sliceoflife90 · 6 months
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Introduction: Prehistory is a period that spans the long timeframe from the appearance of humans on Earth, approximately 4.5 million years ago, to the revolutionary invention of writing around 5000 years ago. This moment marks the transition from prehistory to documented history.
Content: The first artifacts created by humanity date back to just under 2 million years ago, marking the beginning of the Stone Age, one of the main phases of Prehistory. This extended era can be divided into several distinct phases:
Paleolithic (1,800,000 – 10,000 B.C.): During this period, our hunter-gatherer ancestors developed essential survival skills, such as crafting tools from stone, wood, and bone. Their rock art and nomadic lifestyle characterize this phase.
Mesolithic (8,000 – 6,000 B.C.): This phase marked a step towards sedentism and the transition to more advanced agricultural and harvesting societies. Humans began refining their skills in stone processing and hunting, while fishing became an important food source.
Neolithic (6,000 – 4,000 B.C.): During this phase, agriculture and animal domestication became fundamental practices, leading to stable communities and settlement in villages. The production of pottery and the use of metal tools began to emerge, contributing to increasing social complexity.
Metal Ages (4,000 – 500 B.C.): This phase marks the transition from prehistory to recorded history, as human communities began using metals such as copper, bronze, and finally iron for the manufacturing of weapons, tools, and ornaments. This period is characterized by significant technological developments and the growth of early civilizations.
Conclusion: Prehistory is a fascinating chapter in human history, where the evolution of human skills, adaptation to the environment, and the formation of early cultures offer us a window into our ancient past before the era of writing.
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fadwaessa-blog · 5 years
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ألفا...صراع من أجل البقاء وقصة عرفان ووفاء... حكاية صبي خرج مع والده في أول رحلة له ليتعلم فنون الصيد، وانفصل عن المجموعة ليعيش تجربة فريدة من نوعها اختبر فيها تضاريس الطبيعة واختلاف الفصول. وأهدته رفقة ذئب سرعان ما توطدت علاقتهما ليضربا مثلاً في الوفاء والتضحية. الفلم اعتمد بشكل كبير على المؤثرات الصوتية والحركية لينقل المشاهد إلى قبيل نهاية العصر الحجري، وكأنك تتابع فلم وثائقي لناشونال جيوغرافيك. مدته ساعة ونصف وبإمكان الأطفال مشاهدته. متابعة ممتعة. . . #العصر_الميزوليتي #العصر_الحجري #أفلام #افلام_اجنبية #ذئب #وفاء #صداقة #صراع_من_أجل_البقاء #حياة #إصرار #عزيمة #alphamovie #mesolithicage #mesolithic #hollywood #movies https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBGGOqHGBz/?igshid=17ld3p6xsopll
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