world-of-funkin · 2 months
@musesbykai | x
As the figure clearly tried to get his mind to stop spinning, it was as if he could feel Oron's presence even with his back turned on the larger man. But that feeling of unease was everything he needed to have his brain immediately jump into fight-or-flight mode. Body tensing, one bony hand reaching for something on his hip, and he'd spin around on his heels, doing a full 180 on the spot as he'd grab the handle of something at his hip, then pulled out a large combat knife as he held up horizontally, the sharp edge facing Oron.
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He stood still, except for the slight rise and fall of his heaving breaths, assessing the situation and just... observing the other man. How did this guy have so many damn cybernetics on him? Was he in the future or something? With a soft, but guarded scowl on his skull-face, he'd let his knife-hand fall to his side, re-sheathing the blade. But he kept that same hand close, mere inches from the handle, clearly ready to spring back into action should the need arise.
"... Who are you? Where am I?"
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general-kalani · 4 months
{ @musesbykai sent in; "G'day." Oron was approaching the sheriff looking fellow with his tech shotgun resting against his shoulder. "Whatcha doin' all alone?" (Oron to Rick) }
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"... Haven't seen you around here before... Guess you could say I'm preparin'g'."
Brows furrowed slightly at the others clearly high tech shotgun and general appearance.
"Not from around here, are you. Just guessin', sorry for the suspicion... Lots been goin' on lately."
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wardogxicarus · 2 months
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"Awwww, yeah! Scaled tests for an engine upgrade went well!"
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codenamejudas · 8 months
@musesbykai from here
"Shit dude, what do you mean? Feels like it's been ages, 'course I missed you!"
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livelynumbskull · 1 year
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It had been a long day for Neophytos.
A nearly ten hours drive all through the south of California, from San Francisco to the state of Nevada, the final destination being a small town near Las Vegas named Blue Diamond. Really tiny town, population less than 500. From what Maüka could tell him about it, the locals are pretty friendly and there were plenty of trails to hike. Old mining town, not a lot to do there but the views are amazing.
A perfect place for a shady deal to happen, if he was honest about it. Apparently, to develop the latest project of Vale Corps, the brains behind it needed a rare component that hasn't even hit the open market yet. He wasn't given too many complicated details, being only an errand boy, but Maüka assured him the project would be a good thing for society, and not meant to harm anybody.... Or so they claimed.
The ones with the patent to the component were from Denver, Colorado, a small group of rowdy nobodies who were trying to become real top dogs. If the project was successful, they'd be given a share of the incomes, which would allow them to start their own thing. If not, well, boo-hoo.
Reaching the town was pretty easy, but maneuvering through it? Neophytos had fun watching wild burros come and go across the street, taking a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature behind the wheel of a borrowed old gray Chevrolet. Heck, there was even a sign telling people not to mess with the animals, which he appreciated.
The meeting area was an old, abandoned shed -- classical and cliché, decided by the newbies. He'd seen so many movies that this type of thing was expected of those who didn't know how real things worked. It'd be an easy job: get there, introduce himself as an errand boy, pick up the thing and go home. So, he did.
Maüka, however failed to mention one last bit.
"I seriously didn't know about your deal with Maüka, I'm just here to pick up the component and go." A half-lie, but anything to get them to point their guns elsewhere. Neophytos stood there with his gloved hands in the air, switching looks between all five of them.
Maüka didn't mention they were supposed to have a down payment. At all.
He silently cursed them as he heard them demand the payment once again, one of them even picking up their cellphone to call his parent. Shit.
Long day. A veeery long day that he wished had ended in a good note, and not his possible death.
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fucktyrants · 5 months
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Smasher/ @musesbykai said: "Your meat is failing you Johnny boy." - Smasher
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"Better to have it fail than suffer from some major fuckin' malfunction like you, you big borg fuck."
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hirvenxsoturi · 10 months
@musesbykai Despite Bev's wishes, Oron did in fact continue to stare. His hands were in front of him, right cuffed over the left wrist as his eyes shifted to look directly at the other's pupils. "Just curious about your workflow. Nothing more." He shifted in his spot. That was only a half truth as Oron was more worried about potentially getting another shotgun shoved into his face.
Molten gold is what stared back at him, the color somewhere between liquid gold and magma. Fitting really, considering his innate specialty with lava. Shaped brows were furrowed into a frown, the expression practically a permanent one while he was in Oron's presence.
"A workflow that is interrupted the longer you stare at me."
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anotherhumanpet · 2 years
@musesbykai (x)
The mech pilot looked down at the kid, releasing a sigh as he did so. "A grim way to describe it but I think I can see the emotion you're going for."
"But it's accurate!" Dennis argued, pointing up into the air as he did. "Cause I wouldn't exactly describe people from the future pouring out into the now as anything good. You guys definitely aren't acting like angels either, so..."
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yggdrasilushxrt · 6 months
At Eve's door there is a rather secure metal package. The logo says Arasaka, but something wasn't right.
Inside were two glowing blue real live Koi. Real Koi are very rare, and these... They are special.
A note was attached.
"You will appreciate their beauty more than any corpo would. Happy Holidays.
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What.... a weird as fuck gift. Glowing fish? In a box?
Well, at least they weren't in the hands of greedy mortals that couldn't appreciate their beauty and rarity in the most genuine sense. This... was going to take some work to get them into a better set up, though.
Time to do some research and start collecting the needed materials for building a koi pond in a secret and safe place away from any Corpos.
As strange and work-required as the gift was, she could appreciate Smasher having some small shred of empathy for some living things. Good on him.
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snailtrain · 2 years
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Another commission for @musesbykai 0v0! This one was fun to color, I love doing glowy dramatic stuff hehehe~
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lairofmxnsters · 1 year
"Makes sense." Oron took a glance at the other. "Looks Japanese in design, pretty sleek, almost seamless plating with very little visible bolts on the hull." He commented before turning to fully face the captain.
"Ah, where are my manners. Commander Oron Eaton of the Australian Spec Ops group, Lost Boys." Well... Former commander...
He did give a formal nod before eyeing up the ship once more. "Is it military designed?"
"You sure got an eye for engineering. As a matter of fact, yes it's a top-grade military vessel. Got missile silos, laser turrets, the drill's not just for show either." Gordon explains to Oron, before hearing the man's introduction. So he's a military man as well. A commander no less. He was not as well-versed with the Australian military, so who was he to comment?
"Well, the honor's all mine then, meeting a fellow commander." he'd huff out, before he'd stand tall, at attention. "Captain Douglas Gordon. Formerly of the Earth Defense Force. Now? A relic of better times."
His posture did slump as he reminded himself of his heydays, before he'd reach into his coat to pull out a pack of Cuban cigars, chucking one into his mouth as he'd bite the end off it, spitting it out, and then putting it back in his mouth before offering the pack to Oron.
"Want one? It's prime Cuban, top quality. Afraid I don't got a cigar cutter with me."
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general-kalani · 2 months
{ @musesbykai liked for a starter from Gideon! }
A tilt of the head, a minor wag of the tail.
"You do not smell human, yet you are sentient... That's so weird..."
Clearly he's never seen a robot before. Somehow.
A trill, a little tap on the metal body. Then excited tail wagging.
"That's so cool... Oh, my apologies my manners were missing! The name is Gideon... Who're you?"
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wardogxicarus · 7 months
@musesbykai | Send “💤🌳” to find my muse sleeping under a tree. | Meme [x]
Sleep had not come easily to Silas the last few nights. Nightmares of being back in an unhinged mind and cross-universal visions of being bound to Breakdown plagued him. It left him desperate for a change of scenery in hopes of being freed from his torment for at least a few hours.
So the Commander was out in the desert with a simple tent, a bed roll, an emptied can of food, and a darkened lantern parked under a thick mesquite tree. Inside, Silas was finally getting some proper rest.
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codenamejudas · 27 days
"You're right, there's definitely something kinda damp about it. Feel like I oughta roll around in the sand like a chinchilla."
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savior-of-humanity · 1 year
“You’re limping. What happened?” From Oron to which ever muse you'd like :D {Musesbykai}
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"Oh- I'll be fine, really! It's just a scratch!"
If you called at least three bullets to the leg and foot that were haphazardly patched up and still actively bleeding ""fine"" and ""just a scratch"", that is.
Even then, Vash seemed to be more engrossed in his surroundings than he was concerned with the fact that he was pretty significantly injured. He didn't have a clue as to how he wound up in this place - his memory was still a hazy blur - but he'd never seen so much...
Not the greenery of life carefully cultivated in gardens but real, wild plantlife, even if it was nestled and tucked among the nooks and crannies of this sprawling city. Noman's land didn't have anything like this - no trees casually planted in sidewalks, no grasses and dandelions sticking up through the cracks of the concrete. Granted, that wasn't really a lot considering that they were both currently in some dingy alleyway, but compared to what Vash had at home? He might've well as been staring at the holy grail, for all he was concerned.
A slight grunt escaped the other man as he propped himself up against the adjacent brick wall - an almost sly yet genuine smile on his face, even through the pain. "You wouldn't happen to know where I am, would you?"
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riflesparked · 1 year
@musesbykai liked for a starter !
ㅤㅤ"I have one nerve left, and you are on it."
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