#Maybe Tumblr won't ruin them in upload?
a-flappy-bat · 5 months
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Remedy did a terrible thing hiding this in a dark, grainy, low-res corner, as if we wouldn't notice. In case anyone else wants a bunch of 4k/'I can't possibly enhance visibility of this video anymore' caps...
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topconfessions · 3 years
TOPs ex fling said he has a very small🍌 and is either bad at kissing or in bed
Yeah we know what bug eye 10 faces Han Seo Hee said. They were fuck buddies who smoked, drink and fucked occasionally.
I'm going to be blunt and defend Top 100% for once:
This is the most tired ass, weak, quick attention grabbing and intellectually stunted thing a woman can say about a man period. Unless you are virgin with absolutely no sexual experience or exposure to sexual content & themes to know, you all know DAMN well that this is the standard go to line all females use to belittle men and jab them really quick where it hurts cause that's what a man's main pride and esteem sexually is built on. Period. While sometimes most women are right and arent lying about this other times they are shouting through their teeth to knock the guy down a peg.
If T.O.P dick is trash and he sucks in bed what the fuck does that say about her? We can't control what we get ourselves into I.e if we pick someone who is good or trash cause we won't know until the pants come off and we get into the act but seriously, she laid down or bent over for him. She didn't have to. She could have stopped half way. She could have did it once and one time only. She could have even told him this and aided him if she cared which she has conveyed time and time again top was just a celebrity she was using. Her saying he has a small dick is like an opinion. Unless top gets bold one day and uploads his dick by mistake on story or regular post or it gets leaked somehow, we only have her word to go off of.
If I'm hearing from this messy delinquent of all people that he got trash dick, I want to wait until someone else can confirm who isn't on bad terms with him. Or someone else with some experience that is more intimate without transactional arrangements and intentions. Dick shaming to some degree has a lot of layers to it that weak women use cause it's a universally instant acceptable jab at a man many people believe right away without the man consent or taking his feeling into consideration.
I want to hear what a female who has ended on fairly okay or good terms (or just not bitter) with him has to say about his bedroom skills and dick. I can't and will not take what 1 female let alone a younger female who gives off the clear impression that she is consistently sexually active with others in the industry word for it. Also how do we not know that she is lying? I've seen TOP dick print more than I've seen the others.
I actually uploaded it in a post here but tumblr flagged it and removed it somehow. So I'll have to back and get the photos and post them tomorrow here but post the links to each photo for you all to see manually. Also when it comes to dick....
We do not know if T.O.P is a grower or a show-er?
Also I hate to say this as a woman myself but if he got a wack dick and sucks maybe she got a loose pussy or is used to taking a certain size from older men or certain men the average income girl who isnt rich doesn't fuck. Let's call a spade a spade here. There are some women who need a big dick and she may be one of them. What is too small for her may be just right for someone else or top dick could be too big if he were fucking a virgin. Simple. I'm also inclined to believe that they had sex under the influence so I will also give what she said a hard pass.
Also whatever they went through with the case is about the case only. She is beyond wrong and gross of a human being to hit below the belt by making this unjustified with sinking to personal business and trying to defame him by chipping at this appeal to young women as a boybander. That's personal. That's hateful. That's sexist. That's sexually abusive. You all know if T.O.P randomly came out and sex shamed her out of the blue unwarranted for no reason on insta story saying she had loose pussy or gave weak head / was vanilla in bed his career would be ruined more than it was with the weed thing.
So why has it been okay for her to say that? Sure TOP was petty for calling her a gold digger and throwing it back on her but shit if I in his position I would do the same to some degree. She threw the first petty punch and he got even.
Also sucking in bed is SUBJECTIVE. That's bullshit she trying to peddle to sexually inexperienced people or people who don't know how to venture out sexually or care to. What is ideal of good sex? I hate to use foul language but does she like being choked while fucked? Anal? From the back? Bent up in certain positons? Top putting her legs over his shoulders or against the wall? (Don't ask how I know that he would do this but I know...) Like unless sis has the heart and balls to spill in depth tea and tell us if they did missionary or something else, I can't run off her stale ass words about top skills
Also she needs to respect men. I'm not on the men aint shit wave that many girls love to be on for clout and inclusion. Some men like some women give their all sexually and are better sexually compatible with people they have feeling for. He may not have been screwing her like his life depended on it cause maybe if we getting raw here from a male perspective, maybe TOP just wanted some quick fucks or basic fucks just to get it in? You get what I'm saying?
If sex is trash then its trash. But she needs to say she had a bad experience with him and that is all. Not label his sexual skills as shitty all around. He could get with someone uglier than her and have bomb sex. Also sex skills again are subjective and not 1 size fits all cause not everyone fucks the same way. Some want to make love with of kissing and foreplay. Some want to get down to the business and ram you until they nut / cum. Some want a lot of dirty talk and some want silence. Some like it fast some like it slow.
It's 2021 and if we all on this LGBTQ / me too enlightenment then we have to excerise discernment and caution with stuff like this. We didn't need to know that they had sex. That was an attention grab and shade at him all in 1 blow. It was already there and assumed they slept together under the circumstances of the entire case. Only the youth and biased would believe this.
If TOP dick was wack she was desperate to take it other wise she would have slept with him before the weed in a hurry and never let him see her again. And she didn't tell us anything we didnt know about him being a weird person that's rhetorical as we see it and he told us all throughout his career
Top deserved better in this instance.
I won't stand for it. That had nothing to do with the marijuana case. His dick being shit doesn't change the fact they both had to go to court. You can't trust her word. And sis
Top gives me big dick energy (or at least decent dick) in many ways. I'll leave it at that.
Let's respect men for once and not buy into what a groupie fan says. Yes she was a groupie by 60s &70s definition people like her were considered groupies. Nothing more nothing less.
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