#Masaru Hasashi
So Varian and all of her kids have night vision
Imagine being Hanzo, a guy who doesn't have that
Like he'll go in the kitchen at like 1 am for water and all he sees is wife or kids like this in the dark
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Sweetpea 🌷
Mom have you seen Akira?
No why?
Ryo's looking for him and she's PISSED
Why is she pissed???
Apparently he took something from her and she's convinced he's using it
What did he take though?
She's not fessing. I think I know what it is, so I doubt he's using it. He's hiding it
....You don't think its..it's...
Yep, I do. Given how hard she blushes when I ask what it is that he took
Tell her I'll find him and get it back
Will do
Ryo said thanks, and to kill him when you find him
Tell her I'm not killing my son over a condom
She says 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Hey at least it was Akira who found it!
Oh Elder Gods can you imagine papa finding it asfhjkl
He'd send Taro to the Netherrealm-
Multiple times-
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Masaru: Normally I'm a healer but *violently murders every enemy on sight*
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It's also the fire trio's 21st birthday today but they'll actually be able to celebrate askdfgskkl
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Masaru: Bold words from a man that used to look like a fucking egg
Kano: You're walking on thin ice, Hanzo junior
Masaru: OK Rattata Reject
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My favorite artist @stillfuckinbetterthanyou once again did an EXCELLENT job! Seriously, if you want a commission done, GO TO THEM! So, fun fact that I haven't shared yet: The Hasashi family often go on picnics when it's nice outside. Their favorite time to go on these picnics are during the Cherry Blossom season! Which is CONVENIENTLY happening right now! LOOK AT THESE CUTIES! LOOK AT THEM! THIS FAMILY IS SO FREAKING WHOLESOME! From left to right: Hanzo, Varian, Mina, Masaru, Ryoko, Akira! ENJOY THESE CUTIES BECAUSE I SURE AM!
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Hanzo: *steps into the kitchen in the middle of the night*
*lights turn on, revealing Masaru and Akira stuffing their faces*
Masaru: He can't catch us both
*the two sprint off in different directions*
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Mina Hasashi facts because she's too young to make a full outline for 👶
@tobigiveskissys here she is 👀👀👀
*Her birthday is July 26th, 2014
*She has half red half black hair, star shaped pupils, fuchsia eyes, dark skin (like her father), long hair that goes to her hips and it curls at the bottom, loads of freckles, and two cheek dimples
*Just gained her "hellfire", it's very unstable and she accidentally burns a lot of things
*Her entire family dotes on her and all of them are overprotective of her
*Big adventurer. Loves the outdoors and likes to pretend that she's a wilderness explorer. Also loves bringing home bugs, much to Ryoko's dismay
*She was conceived when Varian and Hanzo reunited after 12 long years. AKA she was not planned in the slightest but welcomed nonetheless
*Being only 7 1/2, she still has childlike naivety, she understands (due to her parents) that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but still doesn't grasp just how dangerous it can really get
*Mina loves having "spa days" with Akira. They do each other's nails, makeup, dip their feet in hot water, etc
*Mina bonds with Ryoko via video games and books. Ryoko shows Mina her favorite childhood games and reads with her before bed every night
*Masaru is currently teaching her how to sew, she now knows how to mend a button
*Loves dancing and singing with her mama, gets a lot of that extra energy out
*She also loves it when papa let's her do makeup on him and playing dolls with him
*Mina is actually a pretty fast learner as long as it's hands on learning
*Knows about her deceased older brothers (sanitized versions obviously)
*If she gives you a rock, that means you're important to her
*Tends to hide in very weird places to sleep. Always gives her family a heart attack when they can't find her
*Girl is octopus crazy. She'll talk about them all day if you let her
*Likes to steal papa's rope spear when he's not looking. Gets into massive trouble as a result ("I was just looking papa! I swear")
*Doesn't like getting in trouble, but it happens anyway because of how curious she is
*Likes visiting the Lin Kuei temple because she doesn't get to see that much snow in one place, causing her to get excited and plet her siblings with snowballs
*Likes doing simple gymnastics, it's fun for her
*Spoiled by Johnny, her parents hate it ("stop spoiling her!" "I'm not!" *sneaks her a cookie for just existing*)
*Feeds all the animals that come by the Shirai Ryu temple, causing an influx of them to stay
*Has enough plushies to fill a toy store (thanks to Johnny)
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Varian: All right everyone! Family meeting!
Hanzo: Please tell me that you're not dragging our kids into this dumb argument-
Varian: You need to know that you're WRONG-
Hanzo, slamming his hands onto the table: YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S WRONG-
Masaru: What on earth is this about!?
Varian, showing a picture of a step ladder: What is this!?
Akira: Clearly a step ladder
Ryoko: Uh, no, that's just a ladder
Hanzo: Thank you Ryo
Varian: I don't know why you're thanking someone that's WRONG-
Ryoko: It's literally just a stupid ladder-
Hanzo: Masaru tell us what you think
Varian: Two of my children just ruthlessly betrayed me
Akira: I'm here for you mom
Ryoko: Well that settles it
Hanzo: Three to two, you lose Varian
Takeda: Ladder. I'm sorry Varian but that's clearly a ladder
Varian: MINA-
Mina: Ladder mama
Takeda: Ooo that has to sting
Varian: Akira, they've all turned on us
Akira: We're no longer safe here
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@stillfuckinbetterthanyou did another commission for me and I am once again IN LOVE WITH IT! I can't stress enough how much I recommend them for commissions. They are seriously one of the sweetest people I've met on this site! They are so great to work with! This time, I requested my Fire Trio, aka Hanzo and Varian's triplets! LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE AAAAAAAA! From left to right: Masaru, Ryoko, Akira. 🪡🍓🎶
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OK SO I AM GENUINELY CURIOUS: What do you imagine my characters to sound like? Like, their voices and what not?
I'll tell you what I imagine yours to sound like if you want me too!
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In honor of valentines day, all of my mutuals get to kiss my ocs how ever many times they want
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Varian: *pushing a baby fire trio in a stroller*
Stranger: Are those triplets?
Varian: Nah, there was a buy one get two free at the market last week
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Hanzo: We call that a traumatic event!
*turns to Ryoko*
Hanzo: Not a "Oof lmao"!
*turns to Akira*
Hanzo: Not a "Major L"!
*turns to Masaru*
Hanzo: And definitely not a "Bruh" moment!
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Which triplet would your oc smooch (romantically)?
(It's for uh, science. Yes, let's go with that. They're 20 1/2 btw)
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Varian and all of her kids have pink blood
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