#Maruki Does get his persona on christmas eve and Akechi comes back shortly after all that weird shits done
ajdrawshq · 1 year
waitttttt a fucking second. how did Maruki know about Akechi and Akira.
the other thieves wishes n stuff comes from what they talk about during their counseling sessions and the general publics wishes are because of Maruki looking into Mementos. but at no point does Akira so much as mention Akechi to Maruki, Akechi and Maruki are never on screen at the same time before the third semester, n Akechi doesnt even Know the guy before then either. the thieves are the only ones who know about Akechi dying in the first place, and who knows how much even they know abt what went on between him and Akira, and Maruki has already left the school before we get CLOSE to that point..
that weird dream Akira has during the transition into the third semester was likely Marukis doing and couldve been written off as the point where Maruki like. tampered with his mind or something n saw All of That - but thats AFTER Akechi shows up out of nowhere!!!! what the hell!!!!!!
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