#Mahalo!Hun <3
brooklynislandgirl · 4 months
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I. Love II. Kindness III. Envy IV. Timidity V. Exhaustion
02. COLOURS. I. Purple II. Forest Green III. Garnet IV. Sea-glass blue V. Rust 03. SCENTS.
I. Sweet cinnamon II. Coconut and ʻawapuhi III. Brow sugar IV. Plumeria {Lei flower} V. Blood 04. FASHION. I. Scrubs and lab coat, crocks or sneakers II. broom skirts, knee length cardigans, tank-tops III. Designer gowns and heels IV. Whimsical earrings, stacked bangle bracelets, multiple rings V. Bikinis or wet suits, bare feet
05. OBJECTS. I. Variety of surfboards II. Knitting needles and yarn III. Emergency/Trauma kit IV. Coffee mug V. Knives
06.BODY LANGUAGE. I. Blinks that do not fully close, consistent eye contact/lip reading II. Shy smiles, sometimes hidden behind her hand III. Biting the corner of her lip IV. Gentle touches emphasising words V. Slight limp at the end of the day.
I. Sea endlessly caressing the shore and swelling waves II. Wild growing old forests and bird song III. Candles, crystals, tarot cards, wands IV. Busy urban emergency room V. Bloody hands and mouths
~*~ Tagged by: my lovely friend @triicksters, mahalo!hun Tagging: Ride it like you stole it, and tag me back!
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
*Your muses are v v pretty and we love you!!!!!*
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 years
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💚 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out 💚✨
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
Foggy sat down beside Beth and slowly took her hand in his. He traced his finger over the lines of her palm, then traced each finger before lifting her hand to his mouth and kissing her palm softly. Then her wrist before pressing her palm to his cheek and smiling softly. It wasn’t anything overwhelmingly forward, but he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her kissing him for weeks now. And it didn’t seem fair to let it go unappreciated. “I can’t stop thinking about you”-bowtiedavocado
Smoke on the Sinday || Accepting
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She’d had a legitimate reason to be down at the courthouse earlier in the afternoon, testifying as a material witness to a b&e just down the street from her clinic, but of course as soon as she’d finished being sworn in and telling the judge what she’d seen, corroborating the officer’s report, she slipped out and wandered until she found ~by pure chance~ the courtroom where Foggy had been. During the recess, as he was sorting his caseload, she’d invited him to come by after work.
A couple of pizzas and a whole Netflix queue with their name on it, if he was interested. And she’d wrapped the all too brief conversation with a tip-toed kiss that had been aimed at his cheek but had landed dangerously close to his mouth. Almost like the one weeks ago that ended in a ‘I thought you were Marcy’. A squeeze of his forearm later and she was vanishing the way she came.She hadn’t minded that he let himself in, she’d told him long ago that her house was his ~well, she’d meant to say ‘mi casa es tu casa’ but she’d ended up saying something more like my house is your soup~ but the sentiment had been understood.
And of course as soon as he came into view, she’d lit up like the sun itself. Didn’t pull away at the touch. Though when the gentle tracery became a press of lips against her palm, she tilted her head just a little, not sure if he meant it or if maybe he’d had a rough day. The question lingered there on the tip of her tongue as he did it again, and this one lingered as he let her cup his cheek. It was the smile though, sweet and a little innocent that did her in and sent armies of colour storming the hills of her cheeks.
And she self deflects, just like he does. “Well, is da fifth of Halloween. Season’ of da witch. Mebbe..cast spell on ya when ya weren’t looking.”
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
Dallas for the fandom thing!
Five AU Truths || Accepting
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1. Beth works as a nanny for the various Ewing children on Southfork Ranch; both those that are actual Ewings and those that belong to the other workers. None of them actually belong to her, but she loves them all just the same.2. Despite the fact that she hates the oil industry and everything it stands for, she was always fond of JR Ewing, and had become friends with the old man. She listened to stories of his rivalry with Bobby Ewing, and the soft remembrances of his mother, Miss Ellie. Once he even told her that she reminded him of Miss Pamela, back in her younger days.
3. There’s a certain ranch hand that works the Southfork spread who happens to be her nearest and dearest friend. Martin is a single father who loves his daughter more than anything, and often works from before sun-up to past sun-down ensuring that they have a good life. Beth often makes sure their little house is kept up, that there’s food waiting for him, and sometimes does their shopping for him when he can’t. Maddie also happens to be the most gorgeous toddler on the face of the planet, and Beth will tell you all about her at length4. Beth dreams of leaving Dallas some day, if only to see a little bit of the world. She stays because she doesn’t want to leave them behind. So she hangs a  world map to her wall and sticks a pin in each new place she day dreams of seeing.
5. When there’s a quiet moment, Beth slips down to the stables and borrows a horse. She goes out riding by herself, slow and methodical. In that quiet space she sorts out her thoughts and feelings. Sometimes Beth likes horses better than people.
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
1. Your favorite shape of pasta? Really, this is highly important.
Turtle’s favourite shape of pasta is cavatappi. Which is essentially cork-screw macaroni and it keeps its firmness in the bacon, mushroom, caramelised onion mac and cheese she makes with Gruyere and fontina cheeses. Yes, it’s decadent and so extra, but really, can’t help myself. It’s worth the money. Plus I like to cook and make things from scratch, except for pasta.
Beth tells me I am absolutely wrong and it’s the big shells stuffed with spinach and cheese. Take it with a grain of salt.
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
Happy birthday from all my muses and me to you. I hope you have a great time. :D
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Danke darling!!
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
I know we haven’t done it yet but if Fitz and Beth hadn’t met, he wouldn’t have tried to consider the ocean a friend again. That’s for darn sure.
Here Without You || Accepting
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I’m really looking forward to them getting there, and it will be interesting. She doesn’t actually know anyone who has oceanic phobia but I promise she will be very gentle and she will ease him back into that friendship. :)
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