#MWi2019: nancy
krokodile · 5 years
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movies watched in 2019
happy death day 2 u - i expected to hate the first one and adored it.  i expected to find this completely meh and i liked it quite a lot.  so if this becomes a franchise proper, i’m down, as long as it’s the same clutch of characters.  i was surprised that it was written by a completely different dude, because *overall* the writing was on point with the original.  (i emphasize the overall because there were some moments and scenes that were mildly painful.  it’s not *as* good as the first one, but it’s still worth seeing.)  jessica rothe continues to be the best thing in these movies - i know she’s done dramatic work before (i’ve been meaning to see lily and kat for a few years now), so her ability doesn’t surprise me in and of itself; the fact that she brings so much to a couple of silly, self-aware horror comedies does.  at one point, i teared up - and at one point, i was full-on sobbing.  and that, more than anything else, is what makes these movies work.  she’s clearly having fun in the bitch and badass moments, but there are a handful of emotional beats in this one that she knocks out of the park.  
i’m not a sci-fi person, so i didn’t give a damn about why any of this was happening in the first place, and the horror subplot was a bit perfunctory, but i don’t think it was supposed to be a mystery on the level of the first one, and it still works.  the tone is in keeping with the first, the writing and acting are still enjoyable, and if there IS a third i hope they manage to bring samar and ryan back into it, because they’re goddamn funny, at least in smaller doses.  as long as jessica rothe is back, i’ll probably see it in theaters if it gets a theatrical release.  i adore her.  
the tale - i think my mother put it best when she said it was brave of her to make this in the first place, but it just wasn’t very good as a film.  i don’t know if i’m allowed to dislike this movie on tumblr, but i just wasn’t impressed with it.  everyone involved clearly believes in it, and there’s nothing especially wrong with it, but i wasn’t feeling it.  i’d read a book if she wrote it, but as a film, it was pretty tedious.  
halloween - if you’re complaining about continuity in this franchise, you surely realize you’re wasting your time by now.  if you’re going to continue enjoying these movies, you have to just roll with it, and i’m capable of doing so, much as i love the original.  and this is much better than h2o (not that that’s hard, really) and the rob zombie remake (which i did genuinely like).  jamie lee curtis brings her a-game to everything, and i don’t think i’ve ever disliked judy greer in a film (hell, she was the one good thing in what women want).  it’s executed well enough; it’s not on par with the original, but very few things are.  i can think of ONE example of a horror franchise where the first installment wasn’t the best one.  
bird box - i hated this movie.  so much.  i hated the book, too, but that usually happens for me when men write a woman’s pov, so i gave the movie a shot.  no.  still terrible.  
zodiac - why have i seen this movie so many times?!   i mean, it’s not bad.  i’m not huge on fincher, but it’s good.  but it’s SO LONG.  
nancy - andrea riseborough needs to be better known in the states.  the woman deserves an oscar.  for literally any movie she’s ever done, she’s deserved it.  the movie itself was well-written and well-acted, but the ending was a bit unsatisfying.  not that i can think of a better one; it did suit the film.  
boy erased - actually somewhat less depressing than i expected.  i’m not super into gay issues movies - i just got my fill as a teenager - but it’s a story that needed telling and i’m glad it got as much praise as it did.
abducted in plain sight - 
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talk about a wild ride.  every time i thought, okay, this has to be as weird as it gets, it got weirder.  
black mirror: bandersnatch - in which black mirror itself becomes the tech it warned us about.  very droll.  thought it was okay at best.  
fyre/fyre fraud - i literally can’t remember which one was which.  both entertaining though.  
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