#Natalie Gold
brotherconstant · 6 months
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avadaniels · 1 year
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SUCCESSION 4x07 “Tailgate Party”
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birdmans · 1 year
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succession x booth by bryant
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immast4rrrr · 1 year
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Succession Cast at Series Wrap Party by Booth by Bryant
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thewaitisogre · 1 year
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omitted ken and rava fight, you were bigger than the whole sky 😔
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slimepuppied · 1 year
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rava pulling apart legos so her the boys can build things.
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loveandthings11 · 6 months
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Family! ❤️🥰
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shivology · 1 year
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ohmy go d i have nothing clever to say about this
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waystarresourceco · 8 months
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Natalie Gold on Rava's job, where she met Kendall and her family background. (x)
I think the scripts Natalie mentions are (1) a stage direction from "Lifeboats" and a Scene Heading from "Austerlitz" as seen below:
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8046006 · 1 year
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Succession S4 BTS.
📷 by Juliana Canfield
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shesnake · 1 year
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Natalie Gold in Succession season 4 episode 9 (2023) dir. Mark Mylod
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sunsetmoonlight · 2 years
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Thank you Georgia Pritchett for blessing us with this photo 😌
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bungandmunchpi · 1 month
Just wanted to write a little something about the shows I saw in New York before the Tony noms come out tomorrow! I never write long-form about the things I've seen any more so thought I'd indulge myself quickly.
Stereophonic, 13th April
Theatre twitter was abuzz about this when it was at Playwrights' Horizons and the transfer rumours were very exciting as we were planning our trip. We managed to nab some $40 seats in the rear mezz for previews and went with it as the first show of our week!
It's a great play, although I don't think totally deserving of the raves/five stars it's getting everywhere. It could do with some pruning in places and I think both Nancy and I thought the female characters were a little bit underwritten: I'd say the scenes where it's just the two of them discussing their careers and personal lives are the weakest of the play, although Sarah Pidgeon and Juliana Canfield are both fantastic. The rest of the cast is as well - it's stacked top to bottom, with six out of seven making their Broadway debuts which is thrilling! Will Butler's music is absolutely phenomenal, and the show really soars when the band kick into gear and are recording successfully: we were both nodding our heads and tapping along, and I can't wait for the album to come out on May 10th.
Shout-outs to basically everyone in the cast, as everyone gets their little (or large) moment, but I think Eli Gelb really anchors the thing and has a gorgeous arc, and Will Brill is incredibly funny and sad at the same time. Tom Pecinka is doing fantastic work too as the antagonist/engine of the show, and I've really enjoyed watching his Gold Derby interview where he speaks about the hostility he experiences from the audience a lot of the time, and how he processes that and stays true to the text without being tempted into making the character more likeable.
We stagedoored too and everyone was very lovely! We got to compliment Will on his British accent and meet Tom's dog Molly, who was totally over the two-show day and ready to be on her way (but very sweet with it). A great start!
Merrily We Roll Along, 14th April
This was the show I spent the most money on, and I went on my own as Nancy was off being immersed at Punchdrunk (/the McKittrick Hotel, apologies). I love Sondheim and I really love this show - I was introduced to it by Lonny Price's beautiful documentary The Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened, which I would really recommend even if you're not a big Sondheim/musical theatre person, as it deals with being creative and dreaming big at a young age, and how we adjust when those dreams aren't realised or turn sour. It felt very special to be seeing Merrily on Broadway, as I believe Sondheim used a lot of his own early experiences in the theatre to make it. So special in fact that just hearing the overture made me extremely emotional (although it's a different version/orchestration to the overture on the original cast recording, which is one of my favourites of all time).
It's brilliantly directed/somewhat reworked by Maria Friedman, and she's been credited with turning what was a notorious flop originally into an absolute smash off and on Broadway this season. I think she does a lot of good work but it's undeniable just how brilliant a lot of the songs in it are: when Daniel Radcliffe finished Franklin Shepherd Inc, the man sitting behind me exclaimed "what a number!" to his seatmates. The material in the second half in particular is extraordinary, and I thought all three leads were fantastic as the characters get younger and younger, with It's a Hit, Opening Doors, and Bobby and Jackie and Jack highlights. Our Time, the brutally optimistic climax of the show, had me tearing up as soon as it started, and I cried all the way through the curtain call, just because I felt so lucky to have been in that space experiencing that piece of work made by this team of cast and creatives.
Jonathan Groff, Lindsay Mendez, and Daniel Radcliffe are all phenomenal in it: I was expecting less from Daniel Radcliffe as I know he has the least musical theatre experience of the three, but he did a great job and brought so much humour to Charley, which I really enjoyed. Jonathan Groff's Growing Up is stunning and he just leads the show so well - he's a real star and would be very deserving of the Tony, which I have a feeling he may just land. Lindsay Mendez has been out of the show now and then so I was preparing myself not to see her and then was thrilled I got to: her voice is so solid and her arc was beautifully drawn, from Mary's acerbic comedy at the beginning of the show to her brightness as she's entering the creative world early on in her career.
In terms of emotion, this was probably the highlight of my trip, and I'm excited to see the production sweep a lot of awards in June!
An Enemy of the People, 17th April
As soon as this was announced, it started making my New York trip plans more concrete. I think Jeremy Strong is one of the best actors we have working today, and it was brilliant to see him onstage - I don't think he's done any theatre for a decade, and Circle in the Square is pretty intimate for a Broadway venue, so that was extremely exciting.
I was left a little cold by the production: I think that may be Amy Herzog's version, which gets through the nuts and bolts of Ibsen's play, but does so at quite a lick (the show runs about two hours with a five minute pause in the middle). The character work the actors are doing is beautifully detailed, so you really want to spend some more time with them all. Jeremy Strong is totally transformed from Succession, endearing and frustrating in equal measure, and he and Michael Imperioli work so well together as very different brothers. I saw Branden Jacobs-Jenkins' The Comeuppance recently at the Almeida, so it was fun to see Caleb Eberhardt and try to read him back into that play: I thought he was really fantastic and nuanced in Enemy, and would love to see him snag a Tony nom, although I think Featured Actor in a Play is insanely crowded (and I would hate to see any of the Stereophonic guys lose out).
Sam Gold's staging is nice although the space seems to be a little difficult to work in. There are some interesting details in the second half as things become less naturalistic, with characters remaining onstage to watch the action, and Jeremy Strong being Jeremy Strong has to put himself in some kind of physical peril (getting buckets of ice poured on him as the townspeople turn on Stockmann, leaving him wet through (and I presume freezing) for the rest of the show).
Overall this was good if not as impressive as I'd hoped, but it was amazing to see Jeremy Strong onstage and he again was lovely at the stagedoor, so I'd recommend that if you're interested!
Appropriate, 17th April
This was the best show we saw all trip, from the writing to the direction to the performances, and so brilliant that we didn't try very hard to get into something on the Thursday evening, as we didn't want to spoil the high we'd experienced the night before.
I love Branden Jacobs-Jenkins' writing, and the way he plays with drama as a form to create his shows. Appropriate sits in the tradition of American domestic drama, and it's harrowing and screamingly funny all in one go. Again a real thrill to see a cast this stacked, and fun to pick up another Succession cast member, with Natalie Gold so good in what could be a tricky role. Sarah Paulson leaves it all out there in the lead role, and does a fantastic job: another actor who isn't afraid to be unlikeable, and who goes deep in the cruelty she exhibits towards other characters. Corey Stoll does some great, solid work too, and Michael Esper is so SO good as Franz. The role is so disruptive and interesting and gross and funny, and he does a beautiful job. Nancy and I really bonded over the production of The Glass Menagerie he was in in London in 2017, so it was wonderful to see him onstage again and to see him bring it so hard.
The design elements of Appropriate are phenomenal too, particularly the final sequence, which I won't spoil but is one of the most extraordinary things I've seen done onstage.
That was the trip!! I had a brilliant first ever week in New York and the best time seeing my first shows on Broadway: I was very sad to leave but it's made me really excited to see great work in London over the summer, and I'm ready to start saving up again to go back!
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e7 recap: 🍆🍆🇺🇸
this week's recap is nothing short of a trauma dump from this here political operative.
never in my life did i think i would relate to nate, but there truly is nothing scarier than election eve....
we start the episode off the disguisting brothers, preparing for a long night at ATN.
tom has seemingly still not slept and greggory peggory is still recovering from his night on the town with one lukas mattson.
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a few levels up, team shiv and team roman are also gearing up for a long night.
other than the distinct lack of booze, i'd say the vibes are pretty realistic.
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roman with mencken was always my least favorite version of roman. this episode is no exception.
in fact, i think i'm demonstratively anti-roman in this episode.
and gerri is nowhere to be seen:((
shiv is worried about mattson letting greg in on their little plans.
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as she should. rule number 1: don't talk to greg.
rava has to deal with kendall yet again.
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this woman is a saint. someone save her.
ken is still on his "everything i do, i do for my children"-shit. you know, everything except ensure that a fascist doesn't make it to the white house.
honestly, this episode is really, very good.
i never wanna watch it again.
mencken bonds with roman over the fact that they both hate the word 'narrative'.
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he is prepared to lose and for a millisecond i was hopeful.
tom and greg do coke behind a whiteboard.
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this is the right wing politics that i know. 10/10 great representation.
however, we all know how tom is with drugs. he does them all wrong and feels wrong and immediately begins spiraling.
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my body is very bad at many things, such as producing enough serotonin, but years of campaigning means my stomach has superpowers.
gas station sushi? no problem. leftover pizza from the night before? don't feel a thing.
i'm stronger than tom, is what i'm saying. activists just do it better, i guess.
connor represents all politicians, all the time:
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now, i respect all the politicians i work for loads, but there is just something inherently narcisstic about having six people cater to your needs constantly.
and most of them are unfortunately not as funny as connor.
tom is being a little shit.
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with no moves left, shiv tells him she's pregnant.
it's not entirely unreasonable of tom to ask if it's even true, or if it's a tactic telling him that, but he's still a little shit for doing it.
i hate hate hate that we only got like four minutes of shiv girlbossing before she was back to doing everything wrong again... i support women's wrongs, but c'mon:(((
connor is by far my favorite part of this episode.
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i just think they are neat<3
ken has his sister's back and i could rewatch those few seconds over and over and over.
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fuck tom and his stupid touch screens.
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and fuck roman too.
basically, there's a fire in wisconsin and ballots have been lost. historically, those votes have been overwhelmingly democrat, but roman wants them to call wisconsin for mencken, disregarding the burnt up ballots altogether.
he sends his talking points to ravenhead, who goes on an on-air rant, and the rest of the sibs take to the floor at ATN as well, much to greg's dismay.
shiv tries to threaten greg so that he doesn't tell her brothers about her plans with mattson.
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as much as i love shiv threatening to pull greg's organs out his asshole, it isn't very effective.
there's an incident with wasabi.
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i question a lot of decisions made in this episode, but perhaps most curious of all is the choice of lemon flavored la croix??????
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i would laugh more at this if i wasn't so ridden with anxiety.
connor lands an embassadorship in the new mencken administration.
willa is skeptical of the fascism etc but still....
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connor makes a speech. i love it when he does that.
we get a brief moment with the old guard, gerri not included.
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we get basically no karl:/
instead we get roman being an asshole scene after scene after scene.
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pls stop i can't take it anymore!!!
kendall is torn between team shiv and team roman, presumably because he can't decide what outcome will be most helpful to his own ambitions.
oh and there's the whole "my daughter might be in danger if mencken wins", but that seems to be secondary.
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because he was vulnerable with shiv for a minute, he feels even more betrayed when he learns about her plans with mattson.
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from greg of course. fucking greg.
the hugging era is truly a thing of the past.
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i wish i had more jokes, but honestly this episode just made me very, very sad.
roman, ken and tom decide to call the election for mencken, despite shiv's desperate attempts.
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and i just have to say, i know shiv isn't altruistic. i know she thinks a jimenez win will benefit her more than mencken will. i knooooow.
it's still very sad.
they call it for mencken.
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me every single election night.
roman is very much in the camp of nothing fucking matters, and i guess he is right in a way.
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it won't really matter to him or kendall.
it will for sophie, though. it will for jess.
roman now has a direct line into the west wing.
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that being said, i don't think he's a very reliable partner for them.
in the end, mencken will do what is good for mencken. the same goes for roman.
i think ken might end up regretting this whole endeavor very, very soon.
tom becomes the face of this political scandal.
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can't wait for it to bite him in the arse.
shiv makes a final rallying cry to mattson, but it somehow feels hollow to me.
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this shiv girlie is starting to lose hope.
anyway, rava doesn't want ken to come over to see the kids because he prioritized his own project of becoming his dad over keeping them safe.
i guess i agree with him that the poison does, perhaps, drip down.
what a depressing episode!
i'm glad we are getting something to celebrate next week - logan's funeral wiii !!
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Succession (2018-2023) S02 E17.
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thewaitisogre · 1 year
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the beautiful ladies of succession at the season 3 premiere
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