#Moja Ruža
peonierose · 4 months
Moja Ruža
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Book: Crimes of Passion
Pairing: Rose De Luca (F!MC) x Trystan Thorne (M!MC)
Words: 2,5k
Rating: General
TW: None
Summary: Trystan has a surprise in store for Rose on Valentine‘s Day.
A/N: Moja Ruža is a Bosnian term of endearment, and it means ”My Rose“ or even ”Rose of mine“. There will be other mentions of Bosnian culture so I hope you give this story a try.
Side note: I added some social media edits and some edits for cocktails inspired by this story. I am by no means a cocktail expert, so please let me know if you try any of the cocktails and if they’re good 🥰
What do buy for a woman you love and for a woman who’s not exactly a Valentine‘s Day type of woman?
You go and ask her friends and colleagues for advice.
”Luke. How’s it going? I brought you some coffee and a cherry Danish.“
I placed a steaming cup of coffee and a freshly baked cherry Danish on his table.
Luke eyes both those things, before he looked at me. I smiled back innocently as if I had no care in the world.
”Yeah that innocent act isn’t going to work. What do you want?“ Luke asked as he bit into his cherry Danish.
”Well if you’re calling me out like that, I need a favor. It’s for Rose. As you know Valentine‘s Day is coming up and I wanted to plan something romantic for Rose.“
”Then go and do that.“ Luke shrugged.
”Well I don’t know what she likes or doesn’t like.“ I said pleading.
”Well then go and ask her.“
”I know I should’ve asked Ruby.“ I muttered.
”Asked me what?“ Ruby‘s voice came from behind me.
I turned as the door to the office opened and Ruby walked in. She was in her lab coat, her dark skin glowed beautifully in the dim light. Luke is a lucky guy to have found Ruby.
”Great, let's get everyone involved.“ Luke groaned and I sighed.
”Well I was asking Luke for some advice,“ I admitted.
”You thought asking Luke was a smart idea?“ Ruby asked while she chewed on a bite of cherry danish.
”Come on. I can be romantic.“ Luke exclaimed.
”Really? Remember last year on Valentine‘s Day?“ Ruby asked.
”That tech expo was fun, and we had some amazing dinner afterward.“
”You’re right, dinner was great.“ Ruby smiled and kissed his cheek, making Luke blush fiercely.
”You want some real advice?“ Ruby turned to me and asked.
”Desperately.“ I said and Ruby laughed. Luke turned to me and snickered, Ruby moved his head and turned it towards his computer screen shutting him up in turn.
I tried to hide my grin but failed.
”Look Trystan we both know that Rose isn’t into big romantic gestures. She loves romance, but that doesn’t mean she’d enjoy a romantic 12-course meal at some fancy restaurant. You know Rose. I’m sure you’ll find the perfect Valentine‘s Day gift or activity for her.“
I kissed Ruby on her cheek.
”You’re a lifesaver Ruby thank you.“
”Hey I helped too.“ Luke chimes in. I grinned and shook my head at him.
”You really didn’t. Enjoy your cherry danish.“ I said and noticed the cherry danish was eaten by Ruby.
”Oh man, my bribe.“ Luke said, getting sad eyes.
”Lucky for you. I brought another one.“ I said and handed him the Danish.
”You’re the man.“ Luke said and bit into his cherry Danish, a blissful look crossed his face.
I waves and left them in the office to go and plan a date for Rose.
My mind was made up, as I walked with purpose to the bar owned and operated by Rose‘s uncle Tommy.
As I entered the bar a few stragglers and regulars looked up from their drinks. When they noticed it’s just another bargoer, they returned to their drinks and conversations.
Tommy was wiping down the mahogany bar counter and he looked up when I entered and took a seat at the bar.
”Trystan what brings you by?“ He asked while he pulled out his top-shelf whiskey.
”Oh I’m not here for a drink.“ I said and Tommy placed the bottle back onto the shelf.
”Is the world ending?“ Tommy chuckled.
I grinned as I played with a wooden coaster.
”I truly hope not. Listen, I'm actually here to ask you for a favor.“ I said.
”Valentine‘s Day is tomorrow and I was wondering if I could rent your bar for the night? I’ve been racking my brain about what to do for Rose and I thought something nice and intimate would be a good idea. So what do you say?“ I bit my lip, unsure if Rose‘s uncle will agree.
”Look, I'll set everything up. You don’t need to do anything,“ I tried to sell the idea even harder to Tommy.
”Trystan.“ Tommy said and I closed my mouth with a snap.
”Listen Trystan, Rose is my niece and I want her to be happy, and you make her happy. So you can have the bar for as long as you need.“ He said and smiled at me.
I leaned over the counter and gave him a kiss on his cheek, Tommy winced.
”Alright, enough with the gratitude. A simple thank you is enough.“ He put his right hand on his cheek and wiped away my cheek kiss.
”Oh, my dear Tommy. I don’t do simple. Mile grazie Tommy.“
”Yeah. Yeah.“ He grinned and I waved goodbye as I raced home to prepare everything.
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God. I’m bone tired. Every case is difficult, but this one was hard on so many levels. I am so glad to finally be home.
Telling a woman her husband is cheating and bringing proof? Yeah, it’s heartbreaking.
Ms. Bukowski hired me two weeks ago because she had a hunch about her husband being unfaithful. We both wanted it to not be true, but sadly it was.
Now Mrs. Bukowski filed a divorce and is moving to her sister in New Jersey. Maybe a change of scenery and the company of her loved ones will help her to soothe some of the aches and pain.
I put the key into the lock and after a few turns I entered the apartment I shared with Trystan. The lights were out, and only the busy street lights of downtown New York shone into the apartment. Casting a bronze and golden glow.
I put my keys on the small dresser by the front door.
I walked further inside, and saw there’s a light pink envelope sitting on the kitchen table.
I turned it around and it said, »Otvori me« in Bosnian, then I saw an arrow pointing to turn the envelope around and I saw the English translation »Open me«.
I sighed and looked around the apartment we share.
”Trystan? This isn’t funny. If you are playing some weird cat-and-mouse game or hide-and-seek? It’s not funny.“
I noticed I’m alone at home. I pulled out my phone and speed-dialed Trystan’s number.
His deep timbre greeted me.
”Why hello Rosa. I assume you’re on your way?“ Trystan asked me.
I could hear glasses clink and wondered what he prepared this time.
”I found the letter just now.“ I said.
”Alright then I’ll let you read the letter and then you can call me back.“
With those words, he disconnected the call and I stared at my phone in disbelief.
”Alright I’ll read the letter.“ I sighed as I read the letter inside the envelope.
All it has is an address. An address I know very well. It’s the address to my uncle Tommy’s bar.
Then I read on.
»P.S. Wear the dress and shoes. You’ll find the outfit in our bedroom.«
Note in hand I followed the instructions only to find a light pink box on our bed, it’s the same color as the envelope.
When I opened the box I found a red satin dress. With spaghetti straps and a leg slit. As well as black strappy heels.
I sighed and smiled. This must’ve been Marguerite’s work. Trystan’s sister is a genius when it comes to fashion.
I’m not exactly the type for heels but I’ll wear them for tonight and only for Trystan.
As I hugged the dress I smiled because Trystan can always make me smile even on a bad day.
I took a quick shower in the adjoining bathroom. Put on the dress Trystan chose for me, the shoes, and some light make-up.
Deciding to leave my shoulder-length dark brown hair open and free. I put on some spritzers of my favorite perfume ”Black Opium“ and I’m ready to go. I give Trystan a call as I’m about to exit the building.
”I take it you’re ready Rosa?“
I smiled at the warmth in his tone.
”Yes I’m ready to go and I’ll be there in a bit.“
”Alright Rosa. I’ll be waiting.“ We hang up and I‘m on my way to see Trystan’s surprise.
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I put my phone on the counter and I got everything ready.
From the food, to the special cocktails, I’m going to mix. I figured I’d just make us a special drink.
I wanted tonight to be special, not because it’s Valentine’s Day, but because I wanted us to have a nice dinner and drinks. Without other people being there.
We’re not big on romance but from time to time we need to relax too.
I’m about to set the table when I hear the door opening and turn around.
And it’s like the first time we met. Rose still makes my heart beat faster and simply takes my breath away.
It’s the simplicity that drew me in. I walked closer to her.
”You look stunning, Rosa.“ I have started using that nickname and it stuck.
She smiled at me, her hazel eyes imbued with hints of green are lit from within with joy and I smiled back at her.
”Well you chose well. Give Marguerite my thanks.“
”What makes you think Marguerite had anything to do with choosing the dress? Maybe I chose it myself.“ I smirked.
”And did you?“ She asked as I scooted the chair back and she sat down.
”Well fine. Marguerite did help me. But I knew you’d look good in red which you do.“ I said.
”Thank you. So what’s all this? What are we celebrating?“ She asked as she discarded her coat and put it on an empty chair. Meanwhile, I went to the bar to get the food.
”Well I thought it would be nice if we had dinner. Just the two of us, and not just because it’s Valentine‘s Day. I thought something intimate would do the trick. I tried writing a poem but I suck at poems. I just couldn’t find the right words so that it actually rhymed.“ I admitted a flush of embarrassment staining my cheeks.
”That’s okay, I don’t need fancy poems or gestures. I just need you. That’s all.“ She smiled softly at me and I can see the sincerity in her eyes.
I smiled as I brought over two plates and cutlery.
Then I put down a pot of ”Bosanksi lonac“ it’s a slow-cooking Bosnian stew. It’s a hearty dish. Using beef, various vegetables among some of the main ingredients. And of course some freshly baked bread to dip into the stew.
”Oh my god this smells incredible.“ She closed her eyes and a look of pure bliss crossed her soft features.
”Wait until you try it.“ I said and put some on her plate.
We both dug in. And talked here and there in between the meals.
”I can’t remember the last time I’ve had such a good meal.“
I grinned, proud I made it. Well, I called the kitchen staff in Drakovia, and our head chef ”Alana“ guided me through the steps of making it.
But still, I made it myself. It’s my go-to dish for when I need something warm and nostalgic. Today I got to share it with Rose. Nothing beats that.
”I do have one more surprise.“ I said as I cleaned the dishes away.
”What else could there be?“ Rose asked and wanted to help me with the dishes but I waved her away.
”I made us some cocktails. Or well I gathered ingredients to make us some cocktails.“
She grinned and leaned on the bar counter.
”Really? This I got to see.“
I grinned and gathered all the ingredients to make it. Jasmine and rose gin, raspberry syrup, elderflower and rose tonic water, a dash of pink pepper and some rose petals for garnish
”It’s called ”Kiss from a Rose“. It has jasmine and rose gin, raspberry syrup, elderflower and rose tonic water, a dash of pink pepper and some rose petals for garnish.“ I said and Rose grinned widely at me.
I mixed everything up, shook it and poured it into coupe glasses.I handed her one glass and she took a sip.
”And?“ My voice had an impatient clip to it.
”Mhh. This is actually really good. It has a kick to it because of the pink pepper, but the sugarcane sugar cuts away some of the spice. It’s really nice. And you made this for me?“
I nodded and she smiled.
”Alright then let me return the favor.“
I put my head to the side not following her words.
”What do you mean?“
”Let me make you a cocktail?“ She said and I moved to the side.
”You know how to make cocktails?“
”Move over. And yes I do know how to make cocktails.“
I watched her take some ingredients, add liquor, mix it all up, and serve it up to me.
”Enjoy your cocktail.“
”Oh this looks nice. What’s the name of the cocktail?“ I stared at the drink.
”It’s called ”The Thorne.“ Rose grinned.
”My heart melts knowing you named a cocktail after me. Also since when do you know how to mix up cocktails? Do you have secret talents I know nothing about?“
”Really Trystan? My uncle owns this bar. But to answer your question it was usually when I was high-strung working a case. I found when I was stuck with a case, I tried mixing cocktails or baking. One of those two. It was helping me focus on something else besides the case I was working on.“ She leaned on the counter as I take another sip and finish up the drink.
”Just be warned I’ve had a lot of alcohol in my life. So I have high expectations.“
”No? Really? Drink up, Thorne.“ Her eyes went wide before they returned to their normal size.
”I love it when you boss me around.“ I gave her a kiss on her cheek.
”Stop stalling and drink the damn cocktail.“ She laughed.
I took a sip and I’m pleasantly surprised. Hints of orange add a nice contrast to the sharpness of the liquor. I’m guessing a smoky whiskey.
I put the glass down and looked at Rose.
”And?“ She asked.
”A little impatient are we? Let me savor the taste.“
”You’re impossible. Just tell me.“ Rose groaned, making me smile even wider.
I leaned over to her and kissed her deeply.
”I take that as a good sign?“ She says, biting her lip nervously. Wondering if I’ll like it.
”Oh yes. It packs quite a punch, but there are subtle notes that make me go back for more, like orange and something else I can’t name.“
”It’s cinnamon. And it’s just like you. You always make me want you more. So I’m glad the drink could represent that.“
”You know we could combine our cocktails. They’re both excellent.“
Rose grinned and pulled me closer for another kiss. Until we’re both chest to chest. Our hearts are beating in sync.
”Or we could combine one. And call it Thorns and Roses.“ She suggested.
I smiled against her soft lips.
”I just hope the cocktail will taste good if we combine it.“
“Oh, it will. Trust me.“ She put her hands against my chest and we reveled in the glow of our love.
They both grinned at each other. I extended my hand to Rose.
”May I have this dance?“
”There’s no music.“
I clicked on a button on my phone, and suddenly the first notes of Nora Jones ’ live song »Sunrise« play softly in the background.
”You put on my favorite song.“ She sighed as she took my hand and we slowly danced together in the dim light, while enclosed in our pink bubble of love and serenity.
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razdragana · 1 month
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Ni nežnije ni mirisnije
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badthing72 · 1 year
Kad sklopim oči opet ćeš meni doći i ući tiho u naš san,nikada odsanjan ❤️
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shekyspeare · 7 months
Prošli ramazan mi je obilježila dova, dova za nju. Dok usta su se od žeđi sušila i srce se Njegovoj nagradi nadalo, tiho sam šaputao u dovi ime njeno. U dlanove sasuo bih sve što joj reći ne mogah. Ona je bila tajna koju je znao samo Onaj Koji mi je u život poslao. I prođe Ramazan, srca su se imanom napunila, a oni sretni Njemu su bliži postali. I svi smo hairli Bajram dočekali. Obukoh bijelu košulju, a blagi smiješak obasja mi lice na samu pomisao da bi nekada ona mogla da mi je ispegla, da ruke miskom namirisane kroz bradu mi provuče, da onaj jedan nemirni čuperak u red dovede prije nego što na namaz krenem. Prošao je i Bajram, a ja sam joj se idalje istim žarom nadao i neumorno je u dovi spominjao. Sve do jednom. Sve do dana kad je moja dova dobila svoje Budi i postala je. Došla je, na najljepši mogući način postala mi je bliska. Kao najljepša ruža procvala je u bašti moje duše. One ruke koje prema nebu pružao sam, tražeći je od Njega, sada drže njene. I došao je Ramazan, najljepši u mom životu. A i Bajram smo zajedno dočekali, ja mirisne brade, a ona u najljepšem nikabu za mene skrivena. Čekao sam je dugo, ali svaka sekunda sabura isplatila se. Postala je saputnik moje duše, duše koja za Vječnost stvorena je. A ja i želim u Vječnosti da je volim.
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tamarica11 · 3 months
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Moja Ruža 🤎🖇️🧸
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mrasicc · 10 months
Mila moja,
neko vidi kraj,
a neko puno polje ruža.
Biraj nekog sa sjajem u očima,
nekog ko ima pogled na svet.
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aamll · 4 months
moja joj ruka pruža
buket bijelih ruža
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cigarete-i-poezija · 2 years
Mnogo volim teške razgovore,
Ne znam zašto ih ljudi izbjegavaju,
Zar ne vide ljepotu,
U teškim riječima koje su tokom tog razgovora izgovorene?,
Zar ne vide snagu što raste,
Kada se duše isprepletu?,
Lako je reći volim te,
Ali teško je progutati knedlu,
Što se u grlu krije,
Kada pričaš o problemu s osobom koju voliš.
Navedite mi primjer,
Lake ljubavi,
Gdje je sve išlo kako treba,
Nekad buket cvijeća ne predstavlja ljubav,
A cvijeće nekad mora uvenuti,
Zato dozvoli da isprepletem korjene,
Duboko u srž tvoje duše,
I da sa svakim razgovorom,
Što nam teško pada,
Rastemo od suza,
Što ih zajedno u toj noći proljevamo.
Noć po noć,
Dan po dan,
Cvijeće će rasti,
Ja ću biti korjen,
A ti moja kap vode,
I sunce što sija.
Ja ću biti mjesec,
I noću ću te čuvati,
Dok mirno spavaš.
Postat ću ljetni,
Što tvoje latice miluje,
I pčelama ću stvarati puteve,
Poljubce moje neka ti one šalju.
Riječ po riječ,
Suza na suzu,
Stvori se rijeka,
Što našim duševnim livadama teče,
Ne boj se,
Prepusti se i plutaj tom rijekom,
Neka te ona do mene dovede,
Ja ću biti povijena vrba,
Što ti hlad pruža,
Pogledaj oko sebe,
Tu sam,
Ta rijeka,
Sunce i mjesec,
Ta vrba,
I crvena ruža,
Sve sam to ja,
To su moji korijeni,
Duboko u srž duše su pušteni,
Prepusti se,
I osluškuj,
Mir i spokoj,
Tamo negdje u daljini,
Čuju se ptice,
Čuješ li,
Pjevaju našu pjesmu,
Pjevaju je tebi,
Pjevaju o tome,
Koliko te volim i cijenim....
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trazeci-spokoj · 8 months
Zarez je primoran da bude tačka?
Pročitah nedavno jednu izjavu koja kaže da se možda možemo promijeniti bez da nestanemo, da sačekamo oluju i prođemo kroz nju. Nakon oluje, možemo shvatiti da smo još uvijek živi. Iskreno, razmišljam o tome. Da li je to hrabrost? Ostati i suočiti se sa onim što nam dolazi? Ali možda ne želim da budem hrabar. Možda ponekad poželim da budem efemeran kako bih bar na momenat bio bliži onima koji su tu duhom sa nama. A datumi prolaze i dolaze. S datumima dolaze i snovi, dolaze mirisi koji me podsjećaju na tebe. I tako, datumi prođu, ali mirisi ostanu u meni. Sa datumima me i uspomene nakratko napuste, kao da i one znaju da su teške, da zbog njih nisam u stanju da dišem. Pa me napuste, hvala im. Pogledam mamu, i tad shvatih da nisu oči ogledalo duše. Suze su. Takođe spoznah još nešto. Ponekad, kada nam ponude nježnost, to nam se čini kao dokaz da smo uništeni.
Moram da priznam, vrijeme je stalo te godine. Kao da sam ostao u tom momentu, u toj sekundi, i još uvijek čekam da sat otkuca sljedeću sekundu. Ali ništa. Mislim na posljednji dan kada sam te vidio, kao da je tada sve izgubilo boju. Ptice koje su dolazile na onaj orah ispred kuće, one tvoje ruže o kojima se i danas brinem, čempresi koji su se uzdizali kao divovi. Svijet je postao siv. Nikome to nisam mogao reći. Ne znam pokazati emocije… ili ne želim, ne znam. Poželio sam da dišem. Nisam dugo. Možda ne želim da pustim ovu bol jer bi to značilo da puštam tebe, da se opraštam sa ljudskim dijelom mene koji si uzgajala i oblikovala. Kaže Egziperi, 'Vrijeme koje si utrošio na svoju ružu, učinilo ju je toliko značajnom.' Ja sam ta ruža, bakice. U toj boli koju osjetim kada da se prisjetim tebe, pronađem i snagu za novi korak. Iako se još uvijek nadam da će sat otkucati sljedeću sekundu.
Kažu mi neki da ne postoji drugi svijet, da se nećemo ponovo sresti. Pitam sebe, kako mogu? Aplaudiram im na toj hrabrosti. Ja ne mogu. Nazovi to kukavičlukom, ali pomisao da ćemo se opet nekada vidjeti… I to je smisao za nekoga. Želim da budem bolja osoba, želim da me pogledaš i da pomisliš kako utrošeno vrijeme na tvoju ružu nije uzaludno. Možda će ona sekunda otkucati kada se ponovo sretnemo, tamo negdje. Možda samo nastavimo tamo gdje smo stali. Ti me pitaš da li želim doručak dok ti prepričavam reprizni sadržaj indijske serije. Najdivnija jutra propraćena mirisom čaja ubranog iz tvog vrta uz tvoj ispečeni, hrskavi hljeb za koji smo govorili da je lijep kao 'duša', dok nas cvrkut ptica podsjeća gdje je dom. Ponestaje mi riječi. Ne znam kako, jer sam o tebi uvijek mogao pisati. Kao i uvijek, suzdržavam se da ne pokažem bol pred mamom. Ali osjeti. Valjda na to misle kada kažu da ljudi dijele bol. Ipak, to je nešto što ne mogu da podnesem. To je moja granica. U mračnoj prostoriji se teško suočiti sa sobom. Iz tog razloga, želim ti laku noć, bakice najumiljatija. Za kraj, želim da postavim pitanje. Nije li to najtužnija stvar na svijetu, mama? Zarez je primoran da bude tačka?
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izvandomasaja · 1 year
Lijepe ste, ali ste prazne, reče im on još. Čovjek ne može da umre za vas. Naravno, običan prolaznik povjerovao bi da moja ruža liči na vas. Ali ona sama značajnija je od svih vas zajedno zato što sam je zavolio. Zato što sam nju stavljao pod stakleno zvono. Zato što sam njoj napravio zaklon. Zato što sam zbog nje poubijao gusjenice (osim one dvije-tri radi leptirova). Zato što sam nju slušao kako se žali, hvališe ili kako ponekad ćuti. Zato što je to moja ruža.
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kaktus-26 · 2 months
Max, gledam te u oči, jedino što vidim je ogromna tuga i sebe u tvojim očima.
Sebe kakvu želim da upamtim.
Voljenu i u očima najboljeg čoveka.
Max, oprosti za sve, ubila sam te!
Zašto si još tu?
Zašto si se ikada potrudio da me oživljavaš!?
Ubila sam te, Max, odustani!
Voleo si život kakav sam ti pružala, sad živiš smrt?
Zašto me voliš, Max, ubija me što me voli čovek koga sam ubila!?
- Kejt, samo kad ovoliko zavoliš, tad oprostiš što su te ubili.
Otišla si, nadam se da nikad nećeš zaboraviti grob u kom si me zakopala.
Poseti ga nekad, raspusti kosu, ne donosi cveće, ti si bila moja ruža, mirisna.
Poseti me i pričaj šta si sve volela kad sam ti govorio i kako sam te voleo.
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peonierose · 25 days
Hey there! In an attempt to spread some Writer Positivity, I'd like you to share five (or more, if you'd like to!) memorable quotes by your characters, across your fics!
They can be fun, silly, romantic, anything that exemplifies your writing! Thanks for sharing <3
Hii Mads 💚
OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS QUESTION SO SO MUCH 😻 (and sorry for answering so late life’s been super busy lately 😅)
Bryce Lahela from Cake by the Ocean
”Nice fruit loop on your face. Newest fashion trend?“ he teases.
Bryce Lahela from ”How were we ever strangers.“
“I said yes people. That’s right. Luna is finally making an honest man out of me,“ he continues to say it over and over again doing a victory dance.
Ethan Ramsey from I do 
”From where I‘m standing you were just trying to ruin a wonderful day. What’s even worse you were insulting not just me, which I can live with, since I don’t care about your opinion of me. But you insulted my wife and our dear friend. Something I won’t tolerate. So if you don’t want to be here then kindly fuck off,“ he says and his words warm my heart.
Skyler Auclair from A Pinch of Pink and Blue…This one’s for you
”Are you sure you put more than one slice in there aunt G? Cause I think poor Bryce might starve. Since Lunes here will probably eat at least one slice of apple pie on the way home,“ Sky shakes his head at me and winks.
Maxine Moore from Cinnamon Sugar
”Oh my god. So my dad taught chemistry at a middle school right here in Honolulu. So this one time we wanted to try out this experiment what would happen to ketchup if we put baking soda in it,“ I say and take a sip from my coffee.
Bryce Lahela from Always & Forever
“Baby, don’t apologize, there’s no need, and if you need a hug or anything, you can always tell me. You know that,“ he catches a tear with his thumb, while I didn’t even realize that I was crying.
Luna Auclair from Paint Wars
”You are. Saying how you’re exhausted. All you did was sit on that couch and look pretty,“ I wipe tears from my eyes.
Bryce Lahela from Summer‘s Kiss
”It was our bodies who created the magic, the bed was just a side piece.“
Nik from my Nigthbound AU vs. Hänsel & Gretel - Chapter 2 - Strange Encounters
“Pie-boy is getting roasted. I knew something was missing,“ Nik says grinning.
Trystan Thorne from Moja Ruža
”I love it when you boss me around.“ I gave her a kiss on her cheek.
Thank you so much for thinking of me and sending this ask my way 🩷🩷🩷🩷 Hope you have a wonderful day ahead 🩷🥰🌸😍
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xkatarzax · 2 months
A ja imam tebe, ružo moja,
tebe jednu, sto nespokoja.
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gtaradi · 7 months
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shekyspeare · 7 months
Znaš... Čekat ću te koliko god treba. Saburom ću obojati dane samoće, tražeći te dovom. Tako se, kažu, najiskrenije voli. To je, kažem ti, apsolutna istina. Zamisli srce traži za drugo srce od Gospodara Koji sve stvori, pa i ljubav. Nedostaješ, ali kad te Njemu spomenem, bliska mi postaneš za jedan korak do ostvarenja. Srce ti se nada, da mu u najdublje sehare ostaviš bukete ruža. Da procvjetaju njegove livade najljepšim bojama. Bojama aška. Do tada, daleka moja, čekat ću, jer sve što je vrijedno nije lahko dostižno. Pa tako ni ti, dušo duše moje.
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hspolianocka · 2 years
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