#Must be a member of Fifty Linden Fridays
ely-rodex · 2 years
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trompeloeilsl · 7 months
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readmeri · 5 years
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What would you say if I told you that I got all the clothes (and HAIRS!) in these pictures for less than 100L$?
I’m so hoping you didn’t say ‘Well, I assumed as much cus you look crapola”.
Being “back” in the blogging scene made me realise how I’d come to rely upon the generosity of the designers in the past, but that lazy, privileged Meri is no more! No, now I have only a very few sponsors, but still very many words and ideas.
Also, now I’m not DJing in SL, I’m poor as a church mouse. In RL too, I have to look after the pennies (I can’t afford to upload any more) and so I had a eureka moment. Surely there must be many other people out there just like me? People who want to look good but don’t have several thousand linden to splash whenever they feel like it.
I set myself a challenge – what could I get for 100 lindens and be happy with the fit, the style and all that frippery?
These pictures are your answer. I will, of course, go into more detail. I know the methods used won’t surprise you. If you’re already scrimping and saving to get that ‘must have’ item everybody is talking about, just like me, you have to make sacrifices in other areas. Or rather, small efforts in other areas, because it was surprisingly easy and good fun.
Certain items can be used in different outfits, of course. That is tip one. Establish a capsule wardrobe. If you’re going to use an item regularly, like in the case of shoes, attempt to find a fatpack so you can utilise different colours or textures.
Check out and join the Fifty Linden Friday group. It’s free to join and each week a load of designers put an item on special offer for 50l$ for 24 hours. It’s usually only one item in one colour, but it’s always nice quality and you can get something quite special for a fraction of the cost. You can preview the items instead of going around the shops looking if you prefer on the Fifty Linden Friday Flickr Group.
Other in-world groups can be most useful too. For example, two hairs shown in this blog are from Little Bones, a very well-established and quality brand. LB gives away a hair a month with their Mermaid colour HUD and occasional full releases. The group costs 100l$ to join, so think of it as an investment. Visit the Little Bones Mainstore and have a look what they have as gifts on their board and join the group. I think I picked up a dozen styles.
My final tip, and potentially the most useful is to use Second Life Marketplace as a tool to search out things you’re looking for. I picked up some great bits by searching terms like gift, free and dollarbie. Narrow down your search by category and then make sure you tick the 0-10l$ box on the left. You do have to avoid all the demos which can be a trifle annoying, but hey… it’s a small price to pay for a small price tag.
Why don’t you have a go too and let me know how you did? I’d love photo links too!
  What ARE you wearing?
  Daytime Look One
Scarf – LoLlaS Summer Daisy Scarves 5l$ Marketplace Shorts & Top – WellMade Ronnie Outfit flowered top in two designs and denim shorts for 7l$ Marketplace/Group gift inworld. For tons of different mesh bodies and I mean, tons. Hair – Little Bones ‘Geo’ Hair – Full Release Little Bones Mainstore free to group members. Shoes – Soul Sneakers Tip Toe for Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Altamura 30l$ on Marketplace
Total maximum cost for Daytime Look One – 42l$
  Daytime Look Two
Jacket/Top – HasTag Lucky Bomber Jacket for Maitreya Lara only 5l$ marketplace/ 0l$ inworld VIP Group Shorts  – WellMade Ronnie Outfit above. Shoes – MH Xanel Sandals Gift 5L$ for 10 colour HUD – Medium feet on Maitreya, Slink, Belleza – 5l$ on Marketplace Hair – L.B. Citrus Mermaid Pack Little Bones Mainstore free to group members
Total maximum cost for Daytime Look Two – 10l$
  Evening Look Three
Romper – Clef de Peau Kendall Jumpsuit – Lara/Freya/HG/Isis – 50l$ (Fifty Linden Friday) Shoes – As Daytime Look Two Hair – bonbon vina hair fatpack, with resize built in. 0L$ gift on Marketplace
Total maximum cost for Daytime Look Three – 50L$
Ok, so theoretically, I went 2L$ over budget at 102L$… but I could have joined the inworld groups of those offering dollarbies on marketplace and done it for only 90L$!!!
Darlings, whatever the cost, I won’t wear tat. You can be assured that I sincerely like and wear these items with all associated pride. Each one is something I’d have been delighted with if I’d paid much more money for it and I think the moral of this story is that there are creators out there who see value in giving you something fabulous free or cheap so you know how good they are – and then when you do have money, you go back.
Meri always wears her Maitreya Lara body and Catwa head, cus she’s lazy more than anything – getting changed in that way is such a huge hassle.
Less than 100l$ challenge What would you say if I told you that I got all the clothes (and HAIRS!) in these pictures for less than 100L$?
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