aoikonpeito · 5 years
@mamachansenpai @toneofdarkness
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“Where’s my pudding?”
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toneofdarkness · 6 years
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|| @mamachansenpai
The Wish Granter AU.
(( Whose wish got granted here, I wonder?
(( A fun fact: I tried to use a reference for a different, but similar pose here, but Mama just wouldn’t cooperate with me, until I threw away the ref and decided to do a more original pose. Thus, this happened. Drawing the hands killed me. And Rei’s supposed to be floating, hence the weird-looking angle??
(( Mama looks so large though??
(( Rei’s stupid tight pants I haaaaatelove it [*cries*].
Pencil sketch
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meteor-red · 6 years
mamachansenpai replied to your post: [ �� • sms ] —— my hands. my hips. my lips. your...
>Mark me up then >Make me stay >Claim me as yours and I’ll always return
> eeh-- don’t you model mikejima-san?  > maybe if I left you something a little less visible  > would you mind something below your waist? 
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tarucchi-blog1 · 6 years
Meme: Send a symbol to… || Accepting
☎ - … call my muse in the middle of the night.
“Fucking campers!” Itaru shouted, controller angrily tossed to a side as the ‘You’re Dead’ screen appeared right in front of him. Grunting under his breath, Itaru raised a hand to his hair to ruffle it. Ahhh, he was taking a break from this. Maybe eat some pizza.
He reached for his phone -resting from the online raid didn’t meant resting from gacha games- and dragged his feet through the carpet of the living room on his way to the kitchen. He tapped with one hand, balancing the box with the frozen pizza in his other hand and taking it over to the microwave.
Ah, wasn’t this character voiced by Madara? a fond smile curling his lips -not a expression he adopted unless he was wearing his charming-prince persona.
Just then, a ring came from his phone, startling him quite a bit. Who in hell was calling at such a late hour? Don’t they know people sleep at this hour? Or, in his case, play night-long raids
Checking the ID made Itaru’s justified anger turn into curiosity as to the reason behind that. Closing the game with a little flick and putting the pizza in the microwave, he finally accepted the call.
“This is quite the late hour to call adventurer. In what can this prince assist you?” he said in a playful tone, resting his weight on the counter behind him. Madara’s voice was really characteristic -it could go to some high and almost obnoxious tone, but it had that cheer that made you want to smile. And it was really pretty -his songs were proof of that.
However, it was only when they were in the phone -or in a call for a game- that he could focus solely in his voice without getting distracted by Madara’s strong presence.
“Eh? At this hour?” Itaru’s voice showed how displeased he felt. Of course, if Madara was so excited about it the ‘thing he wanted to show him’ must be really neat but... he kinda was in his sleep clothes already “For real?”
Itaru sighed.
“Ehh? What do you mean you’re gonna come get me?” he had barely said those words when he heard his door opening. It almost felt as if Madara had immediately transported to this location in order to fetch him...
“Ah... fine. I was taking a break from my game anyway... but at least let me eat some pizza, i just heated it up” Madara merely smiled, apparently all to excited to leave for this new ‘adventure’.
And when he smiled like that, Itaru couldn’t help but feel excited as well.
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"3, 2, 1..." {for itaru to mama}
SEND “3, 2, 1…” FOR A NEW YEAR’S KISS FROM MY MUSE @tarucchi & @mamachansenpai
If the start of the year was any indication as to how the rest of it would go -a little prologue episode- then this year was rather promising. The start alone was proving to be excellent from the very point in which he was able to avoid one of those horrible company parties.
It would have been an absolute God Tier if he had been able to spend the whole night doing nothing but grinding for items while lazing in his pajamas, but going to the little festival downtown (if you could call the few stands of food around the park and the announcement of fireworks a festival) wasn’t all that horrible.
Now, one could argue that it was BECAUSE of Madara that Itaru had been dragged out of the comfort of his base (house) and into enemy territory (the streets), but Itaru wasn’t all that mad about it. Mostly because Madara’s excited smile had the permanent effect of making it impossible to be angry with him. Quite the powerful hit, if you asked him.
And to be fair, it was good enough for him: not having to wear a suit and playing mobage whenever Madara got himself distracted with something -which was more often than not. In fact, they had to hold hands to avoid getting separated by the crowd.
Now, Itaru wasn’t the fondest of skin-ship, but when it came to Madara he was oddly ok with it. One of those ‘exception to the rule’ cases, probably.
There was just something comforting about holding his hand or walking close to him… something nice about Madara’s smell and warmth; about the way their hands fit naturally into one another.
“Ah, the fireworks are starting” a redundant comment, probably, since the first BOOM in the sky was more than enough to confirm that. “Though i don’t think we’ll manage to get a good spot right now… it’d be a extreme QTE if we could…”
Five more minutes till the end of the year, the live band had mentioned before starting yet another song. It probably would be better to just watch the fireworks from here.
People moving all around Itaru pocketed his phone and moved closer to Madara, ready to shield himself with the broader and stronger body of the idol.
A laugh and Madara seemed to have guessed Itaru’s intention, releasing his hand to pass his arm around itaru’s shoulders, pulling him closer in one swift movement. Pressed against that strong chest, there was a second of recognizing Madara’s smell and then another of realizing he was being hugged in public.
The natural embarrassment to such clear PDA only went down when he realized no one was really looking at them, far too busy with the music, or the fireworks, or their own couples. That and Madara was taking it all with stride. Like it was the most normal of situations -and maybe it was. he didn’t disliked the familiar closeness, and besides the savage beating of his own heart there was nothing to bother him from this situation.
Couples talked about giving each other a New Year’s kiss, something about it making relationships stronger through the year. He had heard about it before -movies and games sometimes mentioning it, even people in parties falling to it in occasion- but had never truly cared about it .
And he would have ignored it this year as well if Madara hadn’t commented on it -a smile as always, warm arms tightening around Itaru’s frame as he did.
He wanted to be closer to Itaru so he’d like a kiss too.
Something like that, probably meant as a joke -or not, he was never sure of what Madara was thinking.
It wasn’t only Madara that wanted for them to become closer, he had to admit. And it wasn’t as if this would be their first kiss together either -not even their second or third as it had somehow became a thing after the Pride festival many months ago…
      “3! 2! 1!”
Not having anymore time to ponder about such matters, Itaru reached up for the collar of Madara’s shirt, pulling him down to his height just in time for the end of the countdown. Eyes closed, he pressed his lips against Madara’s, a rush of heat running through his body as the shouts of New Year surrounded him just to slowly quiet down…
Lips moving slowly against Madara’s, Itaru tilted his head slightly, tasting the slightly salty and buttery taste of the popcorn Madara had ate not so long ago.
Feeling the arms tighten around his waist and those soft lips move to match his own movements, Itaru pressed forward. Fingers sinking in Madara’s brown and messy hair, body pressed closer and tongue curiously looking around…
An electric shock hit him the second he found Madara’s tongue, and he melted down when the younger man pursued into his mouth. A quick play of licks and caresses before they would both pull away, red and breathless…
“Happy New Year…” he stopped, trying to breath properly again “Let’s get along this year as well…”
And then Madara laughed, lifting him in the air as if Itaru wasn’t a grown up man and this was all too easy, twirling him around a couple of times before letting him down in the ground. It was so unexpected and somehow ridiculous he couldn’t help but laugh as well… a hearty laugh, not very common to him.
“Let’s grab some pizza on our way back” he suggested, tangling his fingers with Madara as they started to walk again.
The New Year would probably go just fine.
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dokuhebi-tactician · 7 years
Keep your enemies closer
      People say you ought to have your friends close, and your enemies closer. Ibara never had friends so he didn’t knew how ‘close’ was ‘close’, but he had plenty of enemies to keep closer. So he opted for being obnoxiously close to them. Perfect strategy. Good to let them know you are there and ready to destroy them if necessary.
      So when he found out that Mikejima was in town -which wouldn’t have been hard with all the data he had access to- the logical choice was to go to greet him! And it was all the easier -and more important- considering they were in the same agency! Have to say hi as fellow idols from the same company -just as past enemies from opposite sides of the law.
      Now, now. That doesn’t sounds too good or the idol image, he probably shouldn’t say it out-loud. Dully noted.
      Now if his sources were accurate -an they almost always were- Mikejima should be about to finish his vocal coaching. And he should have a bit of free time after that! Perfect timing for him to just snatch a little conversation.
      So he awaited outside of the practice room ready to ambush talk to him.
      Oh perfect, here he came.
      “Mikejima-sama! What an amazing coincidence! I must be very lucky to run into such an outstanding idol in such a place! Though I guess it’s to be expected when working at the same agency! Oh, you seem to be in PERFECT condition too. Eden can’t quite lay back when such an amazing idol is oh so close~”
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toneofdarkness · 6 years
This next bouquet required a little more time to procure. Madara had to visit a couple different florists before he was able to find the exact flowers he wanted. Stargazer lilies and white heather. A statement of 'I miss you' with a promise of 'wishes come true'. He would deliver them as usual to rest atop Rei's coffin before hurrying off once more. He just had a few more errands to run that morning. After morning classes, Madara was fully set on skipping the afternoon ones and staying with Rei.
|| @mamachansenpai
Preparations for the upcoming events have been hectic; Rei, wanting to forget that tense talk about ‘his’ future he’d had with his parents that night, poured himself into work as much as he could. Aside from [UNDEAD], some of the other units have asked him for assistance, and he couldn’t turn them down, not when payment was also offered as compensation. Of course, it’d be wise to gather as much funding as he could get to leave to his juniors once he’d graduated…
Aside from idol work, there were also other things he’d been doing behind the scenes. It’s tough shielding the others from harm, having to do it covertly to prevent future controversies from affecting the careers of those dear to him, but it’s his duty as unit leader, and elder. He couldn’t allow such young talents to be crushed before they get to bloom beautifully.
Never again.
It would be nice if he could have someone to confide in, even for a brief moment, but alas; everyone was busy in their own way, and Rei felt like he’d just be bothering them on top of their workloads.
No, he couldn’t have that.
That meant that Madara, being a solo unit, would be having twice, or even thrice the workload. That thought concerned Rei to no end, but it was the only explanation he could think of for his boyfriend’s long absences. Sadly, even the pleasant surprise of finding flowers on his coffin had stopped.
Rei had been informed by the florist that the bouquet of carnations and camellias had been delivered, assuring him that Madara had received the flowers. It was good news, but the lack of an immediate response made Rei more and more anxious as hours passed, having to constantly resist the urge to go find Madara, just so he could see him for a second or two.
But, doing that would be time spent on less-productive things, and he’d be left open for the upsetting thoughts to plague his already tired being once again.
He didn’t want to think about it.He wanted to forget about it all.
A few days later, just as Rei had resigned himself that Madara was simply too busy to send him a return bouquet, an exquisitely sweet scent greeted him upon returning to the Light Music clubroom. The colorful sight lying on top of his coffin, a stark contrast against the drab background of the room, instantly prompted Rei to drop the clipboard he was holding, his legs quickly carrying him towards his coffin as sheets of paper spilled all over the floor.
Stargazers! And…heather? What rare blooms…
So, these must be the reason!
Rei heard himself laugh in disbelief at his own doubts as he tenderly stroked the colorful petals of a stargazer lily with his fingertips, before giving it a gentle, adoring kiss.
What an unbelievable lover he has; wasn’t he busy?
Even with that thought, Rei smiled, for the first time in days, enjoying the sweet scent of the flowers that had given him respite from the anxious thoughts within his mind.
If ‘wishes come true’, then he wished he could see his sun again, even if for a short time…
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meteor-red · 6 years
[ 📲 • sms ] —— if i were with you right now, where would you want me to touch you? {@Koga}
> you do what you want anyways, don’t you? > but I guess I like when you touch the back of my neck> it feels nice when you pin me down like that- 
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subserviiient · 6 years
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“Y-You’re not mama!” She’s said it many times, even if Anzu wished she could recognize the man she knew from the childhood stories she had supposedly been a part of- she couldn’t just go along with this claim! She just didn’t understand his affectionate terminology of the word mama, she didn’t mind it so much but he seemed...insistent on it as though he might actually snatch her up from her own mother and adopt her. That was her main problem. “Where did you even come from?!” It was hard to miss such a large man, yes, but she somehow had and it scared her quite considerably when he jumped out with a greeting.
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tarucchi-blog1 · 6 years
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@mamachansenpai || the fact that your url is the first to come up when I use the @  says a lot about this blog I think
Aoi! It’s been exactly ONE YEAR since we met. ONE YEAR. I remember because last Christmas I was so excited about having a Shu. And then you posted something and I almost cry because your writing is absolutely beautiful and I was already emotional. So much I called it a Christmas Miracle.
Even if we don’t always talk, you’re a dear friend of mine. I love all our ships and all our threads and all our plots, and it’s always fun to just talk to you-. Have random chats in twitter at 2am and be all excited about Eden together. Show each other stuff we find about our characters. It’s all really important for me.
I could surely keep going on the many reasons why you are amazing, and the much i love your writing and how much i enjoy rping with you, but it might get too sappy and the dash is already a mess because of me. So just... remember that I love you, you are amazing, and I’m always looking forward to see you around.
Thanks for being such an amazing friend, I hope we continue to be friends for a long time!
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Send me a ☑️ if you like how I portray my character
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museobsession · 7 years
☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑
;; falls ove r
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toneofdarkness · 6 years
mamachansenpai replied to your post: “Werewolves are mcfreaking heavy!” “Pass it on.”
“You vampires are just too skinny is all, don’t go picking on our weight just because of thattttt~”
“This comin’ from someone who just up and squashed me onto the ground with his back!”
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meteor-red · 6 years
“Date?” {I feel like I'm obligated to send MamaChia if only bc I have no idea how you could possibly turn this one into angst lmao}
for date - coward
Who asks for it:
[x ] Your muse asks mine [I don’t think chiaki would verbally ask; but maybe show that he’s interested in trying?] 
[ ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[x ] Platonic Date 
[ ] Romantic Date [oh this would take a bit to work up to :thinking:]
[x ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ ] Movies  • [ ] Romantic Comedy  • [x ] Adventure Movie  • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  • [ ] Horror  • [x ] Drama  • [x ] Buddy Movie  • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ ] Restaurant  • [ ] Expensive/High Class  • [x ] Small and familiar [I feel like chiaki would try to keep things as formulaic as possible with mama just because he’s worried he’d upset him somehow lo. but he knows mama’s probably more into exciting things so he’s like haha oh my god this isn’t right either]  • [ ] Fast Food
[ ] Nature  • [ ] Beach • [ ] Park • [ ] Forest     • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[x ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[ ] Staying at home • [x ] Watching movies • [x ] Playing Video Games • [x ] Reading
[x ] festivals fufu // taking a drive on a motorcycle?? 
The date might hopefully end with…
[x ] …holding hands
[x ] …a kiss [HA]
[ ] …in bed
[x ] …knowing each other better [mama: for $6000 you can buy my backstory] 
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[x ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
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could it be that no one else sent this before? ♛ - knights-queen and ♛ - mamachansenpai bc I wanna know your opinion about mama lol
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((You clearly hate me por quuuueeee))
@knights-queen​ @mamachansenpai​
my opinion on;
character in general: So as you and aoi both know, I have a huge bias for Arashi, as do I Izumi. Probably because those are the two characters I associate you both the most with, therefore bias. I mean they’re also just wonderful characters in general. So here’s what’s up: 
Arashi, from what i’ve been told is a narcissist. Very feminine, and I feel as though he’s also just like-- kinda dominant in a way? He may be very girly and stuff but he’s apparently pretty buff like dang child, CHILL. I’ve also seen art where he’s just yeah, large and in charge. The one I saw looked as though he was protecting Tsukasa from Izumi? I just look at that like //squints ‘does this happen often. Does Arashi get in the way often and stop Izumi from being mean to the Kohai? Eehhhhh???’ So pretty much this boy is a bit of a mystery to be tbh. 
I do know that he was apparently a lil shitstick in the past... supposedly. Though with a certain event, that apparently changed and he’s become the lil thing he is today. I believe he is someone who like, goes to many lengths for those that he likes? What was it, for a while he wore glasses because someone he liked did? Wasn’t it also that he joined a club because a teacher he liked was the advisor or whatever for it? Oh child. Well, From what I know, he’s a very lovable child, and though he’s a narcissist, he’s still pretty friendly, caring, and just a gentle creature until you piss him off. lol 
how they play them: So like, I only really know the enstar muses from like 2nd hand information really. So I can’t really say that I know them well. I’ve seen some things from the game so it’s like I have a few things to work off of. From what I can tell, aoi does well in making the guy a very lovable thing. I feel like his ‘higher than you’ kinda aura is a lil less? It’s like, as a narcissist, you have to see yourself in a high place and you kinda look at everyone like ‘ohhhh how cuuuuuuuuuute you all are~’ kinda high? I can’t really explain it well but I feel Arashi in age has toned down a bit-- however i’m very sure I only think that because I am speaking about the interactions with my muses. You simply cannot just walk up to Shugarl like ‘Awwwwww you’re so cuuuuuuute~~~’. I mean, you can, you’ll just die. So really Arashi had to adapt there, huh? I figure it’s similar to how he’d act around someone he had to respect like a teacher. Just a guess.
Now, when he’s interacting with other enstar muses, you see more of that. You see the way he kinda treats everyone like they’re really cute, or just sorta teasing them a bit. You gotta be in a high place to tease someone, you know? Arashi is also just really my pace about things, like the way he joins the track club to help him loose weight but doesn’t like to go too often because he builds muscle easily. Just a willful guy, honestly. You can still see that in aoi’s writing, especially when he’s dealing with Shugarl. The amount of suffering that model gave my guy. Amazing. All in all, I think aoi does a good job and appropriately changes things here and there according to muse. 
the mun: Ahhh I love aoi. We just talk a lot and i’m often indulged with all my shenans. I do love to be indulged. Let me be a troll and i’ll be happy. Let me be a angst magnet and i’ll be happy. Let me give my muses some happiness in life, and i’ll be happy. I also get sent cute videos and pictures all the time. Especially those of Arashi or Izumi. This is how you get my heart. Send me pictures of my biases. lol 
So like aoi always does their best when rp’ing. Arguably you can say that she can be a bit slow sometimes, but we all have our own pace. Sometimes people are more influenced by their moods and what not. Regardless, aoi does try. She also tries to keep things in line with her muses, and is also mindful of what the other muse will do. Gotta think reaaal hard when interacting with the Geripeta’s, ya know? lol aoi really just goes along with a lot of my BS which i’m always grateful for. Listens to me complain about life and just yeah. ... Yeah. lol Often tries to make Neo be a good girl by actually sleep or eat. A good friend. 
do i;
follow them: Yeyerp with them: Here and there yeyewant to rp with them:  ... yeye????ship their character with mine:  //ming. I mean... like... so like... he’d like that lol but I’m not going to let that happen lololololololololol-- So no.
what is my;
overall opinion: So pretty much aoi is a good person to talk to and bond with. An understanding individual. I’m a very passionate kind of person? I can get really riled up. aoi is a bit more indifferent, I guess? At least, that’s how it seems, but that’s not the case. aoi just doesn’t really show off emotion as strongly as a lot of people do? So that would be my word of advice to always remember. 
aoi is someone who will work with you and try to do things that will help you feel comfortable. If you have an idea, she will work with you the best she can to make your idea work out. Of course she will throw in her own ideas if she has any so it’s never just a one-sided thing. A very fair individual. A caring friend who looks out for you. If you are super emotional like I am, aoi is a good grounded person so she keeps me from flying off the handle a lot. Just talk to me and let me vent my frustrations by venting and then i’m good. aoi adores her muses and does try to keep on top of things though sometimes you know, you may not feel like it, or you may have lost muse.
Even so, she pushes through things, which is always respectable. All the muses are fun to read/interact with so I don’t think you’d be bored if you wanted to interact with em. Most if not all of them have strong personalities/quirks. you won’t be bored. A lovely person to add onto your ‘muns I interact with ‘list. 
my opinion on;
character in general: Did you mean, hello he’s a serial kidnapper? Okay i’m kidding (but seriously tho), this guy is Aesthetics. Neo loves the way he looks like hello there, come here often? Yeah? Well you don’t come round often enough, come around more will ya? I only know a few things about him from what you or aoi have told me. I know he used to be the leader of Ryuseitai or something, right? I believe he was Green? He’s now the solo unit member of MaM. 
Now, I do understand (sort of, begrudgingly) why he did what he did for Leo. I do, but at the same time I think about how it would look in the eyes of the public and it’s like dude, pretty sure in some ways, or even MANY ways that is illegal. Very much so. However, it did help Leo and it’s like... mnnnnn I wanna say ‘BAD BOY!, BAD JOB!’ but really it’s like a ‘good boy you helped a friend’. Still, like that way was like like WTF BOY???? 
I think he’s like what, a student who is constantly going on exchange student programs or something? Therefore he’s just always travelling? Like no one really knows how to reach him or where to like... find him? That’s really as far as I know. He seems like such a fun and loving character. He’s totally a kidnapper, but he does so meaningfully... if that... like pardons him a bit. Probably not, but hey. He’s pretty so I guess he can get away with it. No, more like this is people reading on with fictional goggles and everything is okay. With all honesty, it’s good that he knew what Leo needed and he took the time to help a friend out and help him heal. That’s a good thing. 
how they play them: Ahhh so like... I’ve been slacking so I haven’t really been reading all that much. After that one day I took off early because I wasn’t feeling very happy, I missed the start of a thread and since I came in like part way through I didn’t want to read bc I prefer to read from the very beginning. I can’t start from the middle. However, I’ve read a few sections of rp’s here and there sparingly. From what I can tell, he’s still the lovable and energetic guy that he’s known to be. Very friendly with all his friends and he seems like someone who is willing to lend a hand when they need help. I honestly don’t really even know much about him. I don’t really even know what his personality is like but I get the feeling he’s a lil weirdo, but a lovable one. If lovable is accurate, then aoi is doing a good job. 
the mun: I dun wanna repeat
do i;
follow them: Lol well ye, we gotta.rp with them: Nopewant to rp with them: Mmnnnn I’m totally up for it. We got so many threads tho and a part of me cries a bit with how much there are that I gotta keep track of.ship their character with mine:  Naahhhhh I’m not about to make this a square.
what is my;
overall opinion:  MORE REPEATS
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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