#Namaari struggling to walk Tuk Tuk
Raya gets her revenge
Part 2!
So, i think I might make this a mini series based off my own experiences because the things I have experienced are like so weird and my life should be one of those shows where the camera crew comes out and says "Ha! It's a prank" so let me know in the comments if I should.
She knew this was revenge. She knew because she was suffering the same way Raya did. She thought they were over this. She thought Raya would forget what she had put her through but instead, she remembered.
Every last detail.
Raya had called her that morning. Namaari’s phone rang as she finished feeding the cats and saw the contact was her best friend. She answered. “Hello?”
“Hey dep la. I need you to do me a favor” she didn’t know why, but when Raya said that, she felt her stomach churn. “Uh, sure what’s going on?” She asked. Raya sighed on the other side of the phone. “I got called into work this morning and I was rushing and didn’t get chance to let Tuk Tuk out. Do you think you can?” There it was. The ‘favor.’
“Please? I cleaned the dang cat litter for you, the least you can do is just take my dog out for a walk” she had a point. Namaari sighed. “Y-yeah, okay.”
“Thank you! You have the key to the apartment so you can get in. Thanks dep la” the girl hung up and Namaari found herself groaning. She liked animals, don’t get her wrong, but she wasn’t much of a dog person. She preferred cats.
They were easy to take care off and only meowed, not bark super loud. She grabbed her keys and mask before heading to the car.
The Fang girl entered the apartment building and went to Raya’s apartment. She unlocked the door, expecting it to be quiet like hers, instead a big long-haired dog came and scared her.
“Ah!” She yelped when Tuk Tuk ran towards her, barking in excitement. “Ow, shhh!” She shushed the dog, cringing at the volume. “Hi, I’m happy to see you too” she said as she pet the dog.
The dog calmed down as it ran off to the kitchen. Namaari spotted his blue leash and the set of black roll of poop bags on the table. She took a deep breath. This was easy, she cleans cat litter all the time, so she’s dealt with poop before, so if Tuk Tuk poops, it’s fine!
She grabbed the items before whistling. Tuk Tuk came to her panting and running in circles in excitement, knowing he was about to go on his walks he loved. Namaari couldn’t help but laugh at his excitement.
“Come on you big furball. Let's take you for a walk” she said as she clipped the leash on and lead him out the door.
They descended the stairs and Tuk Tuk did his business. This was easy! He’s peeing now, and maybe drop some poops but overall, it was running smoothly right now. They walked a few more steps before he did his stance that automatically told Namaari he was doing his business.
She pulled out the bag, ripping it off as she tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. She kept rubbing the bag to make it open but instead, it stayed closed and the smell was getting worse.
“Ugh, come on” she groaned. She was wearing a mask but the smell was going through. Finally, the bag opened and she bent down to grab it. “eww” she squealed as she closed the bag. “That’s disgusting” she said as she spotted an alley. She decided to walk to it to throw his business out when Tuk Tuk spotted a squirrel.
“What are you-ah!” She yelped when she was dragged across the sidewalk towards the tree as Tuk Tuk barked at a squirrel. “Tuk Tuk! Come on!” She groaned as she pulled him, but to avail.
She groaned as she waited for him to calm down and continued their walk. She would’ve pulled him, but she didn’t want to hurt him because if she did, Raya would never forgive her.
She walked through the neighborhood, admiring the trees and flowers as she walked. Things were going smoothly until she saw a guy coming towards her with what looked like a German shepherd. Namaari couldn’t help but panic slightly, not being a fan of those specifically when she got chased by one when she was 10.
From what she remembered, Tuk Tuk was a friendly dog, and liked making friends with both humans and dogs. Tuk Tuk and the dog both stopped to sniff each other.
The guy smiled at Namaari, but she could tell it was a flirty one. “Hi” he greeted. She smiled back, trying to be polite. “Hey” she responded. “You know, I’ve never seen you. You come here often?” He asked.
Namaari kept herself from groaning and hopefully he couldn’t see her cringe behind her mask as she recalled the amount of times men have asked her that when she was at the bar with Raya or another friend. Usually, it ended with her turning them down.
“U-uh, no. My friend just wanted me to walk her dog so you know” she gestured to Tuk Tuk. “Oh okay. What's your name?” He asked. “Namaari” she answered. She silently pleaded Tuk Tuk to hurry up so she could leave.
“Oh, I’m Mason. You’re cute by the way. Are you single?” He asked. Namaari tried so hard to not cringe. She also was single, but wasn’t looking for anyone.
“Uhm, yeah but I’m not looking to date right now” she answered. “Ah, well makes sense. But hey, if you’re looking to, I live down that street, so you can come by” he winked before continuing his walk with his dog. “See you, cutie” he said as he left.
Namaari couldn’t help but blush but also be absolutely uncomfortable. “You know, you could’ve been fast about sniffing the dog instead of leaving me there to burn” she said to Tuk Tuk who happily walked ahead of her, dragging her with him.
The walk was mostly calming but also had its moments when Tuk Tuk would run after a rodent. “No!” Namaari said as she struggled to pull the big dog back. How he went from a tiny pup to this big, 50 pound something dog will forever be a mystery.
“Ugh!” Namaari fell on her bottom as Tuk Tuk kept barking and she groaned as she got up. Raya knew this would happen. She knew Namaari would struggle to walk Tuk Tuk, since she’s only taken care of cats.
She knew this was revenge.
“Come on” she said as she dragged Tuk Tuk back to the apartment.
“And then, this guy comes up to me and starts flirting with me” Namaari explained her adventure on walking Tuk Tuk. Raya had come home early and decided to get some food for her and Namaari.
As they ate, Namaari told her about the walk. “Wait, wait. Was he kind of buff, short hair and a little taller than you?” She asked. Namaari furrowed a brow. “Yes” she answered.
Raya rolled her eyes. “Yup, that’s Mason. He's the neighborhood flirt. Loves flirting with girls to see who would jump in his bed. Trust me, he’s flirted with me a couple of times” she said as she took a bite of her rice.
Namaari rolled her eyes. “Men are so weird” she commented. Raya snorted as they finished their dinner.
Well, at least Namaari knew one thing; Raya got her revenge.
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isitbussinjanelle · 3 years
Raya and the princesses (This is a modern AU)
“Alright, follow me you two.”
A storm trooper leads Namaari, and Raya threw the business of ‘Oh My Disney!’. With Raya and Namaari being the newest Disney princesses, they now had to accompany the other prior princesses in their dressing room for online Disney events. For Raya, this experience was out of this world. With the song ‘Let it Go’ playing in the background while Star Wars ships zoom across the sky along with dumbo, she was overwhelmingly excited. She felt like a kid in a Candy store.
For Namaari however, this was something she struggled to find enjoying. Namaari loves peace and quiet when she has it and will often spend her time reading a book or reading a Fang legend to a bunch of Fang children when she doesn’t have sparring sessions or piles and piles of Fang documents and contracts to sign. Namaari followed alongside the storm trooper while keeping her hands very close to her sides to avoid touching one of the happy square-headed people roaming around. Namaari also happened to be claustrophobic, so this wasn’t helping whatsoever. But when Namaari took one glance at Raya beaming with enjoyment and her eyes glowing, she decided that maybe enjoying her time there wouldn’t be terrible.
“OMG NAMI!!” Raya yelped. Nami was one of Raya’s many nicknames for the fang princess.
“What? What is it?” Namaari said frantically.
“It’s THE buzz light year! THE BUZZ LIGHT YEAR NAMI! Can we please go say hi? I wanna give him my best impression of himself,” Raya said with pleading eyes.
With Namaari being Namaari, she obviously couldn’t say no, because its Raya for Christ sake.
“No. You both are already late for preparation for the ‘Which Disney princess are you’ quizlet. Let’s go.” Barked the storm trooper. Damn, who spit in your congee? Raya wondered.
Raya looked back at Namaari with a, can you believe this asshat, Kind of look. Pursed her lips and rose her shoulders in a, it is what it is, kind of look. Namaari and Raya were great at reading each other like this. They did it all the time when they had fights.
After a few more stops with Raya’s stalling, and more of the storm troopers eyerolling (which you couldn’t tell because of his helmet but it was obvious), they eventually made it too the ‘cast members only’ section. There they found Nick wild, Grumpy the dwarf, tinker bell, and hei hei.
“Ahh ha ha, so these must be the new princesses,” Nick walks towards the trio of the storm trooper and the Kumandran princesses. His words trail off as he looks at them both up and down.
“I gotta ask- no poofy dresses? Whats that all about?” Nick asks, direction his attention towards raya, then Namaari.
“Nah, dresses make it way harder to beat Nami at sparring,” Raya responds as she shifts her wight to her right leg and crosses her arms in a cool way.
“Please- like you’ve ever beaten be binturi,” Namaari blushes and mimics rayas arm cross. Nick gags at the mini flirting session.
“well, gotta hand it to ya princess- I think I like you more without the dress. I guess I owe Flash 10 bucks.” Nick says as he sticks a lollipop in his mouth and puts his shades on and walks away.
“Did a fox just try and flirt with me?” Raya laughed. Namaari was a little mad that anyone except her would talk to Raya flirtatiously, but brushed it off.
“You two are running short on time. You, go through that door, and you through that one.” The storm trooper points at two doors that are directly across the hall from each other. Namaari and Raya find this odd, especially because they’re both princesses- shouldn’t they be in the same room?
Namaari goes off through her door while Raya is ushered by the Storm trooper to go through hers.
“What an ass.” Raya mumbled to herself.
The Moment Raya looks up, she is bombarded with the smell of perfume, and sweet sounds of angelic singing. Raya looks around at the beautifully designed room. She stares over at the other women in the room, primping each other’s hair or mingling amongst themselves. She straightens her hat. She saw one princess playing jump rope with two others. But the jump rope was…hair? Raya was confused. Raya begins to “walk” over too where the other princesses are but struggles to actually move her legs because she’s not great with people. Especially because she hasn’t had much interaction with them for 6 years. She starts rehearsing in her head good things to say to someone, like compliments, and asking, “How’s the weather today?”. Small talk. Raya hated the concept.
She eventually builds up the courage to stop standing in her own embarrassment and walk over to the princess area but fails as she lands back first on the floor. She slipped in something.
The princesses immediately notice this because Raya was quite dramatic about her fall when she did. She groaned in agony as a beautiful princess rushed towards her.
“Oh! Are you okay? I am truly sorry. Raja must have peed on the floor again. Bad kitty!” The princess scolds her giant cat- tiger that lays on the long blue couch. He cocks his head in confusion when he heard his name. He ignores her and licks his left paw.
“OMG. Are you the new princess? Guys! She’s the new princess!” Another princess rushes over. This girl has wet curly hair with a black and white pig by her side. All of the other princesses file in over Raya. They all begin to clap whilst a princess begins to sing angelically in celebration.
“FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for another badass warrior chick to show up. Sick sword girl! Where’d you get it” A girl with short straight black hair grabs raya by the arm and walks with her around the room.
“oh- thanks! It belongs to my Ba.” Raya says as the puts one arm behind her head in nervousness.
“Whats a Ba-“ A princess with long read hair and rosy cheeks asks with a head cock. She’s cut off by the next princess.
“Holy crap! How are you’re arms so muscly??” One of the princesses asks as she squishes raya’s biceps, which makes her highly uncomfortable. Raya begins to back away from the large crowd of girls- which was a mistake.
“Um- yeah I guess so…you should see My girlfr-“ Raya is cut off when she trips over something on the ground and lands on something warm and fury- Raja.
Raja growls and purrs at raya, but then begins to lick her because he senses her fear. Raya leaps up.
“Gah! Don’t hurt me orange serlot!” Raya exclaims as the goes into the sideways feat position on the ground.
“Raja, play nice!” Jasmine says. Raya couldn’t tell it was here as she was rolled up for the sake of her life.
“What’s a serlo-“The same princess from earlier who asked what a Ba was asked. Shes interrupted once more once an unexpected guest makes an appearance.
“Ride Like the wind ya big fur-bug!” A girl with curly red hair flys’ around the room on- Tuk Tuk? He was here! Meredith nocks over a bunch of chairs and startles Raja.
“Fur-bug? TUK TUK!” Raya gets up in relief to finally see a familiar face- a face with a big wet nose. Tuk Tuk stops rolling and galops over to Raya, much to Meredith’s disappointment. All of the other princesses share an “aww” as Raya nuzzles Tuk Tuk with her nose.
“Boo! I was having fun ey? He sure is quite a ride tho. Ought to give the lad that.” Meredith said as she shoulders bumped Aurora. Aurora clears her throat and steps away from Meredith slightly.
“Glad to see you bud!” Raya said. All of the other princesses gather around Raya and tuktuk, who are still near the door. She never got to get fully settled in after being bombarded with questions and perfume.
“Now lady’s, I think it’s about time we all gave the new gal a proper introduction.” Tiana says with her hands on her hips, gesturing her statement towards Mulan and Cinderella, who were the main ones who asked Raya questions. They both giggle in agreement.
All of the princesses introduce themselves and show raya their power if they have one, or just tell her about their past and how they became royalty. Raya listens to each of them in awe but gets distracted during a few of the short speeches only to be wondering how Namaari was doing in the other room. She hoped Namaari was okay. They last few minutes mostly consisted of years and uh-huhs from Raya’s side as she listened to all of the princesses’ backstories. After a while, the very last princess told Raya about her backstory.
“And that’s how I saved the world with my good friend Maui, shape shifter, demigod of the wind and- “Moana goes on but gets cut off.
“Okay but for real, for once just say Maui and drop the formalities.” Anna groaned with impatience as she twirled her red strands of hair.
“Hey, I gotta give my man his credit. Put some respect on his name, you know?” Moana says all hyped up. Mulan screams “PERIOD” from across the room as she sharpens her sword. Pocahontas rolls her eyes at the childish ness.
“Period is so old now Mulan- no one says it anymore,” Pocahontas says.
“You right you right… SHEEEEEEESH” Mulan says as she connects two fingers to the crease of her forearm. She bits her lips and widens her leg stance. Moana dies of laughter at this.
“Maui does that all the time and its so fricking annoying,” Moana says. Raya laughs at all of this; she felt like she almost found her place. Raya loved making others laugh and enjoyed doing it in the form of 10-year-old boy humor. She was glad that these girls matched her energy.
“Guy’s, were kinda getting off track- New girl. How did you become a Disney princess? Who’s your prince? Or were you already born into nobility?” Tiana asks as she brushed Rapunzel’s long gold strands.
Raya pursed her lips. She hated speaking in front of large crowds. She was never the best at presenting school projects in her child days and doesn’t enjoy it now either. One of the many reasons why she is in no hurry to become Chief of Heart. Raya suddenly notices all eyes on her. Oh shit, they actually want me to speak? Fuck no-
“Um…” Raya starts. “Well, I guess I was born into nobility. My father is chief of my homeland Heart, a land in Kumandra,” she said nervously as she looked down and played with dead skin on her finger.
“And as for a prince- I don’t have one? I have a girlfriend named Namaari whos’ a princess of Fang, another land in Kumandra…” Raya noticed all of the princesses staring at her in awe and interest. Even belle put down her book once the Heart land princess mention a female love interest.
“Yeah…We kind of went from enemies to lovers. She sorts of stabbed me in the back when we were kids and caused our world to face 6 years of apocalypse,” Raya Gained some confidence s=once she realized her audience was enjoying her story. “But eventually I had to realize that maybe putting my faith in Namaari was the only thing that could save us. Kumandra. When the druun, which was the cause of the apocalypse, was closing in on me, Namaari, a baby named Noi, A buff winter soldier named Tong, and one hell of a cook named Boun, I decided that the only way to get us out of there was to use the one thing sisu wanted us to do; trust each other. I put my faith in Namaari, and she came through. And she has ever since.”
Raya finished. She looked around to see the other princesses gathers around her on their stomachs with their chins on their hands like little preschoolers.
“Woah.” They all said.
“Damn girl! That’s some powerful shit!” Mulan said as the rapped an arm around Raya’s shoulder in approval. Mulan was slightly taller that Raya, about Namaari’s height. Raya smiled sweetly as the other princesses Hollard in agreement.
“So how did you find all of these people? Noi, Tong, all of them?” Jasmine asked. She was sitting on her magic carpet with Raja purring by her side.
“Oh! I kinda scooped them up with me along the way. You see, I had to travel to each of the four kingdoms, Fang, Talon, Spine, and Tail to get these gem pieces that would save the world. I found Boun in Tail- He was my getaway driver-“
“From whom? Were the druun chasing you?” Elsa asked eagerly.
“Namaari. Namaari was chasing after me because…Actually, I had no idea why. Before she was chasing me, I had just gotten a Gem piece from Tail. Namaari showed up out of no where all of a sudden and mention something about the dragon scroll that I stole from Fang, which was useless to her which makes me wonder why she needed it; She was also holding my hair pin which is also kinda odd- “
“I KNOW WHY! SHE LOVED YOU RAYA WERE YOU BLIND? WHY ELSE WOULD SHE KEEP YOUR HAIR PIN THINGY?” Belle jumped up in excitement. She felt like this was some kind of good book.’
“Nah, it wasn’t love. I think Namaari wanted to get RIPPED TONIGHT-“Mulan shouted as the fake flexed her arms.
“RIP THAT PUSSY AYYEE!” Moana moved her arms and hips to copy the Tiktok trend. Aurora pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned at the immaturity. Raya was Hot red and covered her face to hide it- did Namaari actually like her at the time? I guess it would make sense, seeing as how Namaari always called her Dep la, which meant strangely beautiful.
“Ladies! Let her finish!” Tiana snapped. Raya could tell that Tiana was the mom of the group.
“Anywas, after I found Boun in Tail, I picked up baby noi in Talon, where she conned me- she faked cried so she could steal my gem piece,” Raya shook her head in laughter at the memory.
“That baby new what was up.” Pocahontas chimed in.
“I eventually caught her and her gang of Ongis and helped her earn some honest loot by helping me get the gem piece from the chief of Talon.” Raya concluded.
“We took Noi with us and went to spine, where tong captured me and sisu, and the gem pieces. Tuk tuk, Boun, Noi and the Ongis thankfully came to our rescue, but that was exactly when Namaari showed up in spine.” Raya said.
“Yes! More Namaari moments! Did you guys kiss?” Moana asked eagerly.
“Oh, they totally did more than that moana.” Mulan said with her eyebrows quirked and her arms crossed.
“Shut up! We didn’t do anything! She actually beat my ass.” Raya should choose better wording.
“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” All of the princesses squealed, except for Meredith, who was busy trying to stop tuk tuk from eating cold beignets Tiana had made so they could go on another joyride.
“NO WAY. NO WAY. YALL DID? SHE DID? PERIOD NAMAARI AHHHH YESSSS!!” Mulan was jumping on the couch in happiness. Raya was blushing so hard that she had steam coming out of her ears.
“Uh, g-guys? If “Beat my ass” means what I think it means, then I think Eric might have beaten mine last night…” Ariel said with a blush. Mulan, moana and Pocahontas had their jaws wide open. Cinderella had her hand over her mouth to try and hold back her laugh.
“ARIEL! YOU NAUGHTY GIRL! I DIDN’T KNOW ERIC HAD IT LIKE THAT! WAS IT GOOD THOUGH?” Moana asked loudly, hoping eric would hear from across the hall. Ariel nodded. Ariel was known at the innocent one of the groups, so this was a huge shock to everyone.
“Same Ariel! Naveen gave it to me good last night if you know what I’m saying…” Tiana said as she poked her lips out. Moana and Mulan couldn’t help but squeal. Raya was on the ground dying laughing with Pocahontas at what Tiana said.
For the next few minutes, the girls all went on rants about their sex life, except for the ones with know love interest. They laughed a whole lot that day. Raya felt lightheaded the entire time she was there due to laughing.
Eventually, the girls decided to settle down and all watch the Lion king. Mulan made the popcorn, while Belle gathered the drinks. Raya had never seen the lion king before because this was her first time actually watching a movie with friends. The movie was great, but the loud commentary about the movie made by mostly moana and Mulan was even better, and the other princess agreed to this with laughter. During the Hakuna Matata scene, Mulan played Timone, and Moana was Pumba, while Raya tried her best to copy Simba’s lines for the mini skit.
“WHEN HE WAS A YOUNG WART HOG,” Mulan sang badly.
“WHEN I WAS A YOUNG WART HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGG!” Moana sang worse, which made the other princesses laugh.
The other princess enjoyed this. Raya didn’t that much, because she had to eat jello and pretend it was the bug Simba ate in the movie.
“WHAT IS THIS TEXTURE?” Raya shouted with a mouth full of goo. Jasmine died laughing from Raya’s response, along with Aurora.
“EAT IT YOU PUSSY!” Mulan shouted, breaking character.
All of the girls got emotional during the, can you Feel the Love tonight song. The all sang in harmony, except for raya because she didn’t know the song. Raya did however cry during the scene where Simba and Scar fought on pride rock and Simba almost died multiple times.
“NO NOT SIMBA!” Raya shouted at the screen.
“Don’t worry, he lives.” Meredith shouted from across the room, still trying to get tuk tuk up.
Raya Couldn’t help but enjoy the time she had they’re with the princesses. She felt at home. Obviously not like Kumandra, for that will always be her home, but she felt like she found her people. Namaari usually tool Raya’s jokes to seriously, or just pinched her the bridge of her nose and chuckle when Raya mad 10-yearold boy humor. Raya was just finally glad to find some girls who were wild like her.
After the movie ended, the girls clapped and cheered.
“Hey, didn’t when have a Disney princess quizlet to attend?” Elsa asked. Everyone else shrugged and ignored it. They actually didn’t have anything to attend, because as we know, ralph broke the internet, so nobody was able to go online and take the quiz.
“Quick question for you Raya- Is Boun Single, I mean, a man that can cook; that’s what I need” Moana said as she pointed to nothing.
“Preach.” Mulan commented.
“MOANA BOUN IS 10- DID I KNOW MENTION THAT?!” Raya said. All of the other girls busted out laughing.
“…I mean…A six year age difference is that-“
“MOANA OF MOTONUI!” Tiana shouted as she threw a pillow at moana. The other girls couldn’t help but laugh. Raya was going to have a fun time with these girls.
Credit: @gioistrying
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Raya and the Sinister Forces chapter 1.
Chapter 1.
A few weeks have passed since Kumandra was restored. Fang, Heart, Talon, Spine and Tail were trying to live as one. It is a hard road though, but its not impossible. Kann lives in Heart. Having his own room at Raya's house. He and Raya are themselves, something of a couple. Sisu when not with her siblings, hangs out in Heart.
On a particularly nice day, Kann and Raya are on a walk together. They were in Heartland. The Keye warrior has a smile on his face. Raya was holding his hand. She looked around. She saw children playing, some of them were visiting from other villages. Tuk Tuk is back home.
It brought a warm smile to her face. Noticing her smile made Kann smile. He loved Raya's smile. There was something so precious about it. So beautiful.
The warrior took notice of his smile, she turned to face him. Kann blushed, facing forward. Raya smirked.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Oh nothing.." he gave her a slight smile "Just admiring your smile."
"Oh, thank you." she smiled.
"I always found it to be a nice one." He petted her hand "Ever since we met."
Raya liked how that felt. She also liked his compliment, as well as how at ease she felt. Those 6 years had been so stressful, but now she felt at peace. Kann felt the same, only his struggles were for eight years.
They heard the sound of giggling, it was Sisu. The couple looked over at her. The dragon was on her back, being petted by some kids. Some kids were from Heart, others from the other tribes. Apparently, they were tickling her stomach.
Soon, she spotted Kann and Raya "Hey you guys!"
The two waved at Sisu. They then made their way over to their dragon friend. The kids noticed them. Raya waved at the kids.
One boy said "Hello Princess Raya and Mr. Kann."
"Hello kids." Raya smiled "Having fun with Sisu?"
"Yeah!" they all cheer.
Kann finds himself smiling at this. It was sweet in his eyes, seeing children play with Sisu. Being able to play with dragons, was a dream of his in his childhood years. The carefree years.
A girl said "We were petting Sisu, she's ticklish on this part of her belly."
She tickles it, Sisu laughs. Raya and Kann smile at this, Sisu's laughter was adorable to them. The dragon was having a lot of fun.
"So you're ticklish huh Sisu?" Raya smirked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yep, at least there." The dragon smiled.
The princess nudged her boyfriend "We should do something about this, right Kann."
She winked at him, he knew what she had planned. Kann smiled at her, nodding in agreement. They got closer to Sisu, she saw what was coming. Then the couple tickled the dragon together.
"Hey! That tickles!" Sisu laughs, moving her front and rear legs.
Raya and Kann are having fun doing this. The kids are laughing at this. Sisu kept on laughing as her besties tickled her.
"Ok, ok, I give!" Sisu laughed.
Soon, Raya and Kann stopped. Sisu had a few more giggles left. Then she rolled onto her stomach. Looking at Raya and Kann.
"You know that was fighting dirty." She playfully remarked "Both tickling me at the same time."
"Yeah, well, it had to be done." Raya smirked.
"She's right, sorry Sisu." Kann replied "In our defense, you probably would have done the same."
"Yeah you're right." Sisu admitted, getting up.
"See you around kids; I'm going to hang out with Raya and Kann for a bit." Sisu waved at them.
The kids wave back as the trio leaves. Kann looked back at them. He was glad that they are able to play with dragons. That was something he and his forefathers for the past centuries only dreamed of.
Kann stood between Raya and Sisu, he smiled at them both. These two meant everything to him. Reuniting with Raya and meeting Sisu are important moments to him. They led to him meeting Boun, Little Noi, the Ongis and Tong, as well as Namaari, though with Namaari, their initial relationship was not a good one.
Then, without meaning to, his thoughts went to when Sisu was killed. A haunting experience for him. There still lays an ever-present fear of losing Raya and Sisu. Kann frowns at those thoughts. He hates having them, but they tend to keep crawling back.
"Raya and Sisu, they mean the whole world to me." He thought to himself.
Kann looked to the both of them, smiling. These two were so very special. He was so happy to have them in his life. The guy felt so blessed.
"So what do you two want to do today?" Sisu asked her besties.
"Maybe some booth games?" Raya suggested "How does that sound Kann?"
"Oh! That sounds like fun!" Sisu clapped her hands.
The trio went around this part of Heart. Everything looked so lively. People from other parts of Kumandra were here.
Soon enough, they came across one of the booth games that featured stacked up bottles. The man running the booth has a grin on his face. He saw Raya, Sisu and Kann come over.
"Hello there." he smiled "Are you up for a game?"
"Ooo! Ooo! I am!" Sisu raised her front paw excitedly.
Kann and Raya smile at their dragon friend's enthusiasm. The man was pleased by the dragon's excitement. Sisu looked to Raya and Kann smiling.
"Can I play this game?" she asked excitedly "Please?"
"Of course you can, Sisu." Raya smiled at her friend.
"Have fun." Kann smiled at the dragon.
"Go ahead." The booth owner smiled.
Kann gave the owner some money. Sisu was stretching to get ready. The dragon was feeling ready to play. She smiled confidently.
Sisu took a ball and moved backwards, in an attempt to not make things too easy. She holds her arm back. Throwing the ball, she knocked all of the bottles down. It was an exhilarating feeling.
"Woo hoo! I did it!" Sisu cheered.
She high fives Raya and Kann. Sisu never knew booth games could be so much fun. Her two besties smiled. They loved seeing her so happy.
Soon she was handed her prize a plush dragon. The dragon's eyes sparkled at this. She had never held a plush dragon before. Sisu had seen them before.
"Aww she's so totally adorable." Sisu hugged her new toy.
Kann and Raya held hands as they watched this moment. Sisu was an adorable person and a great friend to the two. The dragon still cuddled her toy.
Kann kissed Raya's cheek. She smiled after he did so, then turned to him. Giving him a tender smile. Kann adored her smile.
"Thank you." Kann caressed her cheeks.
"What for?" Raya asked.
"For being in my life." Kann hugs her close, caressing her back.
"Thank you being in mine." Raya hugged him back.
The Heart Princess leaned further in to the hug. Sisu held her toy close as she smiled at her two besties who were in love. Seeing them together made her so happy.
"Aww..." she coo'd.
Kann ran his hand through Raya's hair from the back. He loved how it felt to the touch. She made him feel so at peace.
Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching them. Through a crystal ball in a dark throne room. An elderly sorcerer sat was watching, a wicked smile on his face.
"Ah.. How touching." He remarked "Young love. So pure, I hope those fools enjoy their peace. While they have it."
He lets out a sinister laugh. A muscular looking creature is in the shadows. His sharped tooth grin is shown. His arms folded.
Thats the end of chapter 1.
Please R and R.
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