#Malewife pariah dark
radiance1 · 1 year
So, this time it's not anything to do with worlds or space but BIRDS.
Bet you didn't expect that one didn't you!
Sam have a great expansion of knowledge about the Paranormal, Mythological and the Occult. So, she finds out magic is real and is fucking ecstatic, well after she met Pandora, she started going through all of her material for spells and what not.
She knows all witches have to have a familiar, but she doesn't know what she would want to have as one, then a crow catches her eye and she just goes fuck it.
Then she started collecting an army of crows.
Pandora herself helps teach her the more, mystic, parts of magic whenever she's available, with Undergrowth begrudgingly helping her along with other parts such as nature magic.
Which is actually surprisingly difficult and rather easy and the same time.
Undergrowth uses a completely different system to use his abilities, whereas Sam uses mana and the occult to achieve her magic. So some things that Undergrowth can do easily might be hard to do for Sam, and where things that Sam can do easily would be a bit difficult for Undergrowth to do too.
The same thing is true for Pandora, albeit to a much lesser extent. She knows about spells and mana, so it's easier for her to translate to into teaching for Sam unlike Undergrowth.
Pandora is the one who helped to unlock Sam's mana when she was interested in it, finding that she has a great amount of mana right off the bat.
Enough that in the olden days she would be fought over by magicians fiercely.
Even more so by how greatly it increases by the added on amount of her familiars.
Now, a single crow's mana isn't that much in the grand scheme of things, but add on 50, 100, 1000? Now, that is a great boost indeed.
Sam has enough crows to cover the sky has an entire city. Though most of them she never uses, that's still a great deal of mana that she and her familiar's are constantly sharing with each other, she even managed to cast protection magic on each and every one.
At least she's dedicated.
Hotep Ra is back in town, despite his attempts to plot and use Tucker to further his own ends, he now wants to serve the boy just as he did Duulaman.
To which Tucker was rightfully suspicious of.
Hotep Ra explained that now that Tucker has defeated him, no matter if he had help from his friends or that ghost boy or not, he has recognized him as the rightful heir to the throne.
Even if that throne is long gone, Hotep Ra is not.
With the time he spent with Tucker, he would sometimes urge the boy to reclaim his past self's throne, claiming that Duulaman and by an obvious extension Tucker, was born to rule over others.
To which tucker doesn't really want so he just nopes outta that one.
Hotep Ra also help him be able to control the scepter, although he himself doesn't have complete knowledge of it, he's learned through observing Duulaman what to do and how to use it.
He also got Tucker a few birds as an apology, specifically Golden Eagles, as Duulaman himself quite loved the apex birds, and thought it would be a fitting apology if Tucker happened to share the same trait.
It worked.
So now tucker has pet Eagles that come to him whenever he wants.
Danny is a bit miffed at current events, don't get him wrong he's happy that his friends get to learn magic and stuff, but now they barely have anytime to hang out!
Seeing that his kid isn't feeling that great what with his recent friends learning magic and having birds, Pariah thought that it would score him a few dad points if he got his kid his own bird!
Said bird is a giant the size of two houses that can and would kill if given a reason to. Pariah Dark literally forced it into submission so his son can be happy, it can also split itself up into multiple smaller birds.
Danny is happy with his gift.
Sam, when she isn't learning with Pandora or Undergrowth or hanging out with Danny and Tucker, usually occupies herself trying out magical concoctions or rituals.
A recent one she wants to try is to make a stone, a stone which is surprisingly apart of the family tree with the Philosopher's stone, just that this one uses no alchemy and pure magic to achieve its results.
She's confident in herself and that she can do, so she gathered all the ingredients listed for it. The first few of the ingredients were rather easy to get at first.
A lotus whom blooms at the crack of morn yet lay dormant 'i its absence.
A lotus which grants thou both power and strength tied with the god of kinship, physic, protection, travelling lamp and welken
A stone what be foe of any poison
A stone quoth to dispatch any whom comes into contact
All four of these weren't hard to get, though she had to wait quite a while for her crows to bring her the items requested.
The last item was a liquid.
Substance of greenist glow quoth to bring the dead to life and the corky to youth
Easy, she thought. There is loads of that stuff all around the ghost zone, though when she tried it, it failed.
Again, she tried failed.
She never knew what went wrong, she had all the ingredients, so what is happening? She looked over the recipe again, seeing that everything she had should have worked.
Was it her timing?
No, her timing was perfect.
Were her ingredients defective of some kind?
No, if they were she would know.
She paced back and forth through her room, thinking to herself what she could be doing wrong with a few crows looking at her curiously. She went through the recipe over and over, looking over her timing and ingredients before stopping.
Bring the dead to life. Ectoplasm can't do that.
Sam sent out a village's worth of crows to find this mysterious substance that she thought was ectoplasm, but isn't. Yet when her familiars came back, not a single one could find it for her.
So, she sent them into the zone, confident in her protections so that they won't be harmed. It was when she was sleeping that she felt it.
A vicious snaping withing her chest that forced her awake and out of bed, almost immediately she called all of her crows to her, all of them coming but one.
So, she sent out to find her missing crow. Going to where she can feel the bond's last traces and with coming upon a portal. She then departed without hesitation with only half of her scout crows.
Almost immediately she could feel the bond pick back up again and made hast to follow it. When she got there she was ecstatic, there right in front of her was a glowing green pool of the liquid she thinks she needed.
Though she was cautious in approaching it.
It was only when she was nearby the pool did she realize a man was in the room with her, a man who stepped out of the pool with his attention fully on her, his red eyes gazing at her with interest.
She tensed when she noticed one of her scout crows gripped tightly in his hand.
Man idk what I'm doing lmao but I wanted to make this a dc x dp crossover so hhehaheheh.
Danny and Tucker are worried about Sam, they haven't seen her in a while, and while it isn't all that usual for her to be doing her own magic thing for days on end.
They couldn't help this foreboding feeling in the back of they're heads.
Which was only furthered by how her crows gathered around them and pushed them towards a portal in the zone. Hotep Ra went with them, not one to leave his master.
The three stepped into the portal, and not knowing that they stepped into an entire different universe.
They started to search for their missing friend with the help of her crows and their own birds.
A thing, Sam doesn't know where all of her familiars are and vice versa normally. But if she ever focuses on their bond it would lead her to them, and she can call them to her whenever she wants.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Or maybe not game but you get the idea, or don't. That works too.
Inspired by: These songs
Now stay with me, is this well thought out? NO!
But come along for the ride anyway!
So, Danny is mad bored and because he's mad bored it inevitably ends up both Sam and Tucker's problem. Not even DOOM can cure Danny's boredom surprisngly.
Meanwhile in the ghost zone:
Pariah Dark, taking out a tray of ecto-cookies in a kiss the cook apron with a tone of skulls on the design: My father senses are tickling.
Which leads to him just showing up out of bloody nowhere and dragging Danny + his friends off into the zone when he finds out Danny's bored as shit.
Pariah Dark: Wait for the cookies to cool, just got out the oven.
He says before going around to rummage in his treasury because he's sure he has at least something in there to stave off his adopted son's bordom.
If his countless priceless artifacts can't even do this, what's the use of keeping them?
A few minutes later as Danny is eating the surprisingly hella good cookies (Which is weird considered that his adopted dad was like, asleep for eons or whatever). Pariah walks back out with a very big, like big enough to touch the floor on him, cape.
He's happy to see Danny enjoying his cooking (Yes, he can cook Pandora nobody is going to almost die for a second time this time he got better and that was literally eons ago stop bringing that up-), but then gets on to what this cape is all about.
He got it about, a century after his coronation by an unnamed ghost, it quite literally just showed up in his castle one day with little to no explanation and he just went with it. Although he didn't use it much, he knows it has some amount of cosmic power in it, doesn't know what it does but its there.
He does know that its 100% safe though.
At least to beings of their level of power.
Though it might have some kind of effects on the regular living if exposed to for a long period of time. Probably, maybe.
He doesn't know, doesn't care.
So, he just drops it on Danny and takes a moment to see how he's just engulfed by the thing, before giving a hum in consideration and snapping his fingers, the thing shrinks but enough for Danny to actually be able to put it on, but still dragging a good distance of the floor behind him.
The cloak's outer appearance is a brilliant glowing white, while the inside looks as if space itself was woven within it.
When Danny put it on, it just felt, right. He couldn't explain it, but it just felt like it was always meant to end up in his hands. No matter if it looked like a toddler wearing his dad's clothes, he's willing to look past that.
Then he just, takes Danny to a very dead vat of space and tells him to have fun (Nothing there should be capable of harming Danny since he made sure of that even before having a child). Like, there's quite literally nothing there and Danny doesn't know what to do.
So, he just fucks around and finds out.
At least the cloak floats behind him as he flies around and looks really cool in space.
Meanwhile Sam and Tucker are just there, left behind, standing around with Pariah Dark. Waiting for Danny to come back.
Sam: Hey what if you-
Pariah: No.
Sam: I know magic...?
Pariah: Considering hum
Tucker: I have a scepter that can warp reality that was owned by my probably great ancestor.
Pariah: Considering hum increases in intensity
He ends up throwing them in there to, well, after Tucker got the scepter, reality manipulation to allow them to breath in space as a treat (And also for a semi-logic way for them to not die in space).
Danny fucked around and found out he can apparently make stars now.
The three then work together to create an entire solar system.
Danny, making the stars and then the motherfucking sun (with help from Pariah Dark).
Tucker, using his powers to make what is basically the rough drafts of various planets. I.e. just giant rocks. Then carefully using his powers tweak at their designs and make them actually bloody planets.
Sam? Sam just takes a look at one planet and goes: Yea, this would make a great earth.
And proceeded to make earth.
Like no shit, she just filled that shit with her magic and carefully created a working ecosystem and then the planet just, lived.
Is Sam's new world populated? Hahaha, no. Well technically it is, but really only by her and the other two on occasion.
Basically just one gigantic oversized garden.
Tucker set up a base on one of the moons (the one near Sam's planet) and somehow managed to get himself some wifi???? No one knows how he did it, and they aren't going to sit through his explanation.
Danny? Danny's just chilling bro. Most of the time he just kicks back and relaxes in the void of space, occasionally drifting past worlds and stars and sometimes sleeping too.
Basically, just one very big playground for the trio. Sam taking care of her planet garden, Tucker making the entire moon into his personal tech base, and Danny just drifting around in space doing spacing (hehe) out or sleeping.
Me: Oh? What is this? Is that a Dc content over there?
Dc content: rolls
Me: No Dc content! Don't roll into my Dp ideaaaa!!
Dc Content: Rolls into Dp idea
Me: Noooooooo.
Cut forward awhile in time and then a supervillain accidently pulls up into the trio's playground while running from the Justice League, accidently knocks into this random glowing thing in space and then escaped, Danny meanwhile gets rudely awakened and is so surprised the area around him gets enveloped with ice that the Justice League just has to, kinda, move above, below or around.
Which gave the villain good enough time to run.
Then that villain wandered too close to Tucker's moon base and almost got shot to death (Tucker why the fuck do you have space weaponry!?!??!) and then had to make a hasty landing on the nearby planet.
Which is what he wanted so like yea ok.
Same thing happened to the Justice League.
So now both the Supervillain and the Justice League have to navigate Sam's planet. Not knowing that they rudely (in the supervillains case) woke up the prince of the dead and alerted Tucker's moon base.
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