#Nack Nikki Narah and Nebb
sunset-peril · 2 months
Social Makeup Study - Hateno Village (HFS, TotK)
Village Structure
Leadership system: Eldership and a monarchy-like structure both appear to be used at once. An electoral system has become popular with some citizens, and Hyrule's monarchy has begun to restore itself, both further complicating the matter. Traditionally, Hateno used an eldership system exclusively, but Hyrule's sudden destruction 100 years ago brought elements of a monarchy (primarily that there is one leader who inherits the position).
Leader/Ruler: Reede Imperial (leader/mayor, under dispute), Link Hyrule (elder, under dispute, King of Hyrule)
Economy: As a former land of exile, Hateno is traditionally non-exporting. However, the village became known for agriculture and dye production after the Age of Burning Fields. Recently, the village has become a hub for textiles such as clothing and hats. The past century has brought significant changes in this area, which has also brought unease.
Demographics: Historically was 100% Pedigreed Wolfbred, although the modern village has a makeup of approximately 50% Wolfbred/Wolfbred Hybrid and 50% Hylian. This shift was also brought about in the last 100 years.
Beliefs and Afterlife: A Hylia-worshipping village. Wolfbred mythology depicts them having been created by the Twilight's interaction with their ancestor and believe that the Twilight became heritable through his line. Although the Twilight Realm is not an afterlife realm (nor was it intended to be), the Wolfbred still believe their ghosts will be returned to the Realm when their bodies fail because of their own Twilight, and believe that Midna created the Celaeno Orientalis constellation (a wolf-like constellation that appears over Hateno) as a replacement for the Mirror of Twilight to help their souls return "home". Due to the Mirror of Twilight's destruction, there is no way to confirm or deny this belief; however, it appears to have been reinforced by Link's successful command of both Wolfbred-like spirits and Hylia's Honor Guard (souls of past heroes) in battle.
Link (Imperial) Hyrule: The last documented male Wolfbred, and the last Wolfbred born under exile. For this reason, he’s referred to as the last “Pedigreed Wolfbred”.  Champion of Hyrule/Hylians, despite not technically being Hylian, and beloved mate of Princess Zelda. Died during the Great Calamity, but not before becoming King of Hyrule. The first Wolfbred King since Kakku. Cause of death: fatal battle wounds. He was resurrected 100 years after his death, and reigns over Hyrule today with his beloved. The Sheikah crowned him King Sovereign before Calamity Ganon was sealed for good, as the throne would pass to whichever of King Rhoam's heirs/relatives was found alive first. Called "Grandpa" (sometimes written "Grandpaw") by his extended family. Has developed blindness in one eye as well as joint pain, two common signs of a Wolfbred's aging, and is technically retired from all soldiering.
Zelda (Esmerelda) Hyrule: The first Hylian to marry into the tribe in 10,000 years due to the exile, and mother of Hyrule's first (chronologically-speaking) Wolfbred-Hylian hybrid: Zelda Ivee. Said to be the only true Hylian who could speak the Wolfbred tongue fluently before the Calamity. The Sheikah's crowning of Link restarted the Kingdom of Hyrule, so this Princess hasn't seen a need to rush her ascension to the Queen's throne. Her temper was found to be of Wolfbred descent, as she is Karu’s descendant. A beloved teacher at the newly build Hateno Schoolhouse.
Zelda Ivee Hyrule: King Link and Princess Zelda’s beloved little girl and the new Princess Zelda. She is the first Wolfbred hybrid since her distant ancestor Karu, and her soul is over a century old despite her age of five. Her upbringing will likely shape the future of Hyrule, as her parents come from such different backgrounds. Current studies regarding her aim to identify whatever might trigger the aggressive tendencies her family tree is infamous for, so her exposure to such triggers can be limited. 
Reede Imperial: Leader of Hateno Village and descendant of Sydnei (Link's sister). He retains a strong desire to stay in tune with his heritage and prides himself on keeping Hateno just the way it was during the exile: a safe haven for the Wolfbred. He inherited the antagonistic tendencies of his family. Although he is generally a very peaceful, vegetable-loving man, he has recently begun to display aggressive behavior, and has gotten in a few fights. (Now that the villagers think about it, so has Link.)
Clavia Imperial: Reede's wife and the mother of Karin. Clavia is Hylian, but has been accepted into the Clan as if she was Wolfbred. While her daughter is in school, she spends time at Link and Zelda's, often helping tidy the place so the half-blind Link can keep his last good eye on his pup. Besides, she believes it does Link good to have someone other than Zelda to talk to.
Karin Imperial: Reede and Clavia's daughter, and a pupil of Zelda's. Currently, Karin is not affected by her family's tendencies. Purah aims to prevent exposing both her and Zelda Ivee to whatever causes those tendencies to develop. Although, considering how riled up their fathers have suddenly gotten, Purah and her fellow researchers may have to work fast to identify the cause and isolate it from the girls.
Sophie and Cece: A pair of Wolfbred-Hylian sisters. Cece is eldest. Their existence greatly influences modern Wolfbred-Hylian relations as Sophie is considered legally Wolfbred, while Cece is the first hybrid to not be legally Wolfbred, at least within the village. Surprisingly, Sophie is the more docile of the two. Cece recently moved back in after traveling the world to study fashion. Village opinions are mixed. Link and Sophie are friends. Link and Cece are not.
Ivee: Daughter of the family who runs East Wind General Store. It's rumored that she was actually named after Zelda Ivee, as Hateno thought she'd been killed in-utero during the Great Calamity.
Pruce, Amira and Azu: Family of Ivee, runs East Wind. Ancestor was a dear friend of Ordon, which strengthens the rumors about the origins of Ivee's name. Father, mother and younger brother, respectively. Azu has taken fondly to "protecting" the village, a tendency that often develops in Wolfbred males as they approach and reach puberty.
Tamana: A former Cucco rancher, and Teebo's mother.
Teebo: A very polite Wolfbred pup and Tamana's son. Has shown an immense interest in weapons and the warrior arts since he was very young, and now fills a slot on the day-shift Hateno guard. His apparently innate interest in warrior arts and protection have brought him and Link into a mentor-mentee relationship.
Medda: A tomato-raising farmer, and Aster's father. His wife passed many years ago, but he and his daughter seem to be doing well.
Aster: Medda's daughter. Loves tomatos and froggies, and recently moved next door to Link and Zelda.
Dantz, Koyin: A family of Wolfbred who live outside the town on a farm in the forest, completely devoted to the ways of their ancestors. Father and daughter, respectively.
Sayge, Senna and Sefaro: Family running the Kochi Dye Shop. Sayge and Senna are devoted artisans, who are thriving with Hateno's new textile based market. Sefaro, however, is a much more studious soul who prefers to read history books at the schoolhouse. He's tried to badger Link into teaching him more sensitive history like the Great Calamity, Wolfbred Exile and Sheikah Fallout; currently to little-to-no avail. Perhaps when the little historian is older... or when other tensions in the village smooth over....
Prima: Said to be the prettiest Wolfbred after Midna Marie. May be related to Linky due to the strong facial resemblance to his mother, but is clearly not of the Imperial family.
Worten: Prima's husband. A Wolfbred-Hylian hybrid like his wife, which was seen as a milestone for the species (as hybrids had become distant enough to interbreed again)
Uma: An elderly Wolfbred-Hylian. One of the first hybrids to be born, and has lived since the Age of Burning Fields. Full of knowledge about the village and its history, with a priceless ability to see multiple perspectives for almost any conflict in the village. She usually attempts to soothe Link and Reede when they are riled, often with more success than their wives.
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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queersrus · 1 year
Breath Of The Wild Theme
names for characters from the legend of zelda; breath of the wild!
ak, akk, akka, akkal, akkala, aya, au, aug, al, ali, aliz, aliza, ash, ashe, ax, axy, axyl, aj, aji, akra, akrah, achne, ardin, ashai, aurie, ariane, amali, ami, agus, amira, aster azu, armes, anly,
bad, badd, baddek, bam, bamb, bambo, bamboo, ban, banji, bau, baum, bauma, baumar, bay, bayg, bayge, bee, beed, beedle, bol, bols, bolson, bri, brig, brigo, bai, baij, ben, benn, benny, bo, bosh, bot, botr, bore, botri, botric, botrick, bran, branli, blad, bladon boh, bohr, bohri, bohrin, bold, boldon, bree, breen, bar, barg, bargo, bargoh, blu, blud, bludo, blynne, barta, benja, babi bertri, bozai, bulia, buliara, bedoli, bazz, brokka, bugut,
cam, camb, cambo, chab, chabi, cho, chor, chork, chu, chum, chumi, chumin, chi, chiga, cal, cala, calam, calami, calamity, can, cann, canni, chuk, chuki, chio, calisa, caly, calyban, cara, canolo, cree, cecili, cleff, celessa, calip, clavia, chessica, cloyne, cima, cotera, cado, claree, cottla,
dab, dabi, da, dah, dmi, dmit, dmitr, dmitre, dmitri, dai, daim, drak, dug, dugby, damia, daz, dillie, dalia, danda, deltan, dina, dorrah, danton, dento, dunma, dorephan, dantz, darton, domidak, dorian,
en, end, enda, endai, ep, epo, epon, epona, et, ets, etsu, el, eld, eldi, eldin, essa, estan, emry, eryck,
far, faro, faroh, farosh, fy, fys, fyso, fyson, fi, fin, finn, fu, fugo, faron, fegran, frelly, frita, furosa, flaxel, falmark, finley, fronk, flavi,
gof, gofla, goflam, grey, greyson, gray, grayson glee, gleem, gleema, gran, grant, grante, glen, glend, glendo, gan, gano, ganon, got, gott, gottr, gottre, gotter, gom, goma, gomar, gai, gail, gaile, gale, gon, gong, gongur, gonguro, gonguron, gor, gora, gorae, grap, grapp, goro, goron, gar, gars, garsh, garshon, gartan, greta, guy, galli, geggle, genli, gesane, gruve, gaddison, garill, garini, giro,
hy, hyr, hyre, hyru, hyrule, hyl, hyle, hyli, hylia, hylian, hee, heehl, hes, hest, hestu, hud, huds, hudso, hudson, hesh, hesho, hag, hagi, hagie, hun, hunn, hunni, hunnie, hoz, hai, hait, haite, hal, halan, harlow, harry, harth, huck, hino,
ita, isha, izra, ivee, impa,
jan, jana, janna, jer, jeri, jerr, jerri, jerrin, ja, jen, jengo, jini, jora, jules, juan, juanne, juanne, juannelle, jogo, juney, jiahto, joute,
kab, kabe, kabet, kabett, kabette, kabetta, kan, kann, kanny, kap, kaps, kapso, kapson, kar, karso, karson, kas, kass, ken, keny, kenyo, ki, kil, kilt, kilto, kilton, ka, kah, kai, kaif, kaifa, ke, ke'nai, kash, kasho, kat, kato, katos, katosa, khi, khin, khini, kin, king, ko, kor, kori, korima, keh, korb, korba, korbah, kal, kala, kaso, kaa, kaam, kata, katah, katt, katta, kon, konba, kair, kairo, karsh, kay, kayr, kayre, kayra, kim, kima, kish, krane, ketoh, korok, kula, konora, kyra, kalani, kohm, kotta, kachoo, kaysa, kheel, kotts, kaneli, kayden, keye, kodah, karin, koyin, kiana, kinov, kampo, koko,
li, lin, link, lee, leek, leeka, leekah, lar, laro, larob, laroba, lon, lonn, lonni, lonnie, lat, lata, latan, loone, lukan, laine, lashley leena, liana, lorn lyn, lynd, lyndae, lester, laissa, ledo, laflat, laruta, lawdon, letty, leop, lasli,
me, mee, meesh, meeshy, meg, megh, meghen, meghan, meghyn, mei, mil, mils, mi, min, mina, miph, mipha, mis, misk, misko, mae, mael, mog, mogg, moggs, mo, mon, mona, monar, monari, mony, monya, my, myt, myti, mij, mija, mijah, may, mayr, mayro, mir, mirr, mirro, molo, maca, mala, malanya, makure malena, marta, merina, muava, maike, maypin, moza, mary, monkton, modar, molli, mazli, misa, marot, muzu, mimos, manny medda, mubs, mimo, magda, mellie,
nat, nay, nayd, naydr, nadre, naydre, nadra, naydra, naz, nazbi, nad, nadd, naddo, naddon, neil, ni, nim, nima, nobo, nam, namu, namut, nami, namik, namika, noy, noya, neha, natie, nali, nellie, nobiro, nott, notts, nekk, nack, narah, nebb, nikki, numar, nanna,
om, oma, oman, owa, oz, ozz, ooh, offra, offrak, ozu, ozun, ozund, ozunda, oak, oaky, oaki, onya, olu, oliff, olkin, ollie,
pel, peli, pelis, peliso, pelison, pi, pika, pikan, pikang, pikango, pit, pita, pitar, plat, plate, platea, plateau, par, parc, parce, parcy, percy, py, pyle, peeks, pepp, padok, perosa, phanna, pokki, padda, pasha, pearle, ploka, pritana, pyra, palme, piaffe, pirou, pondo, ponthos, pedra, prima, pruce, purah, prissen, paya,
qua, quince,
reg, rega, regan, rev, reva, reval, revali, rho, rhon, rhond, rhonds, rhondso, rhondson, ri, rik, ron, ronn, rex, ru, rul, ruli, rob, robb, robbi, robbie, rudi, rhoa, rhoam, roh, roht, rohta, ruv, ruvo, rot, rota, rok, roke, rokee, ray, raym, russ, ram, rame, ramel, ramell, ramella, ro, rog, roga, rogar, rogaro, roha, rohan, roscoe, riju, reez, reeza, rima, risa, roma, romah, rotana, ripp, ropsten, raegah, rivan, ralera, reede, rhodes, rozel, rensa, rola,
sav, save, savel, savell, savelle, sher, sherf, sherfi, sherif, sherfin, sho, sor, sorel, sorrel, soreli, sorelia, spoon, spoone, si, sido, sidon, shaka, shakah, stam, stamm, sea, saas, shi, shir, shira, sham, shama, shamae, shor, shore, shora, shae, spri, sprinn, straia, suzum suzuna, shabonne, strade, sud, sudrey, saula, smaude, spera sumati, shaillu, sesami, selmie, saki, seggin, satty, spinch, sayge, sefaro, seldon, sophie, senna, symin, sebasto, sagessa, shay, shibo, steen,
tor, torr, tore, toren, tot, tots, totsu, totsun, totsune, totsuna, ty, tye, ten, tenn, tenne, tu, tut, tuts, tutsu, tutsuwa, tar, tarr, tarry, tarre, tarrey, tom, toma, tof, toff, toffa, tro, trot, trott, toh, tan, tank, tanko, tray, tash, tasho, tali, tera, tauma, teake, traysi, teba, tulin, tona, tottika, tula, torfeau, trello, tumbo, teli, tamana, teebo, thad, tokk, tasseren, trissa,
urb, urbo, urbos, urbosa, uma,
vol, volc, volco, volcon, villa, varke, verla,
walton, wabbin, worten,
yam, yamm, yammo, yo, yow, yowa, yowak, yowaka, yahsa, yu, yun, yuno, yunobo, yaido, yolero,
ze, zel, zeld, zelda, zy, zyl, zyle, zu, zum, zumo, zuna, zal, zalt, zalta, zo, zor, zoro, zoron, zorona, zooki, zumi, zuta.
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