Wound Up Here (Pete - Warlord Verse) - Pete is fully blind in this verse, born that way. He is a strong psychic, rivaling Timmy in his abilities. He was made Netherborn after almost dying while trying to talk to Mike about the war. He is married to Alex, who has been his only lover since high school. They have four kids, Vernon, Leslie, Draven, and Arlo, and he has allowed Alex to try and militarize their children. He is closest with Leslie, even if Leslie is not a fan of him. He is not a fan of Draven’s looseness and pacifistic tendencies, and is aware that he has sex with a lot of vampires, and maybe even loves some of them. He does not fight much, but he does fuck around with people’s minds from time to time.
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - Feels Like Pins And Needles In My Heart (Pete and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta - You’re So Pretty And You’re So Dead (Pete and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Mike - We'll Tell Lies About Each Other 'Cause The Truth Is Such A Bore (Pete and Mike - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ - Stan - Invade Me Now My Ruthless Friend And Make Me Cower In The Dark (Pete and Stan - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Craig - Around And Around Again Get In Where You Fit In (Pete And Craig - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Kenny - Please Don't Touch Me I've Come Too Far (Pete And Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)
@counterunit​ - Jäger - This Is Where The Party Starts (Pete and Jäger - CounterUnit)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - After My Heartbeat Stops Will You Stay Mine? (Michael x Pete - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@counterunit​ - Jäger - It’s Obvious One Kiss It’s Easy To See You And Me (Pete x Jäger - CounterUnit)
@throughxthexmist​ - Stan - With A Little Luck We Could Get Away From Where We Are (Stan x Pete - ThroughxThexMist)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Reagan - I Want To Get All Fucked Up And Tell You How I Feel (Pete x Reagan - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta -  Your Weary Mind Unbend And Breathe Unwind (Pete x Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Mike - Take Me Now In The Dark I Can't Wait Make Your Mark (Pete x Mike - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ + @southxparkxafterxdark​ - It's Pathetic I Know A Jealous Fool Who Won't Let Go (Stan x Pete x Reagan - ThroughxThexMist and SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
#Got The Pretty Boy Beat Him Up Black And Blue (Pete Thelman)#Next Phase Next Craze Next Nothing New (Pete Musings)#After All The Years Of Turning Love To Empty Rage (Pete Aesthetic)#A Better Friend You Will Not Find (Oleander and Monkshood)#No One Will Listen To The Story That I Have To Tell (Witchcraft)#Never Tame Your Demons But Always Keep Them On A Leash (Vegreth)#Feels Like Pins And Needles In My Heart (Pete and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#You’re So Pretty And You’re So Dead (Pete and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#We'll Tell Lies About Each Other 'Cause The Truth Is Such A Bore (Pete and Mike - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#After My Heartbeat Stops Will You Stay Mine? (Michael x Pete - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#Skin Pale As A Moth (Pete Closet)#In A City Of Devils We Live (Pete Headcanons)#These High School Words Have Lost Their Power (Pete Journal Entries)#Invade Me Now My Ruthless Friend And Make Me Cower In The Dark (Pete and Stan - ThroughxThexMist)#Around And Around Again Get In Where You Fit In (Pete And Craig - ThroughxThexMist)#Please Don't Touch Me I've Come Too Far (Pete And Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)#With A Little Luck We Could Get Away From Where We Are (Stan x Pete - ThroughxThexMist)#I Want To Get All Fucked Up And Tell You How I Feel (Pete x Reagan - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#Your Weary Mind Unbend And Breathe Unwind (Pete x Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#Take Me Now In The Dark I Can't Wait Make Your Mark (Pete x Mike - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#It's Pathetic I Know A Jealous Fool Who Won't Let Go (Stan x Pete x Reagan - ThroughxThexMist and SouthxParkxAfterxDark)#If I Cannot Be Better Than Them I Will Become So Much Worse (Pete - Arborless Verse)#Behind Enemy Lines And Alone To Find Out How I Wound Up Here (Pete - Warlord Verse)
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Pete, who bottles up every single emotion and keeps them in his spice cabinet with labels: You shouldn't bottle up your emotions, it's bad for you.
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Fidlar - Sober
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