#Makalauriels speaking
makalauriels · 1 year
Happy Year of the Rabbit (or Cat, I see you Vietnamese friends)!
I'll be back after the celebrations to see if they give me Tumblr polls, because I want to know who you think should be Numenor's Next Top Model (It's Elendil).
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makalauriels · 2 years
Petty salt post after blocking the umpteenth blog:
I literally do not want to hear any criticism from someone who says TROP does not have even a bit of dialogue from Tolkien. If your dumb ass did not immediately perk because you heard Samwise's speech on hope, that Bronwyn is literally quoting word for word, your opinions are invalid.
I realize this is a remarkably stupid thing to be mad about, and they do have valid criticisms about the showrunners' inexperience, but let me have my lore purist™ moment.
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makalauriels · 2 years
I know I asked for casting news but now I'm like... the amount of non-White people in the newly announced cast does not give me confidence for Rhûn.
Also the amount of women in general is just... I am once again having doubts.
I know I'll probably still like it, I do enjoy the show's takes on Tolkien lore. I love the actors, and would have tuned in for them if nothing else. ROP just panders to me so well that I have not finished a fic at all because I am just so satisfied.
But it is, at the end of the day, a white-lead Tolkien production that swings quite conservatively in its interpretation and my expectations should be tempered accordingly.
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makalauriels · 1 year
Decided life is too short to not have badly edited icons of your OTP. I don't talk about them much, but Valandil/Isildur are very touchy and always looking at each other. Can you blame a girl?
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makalauriels · 2 years
Apparently there is shipping drama in the Rings of Power tag right now that I am simply not seeing because I've blocked too many people.
Pro-tip, turn on Themed Posts in new Xkit and block the blogs with the most heinous, unreadable colour choices.
Haters, it turns out, have no taste 💅
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makalauriels · 2 years
One thing I can appreciate is how they're not telling us who Sauron is or even letting the name "Annatar" escape. Because baby this is the full Sauron experience!
We're turning on each other! We're fighting all the time! Every non-canon character is suspected of being Sauron or a Nazgul!
He could be anywhere. He could be anyone. He could be anything.
Watch your back.
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makalauriels · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with then answer these questions below!
Consolidating two different versions of these with overlapping questions.
Tagged by @verecunda and @aadmelioraa.
Sorry it took so long!
Four ships: Isildur/Valandil, Aegnor/Andreth, Finrod/Turgon, Miriel/Indis
Last song: Time as a Symptom/Anecdotes by Joanna Newsom. I always imagine Maglor performing in Valinor as something like Joanna, just switching between harp and piano mid-song like she does in this performance. Also want to shout out these lyrics “But when you come and see me| In California| You cross the border of my heart”, because I‘ve had her other song, In California, on rotation a lot today. My best friend since I was 13 drove down all the way to celebrate my birthday with me yesterday and I really felt those lines! Just full of overwhelming love.
Last movie: Tolkien starring Nicholas Hoult and Lily Collins. I watched it for Ty Tennant and Tom Glynn-Carney though, because I am also House of the Dragon trash.
Currently reading: Haven’t read any books recently, do recipe books count? Because the last one I read was Ramsay in 10.
Currently watching: Mike White’s Enlightened, starring Laura Dern. I found it through a pretty heartwarming clip on youtube that used Joanna Newsom’s Esme. Watching Laura Dern’s character having a nervous breakdown was difficult though.
Currently consuming: Herbal tea
Currently craving: Carbonara pasta with the good parmesan and pancetta. It is so hard to get pancetta here. 
Tagging: @etakyeldud, @runawaymun, @normallyiminsane, @josang, @ichabodjane, @gi-nathlam-hi, @starlady66, @ytdn, @attheexactlyrighttimeandplace
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makalauriels · 2 years
Woahhhh new followers!!! Hi and thanks for enjoying my Rings of Power theories. I hope you feel free to pipe in at any moment with your own batshit theories.
In short, we're all this guy here:
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makalauriels · 2 years
Oh hello everyone! SPY×Family took over my brain and I forgot this blog existed. Anyway I have a spicy take on why Arafinwë moved back to Tirion.
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