(Saved 19-01-29)
Shut them down with @hiddenisme-blog
I tried to follow where Soldier was going to run but my aim said, “... Nah I don’t feel like it.” XP
@lady-fareeha @glowyzarya @venenatc @justice-lesbian
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(Saved 18-11-24)
Stolen from with @loliiolli (NSFW) and @theragingsoundofcalm
This makes me cry, instead of getting the potg it was given to the enemy Zarya for a triple kill, why Jeff? Why? Proud of that line up and team work though, I kinda panicked when the ult was popped while I was still charging but it all worked out =D
@lady-fareeha @venenatc @glowyzarya @justice-lesbian
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