#Mummy's main issue with not being understood is how many adults in the medical field don't know sign language
emile-hides · 16 days
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Been absolutely obsessed with @cosmiischillin's aged up Ruby Gloom AU Twilight Town and thought it'd be kinda fun to dig up my old Ruby Gloom OCs/Self Inserts and age them up to fit the Twilight Town Vibe.
The mummy is more recent, not adult recent they were definitely still a kid me self insert, but I only really recently put their design to paper like, last year. You can see that post Here because I really don't want to ramble twice about the same OC.
Luna is my baby baby OC who was basically just a Self Insert, I made them when I was maybe 8? They're a Shape-shifter who's color blind who took the form of Ruby hoping they could be as popular as her and make friends like she does because they're very very shy. Ruby basically adopts them as a sister afterwards.
I had drafted in a notebook as a kid a script for their arrival episode that came right after Blue Luna where even though they're drastically different looking Frank, Len, and Iris canNOT tell the two apart, and even assume Ruby to be the fake. Shenanigans and what not.
Yes baby me made an OC that was The Main Character but a Different Color and I was SO proud of it. I made an edit of Ruby to make her look like Luna as a child in MS Paint, but it as sense gone to the wind. Sad.
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