#Making a magical potion alongside my spell book in order to resurrect these people from the dead
pineapple-syung · 10 months
Roman Leaders as Scents:
Aurelian: vanilla ice cream and chocolate cookies
Probus: chocolate and space flavoured pop tart
Diocletian: orange mixed with daisy 
Maximian: rose with a hint of sea salt
Constantius Chlorus: honey, mint and scented beaver pop
Constantine: peppermint and pomegranate seeds 
Maxentius: cabbages and sweet Dahlia 
Constans: candy cane and sugar roads
Constantine II: apple with bananas 
Constantius II: star, sky and the clouds
Julian: old books with a tint of earthly delights
Valentinian: cucumber and cherries
Theodosius the Elder: melted steel with light strawberries 
Valens: burning fire with a hint of chicken
Valentinian II: maple syrup and artillery fire
Theodosius I: lime and caramel 
Honorius: black blood and black liquorice
Arcadius: lion pee and the clouds (for good measure)
Flavius Stilicho: blackberry and flower petals 
Flavius Aetius: the manly sweat combined with axe body spray, lavender, Chanel no.5 and jasmine (i what that smelled like)
Anastasius: rainbow pond made from strawberry, grape and bitter green tea 
Justin: Red ginseng and a dirt from mars (lol)
Justinian: lollipop with a slow aftertaste and purple magic
Theodora: margarita, summer farm and chilli peppers 
Justinian II: lion skin and tiger eyes alongside dried chilli peppers and cherries
Phocas: stinky cheese mixed with lettuce, tomato and mud sauce 
Heraclius: cinnamon, cactus flowers, leaves and actual celestial crystals 
John: diluted energy drinks and an annoyingly stubborn coffee and mocha scent
Basil I: high acid level rivers and the scent of the skies
Basil II: coconut, banana and pear
Alexios: charcoal burning in fire and a recently trimmed grass alongside some falling orange leaves alongside cinnamon and a champagne flavoured tea
John II: fresh milk with a hint of lemon pepper macaroon, sweet potato and pumpkin 
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