#Metai Da Metalder
utterly incredibly in love with this scene attempting to portray a stray dog viciously hunting down another
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god. they’re so
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i’m so fucking used to toku and especially showa rider having to like really hide its themes behind generalised platitudes and kinda compromise them but metalder just comes swinging out the gates with hey kids! war and the dwindling economy is all a sham by those in power to line their own pockets and never even consider helping the weak and poor. have a nice sunday!
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Choujinki Metalder is a very good show.
It’s outstanding for the time in just how much it gets right; using a vague notion of a Kikaider reboot as a springboard, what you end up with is a show that’s not afraid to deviate wildly from that when it needs to while still keeping to the core Sad Robot storytelling that made that original so great. While Ryuseii wasn’t going through leaps of character development every episode and he’s often played with the same gait as most other Toku protagonists of his time, there is a charm to how he begins to interact with the world around him and slowly influences the lives of everyone he touches. Like Kikaider it’s really good, classic robot-that-reminds-us-of-our-humanity stuff.
What I found myself interested in the show above all though was undoubtedly the villains. Pulling as few punches with its war merchant premise as it can given the target audience to begin with, all the darker elements give way to a set-up of competition within the villainous ranks to drive all sorts of character drama and desperate rivalries. There’s such a great variety of stories told between characters like Bigwayne, BenK, Rhapsody and Hedogross and you often find yourself rooting for them more than the heroes. The very idea of having almost all the MOTW suits in the show from the first episode and around each other every episode to bicker and compete is alone an amazing, memorable visual to the show and then they go forward and use it so well!
It’s... it’s a show that really rewards for watching every episode. It’s not one where you’re looking for a specific core plot as much as you’re wanting to see more of these characters and drama. Metalder presents a damn good concept and it demands to make good on it every episode!
It’s a show about all sorts of people lost in the tangled web of a man whose pursuit of money and power ruins the world in the worst way possible; and how those different people navigate it. Some are looking to find their way in the world for the first time; some just need to be shown the beauty of nature; some envelop themselves gleefully in that violence altogether; some just want to live the life that was taken from them; some make what small peace they can; some compromise and fight for scraps. 
Metalder is a fantastic show, and one I could wholeheartedly recommend to anyone interested in a bit of old Tokusatsu and seeing some of the best it has to offer. I can absolutely guarantee you’ll find at least one or two stories that’ll resonate with you, and I’m glad I gave it a chance
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who invited the fucking kamen rider narrator. get out of here man
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What the fuck!!
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^ feminist
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oh buddy
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