#Marcus theatre pretzel popper
foodiowa-blog · 11 years
Make your movie enjoyable with jalapeno pretzel popper!
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<picture from Marcus Theatre>
For today's post I will be recommending you about this snack you guys might try as you watch movie at the theater!
오늘 포스트는 제가 여러분들이 영화를 보시면서 드실만한 스낵을 추천해 드리려고 합니다! 
Yesterday, I went to Marcus Theatre and freshly shocked by something called....... Pretzel Poppers!!!! I really cannot forget the taste and the cheese that was inside the pretzel!!!
어제 제가 마커스 영화관에서 영화를보다가 정말 신선한 충격에 빠지게 한게 있는데요.. 그건 바로 프렛젤 파퍼였습니다!!!! 정말 이 맛은.. 잊을수가 없네요. 
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Here's a picture that I'e got from Marcus Theatre because of the fact that my picture that I have taken from theater was not looking good because of the light that I have used which looks...
이 사진은 제가 마커스 영화관 사이트에서 가져온 사진인데요! 제가 찍은 사진이 후레쉬를 터트려서 제대로 안나오는바람에... 
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like this.... as you can see I was in the theater without any lights and there was no way I could take the picture clearly..
보시면 아시겠지만 제가 상영관안에 있어서 제대로된 사진이 안나왔어요 ㅠㅠ 
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This is when I took a bite of pretzel popper, as you can see there's a cheese and chopped jalapenos inside. When you take a bite, the cheese inside pops into your mouth instantly..  This cheese is sooooooo SOFT, and I have to say that this cheese melts into your mouth as it comes in!
이건 제가 한입 베어 물은 건데요 저 프렛젤안에 치즈와 잘게 썰린 할레피뇨가 들어있답니다!!! 정말 한입베어 물으면 치즈가 쏙.. 하고 나와요 정말 치즈가 부드럽고 입에 살살 녹는다는 표현을 이때쓴다는걸 알았어요 ㅠㅠ
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Here's closer look of the popper! Doesn't this look delicious? It's not been a while since I have tasted the poppers but my mouth is still watery as soon as I saw this picture..
조금더 근접한 사진을 준비해 보았어요! 정말 맛나보이지 않으세요? 먹은지 얼마 안됬는데도 입에 침이 고이네요..
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There's only about 10 poppers inside the container :(... which costed me 4dollars.. If someone like me who eats huge quantity of foods per meal, you will be expected to eat more than 2 or three poppers in order to fill up your stomach. I seriously do not recommend you guys eating this as a meal..
이건 프렛젤 파퍼 통 안에 든 사진입니당! 아쉽게도 안에 든 파퍼는 10 개정도 밖에 안됬어요 ㅠㅠ 저같이 양이 많으신 분들은 절대로 식사를 대신해서 드시면 안되세요.. 배가 안차실거에요..
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<picture from schwan.com>
Here's a more clear look of pretzel popper taken from other website! I just wanted to show you guys and attack your mouth to be watery.. it would not have made you starve with my pictures but here do you see the cheese melting down as you take a bite? 
이건 좀 더 선명한 사진의 프렛젤 파퍼에요 ㅠㅠ 제 사진이 여러분들의 침샘어택을 제대로 하지못할것만 같아 다른 프렛젤 파퍼를 퍼왔네요... 더 자세하게 보여드리고싶었어요 .. 저 치즈좀 보세요 녹아내리는게 보이시죠? 진짜 딱! 저 느낌이에요.. 한입 베어물으면 저런느낌!!!
As you watch the movie with pretzel poppers, I'm thinking that not only it makes the flavor and taste of the poppers strong but also you might enjoy the movie more by making your mouth full of spiciness and softness!
재미있는 영화를 보며 프렛젤 파퍼 한입 먹어보시면 맛과함께 재미도 더해질꺼같네용!
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