#Magento 2.4.4 release
magespark · 2 years
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leoonesblog · 4 days
Magento 2.4.7 Version Upgrade Best Practices
As Magento is stopping support for its 2.4.4 version and the new version with advanced security features, 2.4.7, has been released, it is crucial and imperative to proceed with the Magento version upgrade. It is also important to stay up to date. If you are planning to upgrade your Magento version, follow the below best practices. 
Pre-Upgrade Preparation 
Backup Your Project: Before upgrading, back up the database in all environments - Integration, Staging, and Production. This step ensures that if anything goes wrong during the upgrade, you have a reliable backup to restore your data and configurations. 
Compatibility Check: Ensure that your custom themes align with the new Magento version. Custom themes can sometimes cause issues during upgrades, so verifying their compatibility is essential. Additionally, validate Composer dependencies using magento-cloud local:build for third-party extensions.  
Review Release Notes: Thoroughly read Magento release notes and extension documentation. These notes often contain crucial information about new features, improvements, and potential issues with the upgrade.  
Dependencies: When planning a Magento version upgrade, verify that installed versions of essential technologies align with the target version. Failing to update may cause compatibility issues, errors, and limit the new Magento version's capabilities. 
Use Pre-Release Versions: Testing new releases for compatibility can save you headaches later on. Before upgrading your live environment, test the new Magento version in a development or staging environment. This allows you to identify and resolve any issues before impacting your production site. 
Review Upgrade Plan Checklist: Refer to Magento's Upgrade Plan Checklist when planning your upgrade. This checklist covers essential steps, considerations for a successful Magento version upgrade. 
Budget and Resource Allocation:  Magento version upgrade may require time, effort, and potentially additional tools or services. Ensure you have the budget and resources allocated to complete the upgrade successfully. 
Database and Environment Checks 
Database Testing: Perform tests on your database to address any issues that may arise post-upgrade. This includes checking for data integrity, schema changes, and performance optimizations. Running test scripts can help identify and fix potential problems before the upgrade. 
Environment Settings: Update environment-specific settings to align with the new Magento version. This includes configurations such as cache settings, file permissions, and server requirements.  
Search Service Compatibility: Ensure that your search service version is compatible with the PHP client version. Magento relies on search services like Elasticsearch for efficient search functionality.  
Disk Space Check: Verify your MySQL database connection and available disk space via SSH. Make sure to allocate adequate disk space in the services.yaml file. Additionally, clearing cache and cleaning /log and /tmp directories can optimize space usage.  
Upgrade Execution 
Local and Integration Testing: Test the upgrade locally and on integration environments to catch any issues early on. Running tests on a local development environment allows you to identify and fix issues before they affect your live site. Integration testing ensures that all components of your Magento project work together seamlessly after the upgrade. 
Staging and Production Deployment: Merge your code to the staging environment and resolve any issues that arise. Thoroughly test in staging before pushing changes to the production environment. Staging environments mimic the production environment closely, providing a safe space to validate the upgrade before making it live. Make sure you follow all the coding guidelines and standards that were prescribed by Magento / Adobe commerce. 
Post-Upgrade Tasks 
After completing the upgrade, there are several post-upgrade tasks to ensure everything is running smoothly: 
Indexer Status: Check and reindex as necessary using Magento's indexer management tools. Indexing is crucial for efficient search and performance in Magento. Reindexing ensures that your product data, prices, and catalog information are up to date. 
Cron Job Verification: Verify the status of your cron jobs and rerun them if needed. Cron jobs are essential for Magento's scheduled tasks, such as updating product prices and sending transactional emails. Checking cron logs and the cron_schedule table helps ensure that these tasks are running as expected. 
Testing: Conduct post-upgrade User Acceptance Testing (UAT) on both staging and production environments. UAT involves real users interacting with your site to ensure functionality aligns with expectations. Address any issues with third-party and custom extension upgrades during this phase. Automated testing minimizes human error and accelerates the testing process. 
What else to check? 
For successful Magento version upgrades, implement these best practices: view upgrades as chances to refine code quality and boost performance by refactoring and optimizing; keep a base instance for testing new features and configurations before deploying them live; conduct routine audits, including code reviews, performance assessments, security scans, and accessibility checks, to enhance overall project quality; and utilize Magento's Extensibility platform for customization through well-built extensions, ensuring enhanced functionality without compromising the upgrade path. 
By following these detailed steps and best practices, you can ensure a smooth and successful Magento version upgrade, minimizing disruptions and maximizing the benefits of the new features and improvements. Taking the time to prepare, test thoroughly, and address post-upgrade tasks will result in a more stable and efficient Magento project. 
Why Sparity? 
  Sparity offers end-to-end Magento expertise, ensuring seamless project execution from conception to launch. With a deep understanding of Magento's capabilities, Sparity delivers tailored solutions for optimal performance. Trust Sparity for comprehensive Magento services, from customization, migration and magento version upgrade to maintenance, to elevate your online store. 
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magentomconnects · 1 year
Magento Open Source offers platform quality, payment options, GraphQL caching speed, and usability enhancements. It also contains updates to Google modules that are integrated.
Adobe officially released Magento 2.4.5 for public availability on August 9, 2022. This version contains over 290 quality corrections and improvements. Moreover, Magento 2.4.5 performs significantly better in speed, security, and platform experience.
The code for these features is include in the quarterly updates of the Magento Open Source main code. Several of these projects are also publish separately. The Bug fixes for these projects recorded in project-specific version material, accessible in each project’s literature.
Seeing the platform thriving with significant feature updates and improvements is fantastic news for the Magento community. Magento shop owners can now update the newest Magento 2.4.5 for better e-commerce operations.
Magento 2.4.5 New Major Features and Highlights
The Magento 2.4.5 release has covered many enhancements and updates which are as follows:
1. Security Enhancements
This Magento 2.4.5 release includes 20 security fixes and platform security enhancements. This security update also has been backported to Magento Open Source 2.4.4-p1 and 2.3.7-p4.
There have been no verified attacks connected to these problems so far. As a result, it is a significant release in terms of security. Moreover, Some of Magento 2.4.5’s security enhancements are described below.
Allow listing of IP addresses
The usage of a VPN
Authentication using two factors
Use a unique location Instead of admin
Excellent password hygiene
This release’s security enhancements also increase compliance with the most recent security best practices, including:
Google reCAPTCHA has support to the Wish List
Forms for sharing, creating a new customer account, and gift cards are all available.
Inventory now includes Access control list (ACL) resources.
The inventory template’s security has improved.
The MaliciousCode filter now upgraded to use of the HtmlPurifier
2. Platform Enhancements
In the Magento 2.4.5 release, Adobe focused hard on improving the platform for developers. The order processing rate per hour has increased three times. This speed update is critical for firms that are rapidly expanding and receiving a high volume of orders.
Adobe Commerce will enable 3X more page visits per hour and 2X more concurrent admin users. Moreover, These enhancements point to a more stable and scalable e-commerce platform.
The following are some platform enhancements, including new features in the Magento 2.4.5 version.
The New platform supports Composer 2.2, TinyMCE 5.10.2, jQueryUI 1.13.1, PHPStan 1.5.7.
DHL Integration schema version 6.0 has been updated from v6.0 to v6.2.
All outdated JavaScript libraries have been updated to the latest version in Magento 2.4.5.
Twenty composer Outdated dependencies updated to the latest version.
3. GraphQL Performance Enhancements
GraphQL is an open-source data query language for application programming interfaces (APIs). The GraphQL API has improved with the current 2.4.5 version to enhance the consumer and developer experience.
Most significantly, the Magento 2.4.5 version includes several GraphQL performance improvements. The GraphQL enhancements are intended to provide developers with a speedier Magento development experience. Furthermore, This version consists of a few new features.
On deployment Faster rebuilding of unified storefront GraphQL schema
The authorization token expiration date/time to consume via the GraphQL API.
Enables to totally disable session cookies for all GraphQL activities.
The use of sessions has eliminated from the http header.
4. Accessibility Updates
The emphasis of the Magento 2.4.5 release has been on developing a more perceptible, operable, intelligible, and robust retail experience on Venia (PWA). The goal was to make it more understandable and functional. Thus the following changes made:
Screen reader users are now informed of the summary information for search results.
When a new page view loads, screen readers are now notified.
The contrast and keyboard accessibility have both enhanced.
5. Payment Enhancements
Adobe team has integrated Apple Pay as a new payment option in the current Magento 2.4.5 version. A few improvements have also made to the PayPal and Braintree payment options.
The following are the highlights of the payment enhancements in Magento 2.4.5 features.
Apple Pay is currently accepted by all the merchants.
PayPal Pay Later is now available to Italian and Spanish merchants.
In the backend, store administrators may now evaluate PayPal Credit Card and Pay Later buttons.
Braintree KNOUNT fraud protection has removed from the Magento 2.4.5 source.
For Braintree payments, the ‘Always request 3DS’ option has introduced.
6. Google Analytics
The interaction with Google Services has re-implemented to include all of Google’s updates. With a connection with GTag, Google has upgrade the tracking and integration techniques of AdWords and Analytics in web apps.
Integrating Google capabilities into website pages expands chances for tracking and managing material via Google Services.
Adobe Commerce has several built-in modules, such as Google AdWords, Analytics, Optimizer, and TagManager, that use the old API to integrate with Google services. Moreover, This integration has re-implemented in this release utilizing the GTag method. ​
7. PWA Studio
The most recent Magento version 2.4.5 is compatible with PWA Studio version 12.5.x. The PWA Studio has a number of upgrades, which includes the following features:
For Merchants, the PWA Studio storefront may gather consumer behavior data.
A subscription allows merchants to gain insight into web analytics.
Merchants can also implement services via the backend admin (Google Tag Manager).
Retailers can sign up for and extend events as required.
8. Page Builder
Page Builder v.1.7.2 works flawlessly with Magento Open Source 2.4.5 and Adobe Commerce. This implies that users will have total control over the storefront’s column settings. The following improvements have made to the Page Builder column layout:
Columns are now visible, allowing users to choose column settings on the storefront.
Wrapping triggered by user actions now supported for column resizing.
Fixed Major Issues in Magento 2.4.5 Release
Magento 2.4.5 has addressed hundreds of issues identified in previous versions, such as installation fixes, deployment, upgrades, accessibility, and so on. Furthermore, Some of the significant issues that have been resolved are listed below.
Updating the administrative URL no longer raises an exception.
Resolved Issues with Adobe Stock sign-out.
When the Product Sub special rule is used, the cart total for a bundle product is accurately computed.
Resolved the DOM problems associated with the address search pop-up on the billing phase of the checkout workflow.
For consumers with global account sharing, a single login is now acceptable for numerous store views.
When altering the quantity of a customizable product, the correct pricing displayed on the product page.
With email addresses beginning with “.-,” the system emails function perfectly.
An error appears on the shipping page when a consumer provides an incorrect email address.
Resolved logo-related difficulties on the shop’s print order/invoice/credit memo pages.
The admin translates the title of the ‘Show Password’ option on various pages.
Pictures on product pages fully displayed with no flickering.
The unsubscribe URL in the email newsletter now works correctly.
The customer name shown accurately when PayPal guest customers place orders.
Product color filtering in the layered navigation now works perfectly.
In the product grid, long names are word-wrapped.
Magento 2.4.5 Official Release Notes
The Magento 2.4.5 version release includes several improvements to performance, platform, payments, and other areas. Moreover,  Check out the official release notes for additional information about Magento 2.4.5.
Magento 2.4.5 Release Notes (Open Source)
Magento 2.4.5 Release Notes (Adobe Commerce)
The Magento 2.4.5 is a significant update for shop owners in terms of platform performance, quality, cache, payment improvement, and other features. Furthermore, The new version of Magento 2 is superior in every way and is worth upgrading to. You may also get the most recent version of Magento Responsive Theme from the official website.
The most recent Magento 2.4.5 version includes several improvements to the platform’s speed, security, and user experience. With the new upgrade, store owners may also provide clients with a more sophisticated shopping experience.
As you can see, Magento version 2.4.5 is superior in every way: security, platform, accessibility, and so on. As a result, you should strengthen your store by updating to the most recent Magento 2.4.5 release.
In general, it is critical to regularly upgrade Magento platform in order to maintain your business completely safe and up to date. You may hire our certified Magento specialists if you need professional assistance upgrading your shop with no store data loss and short downtime.
Hire Magento Designer and Developer - Our Magento specialists can handle your theme & template design, development, customization, conversion, and integration needs. With the help of Mconnect, revitalize your website’s look that comprehends your business’ objectives
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ideainyou · 2 years
New updates for Magento 2 are coming 📲 ✅
There are a few dates to keep in mind when it comes to end-of-life support updates for Adobe Commerce. Bookmark these dates:
- September 8, 2022: Adobe Commerce 2.3.x support ends - November 28, 2022: Adobe Commerce <=2.4.3 support ends
After these dates, merchants still running any version of Magento before 2.4.4 will no longer receive tech support for these versions. This means that they will be responsible for maintaining their own security & PCI compliance (!).
Adobe recommends everyone to upgrade to Adobe Commerce 2.4.4 before these dates. They are offering a 1-yr extended support offering, and if you wish to take advantage of this you will need to contact your account or customer success manager.
Keep in mind that PHP 7.4 end-of-life aligns with the November 28 date. It's still unsure if Magento plans to supply PHP-language-level support & patch fixes for this version, but it's probably a much better plan to upgrade to Magento 2.4.4 instead.
If you are concerned about stability in Magento 2.4.4, don't be -- it's by far the most stable version of Magento 2 to ever be released. You may not want to wait to conduct an upgrade though, as there may be specific edge- & use-cases that are specific to your store, which may prove this upgrade to be difficult.
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Should Magento 2 Migration Be Your Priority?
Magento has been an incredible platform when it comes to running an eCommerce business. Magento offers amazing flexibility, scalability, and performance boost benefits that makes running an eCommerce business a comparatively manageable task. Magento 1 ended its service in the spring of 2020. But, there are still a lot of us who are using this platform to run their eCommerce store. Nevertheless, Magento 1 can be used for the eCommerce platform but there are actually no new updates that are being released for Magento 1. 
Magento released Magento 2.4.4 to help the online store merchants run their online stores efficiently. There are a number of loopholes when it comes to using Magento 1. There are security, performance and slow website loading issues. Thus, this no longer fulfils the requirements of a fast eCommerce store. There are certain benefits that the store owners will get once they decide to get  Magento 2 migration service, these benefits are mentioned below:
Better Scalability Performance
A Magento website is better for businesses that are growing rapidly. For small businesses that are just starting their online journey should start with Magento’s free version (Magento Community Edition). Then after growing at a good scale they can update to the Magento enterprise version. Also, Magento 2 offers an amazing performance boost that includes a faster loading speed, faster checkout and more. 
Smooth Checkout Process
Magento 2 offers a smooth checkout process. It only has a two-step checkout process and it supports different types of payment options including PayPal and Braintree. Also, with the order summary customers can easily review their order details and shipping details. Therefore, the checkout process is easier and smoother when compared with Magento 1.  
These days mostly people prefer to shop from their devices like smartphones or tablets. Therefore, it is imperative that your website is a device friendly one. So that it can look good on any device that it is being opened on. If your website looks good on desktop and not on mobile you may end up losing a lot of your revenue. 
Latest Updates
Magento 2 receives all of the latest updates related to performance, security and more. Upgrading your store to the latest version is very important as it can make your store suffer otherwise. All the new versions carry fixes to different issues that you may be facing. Magento 2 is easy to upgrade and it also provides security patches that can help the store merchants in keeping their stores safe from the online attacks. 
Here you go, above mentioned reasons are few of the many reasons why you should go for a Magento 2 migration service. 
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evrigsolutions · 2 years
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codeinnovers · 2 years
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jessicaqwerty · 2 years
Adobe Commerce 2.4.4: moving above and beyond Magento
Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.4 will help your business build for the future by including cutting-edge technologies and features such as advanced functionality, payment upgrades, security developments, and platform updates.
Adobe Commerce Cloud 2.4.4 Addresses Multiple Security Concerns
The new release includes patches for three security improvements and bug fixes each apart from security enhancements across the platform through a core codebase upgrade.
Also, it includes security benefits like:
As a result of security improvisation, session IDs will no longer be stored in the database.
Non-alpha-numeric file extensions uploading will also become more secure as validation is fortified.
The coupon codes, too, will get additional support from reCAPTCHA.
Swagger will be disabled by default.
Access and password reset tokens will also get encrypted when stored in the database.
Also, these security patches are backported to Adobe Commerce 2.4.3-p2 and Adobe Commerce 2.3.7-p3 versions.
Performance And Scalability Enhancements
Order validation and cart operations have been optimized for enabling smoother checkout and fulfillment. Also, you will be able to process the orders at a quicker pace, making the overall user experience better for both you and your customers.
AsyncOrder feature will allow you to process orders in the background while your customers are finishing their checkout.
You can now enable inventory check for products added to carts.
You can now allow multiple customers to perform various processes in parallel by adding multiple_processes configuration to your app/etc/env.php file for better task execution speed.
With hundreds of variable products, carts can now be processed quickly with memory limit expansions.
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What’s new from Adobe for the year 2022? Adobe has lined up pretty exciting updates for the year 2022. While all the eyes are on the Adobe Summit 2022, there’s one significant release the folks at Adobe have scheduled. It’s the release of the latest version of Adobe Commerce, 2.4.4.
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dotsquares58 · 2 years
A smooth e-shopping experience is a must to increase your sales and now you can offer much smoother experience to your customers with Magento e-Commerce latest update. - Get a whole new experience of features & functions with Magento's latest Update which is expected to release soon. - What you get in the update- 👉PHP 8.1 support. 👉OpenSearch support added. 👉Vendor Bundled Extension (VBE) decoupled. 👉Updated software components. 👉Removed and updated libraries. 👉GraphQL errors fixed. It is not just what it has, you can have a detailed look at the inclusion in Magento 2.4.4 and how it's beneficial in improving your online sales. Just click on the link or reach out to us to switch to the latest update.
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i4acmmosmedia · 2 years
Magento 2.4.4 is Rolling Soon! Know All the Upcoming Major Advancements
Magento 2.4.4 Release Coming Soon! - A portion of the highlights you can anticipate from Adobe Commerce in adaptation 2.4.4 of Magento.
Contact us at [email protected] or call us at +44 20 8432 4513 for more information.
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magecomp · 3 years
Hello, Magento Buddies!!
Don't miss this event! Mageplat 2.4.4 will be released on 8th March, 2022; prepare your website for the new features. Check out Magento 2.4.4 Beta Releases for features and their program. 
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